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User:darkottawa (513835) darkottawa
Name:Dark Ottawa
Website:Dark Ottawa: An Alternative Guide to Canada's Capital
Location:Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
About:This community was created to discuss/announce underground events/scenes in the Ottawa area and for like-minded Ottawa LJ'ers to chat and meet. To join the group (you must be a member in order to post), you must go to the top of this page and click on the appropriate link.

The community is publicly viewable, although only registered users may post entries and replies.
Please keep posts on-topic - use your discretion! Abusive posters or habitual spammers will be banned.

ANY POSTS WITH COMMENTING DISABLED WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE DELETED. Disabling comments defeats the purpose of a community.

Have fun!

Your moderator, [info]innoxia_

Interests:65: 45cep, alcohol, alt.gothic,, ambient, antigen shift, babylon, bdsm, blacklights, body modification, bytowne theatre, canadian goths, canadian rivetheads, cemeteries, clove cigarettes, conspire perform unite, convergence, corsets, cybergoth, dark ambient, dark film, dark literature, dark techno, darkwave, dj gregg, dj leslie, dominion tavern, ebm, electronica, experimental music, extreme fashion, fetish, goth, gothic, gothic architecture, gothic fashion, gothic night picnics, harsh reality productions, independent films, industrial, iszoloscope, jesus christ vampire hunter, latex, le bistro, liar's rosebush, mayfair theatre, miss hell, monochrome beast, netgoths, noise, ottawa, ottawa goths, ottawa rivetheads, ottawa underground, piercings, powernoise, pvc, record runner, rivetheads, robot haus, tattoos, underground music, vinyl, zaphod beeblebrox, zaphod's. [Modify yours]
Members:318: 0sirys, 5thbusiness, _acidbath_, _ashlinn_, _blankstare_, _brokeninside, _descending_, _harshreality_, _nytenyx_, _pupil_, _skorpion_, a_different_hat, abhorred, aciddreams, addictedtragedy, additionalpants, aesir, agwani, ajhb, ajknight, alhooter, amaena, amazon_syren, anaphexeton, andifferous, antigen, antigenshift, aod_013, aqsarniit, aradiamoon, arbaal, asleepbydawn, athena_51, auburnchickie, audreysyne, azarim, azraiel, azrielknight, baanrys, bellaantimatter, blankboy, blood_raven_, bloodsoakedrose, blu_velvet_, bonerack, booze_boarder, braxton, briela, bunnie_stardust, caelestis, cairde_luis, callwolf, carlin, carlyrq, carnevilofsouls, carphaxfiles, ccli_radio, chaedyn, chantellecam, cherrrybomb, chinapig, chxstfamine, cliffz0rz, codezilla, coevalpretext, crotchgoblin, curlz01, cynebeah, d_y_m, daedrius, danaan, dancing_ferret, dark_butterfly, dark_figure, datagram, davethemoonman, deathgirl, dedauw, demonalissa, denovan, derryblack, devils0rchid, dextra, dharmasatya, digital_ferret, dirtybunny, djdarq, downbeatdezine, draculasdarkbri, dumb_dizzy_dumb, eerin, eloree, emerlion, emies, enfertesherz, error401, error853, ev0fdestruction, evilunderneath, fael_inis, feli_valkyria, finalcut999, findyourselves, flamingfishguts, fletterbye, franeh, fun_lovin_chud, fuzzylion, gamma_knife, ggerg, gibadee, girlinthewell, glitteringprize, glitterstarbeau, gloominous_doom, godugunuri, goff, gothic_hands, gothikfaery, gray_dorian, greensleeves_, hallelujah, heartovmidnight, hebe, hereandgone, hereticgoddess, hersteria, hexpiritus, hypothemic, hypr_chik, iamcrazy, iangel, if_then, infofiend, injectpixiestix, innoxia_, insidemybrain, intothedepths, ir_, ironstar, isola, jabomania, jadedmayfly, jarofmarbles, jennvix, jes8sica, jetgrind, jgoreham, jooolz, joshfnlazer, juleakab, kabarett, kakyuu, kali_kali, kalyn, karcinogen, karolijn, kbear69, khaine_brian, khryzt, killertatertots, kingart, kira_snugz, kitiaras_angel, kittycut, kkilgour, la_goddess, lacomediedivine, lactam, lildeath, lime_orchid, liquidab, liquidsatan, loor, lord_sauron, lordgary, loser_sause, lost_cosmos, lumpy_lia, lynchpuppy, manmademonster, marulina, medieval_jon, megaalex, megaflop, mellian, mercedesfire, metrum, mishelle, miss_disco, mistressmae, mistressxlenore, moonlessnights, morninglight, mortus_astaroth, mr_noodles, mrarlyn, musicwerks, mydwit, nalakd, neb777, neilx, neobitch, nevergirl, nightangel13, nighthawk21, ninyekka, njk, nocnitsa, nograce, noibla, northnoise, nothinglike, notsoholygrail, occultpredator, omenangel, opak29, ottadom, pennywhistle, perdition, placeband, pmd_44, poohkenstein, prettylilidiot, princesa, project_miss_m, promoterchick, psychadelia_red, pucca_love, purplezart, quexly, ravenwednesday, reyl, robbythesheik, robotics_girl, rockqueen_alex, rottendoll, rowen_berry, rtwo, rykia, sand_dragon, sarari, sass_mouth, satans_angel86, satindevil, scjody, scraatch, sevenglasstears, shadowhound, sharonapple, shespillslife, shifuku, side_line, siksyko, silentshout, simply_fiendish, siv_volk, skorpion_, slaveix, sloot, sofiandos, spiritus93, starchyldskunk, starmonkee, steph_grrl, stich, stopstop316, str8jaket, straberryz, subtler, subtleties_mist, syianna, t0yb0x, taline, the_arachne, the_thorn, the_visitor, thechekist, thepuppeteer, therestlessdawn, threatis, tigertosser, tigg__prinny, tik, timbit, tinflea, todiefordesigns, todomy, torisutan, trevorb, twiggy666, twiin, ubika, ultraplanarian1, unplastic, upon_raven_wing, valsalva, vamp_rahvin, vanny_, very_flash, vicious_tongue, violet_viper, violetnun, viruz, wastedviews, waterbug, wildelf, wolf_mother, wynne_, xamn, xander_goth, xarella, xmatadorx, xsabrielx, yumpopstars, zeewhiteninja, zenten, zoeanonymous
Watched by:274: 0sirys, _acidbath_, _ashlinn_, _blankstare_, _descending_, _forgetxthis, _harshreality_, _nytenyx_, _pupil_, _skorpion_, a_different_hat, abysse, aerial_waste, aesir, agwani, alhooter, amaena, amazon_syren, anaphexeton, andifferous, angst_prince, antigenshift, aod_013, aqsarniit, aradiamoon, artcrime, athena_51, azarim, baanrys, biochrist, blankboy, bloodsoakedrose, blu_velvet_, boop, booze_boarder, briela, brkn_lil_grl, caelestis, cairde_luis, callwolf, carlyrq, carnevilofsouls, ccli_radio, cephalopod, cherrrybomb, chinaski, chinchilathehun, chxstfamine, cinamin, coevalpretext, curlz01, d_y_m, daedrius, danaan, dark_butterfly, dark_figure, datagram, davethemoonman, deathgirl, dedauw, demonalissa, denovan, derryblack, devils0rchid, dextra, dharmasatya, dissolute_mind, djdarq, downbeatdezine, draculasdarkbri, eloree, emerlion, emies, enfertesherz, englishvoodo, error401, ev0fdestruction, evilbitchqueen, evilunderneath, fael_inis, feli_valkyria, felinaeus, finalcut999, findyourselves, flamingfishguts, fletterbye, frankenstien, fun_lovin_chud, gamma_knife, ggerg, glitteringprize, gloominous_doom, goblyndick, godugunuri, goff, gothic_hands, gothikfaery, gray_dorian, greensleeves_, hallelujah, heartovmidnight, hebe, hereandgone, hereticgoddess, hersteria, hexpiritus, hypr_chik, iangel, if_then, infofiend, injectpixiestix, innoxia_, intothedepths, ir_, j_v_lynch, jabomania, jadedmayfly, jarofmarbles, jes8sica, jooolz, joshfnlazer, juleakab, kabarett, kali_kali, kalyn, karcinogen, karolijn, kbear69, kirithebrave, kitiaras_angel, kittycut, kkilgour, la_goddess, lacerda, lactam, lazuras, lildeath, liquidsatan, living_deadgurl, loor, lord_sauron, lordgary, loser_sause, lost_cosmos, lumpy_lia, manmademonster, marmot_man, martycus, marulina, me_ga_shinderu, ...
Member of:1: cpu
Account type:Free Account

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