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Below is information about the "Mushy" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:mushy (6520) mushy
the soft, squishy oatmeal of doom.
About:mushy: for the insomanic in us all.

randomness is a good thing.

Interests:95: #electronic_music, #inert, add, alien abductions, art, bass, bay area, beethoven, c, c++, caffeine, capitalism, caucus, coffee, communism, computer nerds, computers, crazy, depressing things, door knobs, ducttape, electronic music, ethernet cable, eulogy, fire, found objects, freebsd, games, geek, geek girls, geek guys, geeks, hacker, heart break, insainity, insomnia, internet, internet relay chat, irc, irc'ing, java, life, lighters, linux, lj meetup, love, math, midnight oil, monitor switch, mountian biking, movies, music, naked, nakedness, narcolepsy, nerd, nerd girls, nerd guys, netbsd, nin, oatmeal, oreos, people, perl, photography, queen, radiohead, rain, riding, sad music, san francisco, santa barbara, santa cruz, semagic, sex, slashdot, smart people, sql, stereotypical geek culture, stuff, sunshine, swimming, synergy, synth, synth pop, techno, the rolling stones, tool, trance, wacky, wackyness, war driving, weird people, weirdness, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:39: _thestarsfall, abracadabra24, an0ther_pawn, andrewjthomas, blvd, blythetanner, busterberg, cdamen, cutfromthescene, drain_you, elisaana, expressiveanabe, eyghon, freyis, ibeandie, imsorrynadvance, interestingalea, justin_keyes, kinkyastrid, koiko, kudiekid, lizbeth, lostincurrency, mathiastck, moxie21, obtuseme, prettybayleigh, raccaldin36, seductivebonnie, socalflashmob, solconeja, stephen_lange, topaoooxxx, vagabond56032, voluptuousdream, wintumn, wonderfulcindy, xcrazy, xferal_undeadx
Watched by:20: _thestarsfall, andrewjthomas, blukarma, busterberg, drain_you, elisaana, eyghon, imsorrynadvance, justin_keyes, koiko, kudiekid, lizbeth, mathiastck, obtuseme, perfect_pete, raccaldin36, starlightmisery, sweetxemptiness, vagabond56032, wintumn
Account type:Early Adopter

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