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Broken Inside

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^^ hello sunday [06 Feb 2005|12:11pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

Breakfast of Champions: 4 donuts (glazed, chocolate, powderd and plain) and Pepsi.
I disgust myself with pure happyness.

I woke up this morning and we have 30 boxes of donuts and assorted breakfast things. I think my mom was hungry when they got drinking last night XD!!
Well Matt called around 10 and came and picked me up. We got him food and went back to his place and basically just watched Adult Swim and assorted cartoons ( Happy Tree Friends, South Park..) yeah.. as my post before this says I got home around 3:30. Hah, we just sat there laughing at the tv with the bad acting. It's really cool to hang out with him because we both like to talk about the way the animation looks and if I say something he totally gets it. Mike was there but he was sleeping XD! He woke up just in time for Inuyasha though! which was funny. I've decided to buy the Fullmetal Alchemist box set. So all in all that was fun. I've also decided that Adult Swim is so much cooler if your watching it with someone else. I hope we can hang out more, and what not. I told him I need to take him out for lunch and what not. He actully picked me up and dropped me off both nights. x.x; I need a freaking car XD!
Yeah.. x.X ow, major stomache ache my breakfast of champions is almost ready to.. well I'll keep that information for Purgatorium, and for my own sanity. So all in all it was a good weekend =)

x.x;; and I still Miss my Eric.. -le sigh-

1 embraced | Hold me...

I'm home XD [06 Feb 2005|03:39am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Oh yeah.. X.x; It's late.. and I'm totally going to bed.. I'll update tomorrow

Hold me...

o.o [05 Feb 2005|06:35pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | ''Tear My Heart Open'' ]

I went with Pat to his work today, and stuffed envelopes and stuff for an hour or so and came home to play on my computer. I love it being so big screened XD
My Eric won't be home tonight.. =( I'll survive... go cry in a corner.. ^^'' I hope he has fun =)

I think I might go over to Matt's again to watch tv and stuff, my parents and I are going out to dinner together and all that jazz.. Today has been disgustinly slow. I'll get over it hah.. Well I'm off to read more dead baby jokes before we leave ^^;; hah

Hold me...

oh.. hey there. [05 Feb 2005|01:00pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Well I worked last night, obviously. I saw so many people XD!! It was like half the people I know were out at the mall. I hung out with Matt on my lunch break. We walked around and yapped. It was interesting. After work, I went over to Matt's apartment. Mike was there, and there friends Abe and Chris were there as well. Playing halo. hah, I read some comic strips and watched for the most part. It was interesting to say the least. I could of gone with Kristen and Megan out to Perkins again, but this was just as fun. Matt invited me over again tonight to watch Adult Swim at his place than maybe some movies. I got home around 4:30am. They don't live that far away surprisingly.
x.x I only got to talk to Eric like for a minute and a half, which sucks. Thats the only downer to ever going out is I want to talk to Eric, but it's impossible XD! So.. now I gotta wait more to be able to see him today. I think I might just stay home tonight. It's looking more and more like I'll be home alone anyways.
Well.. fine.. since you had to DRAG it out of me. My mom got me a surprise. A brand new computer monitor. It's freaking HUGE. A monster to say the least.
Yeah that about sums up everything.. I'll be home today for the most part. I might go over to the mall for a bit to annoy some people I know who will be working.

-= Eric, god I've missed you. It's hard not to focus on it either, because your always so forward and first on my mind.. I love you baby =-

Hold me...

purple sky and blue kisses [04 Feb 2005|05:34am]
[ mood | flirty ]

I woke up with out a problem today.. my mom had to work at 5 am so she's already gone. She'll be back home just as I am leaving for work ( 4 - 10:30 )
I gotta call Matt before work today and see whats up with him, he's been wanting to get ahole of me again but yesterday was busy. We have a test in Japanese today x.x and crap I didn't do my h/w.. I'll do it at lunch. -sigh- it's all good.. hah I have Jen, Nicky , Lacey XD all these people that have offerd to help so I am great.
I talked with my wonderful Eric last night, he's just so freaking great. I wish my friends could finally meet him so they can understand what I am jammering about all the damn time. hah. it's not my fault I swear x.x! I am hoping to see him Saturday night, or well anytime for that matter. ^^;; I don't get it but it's like.. renewed, how I feel about him. It's not like my feelings for him ever declined but it's like we hit refresh for no reason and god it feels good, I love him so much XD I could type for hours about it.

^^ well I better go.. Oo;; I must hunt down my other sock.. rambo style!

Hold me...

^^ [03 Feb 2005|06:42pm]
[ mood | energetic ]

My mommie and I went shopping tonight. I finally used up my Target gift cards. I re-dyed my hair. Purple of course, but I didn't have to touch up the black highlights because they are still pretty. My hair looks awesome.. at least I am impressed. I saw Katie working. We picked out candy together. ^^;; I came back and dyed my hair by myself.. and that about covers what I've done today. I came home today and had a little run in with myself but I took a nap and got over it. School was simple. I love my literature class so far, it's fun.. ^^;; we had a guest speaker in Interior Design and tomorrow we have a sub.. choir was a free day and for those going to solo ensamble they were practising.. so I read.. and 4th hour.. well I enjoy Japanese. We have a test tomorrow. I wish I had a more photographic memory, but I'm not overly worried. I guess all in all things are going okay.

-= ^^;; Need I say More? =-

Hold me...

:) [03 Feb 2005|04:26am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | 'Only One' Yellowcard ]

Last night.. Eric and I had an amazing conversation.. I am still actully kinda stuck on it. For now I am going to leave it at.. I didn't think it was possible to love him anymore than I did, but it's like brand new all over again. He is just so incredable.. I'm so lucky..

We didn't have any homework yesterday, or anything like that. My mom works today, so I can't stay after either for practise, but I'll practise my lines on my own tonight. My mom never sorted out the money problem. hah.. it's wierd.. right now.. all this stuff that usually bugs me is like not a big deal anymore. ^^'' I'm just way to happy..
Well I'm off.. I'll post later..

**Eric, baby.. you mean so incredably much to me. I never want to be anywhere but with you .. I love you, I Love you so much.. =) **
Hold me...

hey again.. [02 Feb 2005|05:08pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

Well it dosen't look like I'll be getting my money back anytime soon. I was saving that for something special too. -.- I am sad.. hah.. no really I'm not joking. I felt like crying. I work hard to save my money and having it taken blows so bad. My parents and brother and sister just had a huge screaming war. It went on for 15 minutes. I think my brother got hit, but he is always crying. They lied to my mom earlyer today about going to a friends house or something. Well to make a long story short. All the lights are off.. my parents are in bed and so are my siblings.. and it's not even a little after 7 o'clock yet. No one has spoken two words to me.. no one ever asks well I can't say that because Eric always asks. So.. yeah.. things are.. great around here.

Matt called me back hah.. it took 3 days but we finally got to talk again. he was on his way to work. I make him laugh, which in turn makes me laugh. He's cool. I hope I can hang out with him and Mike again. They're both a lot of fun. I've had more time hanging out with Mike but.. Matt is pretty cool as well. He said he'd call me after work. So.. thats like.. 11ish.

All in all I'm okay. I wont cry. Not this time. I am just depressed right now about other things.. but I'll get over it. I always do.. I am going to go watch American Idol.. and wait to get to talk to Eric.. :)

Hold me...

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