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Take THAT paper! [07 Jun 2004|11:29pm]
[ mood | sleepay! ]
[ music | TV ]

"I wish I had a lady made of pizza...or a pizza mad of BOOBS!" ~Fez
HAhahHAHAHA! quote of the day. Anyway, I dunno. Time for sleep cause I hafta get up at the ass of the morning to do my presentation.

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Did I mention my modesty? [06 Jun 2004|10:33pm]
[ mood | . . . ]
[ music | Poses~Rufus Wainright ]

Oh man it's been a long day. I am so damned tired. I bought Season 6 of Buffy today. One Season closer to not leaving my house. I want to transfer. I don't want to go back to PSU fall term. I really love it, but I don't feel like I'm getting anything done academically. Outside of that...I'm on fire. I really can't wait to talk to my mommy. She knows how to fix things...that's what mommies do. Until next time...

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HAHA Take this BIIIIIIIIIIIATCHES! [03 Jun 2004|11:29pm]
Resume' >George W. Bush >The White House, USA )
Tonight was "A Night of Improv," at the Newmark. I forgot how much I loved that place. Turns out it was even more hilarious that two years ago. Jeff Davis will one day be my love-slave. I met him tonight and he was like; "Well hello there. How are you?" Cause I was pretty much naked. That's how I got him to come outside & take the picture w/me after all! YAAAAAAAAAY for low cut shirts & short skirts. It's good to be me...what? Sorry...I was thinking about Jeffs sexy hair.
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Chris Carraba...yes I've touched him [03 Jun 2004|02:45pm]
[ mood | sneezy ]
[ music | Screaming Infidelities~D/C ]

WOO! He's beautiful. And he smells good. Mmmmm. I wanna do naughty things to him. Um, moving beyond that.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA ALEXIS ROMANOS! Yay. I love you. Now I'm gonna go home and nap & get ready for A Night of Improv!
::Pictures of me & Carraba as soon as I figure out my damned camera::

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soooooo fuuuuuuuull!!!!!!!!!! [31 May 2004|08:36pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | Don't Wanna Be~Gavin McGraw ]

Innocence. Like a child, you seem to think of
things with more a curious look then an
explanative. The answers aren't important to
you all the time, sometimes it's just enjoying
the questions and finding new ones. When the
end came, you survived through the simple means
of not being in the wrong place, or, following
a butterfly away from the blast zone. Meeks...
damn you all.

How would you survive the end of the world?
brought to you by Quizilla

So, there's a newbie at work! He's adorable! Paul. He went to Franklin...BOOOO! But he's awesome. My boss Nichole wants him bad. BAD! But it was fun times at work today cause we were quoting Family Guy all day to eachother. Twas HILARIOUS. I'm his armrest cause he's like 6'4. Anyway, I wanna go watch The Critic now.

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[30 May 2004|11:13pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | No Surprises~Radiohead ]

I love Shrek2!!!!!! Um...I'm sleepy and I have to work tomorrow! I don't wanna! I also have to write a 5 page paper and write my improv journal/reviews. UGH! All before the 8th of June. Then I'll be a sophomore in college! WOOHAH!'s time to rearrange my flare, watch some Adult Swim and go to bed.

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I'm not a perfect person....... [28 May 2004|08:46pm]
[ mood | a tad emotional...? ]
[ music | Wild Horses~The Stones!!!!!!!!! ]

My 10 year old cousin Madison is really peculiar. I have pictures everywhere in my room & most of them, according to her, are "bad pictures." Some of the pictures I have on my walls are of the beautiful women I admire and some are of really gorgeous guys. Others are random ads. But one way or another...she can find the "bad" in something. She's silly...boys still have cooties, so I guess its all gravy. Ugh. I was having a good day until I went into the office & saw this flyer for "____ ___ _________'_ ___________ ____!!!" Then my day exploded into moodiness and depression. Wow, did my day blow after that. Why? Couldn't tell ya. I could try...But it's craziness. I hate things. I don't want Adam to call me in 30 minutes. I don't want Kyle to leave. I don't want Richard to be VP of TKE. I don't want David from Zumiez to keep being a tool. I don't want AJ to be so fucking shy. I don't want to write my stupid intern paper. I don't want to live here anymore. I don't want to go to school anymore. I don't want to keep fighting all of these stupid feelings I have anymore. I just want to hug you, kiss you...and cry.

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MONEY! [28 May 2004|01:53pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Playground Love~Air ]

I got paid yesterday. WOOHOO for money. I bought Jayme some socks because I love her. I called her after and some guy answered the phone...NOT JAYME! Wrong numbah. I'll see her tuesday. Now I get to go "practice" improv for a couple hours! YEAH! I'm gonna Shine On....

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AHAHAHAHAHA! [27 May 2004|06:31pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Big Brat~Phantom Planet ]

I am the Master of the Universe!
Magister Mundi sum!
"I am the Master of the Universe!"
You are full of yourself, but you're so cool you
probably deserve to be. Rock on.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh that's my favorite thing ever! Because it's true. I got paid today! WOO!...WOO!...WOO!

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"Effulgent!" [25 May 2004|09:44pm]

You're The Guns of August!

by Barbara Tuchman

Though you're interested in war, what you really want to know is what
causes war. You're out to expose imperialism, militarism, and nationalism for what they
really are. Nevertheless, you're always living in the past and have a hard time dealing
with what's going on today. You're also far more focused on Europe than anywhere else in
the world. A fitting motto for you might be "Guns do kill, but so can

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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Pink Floyd is my favorite kind of food!.............. [25 May 2004|08:40pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | The Reason~Hoobastank ]

mynameis_ilsa is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.


Cool? I like how I didn't work tonight. And I like when Ryan V. hugs me. Mmmmmmmmmmm he's pretty. We should have babies. They'd be pretty...oh yes they would. I'm taking Arabic next term. Represent! Um...that is all.
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OH! I know who that is...that's Bob Marley! [23 May 2004|01:04pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | My Coco~Stellarstarr ]

OH the things I hear at work. There are 2 shirts hanging next to each other. Bob Marley & Che Gueverra. I know, weird that they're next to each other, but the story gets worse, just let me finish bitches!!! Ok, so these 12 year old skeeze bags walk in and go over to the shirts. Nichole & I just look at each other like "Oh lord there's one born every second." And one of them goes "Oh! I know who that is...that's Bob Marley!" And were were like *clapclap* Way to go fuckass. But no...we look at her...and she's pointing to the FUCKING CHE GUEVERRA SHIRT!!!! THE FUCK?! Yeah, WOOO! COMMUNISM FOR CUBA! GUERRILLAS! DEATH AND KILLING!!! VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!! Che Gueverra. Then there's : One Looooove....I shot the sherrif...PEACE! LOVE! EVERYBODY HAVE SOME WEED! Bob Marley. Oh good GOD! Anyway. That was the HIGHLIGHT of my night, actually it was the flaming cake at Montage. That or AJ calling me pretty and turning NEON pink. Oh, I love that guy...he's so sweet and adorable. He looks like Michael Vartan and my buddy Grant all rolled into one. Hehehehe...he's so shy. But that's another story cause I gots to go. I gots shit to do!
I wish I had a cool enough last name to say something like "Seacrest out..." but nope.
I could use my real last name... Al-Khatib, out...meh

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I SAID! [17 May 2004|10:49am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Know it All~Phantom Planet ]

Yeah it's freakishly cold in this room & me no likey. Um...I'm bored. BOO! I'm hungry. I want to go to Pizzaiolo's (sp) again. They rock my skull...mmmm pasta. Class was really boring so far, I have to go to the dentist today. Wednesday is my birthday! YAY! Um...I met Raizin yesterday. Ooooo FOXY!
I want some Pudding

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Oh God the communists are taking my delicious freedom!!! [16 May 2004|11:58am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Know It All~Phantom Planet ]

That was some wicked funny business Wadey. Dare I say it was...bangarang? Hahaha, oh Hook. Anyway. I worked from noon till 9:30 last night. WHEW! I'm tired. It's all good though, cause I've worked more hours than any of the other part-timers. That means Josh & Nichole like me more. Woo! I've also sold shoes...which is the rad. I made a $120 sale yesterday. Awwwwwwww jeah. Yay on me. THREE DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY! Which is apparently "Stick it to em" Day. So nobody buy gas on my birthday! Save that money to buy me...things. (joking...about the presents...not about the gas read about that in Mareshas LJ (Vintagefaerie). Um...I need to go take a shower and stuff. Cause its noon and I have Greek Council semi-soon. Nar.
Its really weird having 4 messages waiting for you on your break...

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[15 May 2004|12:16am]
I burnt myself in the face with a curling iron...did I mention that? It sucked. It was a week ago tomorrow...but still.
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Tu necesitas zapatos? [14 May 2004|11:19pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Urgent~Journey ]

Oh FUCK! I'm tired! I finished both boxes of lefts finally today...all by myself! I did an entire box on wednesday alone, and Amanda put a shoe away on Thursday (thanks you snatch) and I finished the second box damned self. Yay on me. I also sold shoes!!! YAAAAAAAY! I sold about 3 pairs and a Che Gueverra T-Shirt. I rock. I had fun working with The Joshes. Yeah, Josh James is my manager...he is the man. And Josh R. went to highschool with me, lived down the street from me and dated a girl I went to school with my entire life...except for now. It was weeeeird. We didn't know eachother though, cause he wasn't a social guy and he graduated 2001. Though he did know Ray McDonald. I miss him. And Ash. And Jeff. And Erik. *sigh* Oh...look. It's Noah & Amelia Earhart riding a winged cat throwing bombs at the maple syrup monster & Hitler (?), who happen to be attacking the Waffle Factory. Oh, those were the days I tell ya. Those were the days. Now I want a Mickey D's Swirl cone. Fucking McDonalds not making Swirl cones anymore...dammit.

This is what happens when I'm tired...I rant...more.

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"The damn hell ass fucking shit I am." [13 May 2004|04:59pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Big Brat~Phantom Planet ]

Eheheheh...oh lordy. Jeff Gianola just said meningicocal REEEEEEEEALLY weirdly and WOW it was funny. was fun. I like work. Have to go there tomorrow & saturday. OH! The other night on TalkSex this guy from Texas was like "can you git Aids er HIV from givin a hickie???" And Sue, the creepy old lady who hosts the show was like, "'re an ass." At least that's what she wanted to say. Oh man. Anyway...there's nothing real exciting to say I guess. Oh...David from my spanish class last term, who is now David from my improv class is being surprisingly nice and talky with And why do I know so many goddamned Davids?!?!?!

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dodododoooooooooooooooooo I have no hair! [12 May 2004|08:59am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Chicken-Typing from the girl Next Door (movie of the week) ]

Oh...honestly. I love Colin Mochrie. I haven't laughed so hard in...ever. And I get to see them again!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Yay on my aunt and her birthday present giving powers of goodness! Huzzah! Anyway, today is my first day on "The job." I work at Journeys in the mall doing retail like things...YAY MONIES! I are excited. And I get to work right across the "street" from David the hot Zumiez guy. Who I need to kick in the face for not calling me, but still. *drools* ANYWAY I HATE THIS CLASS I AM ABOUT TO GO TO IN T-MINUS 28 MINUTES...IT BLOWS HARDCORE WALRUS ANAL GLANDS!!! (do they have those? Yes...yes they do. I said) The girl next to me types funny...sounds like a chicken typing with its beak. NO CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS! I just wanna go to work! And make the MONIIIIIES!

Only you can prevent the fire...IN MY PANTS!
(God I am a straaaaaaange girl...)

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[10 May 2004|01:14pm]
Hugh Jackman is talented...The End
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Curse you AquaScum!!!!!!!!!!! [08 May 2004|10:58pm]
[ mood | ouuuuuuuuuuch ]
[ music | If It Makes you Happy~Sheryl Crow ]

I love Finding Nemo....a lot. Anyway, I burnt my forehead with a curling iron this morning and it hurt like a motherfucker. Now I have this heinous mark on my head. Damn me. I had a band-aid on it earlier and I looked like a tool...but what was underneath was worse. Um...I've applied for a job at Journeys in Clackamas so woohoo. The guy (Josh) that works there is friends with Sheenis so Yay on that. And they already said they liked me. Now I just need my interview and to get hired. Because money=good=me moving out. YAY. Oh...and hot guy David at Zumiez...yeah, he's in big fatty trouble for not calling me on Friday. *oo face* I'll see him tomorrow, he'll know then my wrath.
~Siera...aka the burninator aka band-aid-face mcdummy~

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