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User:gobo23 (702274) gobo23
Name:Masking Tapeworm
Website:THE BOX - Goth/Industrial dance club
Location:Santa Cruz, California, United States
Bio:As a child I was taken internally via the mouth by exotic ground squirrels in south east Asia. I passed through to the other side and now exist, much like a coffee bean that fetches $23/lb on the black market.

I DJ at The Box here in Santa Cruz, CA.

It is almost impossible to date here in town. Send me your sons. I will pay the postage.
Interests:4: bois, goth/industrial musick, munster cheese, paranoid delusions.. [Modify yours]
People49:absinthedreams, aislinfey, alizarin75, apex, bledout, caffeina, catyanna, chremylos, coatcheckgirl, core9, coredump, delirium, experimentium, fallen_angel_7, gebbeth, goblyndick, hands_of_fate, hands_of_gay, hektikat, holyhour78, inebrigoth, kalidream, kifar, limboboy, lynxcat, malaclypse, mikecreep, miragination, mistresshellena, moonshae, nachtkind1334, necroholic, neuralcidal, ophelia_drowns, pathogen, phoenixrysing, pollytrance, prnkstrss, psychomorbidity, rickamortis, riversprite, schlagzeug, shoshwantsitbad, sp_hexonxonx, stblaize, syruss, thebatt, thinboy, wingedcorset
Friend of:61: absinthedreams, aislinfey, alizarin75, apex, aquaregalia, bullotgirl, caffeina, catyanna, coatcheckgirl, core9, coredump, delirium, dithyramb, divadolly, experimentium, fallen_angel_7, fiametta, gearheadpawl, gebbeth, goblyndick, hektikat, helterskelteroc, holyhour78, inebrigoth, kalidream, kifar, lalalydia, limboboy, lydia976, lynxcat, malaclypse, meico, mikecreep, miragination, missyqueen, mistresshellena, moonshae, mspunkrockstar, nachtkind1334, necroholic, neuralcidal, nokturna, nsferatu, pathogen, phoenixrysing, pollytrance, prnkstrss, psychomorbidity, rickamortis, riversprite, shadenmechali, sheppyquack, shoshwantsitbad, skreamingbeauty, sp_hexonxonx, stblaize, syruss, thebatt, thinboy, unwoman, wingedcorset
Account type:Free Account

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