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New Edition of Diary of a Rock Goddess [22 Jun 2004|10:17am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Yeah Yeah Yeahs -- Maps ]

This week,'s Diary of a Rock Goddess discusses upcoming shows by Marwood, Goodbye Girl Friday and Violet Nine as well as next weekend's Rock the Vote benefit, featuring Spiraling, Sabrina, Soul's Release, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Drowning Poet.

Bands featured in this week's column include Buddahead, Finespun, and Violet Nine.

Also, on culturedose this week, the indie rock goddess travels over to the indie film realm, and reviews Adored: Diary of a Porn Star.

Both articles are linkable from the forums at

Diary of a Rock Goddess profiles/reviews/interviews/features indie bands worldwide. Whether it's a new CD coming out or live show, we want to be there -- and the are a great (free!) place for musicians (and music fans) to meet and network.


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New Edition of Diary of a Rock Goddess is Online [26 May 2004|12:03pm]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Spiraling -- Sugar (Live at Maxwells 4/30/04) ]

Hi everyone --

For anyone interested, a new edition of Diary of a Rock Goddess has just been posted. Bands mentioned this week include Last Week, NoMoreDolls, Derby, and Goodbye Girl Friday.

Links to the article and discussions forums are available at

or view the article directly at:

Also visit the forums if you are in a band and you want to submit your band for consideration to be reviewed -- whether a CD or a live show, or even to post gig announcements so other people can check you out. Also post there if you would like to submit your music to be included on WKRB 90.9 FM in NYC, where I do the live radio component of my indie music column. It's also a free, fun place to meet other musicians and music fans - and just get to know eachother. Who knows, you might discover a whole bunch of new music to love!

My column is written out of NYC, so most of the shows I review are in the NY/NJ area, but I can review CDs of bands from all over - so, don't be shy - stop by!

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Promote Your Bands for Free! [10 May 2004|05:53pm]

Hi everyone!

My name is Aly. I write Diary of a Rock Goddess - the indie music column on I also do a radio show on WKRB FM 90.9 in NYC.

I have started free forums on my soon-to-be-ready website, -- forums are free to join, and use. The purpose of this is mainly for indie rock fans to network and cross-promote. If you are in a band, use it to list your gigs and advertise upcoming projects. If you are a fan, use it to meet other fans and swap band tips. Tons of bands are already doing it - and every week, a live show pick of the week will be chosen - and be mentioned in the column and on the radio show!
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[08 May 2004|02:42pm]


(to avoid me having to answer the questions, the guys are on mushrooms/acid and that is real cocaine, but not real blood)
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[27 Apr 2004|10:11pm]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | black star-radiohead ]

hello here, just thought I'd let ya'll know.

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(crossposted in breaktheedge) [25 Apr 2004|10:43pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Hey guys.

I'm heading to Chicago this Friday and hanging out until sometime Sunday.

Anyone want to show me and my friend around?

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[22 Apr 2004|09:40am]
Hello. I bottomed out about 7 months ago. I've been sober from a 5 year addiction to heroin for 6 months now.

I wanted to promote a community to people who are still struggling or need any kind of support.

Please join [info]drug_addiction

Or at least check it out.

We are trying to keep all entries friends only now, since some of the members got a little out of hand with what they were posting and the moderator recieved a TOS email from LJ.

Thanks guys.
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[21 Apr 2004|07:00pm]

[ mood | high ]
[ music | Jimi Hendrix ]


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ignore this bullshit question [07 Apr 2004|12:15pm]

[ mood | burp ]
[ music | fart ]

Anyone know a good online pharmacy that won't ask questions...?

is there sucha thing.
I'm trying to score for Dextroamphetamine Sulfate. Just rolls off your tougue....
Dexadrines in short.

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[03 Apr 2004|09:33pm]

do you really like music? really? want to talk about it?
do you find it lame when people say "I like all music but rap and country?"
do you have a sense of humor?
do you understand that livejournal isn't motherfucking sacred ground and should probably be taken lightly?

apply to [info]nonpaste. if you want to diversify, expand, listen, and your ears aren't entirely broken, you'll get in. I promise.
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[01 Apr 2004|03:54pm]

HoLa.. my names kori and i just wanted to say whats up im kinda new to LJ and need some FuCKinG friends and this place seemed pretty cool so dont be afraid to say HI!
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[20 Mar 2004|10:01am]

[ mood | good ]
[ music | 'unhallowed' by dissection ]

has anyone here ever had sex while stoned? oh my god it feels AMAZING.

if this is too "personal" a question, lemme know. haha.

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Weed [21 Mar 2004|12:09am]

[ music | "New Level" - Pantera ]

Anyone in Melbourne, Australia able to score me some weed? Thanks.

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[15 Mar 2004|07:02pm]

every one of you need to join


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[12 Mar 2004|06:31pm]

cute little link attached
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[05 Mar 2004|01:20am]

[ mood | good ]
[ music | still playin the zeppelin ]

me and man-friend made out pretty hardcore to zeppelin tonight.

he does not really like them, but i do very much.

he called us highschool-kids from the 70's.

or just college kids of the 00's w/ good music?

mmm, he tastes like smoke. i like that.

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Whoa [29 Feb 2004|12:40pm]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | The Cult "Sun King" ]

When it comes to baking broccoli, one never forgets proper recipes.
The crackle of the greenery as it's engulfed in flame. blah, blah, blah )

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[22 Feb 2004|11:30pm]

Oh, and something I forgot to mention in my introduction post. (Now that I'm making a post just to add this makes it look like a shameless plug, but it's not. Well... not really) I've got a community of my own. So if you feel creative, high, and bored, swing on by. It's a place to write down drug experiences, narrate one's high, or to just babble on incoherently while the substances rocket through your system.

Altered States.
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