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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Eric Malmquist's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, May 1st, 2005
    4:18 pm
    Friday, April 29th, 2005
    2:36 pm
    You pussies!! I hate censorship!

    My god, all I want is an un-babied version of a song....
    I don't care if people don't swear in music, I just don't want a blank fucking spot in the middle of the song. ALSO, it's the principle of the thing.

    Current Mood: bored
    Wednesday, April 27th, 2005
    10:35 pm
    Stephanie has the nicest voice EVER

    Current Mood: touched
    Tuesday, April 26th, 2005
    2:32 am
    Hey everyone
    Please go and vote on these for my girlfriend. She'd really appreciate your opinions on which layouts look better and such..

    You can't miss the post. It's the one titled "POLLS"

    Thankyou to the people who do!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Friday, April 22nd, 2005
    2:51 am
    People are sheep...

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
    5:16 pm
    We didn't go to the moon
    I've belived this for quite some time, but I haven't had any real written out way of showing people I'm not crazy. So I found this, and it pretty much sums it all up.

    Please take the time to read this...
    It pretty much shows you how honest the US government is to us, and the world.
    I do understand that this doesn't seem like a SUPER reliable source of info, but he definately hits everything right on the nose.

    I would hope anyone who takes time to read this thing from start to finish would belive me. If you don't, well I have no idea what to say.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Saturday, April 16th, 2005
    3:42 am
    OMG NO WAY!!
    At the funeral for the pope, when they showed president bush's face on the big screen (was cycling through the faces of different attendees) the crowd BOOOED!! OMG That's awesome, so many people there, and a bunch of them booed!! They booed bush.

    Conan Obrian made fun of the situation by announcing it, and then adding a lie (like he does hehehe)
    And I quote:
    "yeah, yeah after that the president asked 'what does boo mean in french...?'"

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, April 14th, 2005
    3:15 am
    Here you all go
    I say this word often, seeing as Minnesota is terribly infamous for this type of... Thing.
    SO here you go, the definition of "Ricer"

    Current Mood: listless
    Tuesday, April 12th, 2005
    7:32 pm
    OOO I know
    If you ever get drafted, just act as stupid and uncooperative as possible! Dishonorable discharge, or whatever it's called when you are kicked out of boot camp.

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, April 11th, 2005
    9:20 pm
    Thats so stupid. I was playing halo and my mother decided to bitch at the worst spot, right in the middle of an importaint cutscene, and I pressed esc thinking it will pause like it always does. But it skipped the scene instead, and now I'm on the next level... The part where you are no longer on the Halo, but on some planet. I have no idea whats going on in the story now.


    Current Mood: angry
    3:58 am
    I am no longer part of the group of people I hate so much. I am now 20, and no-longer a teen. It feels good. I think this is my last big birthday though. Otherwise, everything else is just me getting older. I don't care about drinking, so fuck 21. OH, well maybe I can buy alcohol and have Stephanie and I shoot and break the bottles.
    And, go to the white house and throw beer bottles at the thing, as a way of saying "screw you and your alcoholic country!"

    Then set some bottles of alcohol on fire, because.. well fire is awesome.

    I was 20 at 5:13 Sunday morning.

    Stephie got me Halo for PC, which is.. Well definitely a cool present. I wanted to jump for joy but I was tired and I think she felt like I didn't like it as much as I really do. Thank you sweetie!
    My parents gave me 200 dollars...However, I don't think I'll get to use much of it for anything fun though. I hate being unemployed.

    Stupid job market. Ultimate Electronics is closing their stores, so I can't be a car-audio installer there. Best Buy has the WORST online app thing ever. None of the apps get through because I scored something wrong on the stupid personality test. I took that test 10 times, and tried it every possible way. The manager told me to just give up, because they can't talk to me unless they have me on file???

    I haven't posted much because I am really bummed out. I need something more. I don't want to go to school because all of the majors are boring sounding.. Even the electricians one. I want to do WHAT I WANT. Not something that has a vague bit of my interests involved in it. I'd have to start my own business, and I'd suck at that.

    Maybe I am made for job bouncing? No, that's dumb... I don't even care about money, I just want my hobbies, my girlfriend, and my own place.

    Money loving whores ruined this country for people like me. People with talent for learning, not money for learning.

    haha, I turned this post into an angry one. sad...

    Uhm... I love you Stephanie!

    Current Mood: bored
    Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
    5:48 pm
    hehe, I'm an ass.
    You know what I think sororities/fraternities are?
    I think it's a big fucking Greek cult, that failed miserably, so now only stupid kids follow their tradition.

    The stupidest ones get the most girls. Like the people who run around in robes pretending to be Greek like a bunch of little twats.

    They are like nazis. That don't kill people.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, April 5th, 2005
    8:54 am
    I got up at 7:30 and I like it.

    I can't belive this!!
    And neither can you, or else.


    Current Mood: accomplished
    Sunday, April 3rd, 2005
    1:30 am
    Check it out!
    Don't ask why I think this is fun, but it is... for me...
    Thats the time for people in central time by the way

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
    5:20 am
    I don't know why I do these
    Advanced Global Personality Test Results
    Extraversion |||||||||||| 43%
    Stability |||||| 30%
    Orderliness |||||| 23%
    Empathy |||||||||| 36%
    Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
    Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 76%
    Mystical |||| 16%
    Artistic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
    Religious || 10%
    Hedonism || 10%
    Materialism |||||| 30%
    Narcissism |||| 16%
    Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
    Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
    Self absorbed |||||||||||||||| 70%
    Conflict seeking |||||||||||||| 56%
    Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%
    Romantic |||||||||||||||| 70%
    Avoidant |||||||||||| 43%
    Anti-authority |||||||||| 36%
    Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
    Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
    Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63%
    Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
    Individuality |||||||||| 36%
    Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
    Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 63%
    Physical security |||||||||||||| 56%
    Food indulgent |||| 16%
    Histrionic |||||| 30%
    Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 76%
    Vanity |||||||||||| 43%
    Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
    Female cliche |||||||||||| 50%
    Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
    personality tests by

    Heres all the names it called me:
    messy, irritable, depressed, fragile, worrying, emotionally sensitive, does not like to lead, phobic, weird, suspicious, low self control, paranoid, frequently second guesses self, dependent, unproductive, introverted, weak, strange, unassertive, submissive, familiar with the dark side of life, feels invisible, rash, vain, anti-authority, heart over mind, low self concept, disorganized, not good at saving money, avoidant, daydreamer, unadventurous

    Thats alot of name calling...

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Friday, April 1st, 2005
    1:35 am
    Anyone care what I think? Shut up, I don't care.
    If the government wants people to stop stealing gas, they should stop raising the price for no reason.


    These days in the USA, I can't seem to roll my eyes hard enough at this government.
    I don't think I want to try any harder either, because they would probably fall out if I did.

    If I heard that news report correctly, the bill to ban gay marriage passed. So now it needs just to become law. I hate the people who voted for this to pass. I hate them with a passion. And this isn't the hate that actually isn't hate, like when I say "I hate that show" because if I were to actually talk to these people, I would not think twice about kicking them in the crotch, and kicking them in the face.

    I hate these politics. I hate how if I say something that sounds conservative, people would take no time to call me a republican. When in fact, TRUE republican thoughts should have nothing to do with liberal or conservative views.

    Also, since when is having a conservative view a bad thing? If I see someone dressed to show off, I'll automatically say out loud, "holy shit, she should put some fucking clothes on". Its not because I am a nutty catholic, but I just have MORALS. Something the USA is definitely lacking. I don't care what anyone says, these are some of the sluttiest, most stupid lazy pieces of shit I've ever seen. Or probably ever will see.

    ALLL of those people who actively try to be a conservative, liberal, republican, or democrat can kiss my ass.
    Its like grown-up cliques. Remember when in high school, for every clique, there was an anti-clique? Preps had Goths? Well, every fucking political "grownup" (and I use the word "grownup" loosely) is trying too hard to be unlike their opponent.

    My conclusion? When people GROW UP = NEVER
    I suppose some people DO grow up. But.... heh... All I can say is I'd like to meet some more real adults.

    Do I sound condescending? Good mother fucker. That's what I am, I'm an ass-hole. But I'm a smart ass-hole.
    ..If there was a revolution in the USA, I'd be on the fucking front lines..

    My journal entries are better than yours!

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Sunday, March 27th, 2005
    1:32 am
    A series of unfortunate events all right....
    Fuck that shit
    Fuck that shit a million fold
    Tonight on the way back from my grandmothers birthday, my cars main belt decided to snap and fly off.
    Steph, and I were in my car, my sister brother dad and mom were in the other. I honked and flashed and got on the side of them, and they FINALLY pulled over.

    This belt drives the alternator and the water pump... so naturally my car overheated and started to run off the battery (your car runs completely off of the alternator when on, the battery is for starting and when its off ONLY.) I left my poor car in some random parking lot off of 494. GOD DAMNIT.

    Those fuckers put the belt in incorrectly, and I'll be damned if they get away with it.

    They are going to fix it, give me an oil change, car wash, apologize and not make me pay a cent. OR ELSE

    Afterwords, I will take it to a GOOD shop, and pay them whatever to check and double check the work.

    If not, they will pay. They hurt my car. The only thing worse than that would be hurting my girlfriend, my family or my cats.

    This always happens after you loose a job doesn't it?

    Current Mood: enraged
    Saturday, March 26th, 2005
    3:18 am
    Anyone have a Diablo II CD Key that they don't use on B-net?? I'd love to have it...
    I have no idea where my cds or keycode is, and I am NOT going to buy the game a second time.


    Current Mood: annoyed
    Friday, March 25th, 2005
    1:27 am
    I am such a pessimist!

    All I write is anger... I fear I look like the angsty kids who write bad poetry and talk about their love affair with shitty music. Not to mention the "evil is cooooool" B.S.

    Eh, I suppose when I get angry (which is often, seriously. Steph thinks I'm going to have a heartattack when I'm 25, and I agree) I actually have a reason to be. I mean, look at all of the squid-dicks, they are everyfuckingwhere! At work at school on the internet on TV, getting RICH from being stupid. GOD.
    ...Perhaps I should move to the moon...

    Current Mood: embarrassed
    Thursday, March 24th, 2005
    3:30 pm
    Spring break is retarded.
    "It's getting warmer! Lets drink and be slutty!"
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