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[05 Oct 2003|03:28pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | the cooper temple clause - blind pilot ]

im obbessing over Didz from the cooper temple clause at the moment. hes sooooo nice.

i was surpose to be going out today?! but I decided I wont.

Umm..nothing much to say. apart from last night sucked SO much. it was pissing down with rain & to make it worse, mary & holly & katie .s. were being a pain in the arse.

anyway! im taking to doug. and hes soooooooooo nice. umm. yeah. hes 26 though. ahwell ;]

vicki xoxx

1BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[04 Oct 2003|07:15pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | brand new ]

hey all.

its not much of an update or anything, but umm, yeah. im okiiiiiiiiiie.

its the fair tonight, and lots of people are going, so I am gonna head off there now too.

i bought a cute jumper today, and a shirt & more hair-dye. mmm yes!

wheres my paul?! i miiiiisss him..


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

hehe [02 Oct 2003|10:43pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the distillers ]

Awwwww snap....

Your mom is so dense not even intelligence can escape her.

Your mom is like HTML a tiny "head" and a whole lot a "body"

If your mom's intelligence were a shell script, it'd be commented out.

Your mom's breath is so bad every time she coughs her teeth duck.

Your mom is so nasty, when she takes off her panties it sounds like Velcro.

Your Mom's so nasty that her shit is glad to escape.

awww yeah, step to me. i'll put the smack down.

haha. vicki xox

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[29 Sep 2003|10:28pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | the beautiful mistake - on building ]

sorry I havn't updated in a while. not that anyone really cares..

ella is really made me upset. she hasn't said anything to me or anything, its just that she has said stuff about my friends..she has only seen Katie .p. once! and then she was telling me & holly on msn 'how fake katie is' and how much of a 'retard' she is. and she doesnt know her! she didnt even say hi to me yesturday, she just messesaged me saying 'I pulled 5 people on saturday' i mean, DO I CARE?! uhh, NO! ...i felt like crying because it made me really upset. then I had Chris on my back shouting at me for not seeing him on Thursday at rocknight. apprently he got really wasted because I didnt turn up, haha. aww. great -_-

well anyway. me & holly are really close these days. its super amazing. because before I used to be totally 'anti-holly' but now, we've sorted stuff out. im going to cardiff with her soon, in about 13 days I think? i havnt told paulorbeth yet, but its actually a sunday im going :[ i might not get to see them, WAAAAA!

some people are just really mean! and all you mean people can go away coz no0ne likes you :(


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[24 Sep 2003|09:22pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | siKTh - pussyfoot ]

stuff is good!
work experience is boreing. im working in terminal records. which is cool because i love it there. hehe.

..I have a txt message?! is it from alex...*prays*, its from charlotte. grr. hes surpose to be txting me about meeting him tommrow. hes such a waste of space! iv seen him loads this week. probably because I havnt been in school..if I decide on going tommrow, im gonna do my best & ignore him. yippee.

..the word cunt is so cool.


1BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[22 Sep 2003|09:56pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | SRC - casualty ]

..hes the only one I ever want.

paul. i love you<3

3BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[21 Sep 2003|05:24pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | snake river conspiracy - you and your friend ]


seperate the sparkle from the stars )

1BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[20 Sep 2003|10:34pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | snake river conspiracy - breed ]

today was coooooool.
i went into towmn to meet alice, holly, katie .s. & katie .p. they said to meet them by moons & sixpence, but i thought they said boots, so iwaited in the wrong place got nothiiiiing. but then i had a weird feeling i should just walk over there, so when I did they were there! waiting for me. mwuaha. anywho..I got such a nice jumper today. il have to take a pic. also bought two cds. 1] emo vs punk. 2] snake river conspiracy - sonic Jihad.
later, we went to the square, where some guy danny & his friend came along, and started talking to us, think they were drunk. anyway, me & kt p thought ahhh we will wonder around somewhere else because we didnt wanna sit with them no more, so when we went past terminal records, alex & dom were there! so i said hi to alex, and then they went into game on, and i went up that way and then along came fran & ollie & sean. me & kt startedto talk to them because 1] fran wants his cd back. 2] alice had a fight with fran. and we wanted to know what happened, mwuaha. but then alex came out of game on, so i walked with alex & dom to the square where we stood for abit, and i was gonna go home with holly but as they were walking that way i thought id walk with them. I havnt had a proper sober talk with alex in ages. he was asking me all these questions. OMG! he told me that he typed in all of his name and his band name on Google and some convo between me & ella came up. and he read it alllllll! omg i was so embarassed. it was very personal too. waaa! but he was ok with it all.
haha me & holly swaped shoes for the day. so we had odd shoes, and when I was walking with alex & dom, i suddenly realized I had odd shoes, i was like 'shit..!'

so yeah. now im talking to beth & chris. oh jooooooooy. if they wernt online, id be in bed. hmm.

beth finally got her thursday ticket. yay

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[17 Sep 2003|07:37pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | ben kweller - wasted & ready ]

why do some people go hot&cold; on me :( its like, one minute there nice, and the next there very distant?!..blah.
...I returned to school today, needless to say it was very tireing&boreing.; i felt like I was gonna be sick in maths..and im sure you wanted to know that. haha.
I came home & straight away fell asleep! hehe.

me & katie are gonna go to town after school tommrow. theres this cool shop that has opened which we're gonna raid. oh yeah..

there is a big skate festival happeneing soon in Haverfordwest [pembrokeshire] at Withybush..special guests are Dainton & Pricthard from Dirty Sanchez. Then a big rocknight at the waterfront about 9. I want someone to come, but they wont :(

x x x

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[16 Sep 2003|11:13pm]
broken hearts and new addictions // anna it is then. HAHA! says:
why does MSN hate me so much
¨*·.¸.·*¨*·.¸[:ç®ÉëpîÑ9%ÐéãTh:].·*´¯`*·.¸.·*¨ :·:.:·:.¯the darkness ROOOLED ¯.:·:.:·: says:
c0z you have been tw0 timeing it with a0l, hahahaaha.

isnt he funny :] HAAAAAAAHAHHA
2BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

pictures [16 Sep 2003|02:52pm]
while I was off school today, i thought i'd take some pix!

enjoi, if you can : /

I dont know whats going on here..

cam x whoreing )
5BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[15 Sep 2003|01:56pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | promise ring - a picture postcard ]

today I didnt go to school because i am 'ill' mwuaha. no really, i feel kinda sick :[ sooooo, i'm home-alone & totally bored.
well, this isn't much of an update, but y'know.

hope all you people are fiiiiine!

x x x

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[13 Sep 2003|06:48pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Limp Bizkit - Eat You Alive..[its good] ]

This computer chair is so noisey :[
yesturday was cool, School was fun! [shocking]. On the way walking home, coming up the hill was Sophie & some other girl. Sophie has briiiiiight pink hair now. It loox so cool. I envy her prettyness., and then we saw Mr Wiggles. They were coming out from the College..
At about 6, katie came around mine, and we decided to go to marys, we went to her house and met her & emma there. and then Holly arrived. waa! then we waiting for abit while emma&mary; were getting ready, then Claire came. so then we walked down to the buss stop to meet Ian. We were actually very early. the film didnt start till 8. I think the only reason Mary & Emma went was because Alex & Owen were going. they love those guys so much. I have no idea why.
So anyway! we got to the Cinema, went to see American Pie The Wedding. It was okish. it finsihed and me& ian & mary & emma walked home. we saw alex coming out of the cinema too. so I was just walking with him while the others walked ahead. I think Emma was too shy to walk with him. hmm.
well, we had a cool conversation. not. others went to marys house while alex & me just sat outside talking. then he walked me home. which was nice. and i got innnnnn..and went on msn mwuaha.
Msn sucks. people on my list are so boreing.

..I'm having second thoughts about Paul. hes gone different. and never says hi or anything anymore. so, if he cant be bothered with me, then I won't bother with him. fair as.



9BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[10 Sep 2003|06:21pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Brand New - I will play my game beneath the spin light ]

cant be bothered to update much + i have been busy.
I have new pix&stuff.; there pretty bad, but post them later, when I can be bothered that is.
Its a special 'Punk Night' down the waterfront tommrow. I do have my ticket here, but I am thinking of not going, just because i'l end up getting drunk&having; to go to school the next day with a lame hangover.
I also have a biiiig cold, and keep sneezing lots :[

Me & Francis were talking to today, he is sooooooooo cool. I never actually talked to him much before, but he added me to msn, and we had a fun convo about Brand New, and I mentioned I wanted there new album Deja Entendu' and he came into school thre next day and brought it in for meeeeee! which was so sweet!<3 THANK YOU! and i had happened to have thursday - full collapse in my bag, so I offered to lend it to him for abit, so yeah.. :]
Emma is sooo crazy about Alex, I don't know why though, hes not that nice. He poked me in the back today, and it major hurt! grr
There is a new girl in the yr below me, and she loox really cool. and she smiled at me too. which was nice. Umm...I also talked to Patrick in geography about cradle of filth and how much they suck. MWUAHAHAHA! gaygaygay.

the darkness are so cool! meep :]

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[06 Sep 2003|11:00am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | T-rex - Celebrate Summer ]

ahh. i woke up sooo early. hmm..
well yeah, in about 15 minutes katie .s. is coming over, and we're gonna head into town & meet up with Ant & maybe Mary, i'm just gonna bring a camera, because they're fun :] so expect some pix some time soon.
Tonight meeting up with Katie .P. at the palace, annnnnd head over to Mr Bites! YAY! and umm, see america pie the wedding? blah.
Anyway, I hope all you LJ people are oooooook! and can anyone make me an icon I neeeeed a new one :[


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[03 Sep 2003|10:15pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | 27 - no water ]

SCHOOL IS CRAP! argh :[ everything is to stressing right now & i'v only been there 2
People piss me off so much. I could name a few people..but I won't and i want them to go away..
I also am on such a downer this week. i need hugs :[ but everyone is ignoring me on MSN. ahh.

Lizzie & Zara keep talking to me, its weird, because ages ago we had a fight, and we hated eachother. and then suddenly these days, they have been real nice to me. they are jealous of what happened with me & alex. HAHA! poor girls..

I truly wish I had a boyfriend now. life is unfair :[


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[01 Sep 2003|06:08pm]
well today has been cool!
we all hung out at castle square. and i came home around 5. and now i am off to katies..YAY! she bought green dc martins today aswell. mmmm! sexc. so anyway, yes!

3BOOM%mc-plural-s%% [x] Wish Upon A Shooting Star

days in december [01 Sep 2003|01:25am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | This day forward ]

I have been speaking to the Drummer & Bassist from Days In December on msn! who0p! i'm lucky. plus they are really nice guys. they are supporting Funeral for a friend on Wednesday. OH YEAHHHH!
anywho, enough bragging ;] starts Tuesday, and im nervous. I don't know why though. its gonna be alot different I guess..


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[30 Aug 2003|01:08am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | a static lullaby - the shooting star that destroyed us all ]

strawberry milkshake is the bessst! mmm! WHOOOOP!
well guess what kiddies. vicki has a cold :[ and Im not sure how I got it, but I do :[

JACKIE won Cruel Summer. I'm happy for her. although I majorly wanted Vanessa to win, because shes hot..oh yeh..

Me&Lee; had a little fight the other night. just because I said something, then got pissed about it, and then regreted saying it. but then we kissed and made up :) well, not kiss, but y'know..

Rock night was yesturday, apprently is was fun & Chris said I should of gone :[ Ben & Rorey had a fight. HAHA! I dislike Ben so much. Hes such a cunt. just because lots of people bum him∧ his band he thinks hes the best..uhh hell no.

notyourstar )


Wish Upon A Shooting Star

[26 Aug 2003|12:13am]

now i'm feeling preeetty mellow. which is sooooo cool.
i have decided to forget katie. and go to little haven by myself! who0p! yehyeh..
I am setting off at 6:30 probably, gonna meet some other people at the front, and stay there till whenever. i get to see katieeee. yay. i <3 her dearly.
no one is talking to meeee. i need paul :[

Wish Upon A Shooting Star

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