[ | mood |
| | stressed | ] |
[ | music |
| | Alix Olson - "Your Kindness and Your Rage" | ] | (The whole world is a very narrow bridge, but the thing to remember is to not be afraid.)
It is so time for this day to be over. Today has been an unpleasant mélange of menstrual hormones, doughy macaroni and cheese, and stress, culminating in a trip to a Thai restaurant three miles from my campus that, somehow, involved a harrowing drive down a narrow and crowded road-- which ran directly underneath rusty, barely standing train tracks-- through the fucking BRONX. Good lord.
A quick bullet list, since I’m overworked and exhausted:
*I had an absolutely lovely weekend with Jeffrey, who is a very gracious host. Jeff’s way of existing in the world is something I admire… it’s such a joy to spend time with him.
We ate at two of his favorite New York restaurants, a vegetarian one and one that offers different kinds of pbj sandwiches (awww!), which were both excellent. I also got to meet his friends, who were almost as witty and fun as Jeff is, and hope to get to know them better on future trips to the city.
*Services at B’nai Jeshurun were phenomenal! Really, it was one of the most moving spiritual experiences I’ve had. BJ was exactly what I needed in the midst of all this parental and back-to-school stress, sort of a like a warm shower for the spirit.
*I thought I was prepared for the workload here, but I must admit that I’m a tad overwhelmed. My weekly reading assignments number in the hundreds of pages for each class, meaning that (brace yourself for the horror to come) I’ve haven’t had time for anything but schoolwook all week, not even my LJ friendspage! I miss you guys.
I think that things are extra-stressful right now since I’m trying to settle in (there are *still* unpacked boxes in my dorm room!) on top of keeping up with all my schoolwork. It is my fervent hope that I’ll start to feel more in contol once I’m better established.
*Some good news: remember the class I mentioned in my last two posts? Not only did I get in (!), the prof loved my “conference project” proposal about the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. YAY!
Sigh… I think my journal used to be more interesting. It definitely used to be funnier. There is hope, though: I think I’m developing a prof-crush, so there’s hope of old-school style Chicklet shenanigans in the future! |