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Ketsuki Oni

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"Out of Reach" - Voltaire & other such things [04 Jun 2004|10:45pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | "Feathery Wings" - Voltaire ]

today's quote: "Bah Humbug" - Mr. Scrooge

This song really describes how i feel...*sighs*..actually Voltaire's "Almost Human" Cd is good for me to express myself to cause it brings out my sorrows...i guess, if that makes any sense...*sighs* but this song is good for me & good to describe how i feel

Voltaire Song lyrics )

i feel am i annoying? if i am someone please tell me cause i don't wanna go around annoying people & well make people shun me...*shrugs*...i just get the feeling that well...that i dunno...i can't explain myself that well at the moment..*sighs*
maybe i am...if i am i don't mean to be

*sighs*...well now i'm depressed

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[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | "Can I Live" - Boiler Room ]

i kind of did it without warning...& i never said this is for you that do not know:


better late then never....right?


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I am the cheese! I am the best character on this show! [28 Mar 2004|11:58pm]
[ music | "Lesbian Girlfriend" - MI6 ]

today's quote: "Pessimist: one who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both." - Oscar Wilde

so anyWho....this was a good weekends...Shauna & i did nothing on friday, saw Jersey Girl on saturday [it was good...but the ending wasn't up to Kevin Smith's potential] & today we went into Harvard Square & saw the play of Donnie Darko [it was good...but some of the acting sucked] was a nice weird lil' version of the weird movie
this was a good weekend...we went to Fire & Ice & did some shopping...i get a .25 cent issue of HellBoy [i really liked it] the story was called "The Corpse" & it was funny cause the lil' demons in it were Irish & it was amusing...& the talking corpse was just kool
this was a good weekend

tonight we watched the Sopranos & Deadwood...YAY!!...very awesome...both episodes were really good
my goal is to get the Deadlands books & eventually start a game w/the group...Shauna asked me why i need so many RPG books & why i need to play so many when we don't have the time...the guy behind the counter in Pandemonium said "Because its just kool" & i was like "Yea & well because they are fun to play...once ya get around to them"
...i had a really kool idea for a Deadlands character tonight

well anyway...this weeks gonna be alright...i gotta contact Bill & Jon & see if we are playing Sunday or not...if we be then we will be playing more D&D; & start our BESM game....yea motherfuckers yea!...i gotta redo some crap on the characters i made...BLAH...& suck my balls lol

well...hMmMm...i got nothing muCh to say
Im very warm...its hot in this fucking hallway
ooooh one last thing...i found out 3 really kool facts:
1] Wild Bill Hickok always sat with his back against a wall
2] the streets of Deadwood were so bad that a person actually died by drowing in the muck of the main street
3] Before there was law in Deadwood at least 1 person was killed each day

so be that for interesting

me go now
Later Graves

Comments: Speak Your Piece.

[29 Oct 2003|02:21pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | "Pulse" - Mad Capsule Markets ]

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
Syntheticcloud goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Horribly mutilated living-dead.
cootiegirl gives you 7 brown root beer-flavoured gummies.
cynicallynaive gives you 17 mauve pineapple-flavoured wafers.
deftscythe tricks you! You lose 6 pieces of candy!
gamers gives you 19 orange passionfruit-flavoured gummies.
loudmusicfreak gives you 8 teal banana-flavoured gummy bears.
oncebluemoon tricks you! You get a used tissue.
poison gives you 11 pink cherry-flavoured gummy bats.
punkgirlbri gives you 2 blue lime-flavoured gummy worms.
traumahound gives you 15 green peach-flavoured nuggets.
whitestar19 gives you 3 tan coconut-flavoured wafers.
Syntheticcloud ends up with 76 pieces of candy, and a used tissue.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
Comments: 4 Fuck Ups - Speak Your Piece.

Well WelL WeLL! HAHaHAHa...MY nerdom paYs OFf lol [29 Oct 2003|12:29pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | "Fearless Vampire Killers" - Bad Brains ]

I just took the RPGA Herold-level DM test...and PASSED!
For those of you that don't know...the test grants you membership to the RPGA, which allows me to santion and host D&D; conventions, games, etc...and also i earn points towards kool D&D; campaign cards [which contain kool play options and special bonuses for PCs when used] there is one i have that is called "A Wink and A Smile" which adds bonuses to the PCs bluff, charisma, diplomacy, and other such things...there are many others too.
with this i can host games from the RPGA and submit my own campaigns to them as well...also my friends that play my games can become members and can then earn points to get campaign cards of their own...
this is KoOl as HELl..hehehe...the test was FucKin' HaRD...some of the questions were a bit wrong there was one about a dwarf fighting a medium-size skeleton..."if the dwarf does 8 damage to the skeleton and it has average Hp...what happens to the skeleton?" well considering medium-size skeletons have an average of 6hp (i looked it up in the Monster manual) i said "0 the monster is destroyed" but the test said "it has 2"....HUH?!

anYWAY...WHEEEeeeEEEeee...i also sent in a new monster to the DM's guild website and it is under review

ToDay Shauna and Darren are comin' ovEr...hehe it gonna be fuN
we are gonna DOoOo Stuff...hehehe
Tony Hawk Underground for the PS2 hasn't arrived will hopefully be in when Shauna, Darren and i go to the MalL...i had some kick ass ideas for new moves

Well...ME go Now...i need a Drink mmmmMm drinK
Later DaZe

Comments: 10 Fuck Ups - Speak Your Piece.

"What's this/What's this/There's magic in the air" [28 Oct 2003|06:44pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "On To Morning Stars" - Anatomy Of A Ghost ]

OOh Nightmare Before Christmas, how i love you...I was just listening to the double, limited edition vinal [available at Hot Topic] OoOH MAn...So AWeSOME! Im gonna watch the DvD lAtEr ProbaBLY

Im KiNDa BorEd at the MoMEnt...But oh Well..Lol
i finished my Midterm paper today on The Misfits cover of "This Magic Moment"...I have a feelin' Im gonna get a good grade on it...So FAR im getting a big ol' A in this class

Im Disapointed cause Eb didnt get a shippment of Tony Hawk Underground for PS2 today...but they will have it tomorrow...So i will have the game tomorrow and YAY! much skating and new moves shall there BE and the land will rejoice!

ToMORrOW AfternOon Shauna and Darren are comin' Up to HAnG Out...We be havin' ThE Fun
GoNna BE koOl...WHoOOoOSH
I love You Shauna

HmMmMm...BoRed..."Come on GIR, lets go watch the monkey" - Zim
WEll WEll WEll...Im GoNNA Go now...I Got NoThing of ImPortance to SaY...But HMMMM FUCK FUCK FUCKY lol

WAit...I saw Hairspray the Musical this weeKEnD...ANd hoLy Shit it was fuckIn' GoOoD...Bruce Vilanch was a good Edna Turnblad [after the show we met him and the dudes that played Corney Collins and Link Larkin] hehehehe alla and all it was an awesome performance and an awesome day

Me go NoW

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FUCK FUCK FUCK! [23 Oct 2003|01:20pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | "Suicidal Dream" - Silverchair ]

YA KNOW...this sucks...Today sucks, everything sucks
Im finishing up my Midterm paper [on "This Magic Moment" - The Misfits (cover)]...and im looking for info on the original song and i found three different things saying it was performed by 3 different artists: Jay and the Americans, The Drifters, and Nora Roberts [?]....what the almighty fuck is this????
I have No IDea when it was original performed, what record it was orignaly on, and who originaly sang it...JeZuS ASs LAncing KrySt!
...I Hate Everything

WhatEVer its Not LiKE it matTerZ to AnyonE and Not LikE anYoNE CAReS
Fuck It ALl

Comments: Speak Your Piece.

[22 Oct 2003|07:35pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | "Heart String" - Skeletons In The Closet ]

ToDAy WAS a SuckY FucKin' DAy! Im WAiting for the next PIEcE oF shit to HapPEn...I KNOW its GonNA HAppEn tonight or tomorroW...i KNOW it [MAyBE im Just PAranoID]
today Really SuckEd
god damN it All...
FoRgEt iT...

I HAd A WEiRd dream lASt niGHT AnD a WeiRd Dream the night BEfoRe
but whatEvER...they MAde no SEnse and WeRe FreAKy

I HAVE really Nothing of ImPortance to SAy...i HoPE Shauna is havin' a gooD tiME Out TonIghT [But doesnt do anything *wink wink* I'll be watching you lol]

so that WAS a good laugh, but that still doEsn't get me oUt of this shit mooD
Im goNNa go Write SomE PoEmS or draw or something [which reminds me...i have a lil' creepy drawing of Dez Cadena (sp?) on my door i drew it earlier today] wHIle Im listening to American McGee's Alice soundtrack

BlAh Im GoNNa Go Now...Im Just In a bad MoOD...
LAter DazE

Comments: Speak Your Piece.

ReADer BeWarE You'rE In For A ScARe [lmFAo] [21 Oct 2003|11:34pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "A Shogun Named Marcus" - Clutch ]

So...i haven't UpDatEd In a whiLE...WHEEE
So TomORRow...Darren and Shauna might cOmE up...its all depending on Darren...
I also wanna teach Shauna how to play Magic the Gathering...Lol
[Im a dork ok...leave me be]
so John and i are kiNda Surly whICh is FunNy [HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN] hehe
I finished making the camPaign...thAnk was really starting to get hmmM i can't explain real was kinda like in I Feel Sick when Devi kept on working on the painting and it kinda consumed her time and sanity aNd the painting came to life...that is kinda what it was like working on the campaign

"Now here's another tale from my nut sack" lol

TomORRow Im taking my job application to newbury comicS and then comIn' back HeRE and starting a new LEssOn in my histOry of Rock Class


"Do you want to doody in Mother Maggie's shoe?" ... "Ok we'll doody in Mother Maggie's shoe" lmAo
HmmMm iM weIRd lol

Now its timE For ME to Go...anD mayBE BlOW somEthing up or Hmmm sleep? no...or something
LaTer DAzE

Comments: Speak Your Piece.

WHooOo Heehee That was a HOOT! [07 Oct 2003|10:04pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | "Lord of the Rings" - Blind Guardian ]

I just realized today that in 1 month we will be playing the big D&D; game...Shauna and John gotta get their characters done...I have no idea what Al is up to for his...and as for Big Jon i think he is done and Bill...well who knows about Bill? he's off in his own little world
i have about 32 pages of notes and i am almost done with the campaign...all i need to do is make up some more shit, some more plot...finish the game off and make maps for the PCs and i am doNE for soMEtimE
I can't believe it...Im AlmosT DoNE...this is gonna be the bestest game EvEr!...all i need to do is find my mini tape recorder...cAUSE we have to tape this for all the dumb, funny, weird, and fucked up shit that is gonna be said...Im almost certain that OnE of the PCs will try to KiLL Bill
My campaigns always have a seriousness to them [except for the one that had to do w/a universe filled with anime characters] and they always have their moments of comedy...especially when there are some PC tensions
"There is a big door in front of you"
Thief: "....?"
ThIS shalL BE MOst AmUSiNg...I remember the campaign where i made Al paranoid about traps...Lol...MEMORieS Like the corners of my MiND
and the time Bill turned into a lil' black house cat...and the time John almost turned into a Bodak and the tiME Al was killed by "Mary" the pirate [that memory makes me laugh uncontrolably] and the time Big Jon ran into the monkeys [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA] and the time Shauna walked head first into a tent pole and got her ass slapped by a perverted dwarf...OoOH man...and the time i put a bag of holding in a chest of holding and ripped a hole in the fabric of time and space and killed Mickey Rooney...ROFLMFAO
So hoPEfuLly Tonight i shAll be at least one map away from finishing and i shall be done by tomORRow...or thursday morning the LaTesT

So AnYWAy...i gotta do a History of Rock Lesson tomORrow and one Friday so next week i can start on my midterm paper
Thursday im gonna hang out w/John and this weekend hopefully Shauna will be comin' here i love this makes me laugh
i might play it during the D&D; game...LOl
anYWAyZ me go Now...I need grape JuiCe

Comments: 2 Fuck Ups - Speak Your Piece.

[06 Oct 2003|08:18pm]
So Shauna came here this weekend and it was good to have her...we hung out friday night and saturday she went out w/my family while i was at work [im gonna get some job applications tomorrow night cause im getting out of this god forsaken jOb] but anyway...Sunday we went out for lUnch and saw School of Rock [it was fuckin' aweSOMe and FuNnY]
we HaD A ReAllY GreAt weeKEnD toGEtHEr it was Real kOoL to SeE HEr we really had a greAt WeekEnD

JoHn and i Hung out lasT NiGhT...we had funny plAyIn' Halo and mAgic and got some Mirrodin caRDS
i developed an aweSoME strat. for 3 cards in Mirrodin they are Rust Elemental, Disciple of The Vault, and Nuisance Engine hehehehe figure it out for YoURsElF [i only got one of the 3 carDs]

AnYWay...I Don't hAve MuCh to SAy
I really need a DrinK of Grape juiCe...MmMMmmM grapE JuicE
LatEr DaZE All
Comments: Speak Your Piece.

"Die die die die die die die die rrrrrrraa" [03 Oct 2003|03:24pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "Razorblade Pillow" - The Creeps ]

I shouldn't be trusted in the shower w/a razor...see i was finishing shaving in the shower [cause i missed a couple of spots] and then i decided to shave my make it look better...and then my curiousity struck and i shaved the hair on the back of my hands for no other reason then to i my arm hair goes down to my wrist and its kinda funny...not a big deal but funny...i shouldn't be trusted w/a razor cause next time i might shave a smilie on my body weird i know

anYway mom is foood Shoppin' and Shauna shoUlD be calling soon and then i will see her in aBOUt an hoUR

School of Rock started today...ME WaNNa see
"Me likey bouncy! me likey bouncy!" lMFAo hmMmM anyway
this sunday is the new episode of Carnivale i can't wait to watch it...its such an AweSomE ShOW! the characters are kool and the plot is awesome and its just great
if you have HBO and/or On Demand then watch it!!! watch it now damn you, you bloody sod!

me go just called and i need to help take in bags

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ME SMASH! [03 Oct 2003|11:35am]
Im boREd...
John came over yesterday..wE talked bout D&D; and played Halo and watched anImE [ooooh Najica] and ate pizza and stuff...we beat a couple of new levels in Halo on legendary...once we beat this mode we would have beaten the whole game...hehe..oooh Halo and your super hard suicidal legendary mode and your abundance of Hunters and Banshees that like to fuck us over...BLAh, even though i was on a nice killing spree with the sniper rifle [i shot a couple of the shield carrying covenant in the ass lol] and John was blowing stuff up w/the Scorpion tank and the rocket launcher

Shauna is coming over today and staying till suNDay...YAY, i cant wait to see hEr...HEHEHEhe its gonna be a fun weEkeND
Im in need of a shave which i shall do in a lil' bit

Well Im gonna go now and play soME Mah-jongg and listen to MuSiC
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