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Below is information about the "Velvet Goldmine" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:velvet_goldmine (48552) velvet_goldmine
Perfect & Poisonous
Put out the torches! Hide the moon! Hide the Stars!
Name:Velvet Goldmine
Website:.:Moulin Goldmine:.
** PLEASE JOIN! The only requirement is a love for VELVET GOLDMINE and all that Glitters!**

Use these banners to promote our community and show your love for all that glitters!
Please upload them to your own photo host and link to our journal page or user info
banner by o0okrystalo0o banner by o0okrystalo0o Banner by __hibiscus

Velvet Goldmine brought to you by the glitter gorgeous [info]countessolivia, [info]fosfomifira and [info]rougevelvet. We loved and still love the movie, so should you.

Join. Speak your mind. Tell us your favorite momments in the movie. Write up some good slash. Some fan fic. Go nuts!

Velvet Goldmine Sites

Sites owned by [info]rougevelvet

Only site with the Velvet Goldmine Script, includes sounds,
extensive picture gallery, (slash) fan fiction & more

Visit RougeVelvet for QAF, MR & VG vids!

Sites owned by other Velvey fans
Multi-fandom site, includes forums for VG, Christian Bale, Ewan McGregor, JRM, Placebo Velvet Goldmine and Glam related site Extensive gallery for VG, Ewan and Jonny

Old Velvey site Velvet Goldmine Fan Fic Archive

Velvet Goldmine @
The Unofficial Brian Slade Site
Velvet Goldmine Glitter Page
The Velvet Goldmine
Mangle Your Mind
Sebastian Equinox VG Compendium
Velvet Goldmine Tribute Page
Todd Hayne's Black Couch

Marriage is love.

suckerlove_ Brian/Stefan slashers unite!
Brian/Stefan is love sex

SUCKERLOVE: soulmates never die
placebo slash website

Community icon by [info]slightlymad, banners by [info]__hibiscus

Active moderator, community layout and info by [info]rougevelvet (contact rougevelvet)
Memories:2 entries
Interests:128: 20th century boy, 2hb, a clockwork orange, alternative music, androgyny, andy pratt, art, arthur stuart, baby's on fire, ballad of maxwell demon, bisexuality, bitter sweet, bondage, bowie, brian eno, brian molko, brian slade, bryan ferry, cake or death, carter burwell, christian bale, citizen kane, cosmic dancer, curt wild, david bowie, eddie izzard, emily woof, ewan mcgregor, ewanessays, eyeliner, fag hags, fan fiction, feather boas, festivals, film, fishnets, flaming creatures, gary glitter, gender, gimme danger, glam, glam rock, glamour, glitter, gold, goldmine, grant lee buffalo, hedwig-and-the-angry-inch, homosexuality, hot one, iggy, iggy pop, jack fairy, james lyons, jerry devine, jobriath, jonathan rhys meyers, jrm, ladytron, legend, lindsay kemp, lips, lipstick traces, lou reed, love, make-up, mandy slade, marc bolan, melody maker, michael feast, michael stipe, micko westmoreland, miramax, mod, moulin goldmine, movie, movies, music, orgies, oscar wilde, perfect, placebo, platforms, poisonous, polly small, pulp, queer as folk, queer eye, rem, revolutionary, rock, rocky horror picture show, roxy music, sattelite of love, sebastian, sex, shudder to think, silver, slade, slash, smut, sparkle, stars, stefan olsdal, steve harley, steve hewitt, sucker love, t-rex, t. rex, teenage fanclub, the venus in furs, the whole shebang, theater, thom yorke, tiaras, todd haynes, toni collette, tumbling down, tv eye, underground, velvet, velvet goldmine, velvet underground, venus in furs, virginia plain, wolves, wylde rattz, xavior roide. [Modify yours]
Members:970: View Members .
Watched by:591: 20anonymous01, 20thcenturyboy, 90schild, _86love_, ___staticfuzz, __autumnheat, __onthebound, _audiophile_, _boi_, _cosmicdancer, _devon_, _glassphyxia_, _pagan_poetry, _sappy, _sheskiller, _teenageangst_, _vacuous, _watchingmefall, _wayward, _wild_honey_, a_bitter_kiss, acids, agdhani, agirlnamedt, aiema, airabuyuu, aiwarikia, aizyaecstasy, akuen, alcarinque, alchemy_mondays, alice_is_high, alicethestrange, alipascal, alpha_shell, always_golden, amberlefaye, ambientcopper, amyth71, andras_shadow, anesthetizedx, angel_gayla, angelicana, angelicboredom, angelique_81, angeluspixy, another_gray, antisocialxgrl, anuanu, aquaeyes, aquandrian, ashakiran, asiablue1342, aspiringdaxzy, assetic, avana4, avaricemurony, babydraco, bacchantic, bad_gentleman, balletvamp, bansheelollipop, beautywish, beehner, bellum, beth_yahh, bettiepage_luvr, beyondthefacade, blackblocrock, blackmettalic, blanklogic, bleedmymind, blindvelvet, bloodangelic, blubunyhopp, blue_night, blumindy, bohemian_dreams, boognishspam, bookdawter, boot_girl, bouncingfizgig, bowie_is_my_god, bowiesbrowgal, bran, breakfastwhore, brillig, brimstoneangel, bunnycure, butthead37, camp_bowie_3333, candylandqueen, captaintinuviel, car_parked, caspiandream, cat2150, catcherinthewry, celebryu, cellar_door267, chancellorsatan, cheeriomonkey, cherrystarz, chicken_cem, chickenfem, cinematographe, cirquegal28, citylove, classic_glamour, cleric_assassin, clouddescending, coconutswirl, coffeemonsta, coloured_grey, cookiesandporn, cool_groove, corn_child013, countessolivia, crime_ofpassion, curts_song, cyber_erotica, da_griffsta, daedalsobriquet, danceonurashes, dandyloo, dark_goddess_, darkfae666, darksidhe, davidluffsyou, deathonthestair, deathpunkwhore, dedeyez, delicata77, delwyncole, demeanor, dernhelm_3019, desdmona, digital_crimson, dirtywings, dizzyskitzo, doma_, dontspeak, dorians_pirate, dowdy, downwardxspiral, dreameddarkness, dreamfasting, drink_u_pretty_, dry_your_eyes, duelingmidnight, dulcepericulum, ...
Member of:4: britishboys, jrm, malecelebrities, phases
Account type:Free Account

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