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Rem Hidaka

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The waters rising and Im slipping under.... [26 Jan 2004|06:39pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Adult Swim Details (2004-01-21 )
Adult Swim has acquired 50 episodes of Detective Conan, the first of which will premiere on Monday April 5th at 12:30 am. Wolf's Rain will premiere on Saturday, April 24th at 11pm, followed by the first of the new of Inu Yasha episodes at 11:30, two episodes will be shown.

Live action Witch Hunter Robin
Live Action Witch Hunter Robin Confirmed for Sci-Fi Anime Nation has been contacted by Joe Menosky, writer and producer for numerous Star Trek series, and informed that the Sci-Fi Channel signed a deal with Sunrise for the rights to a live action remake of Witch Hunter Robin.

Last Exile on Anime Unleashed (2004-01-23)
Tech TV informed us today that Geneon's Last Exile will be airing on Anime Unleashed starting the first week of March. Anime Unleashed will be on every weekday at 1am EST

I've been in the car all day. -yawn- Im so very tired, and I have so much government homework that I have to do tonight. ;-; I dont think Im going to be able to make it! CSI: Miami comes on tonight. ^.^ Something to bring happy-ness to the end of my horrible weekend. I went to sleep Friday, I woke up and it was sunday night, it feels. ;-; I need some more Ran x Ken fanfiction.
Other than that I think I could do for a trim, my hairs looking a bit weak. I could go for some color to, It needs more blonde highlights, and I'd really like to add the red this time to.

5 Snow flakes| One grey sky

Ran x Ken withdrawl [20 Jan 2004|09:36pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Nuu.. ;-; Im low on Ran x Ken fanfiction. I think I may have possibly.. already read everything, ne? n.n; But that cant be right. n.n; Need more Ran x Ken fanfiction, I'm going through withdrawl. ;-;

1 Snow flake| One grey sky

[19 Jan 2004|04:49pm]
[ mood | awake ]

Ano, Im rather bored. I had hoped on going to the mall today. I really need a new pair of shoe's and some jeans. Drea couldnt go, and Im not comfortable going by myself. Mom doesnt want to go, for reasons unknown. So .. No mall. -.-
took a much needed nap around two I think. nap, good. XD I'm much pooped out from watching the dogs. n.n;

One grey sky

[18 Jan 2004|05:29pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Please dont walk away - Good Charlotte ]

-stretches back in chair-
-Raises hands while Chairs on back to legs.-
Waa- Iiiiiiii!
-Falls backwards.-

Ouch. n.n;

My weekend was horrible. Family went to San Antonio to visit Chase. Left me by myself to watch the dogs. Which I really didn't mind. I actually prefer to be by myself. Being by myself with two of the three dogs having Diarrhea , however is way beyond not fun. ;-; I don't think I got any sleep last night, It was in and out with the two. ;-;
Drea came over and stayed Friday and Saturday night with me. We made a mess of the kitchen. n.n; Carly let me barrow 'Sleepy Hallow' with Johnny Depp. ^.^ I could have done without the showing of headless heads. o.o; I'm such a 'tard! XD

I did get to go to Borders! >:D
I bought myself Snow Drops volume one, Peach girl: Change of heart volume one, and volume nine I think of F.Y. I didnt realize I got the first volume of the second part for Peach girl . ^.^; So Im hopelessly clueless of anything that's happened previously. Although I really did Enjoy it! ^.^ Wai! Found myself another series! I'll have to go back to read all the others to ^.^ Snow Drop Is really cute to! ^.^ I'd like to finish it to ^.^

Ano, Im hoping Mom will let me use the car tomorrow and drive to the mall, really need a new pair of shoes.

"We should do what we can on our own, right?"
–Ken, Weiss Kreuz

One grey sky

My voice... [14 Jan 2004|07:44pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Wai! :D Finished everything in your Media Mail Package Lindsey !

- GateKeepers Volumes 1 and 2
- Soul Hunter Volumes 1, 2, and 3
- E's otherwise Fansub episodes 1-3
- Bubblegum Crisis episode two
- Niea_7 volumes 3 and 4 maybe?

Favorite Character: Kaouru,
Wai! I have to finish this! -Hoggles it to herself- XD I love Wendee lee as a VA. ^.^ Im really enjoying it so far.

Soul Hunters:
Favorite Characters: Nataku, and Kou -Tenka
Others: Shinkohyo, Hakuyako, Youzen
Oh lord, the names! ^.^; It took forever with the names, Had to write them all down and put one of their destinguishing traits/characteristics by them to remimber who the hell whas who! XD Ano, other than that, I really do like ^.^ I'll have to finish through to, although its a little lower on my list.

E's Otherwise:
:DD Yah! So in love with it! >XD I really do like this, I'll have to see it through quickly! XD

BubbleGum Crisis:
I wanted to see the serries through since I got Tokyo 2040. ^.^ I heard that Tokyo 2040 was comming out with a sequal?

Ano.. It really wasnt that bad. I liked, although it was a little slow paced, and I couldnt find the point of it. ^.^; Lindsey , was that the ending? I dont know what was acomplished. n.n;; heh

Ano, Chloe's back from being spayed. Poor little girl. I couldnt look at her.. The look in her eyes. She was in so much pain. I cant take it to be around people in pain. I dont want them to hurt. Shes asleep downstairs right now.

2 Snow flakes| One grey sky

Nani?! [14 Jan 2004|01:46pm]
[ mood | awake ]

Nu. My Cheese sticks are still cold! ;-; Have to put them back in the oven, and wait patiently while my tummy yells at me in hunger. n.n; Heh

Dont get to pick up Chloe, Lucky and Aggie till Four thirty. Lucky shall be nice and clean and so shall Nanny (aggie) and Poor little demon dog XD, or the Little Chloey shall have been spayed.

Food! :D

One grey sky

Nani.. [13 Jan 2004|02:30pm]
To tired to read anyones entrys right now. Must sleep. I wasnt kidding when I said whenever I take actifed Im out for two days. I was rather proud of myself today though. n.n; I actually managed to stay awake durring todays classes. Heh. although I did have a hard time reading! n.n;
Nani... sleep now!
One grey sky

I only feel like about two pennys worth right now. [12 Jan 2004|07:33pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Nani!? ::cough:: ::Sneeze-sneeze:: ::Cough-cough:: Acho! Nani.. ;-; Feel like Crap. My nose is being a bitch. My throat 'so kay, better than being totally bitchy. Sleepy, Took actifed ano.. about 20 minutes ago. Wooh. Thats whatcha call fast actin! XD I cant keep my eyes open. ;-; I think I shall go sleepy-sleep now. Need sleepy sleep. V.v. much. u.u

Hmm.. though I need shower to.. n.n; depends on how much longer I can hold out. ::Waves fist at actifed:: Damn you! I am weak! I yeild to its power every time. nani..

One grey sky

Well Dont I feel just like crap... [11 Jan 2004|03:31pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

Nani.. I no feel good. ;-;
My nose was runny all night. My head feels like its inflated. nu. ;-; I feel like I have a fever, but the thermometer insists I dont. >.< Damn you I know I have one! -.- I put my mouth gaurd in last night, I've been clenching my teeth again at night, and its been giving me headaches and my jaw hurts. So I wore it, and woke up around two and found I couldnt open my mouth all the way. The right side of my jaw pops, but the left side did the same thing the right side did when It first started. I couldnt open it more then the tips of my finger. I was all NANI!!! -panic attack-
after an hour or so of a heart attack, I went to bed thinking maybe it will be okay in the morning if I just go back to sleep, without it on. So I woke up feeling better and it opening. Gomen heart atack. ^.^;

2 Snow flakes| One grey sky

Sleepy sleep... [10 Jan 2004|01:28pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Got Your package Yesterday Lindsey ! Love media mail! :DD

ano, so many things to do this weekend. Something on Napoleon for Euro. History. Dont want to do it. ;-;

2 Snow flakes| One grey sky

[07 Jan 2004|08:58pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I am The Hermit

The Hermit often suggests a need for time alone - a period of reflection when distractions are limited. In times of action and high energy, he stands for the still center that must be created for balance. He can also indicate that withdrawal or retreat is advised for the moment. In addition, the Hermit can represent seeking of all kinds, especially for deeper understanding or the truth of a situation. "Seek, and ye shall find," we have been told, and so the Hermit stands for guidance as well. We can receive help from wise teachers, and, in turn, help others as we progress.

For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit

What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate.

Month: Day: Year:

Nani? I dont want to be a hermit! ;-;

My dad wants to change internet providers. Im not sure how much I like that idea.. He wants South western Bell DSL Which has a Yahoo thing. Not a big fan of Yahoo. ;-; I like my screen name to! ;-; Im not a big fan of change (okay like decorations totaly, but when it comes to like Cable Providers, Internet providers, I only like small changes. Like Upgrades. Not whole conversions! ;-; ne.) Does anyone have it? advantage one: much faster. ^.^;

One grey sky

Lets Rock Omi! [05 Jan 2004|02:38pm]
[ mood | amused ]

no, I was going to dubb today official updates day! :D But I wanted to hit the gym, so that didnt happen. ^.^; Found the Weights I was looking for. Im hoping to get some other equipment. Im such a loser! Want lean mean muscles! XD Okay .. tiny ones. ^.^;
::blows strawberys:: Hai! ::and sweatdrops::, Hai! Im a 'tard and I've been way over slacking lately! Sooo. Updates! ^.^; Yeah maybe next week! ha I havent updated My account at or Side7 lately, so Nani! Gomen! ^.^; Hai!

No da, No da! :D - That little man in Fushigi Yuugi says it all the time? >.< What does it ferEniAL mean?! No da! No da! Cha! Ha. ::Sweatdrops again.:: I'm a 'tard.

Hidaka daka Bishi Bishi, Hidaka daka Bishi Bishi!

"We should do what we can on our own, right?"
–Ken, Weiss Kreuz

1 Snow flake| One grey sky

groarr with a cry ;-; [03 Jan 2004|10:29pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Hai! Got the final volume, five, of Weiss Kreuz. Hai! Nani?! They did servive in the end didnt they? I mean that wasnt just a flashback right? Nani? ;-; I started crying I was so upset! Why wasnt Ran with Aya at the Flower shop? And why wasnt Ken with his beloved Aya?! and Youji and Omi! Nani! ne ne! I rather love all the characters, their designs (with the exception of Ken and Omi's shirts, when their not in uniform. >.<) and the plot. I was terribebly disapointed however in the animation quality, and the Dubbing was horrible. The Va's I could stand, however it seemed more that they didnt fit in with the animation. The Background music (not the opening and closing, lovey's them! :D) was horrible! The animation was rather stiff and still to me, as was the va's at some points. The Japanese VA's were great though ^.^ Im dying to see Gluhen now. Nani, Aoshi_sama, was it you that said the OAV's were comming sometime this year? Did you hear anything about Gluhen? :: needs more Kenken x aya :: >:D

Ano, Ah! also grabbed volume eight of Fushigi Yugi. Ano, Im rather sad at its ending. ;-; Even more so with Weiss' ending. ;-; Need Weiss Manga! NOW! grroar

9 Snow flakes| One grey sky

Omi, Lets Rock! [02 Jan 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Eh. ;-; Hidaka save me! >.> my dads being a major pain in the ass. When does he go back to work damnit?! Shit his griping at everyone and everything for anything. ne.
hn, ano, I think Were going to go see Cheaper by the dozen today. Drea wants to go, although I still would rather see Peter Pan. :D She just wants to see Super-man. n.n; I really dont care for him much. Not to say hes not that bad looking.. its just. heh. Orlando bloom and Jhonny Depp are better. ^.^;
Wai! Very bored. Maybe I can get Mommy to let me drive to the mall, then Let me and Drea go. n.n; I havent really driven their before. Im sure I'd be okay. Although, the big bridge mix master thingie. o.o;
Saw some commercial plane go by today while I was out driving. and I decided I think I want to go sky diving. But after I get me my Yamaha R1, or a Sazuke Crotch Rocket (Street-racing motercycle bike) I really want one. I just want to be able to get away, as fast as I can.

" Omi, let's rock! For the ones I believe in, I'll fight anyone."
- Ken Hidaka, Weiss OAV

One grey sky

[01 Jan 2004|03:16pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Had a pirates of the Carabbean dream last night. :D It was more of how I thought the movie should have gone (not to say the movie wasnt so awsome! XD) they were just deleted scenes. ^.^ very nifty.
Ano, other than that. I havent made and new years resolutions. Other than I want to become a lean mean strong machine! XD I want to start working out, gain some muscles and stuff. n.n; No laughing. I'd really like to join a gym. Although I have no money. >.< I think I'll go out and look for more jobs today/tommarow again. Hopefully I'll get a call back this time. u.u Wish me luck. ^.^
New years was fun, I babysat, yes but hell It was money! >.< sixty bucks money! XD *invisions all the manga/anime she wants to buy. okay more like one anime, and maybe two mangas? ^.^; or just lots of manga!) But I have Weiss Kreuz obsession right now. *Rather Ken Hidaka obsessive compulsive disease.* So I shall buy a Weiss Kreuz anime episode. I have to figure out which ones I have, and then see which one I want to buy. Is the OAV out yet? I wish the Manga for Weiss Kreuz and Weiss side B was out here. I so very much want to read it! >.< Damn companies! Why dont they pick the good stuff?! ;-; nu, pick it up soon pleease. n.n;

Anways, Happy new years everyone!

"We should do what we can on our own, right?"
–Ken, Weiss Kreuz

4 Snow flakes| One grey sky

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