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now if you've got a pair of headphones...
you'd better get 'em on and get 'em cranked up
the right side of my body is breaking. about eight years ago (holy hell that was a long time ago) i used to play lacrosse, and i got 0wned by this one dude and broke my right collarbone. it didn't heal quite right, and now my right shoulder hangs a little low. this seems to have translated into a minor posture problem, since my back tends to hurt on the one side. plus i'm righthanded so i do all my fine-motor movement with it. my right eye isn't focusing quite correctly either, recently, for whatever reason.

and of course my brain is totally shot. both hemispheres.

your character set is oppressing me.

i suspect some of this is just seasonal shutdown, and that if the days keep on being 50F then i'll rev back up. so, you know. come back in july. maybe i'll be interesting again by then.

state: tired
music: ny loose - broken

magic people voodoo people
hate banks. hate hate hate.

crazy idea: if i put money in a bank, and then want to spend it, i should be able to spend as much of it as i want. it being, after all, my money. it's not even like it's real money, it's just credits floating around in the ether, i don't even want the money in my hand as such. i just want the ability to move as many of my credits in exchange for goods and/or services as i want.

in other news, new powerbook in flight. so much love. x86, it's been nice knowing you, but i've gotta move on.

state: distracted
music: god lives underwater - from your mouth

and when this rhyme is done, renovate, and build another one
important lessons to learn from firefox: sense of humor is vital to a successful project.

state: amused
music: plump djs - remember my name

so dirty...
--- xf86pciBus.c        8 Dec 2004 06:07:57 -0000
+++ xf86pciBus.c        24 Jan 2005 23:34:54 -0000
@@ -594,12 +594,14 @@
 pciIoAccessDisable(void* arg)
 #ifdef DEBUG
     ErrorF("pciIoAccessDisable: 0x%05lx\n", *(PCITAG *)arg);
+#if 0
     pArg->ctrl &= ~SETBITS;
     pciWriteLong(pArg->tag, PCI_CMD_STAT_REG, pArg->ctrl);

and yet if i shot them, i'd be the criminal. hands... won't come clean...

state: repulsed
music: ludacris - roll out (dylan remix)

super bon bon super bon bon
dammit this hair dye is washing out way too fast. i liked the fire-engine color. now it's more of a bronze. lame.

state: bored
music: atari teenage riot - raverbashing

i'm sorry that you're leaving but i'm happy that you're gone
about halfway through writing EGL API compatibility for Mesa. the current implementation backends onto GLX, so native EGL apps can run under X. the idea here, of course, is to then port Xgl onto EGL, and then write a native EGL layer for Mesa Solo. Xegl can then run either as a solo server or embedded under a traditional X. this should be a lot cleaner than emulating all of GLX the way solo currently does. in the future i'll need to make a dispatch layer for the EGL entrypoints so we can use the same libGL under X and solo, but that shouldn't be too awful.

i looked at doing a similar trick with porting the DGA API onto DRM, but that's going to be a lot uglier. DGA makes no effort to hide the fact that it's an X11 protocol extension, and despite the manpage claiming it's not a direct rendering layer there's all this junk for colormaps and blits in there. would be interesting to see how much of DGA the vmware driver really needs, since that's the only DGA user that matters.

EGL, by the way, is really nice. in fact all of the Khronos projects (OpenGLES, OpenML, OpenVG, OpenMAX) look like very good ideas for linux to support. they've got large vendor buy-in and they're open like GL. good linux support for these helps both on the desktop and in the embedded space. if OpenVG were finalized it'd be Insanely Great to see it implemented via Cairo. too bad it's stuck behind NDAs still...

oh yeah, and libdrm is a real shared object now, and dlloader is the default in Xorg. after the next major release i'm wanting to chop {aout,coff,elf}loader out entirely and replace it with daniel's dlloader rewrite, as well as cut all the LoadSubModule crap.

my resume should just say "beating sense into X since 2004".

and i need to find a way to get to xdevconf 2005. or rather, a place to sleep while i'm there, getting there is a mere 9 hour drive.

in less geeky news, my car now has 15% more bondo, it snowed like a bastard yesterday, and i finally got my turntables set up. also i dyed my hair red, and my lava lamp's bulb blew out. nothing too exciting, but also no major limbs getting shot off or anything, so i can't complain.

state: productive
music: sponge - treat me wrong

oh cruel fate, to be thusly boned
deer suck, when they jump in front of your car. but you can have your revenge, by converting deer into burgers. tasty burgers.

yin and yang for hicks.

i've had a lot of hot sauces in my life, but these are a whole new scale of hotness. hot enough they should be classified as a munition. good on deer burgers, pizza, cold cereal, you know, anything.

state: mellow
music: the crystal method - bound too long

better than the best
new year's, on the other hand. new year's i like.

i need an RJ45-to-DB25M serial cable widget. i have an RJ45-to-DB25F widget. i really like my wyse but i wish to god RS232 was symmetric.

trident and s3virge DRI drivers have risen from the grave. suitably insan^H^H^Hterested parties should dig up the DRM and DDX bits and make them work. getting them to build again was surprisingly instructive. accelerated indirect rendering is next, for real this time, i promise.

but right now it's 60 degrees outside, so i'm going to go enjoy it.

state: relaxed
music: system of a down - highway song

compare, and contrast. christ it's like talking to trees.

finally got some symbol visibility hacks - that have been sitting in my tree for ages - cleaned up and pushed into Mesa. faster startup, less memory usage, better code, better pizza. my backlog has been getting way too long.

christmas always gets me down. not just because i'm bad at it - picking gifts, masking disappointment when i get something crappy, tolerating the same twelve songs over and bloody over - and not just because of the vulgar display of capitalism, and not just because it's a weak way to substitute an event for a relationship. there's something else that's really depressing about it, and i haven't figured out what yet.

those bits are depressing too, of course.

i love winter, but i hate holidays.

where should i move? not that it'll be soon in the next-few-weeks sense, but it had damned well better be soon in the this-year sense.

work is the curse of the drinking class.

state: contemplative
music: too much joy - jersey sky

how to make conference calls more entertaining.

airplanes suck. CVS sucks worse.

i kick puppies.

state: busy
music: front line assembly - maniacal

tension. much tension.

i feel the break coming on.

decks, drums, rock and roll.

state: anxious
music: front line assembly - krank it up

she snapped, now they call me mr. bitterness
the waiting is killing me.

cartoon network once again earns my love. i see TV as an art form, and a sadly misused one. there's just so much more you can do in 22 minutes of screen time than sitcoms and reality shows. it's a painfully narrow channel for transmitting news, or educational material, so all that's left really is pure entertainment. and i see plenty of reality, out there in the big room with the high ceiling. watching humans on TV is just too weird. give me Ghost In The Shell over Survivor any day of the week.

now if only music videos weren't entirely chart-driven.

dear KDE: please stop making random apps use 100% of the CPU and not respond to SIGKILL. i like you a lot, but we need to work on this relationship. i'll put the toilet seat down if you'll stop throwing hissy fits.

i love seeing spam subject lines like "M(o)rtgage Approved: $RND_DIGIT[5-6]". it's some small consolation that spammers are themselves getting ripped off by people who can't write mass mailers.

state: mellow
music: the wiseguys - reintroduction

have you pretended your vote matters yet?
getting really tired of choosing between candidates i loathe and candidates i merely dislike. armed revolution ++.

state: busy
music: system of a down - prison song

this message brought to you by the society for not wasting your damned time on turning dead toolkits into zombie toolkits. zombies are only good when they're being blasted with shotguns, and since you are none of Milla Jovovich, Bruce Campbell, or Duke Nukem and you are so not qualified for that.

yes i know Duke Nukem shot aliens not zombies but my way was funnier.

state: irritated
music: the crystal method - i know it's you

the cooler heads prevailed
alright kids, listen up. there's a new doritos flavor, called black pepper jack. they're really tasty. so was salsa verde, but none of you went out and bought them, so they got canceled and i got angry. don't let me down again, guys. buy the cheesy MSG goodness. or i shoot this dog.

i tried briefly to coax r200 into doing HyperZ but it doesn't want to work. had a little more success with moving the GLX client code into the Mesa build, and i'm slowly chipping away the obstacles to getting accelerated indirect rendering going. it's been a fun few days.

after stealing my ATM card back from the bank, i proceeded to drop entirely too much money on new science fiction books. well, new to me. the advantage of my current pseudojob is there's enough downtime that i can get some serious reading done. the downside, of course, is that they don't have wireless ethernet, else i'd be hacking X code instead of reading. oh well. probably i should buy a copy of the Red Book too. just to remove any doubt as to my nerdliness.

i leave you with the text of an engrish t-shirt i recently came into posession of. think of it as your moment of zen.

Change: Would you mind?

Riding pipe is very difficult
the besy piece of
advice i can give you is to go
fast and make sure

Don't do wrong

Throw away arms
a weapon
capital idea!!

Often dispute that point
Told it to me plainly

state: laid back
music: local h - no fun

we can't stop here, this is bat country
best quote of the last few days award goes to my dad: "you know what the scary thing about this election is? one of them is going to win."

then this old bint tells me i drive all insane and stuff and i should really slow down or i'm gonna hit someone's dog. look. they're speed bumps. that means you go over them at speed. if you come to a stop before going over them, you're doing it wrong, you're making the vertical travel worse, your car has shocks for a reason, grow some stones already.

also there's this commercial for this hangover cure stuff. and the guy says, the ingredients have been used for hundreds of years so i know its safe. again, you're a moron, arsenic has been used for hundreds of years too.

someone rescue me from this place, i'm turning into an angry shut-in.

and while i would really like to work on the r200 driver, it would really help if fglrx worked on xorg 6.8 so i could compare. of course they're probably stalling until they can run doom3 properly, but that's the whole point is to beat ATI to the finish line.

beer makes the pain go away.

state: cynical
music: local h - what can i tell you?

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User: [info]ajaxxx
Name: ajaxxx
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Back February 2005
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