Sunday, February 6th, 2005 |
6:23 pm |
I am starting to really look forward to Sundays. And I'm looking forward to Con. *giggle* Current Mood: enabling |
3:02 pm |
Saturday. My living room is clean!!! YAA! Now just the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom floor. Still not sure how I want to rearrange my living room and place a couch in here. geillisfarie came over and hung out for a bit before Rocky. Nice to have some Ris time. Haven't had that in a long time. biohazzard44 came down from Duluth for Rocky with 3 virgins. Got them faking orgasms in my gallery. :) Rocky was ok. Some people played snowball fight with people in a car who thought it was a good idea to throw snowballs at us. They changed their mind after the passenger got it in the face (think snowball thrown hard plus car driving very fast drive-by style). Went to ulittlewonder's birthday party afterwards. Not sure if she will even remember I showed up. :) I was REALLY tired though. Tina's crew came over afterwards and crashed here. They were gone by the time I woke up (needed the sleep so I asked them not to wake me). So today--- Probably nothing. Rest. I may get the cleaning bug again. Current Mood: awake |
Saturday, February 5th, 2005 |
12:39 am |
Update I put a list of the programs I use to make my life easier on my profile. I am feeling much better. Still a little snuffly and coughing a bit, but nothing like before. I should be all better tomorrow. I need to clean. Badly. :) Otherwise things are good. Still not sure about Ireland or when I am going to Phoenix. I hope to know next week. Oh--and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ulitttlewonder!!!! She'll be at Ground Zero tonight at 10:30 if anyone can make it. Current Mood: bored |
12:16 am |
Oh I love it. It's great...first line in a news story: " A high-profile white supremacist record company appears to have gone out of business after one co-owner accused the other of having a Hispanic mother." Taken from (and ripped off from twin_cities). I'm at a loss for words due to the laughter. Current Mood: highly amused |
Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 |
4:19 pm |
Feeling better. I'm starting to feel better. I've been out of commission for 3 days due to my lings wanting to escape. Still stuffed up. Still coughing some. Still tired. Going to go take a nap again soon. I am planning on being better for Saturday, because biohazzard44 and her friend Al are coming into town and it is ulittlewonder's birthday. Not sure if I'm going to GZ for the b-day celebration, as Laura won't be there till 10:30, and I'd have to leave around 11-11:15 for Rocky. Either way I hope to see both of them at the after party. Ok, I'm going to try and take a nap in a couple of minutes. Current Mood: better |
Tuesday, February 1st, 2005 |
1:53 am |
Hrumph Had an ok day at work. Really tired. Came home and miriamnee called me just before I was about to take a tell me she needed to take a we took naps and she called me when she woke up. We ended up not going out to a movie and watching Chronicles of Riddick here. Coughing up a lung, so I'm drinking peppermint tea, and yes, it is helping. I just put jenglel to sleep talking about massages, the internet and being hit over the head. Schedule: Tue: Tims (EDIT: 6:30am--probably not...still coughing up a lung and can't sleep) Wed: Maybe visit tubachick02 at work, maybe SCA, maybe both. Thu and beyond: no plans yet. Tue or Wed: Duluth to see biohazzard44Ok...bedtime. Current Mood: tired |
Sunday, January 30th, 2005 |
3:37 am |
Today SCA-Specific Stuff: Finished the baldric at 4am. OY. Now I know how to do it. :) Got to the event a little late, but made it in time for the Chirurgeon meeting. Treated some people, not bad though. Was given the Award of the Cygnus. I have a pretty good history with who I get awards from: Niklos and Aramanthra and Leif and Astrid gave me AoAs (two of my favorite sets of Principality Royalty--and I decided that WELL before they gave me an award). This was awarded by the first King and Queen of Northshield. I was a little worried when I went up that it would be a third But it is an AoA level award. :-D. I find it interesting that I have 3 Kingdom-level awards, but no Baronial ones. Saw TONS of people. Didn't get time to talk with ladybirdkiller and rustmon as much as I wanted to, but they were pretty busy. Overall, a good event and everything seemed to work well. Found Out Throughout The Day (if you know me at all, you can guess how I'm feeling): Flori and Owen are engaged. Drust and Ingelief are engaged. Lucky and Carey are engaged (they weren't at the event, but I called Lucky afterwards). I have to get my marriage permit ( belmikey--any tips on how I need to apply for it?) since she asked me to perform the ceremony. Rocky: Had a wasted guy come in the door. Pulled him off to the side and sat him down right away. His friends were trying to get a ride for him. I started to realize that it wasn't just alcohol. I started thinking X at first, especially the way his friend touched him alot. Then he started hallucinating and screaming out random things. I assume it was a variety of drugs and alcohol. He ended up acting up so much that he was taken to the ground and cuffed. I called the police and they took at least 25 minutes to get there. He had to be held down the whole time. Other than that, no excitement. I'm a bit upset that I wasn't involved in the take down--I could have used a good stress-relieving body slam tonight. Oh--and still no word on Ireland--maybe this week? Now to bed---at 4am Current Mood: grumpy |
Saturday, January 29th, 2005 |
10:25 pm |
Post about today later....bittersweet day. Lets see what Rocky has in store for me. Current Mood: discontent |
Friday, January 28th, 2005 |
6:18 pm |
I may just be nuts... so I'm thinking of making a new baldric and t-tunic for 12th Night tomorrow.
It's 6:15
I don't have fabric (Update 7:45: I have fabric...see below...)
I don't have a clean workspace (Update 6:30: I have a space...not great, but it is a space)
My sewing machine hasn't seen the light of day in over a year (Update 6:35: Sweing machine to get fabric)
Will I do it?
Stay tuned.....
Update 7:45: Omigod I got plaid for the Tunic. I think I am crazy. And I got a different plaid fabric for...maybe....pants.....EEP! Pants and Baldric Fabric are in the washer. Doing the baldric first since it is most important.
Current Mood: loopy |
12:29 am |
Irony? I know it is a sad situation overall, but does anyone else see the irony in the train situation in California?
A guy wants to commit suicide, so he tries to cut his wrists and ends up driving onto train tracks and parking his car. He changes his mind at the last minute and gets out of the car. The train derails, lots of people die and get hurt.
So now, the guy who wanted to kill himself, is now likely going to be put on trial with the death penalty as the sentence.
Current Mood: *blink* |
Wednesday, January 26th, 2005 |
8:39 am |
My Community Safety Class So my Community Safety Class is made up of quite the variety of people: - Me, who is there so I can volunteer at SCA events and Rocky
- A young boy scout who is working on his Merit Badge
- His father, who is a Scoutmaster, learning with his son and also planning on becoming an Instructor
- An older woman who I can't remember why is there
- A younger woman who is working on her Kinesiology Degree and has to have First Aid/CPR for the degree
- Another young woman who looks maybe 20, but is an RN who just got off of Maternity Leave (and you'd never guess) and is going back to work
- Another woman, maybe mid-20's, who is going to Sri Lanka as part of the Tsunami relief effort with a Red Cross group
The woman teaching our course is the Instructor Recruiter (and also an EMT). I asked her about taking the Instructor course to volunteer to teach. $250.00. OW! That is a lot of money to spend to volunteer! I guess once you take the course, you can buy the books, rent the mannequins and teach classes on your own and charge whatever you'd like to. And you can volunteer. I don't think I would be able to make a business out of teaching classes, at least not enough to make back $250.00, plus I work during the day during the week. I feel much better with some sleep in me. My knees are still bruised. Ok--off to get ready for work. More training today....ugh. :) |
Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 |
11:14 pm |
Sleeeepy... Very tired. Nodding off at my desk. Gave training for 5 hours today, then went and did 5 hours of CPR training. VERY TIRED. My knees are killing me too--the Red Cross Training Room is a cement floor with a thin, hard carpet over it. Owie. I'm *so* buying kneepads before I get recertified next year. Tomorrow: hang out with aedificaThu: Finish CPR and First Aid Training Fri: Sci-Fi Fridays Sat: SCA event and Rocky (need to remember camera) Sun: RECOVER. :) Next week: no plans yet except for Rec on Tuesday. Current Mood: exhausted |
Sunday, January 23rd, 2005 |
11:42 pm |
Yoinked from blood_for_baal Schedule: - Mon: Movie with ulittlewonder
- Tue: First Aid/CPR Training and then the Rec
- Wed: Maybe SCA
- Thu: First Aid/CPR Training
- Sat: SCA Event and Rocky
- Sun: Story time and some more enabling. ;)
After that...dunno. Looks like maybe 2nd week of Feb to go to Phoenix. ( long-ass q&a; thing ) |
7:05 pm |
Address Info I am updating my address book and it would be very helpful if you could click on the link below and enter your contact details for me: I am using a service that keeps contact details current, just update your own contact details and then the changes appear in selected friends' address books. When I update my contact details you will see them in your address book. Current Mood: posty |
5:33 pm |
I am... such an enabler.
Current Mood: deliciously evil |
12:19 pm |
I find it interesting that, not only did phranque seem to delete his journal all of the sudden....but after he did that, he removed me as a friend. ?!? You can't read someone's journal when it is in deleted status. But he didn't purge all of his friends, just some of them. But it is still deleted. Huh?!? Anyways--had a lazy day yesterday. Didn't go to Duluth because of the weather. :( Lately I have been having random memories cross my mind---small things from long, long ago. Some good, some just dumb little mistakes. I have no idea why my mind is dredging this stuff up right now. Current Mood: blah |
Friday, January 21st, 2005 |
6:32 pm |
Chip....I am your father.... Oh My |
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 |
7:56 pm |
Went to the doc today. Got drugs to help with stopping smoking. Now I just need to pick a date to start stopping. Also talked to him about the South Beach Diet. He said he would recommend it for me since I had good results with it last year. He also said HE went on it last year and lost about 30 lbs!! Yaa for doctors who understand things. :) Now...I think I am off for a nap. Ooh--- lisanthia--found a place for firewood. believe it or not. They never called me back off of the form I sent, but I called him today. He said he could deliver to me on Monday. Doesn't SEEM cheap...$180 for a half a chord (they do smaller drops too, but it is relatively more expensive)...but that is about half of the price I would pay for the same amount of wood at SA/Rainbow. Still thinking about it. I think I will wait and see what my bonus is. Current Mood: tired |
7:41 pm |
Scan my interest list and pick out the one{s} that seems the most odd to you. Leave a comment asking me about it, and I'll explain it. Then post this in your journal so other people can ask you about your interests. ( My interests in a cut: ) Current Mood: curious |
Wednesday, January 19th, 2005 |
2:34 am |
Rec Had a good time at the Rec tonight. Got pleasantly fuzzy. The boys are kind of goofy without Neil. There weren't many people there, and they ended a bit early. :( I had 3 people from work with me (1 from SD, 1 from GA and 1 from OH). They had a good time. I was a bit nervous about inviting them, but they enjoyed it. Now...SLEEP! Current Mood: tired |