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User:defcode (352858) defcode
Welcome to Defcode's Journal
Ground Control to Major Tom.....
Website:Decoded Feedback
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status defcode (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:defcode
Memories:3 entries
Interests:23: blue, bondage, bowie, bruce lee, crazy hair, decoded feedback, detlef, electronic devices, flesh, history, industrial music, justred, king arthur, mod culture, reason, samurai, scars, scooters, sculptures, sex, skin, tortured souls, weird movies. [Modify yours]
People47:adm_tbm, android23, atropab, bio_vital, blackpaps, chxstfamine, corruptedbios, cyberdoll, cynthia_v_f, defcode, dem, djdarq, djsynne, electro_vice, erindustrial, flumpdust, hollowslumber, hug_n_kiss, i_say_go, insanechicky, justred, lain_serialx, ligeya, lovenvein, miragination, mochara8, plaztik_stich, rabbitron, ravenfyre, redshnoo, romanko, satyriac, sbo, shefell, shirt_seeker, smoochie_boodle, steveslimelight, syra_mechanica, tankgirlophelia, tardoid7, toxical_bride, uber_doll, uberaxl, woo_naked, wr417h, zaiden, zombiesyn
Friend of:76: _adm, adm_tbm, agntprovocateur, alluded_entropy, andraculoid, android23, arc_wraith, archaic_noise, atropab, aworldnervelink, azoic, b66883, bio_vital, blackpaps, blaugirl, chxstfamine, corruptedbios, cyber_fizz, cyberdoll, cynthia_v_f, defcode, dem, dielectric, djdarq, djmythadrall, djsynne, echovoid, electro_vice, elektrovst, erindustrial, f38, fermi, flumpdust, goblyndick, hollowslumber, hug_n_kiss, i_say_go, insanechicky, justred, kling_klang_bed, kranky_franky, ligeya, lordodin_666, maschinezukunft, miragination, mochara8, plaztik_stich, rabbitron, ravenfyre, redshnoo, romanko, satyriac, sbo, seven_hz, shefell, shirt_seeker, sisugrrl, smoochie_boodle, snarf, steveslimelight, synthlox, syra_mechanica, tailchaser, tankgirlophelia, tardoid7, thebatt, toxical_bride, twiggy4773, uber_doll, uberaxl, wevil, wildelf, woo_naked, wr417h, zaiden, zombiesyn
Member of:4: _detlef_, cubase, paidmembers, rivet_g00nsquad
Account type:Free Account

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