it must be a joke |
[Jan. 20th, 2005|04:01 pm] |
Some things affect us in such horrible ways that the fall-back we find for ourselves is, "God has a mean sense of humor," or "this must be someone's idea of a joke." Such a story is what you are about to read it, if you read it.
I wanted to review the reading I had done for Anthropology before the lecture. When I went to look for the reader, it was nowhere to be found. NOWHERE! I was tearing my room apart, flinging clothes and sheets all over the place, swearing and yelling and most likely turning bright red (although I'm not sure about that part, since I don't feel inclined to look at myself in the mirror when I'm angry -- I'm sure I look terrible, and looking cute would be even more infuriating), totally losing my mind over this goddamn reader and syllabus and how could I do this on the second day of class, and I wasn't meant to be in school again and all sorts of terrible self-hating things.
I go to the last places I know I had the reader: a classroom in Evans and one in LeConte. LeConte didn't have a class at the time, so I checked out the room and it wasn't there. The room in Evans was still being used, so I went down to Lost & Found (on a wing and a prayer), where they told me that "something like that" would "probably" be returned to "the department it came from." What that means, I don't know, but I do know that it would have been fruitless to go all the way to Kroeber, just to be more sad. So, the class is out and I return to Evans to check for the reader. It ain't there. Which means it is in the goddamn trash.
I can't just go buy a new reader. I am poor, so very very poor, and I've been calling my mom every single day to get her to transfer money to me for books. It seemed to annoy her enough that I certainly didn't want to call her and tell her that I LOST a reader and need another forty-five dollars. I complain to Ian about it, who says he will pay for me to have a new reader without even blinking, since he is working and no longer opening veins to the textbook industry. My mother wouldn't have to know, which is good, because I feel like she's just starting to see me as an adult and admitting that I lost something expensive and need her help would throw her perception of me back into "the forks go on THIS side, sweetie" mode, which I had to deal with for 18 years and am really fucking glad doesn't exist anymore, even at the price of a stroke.
Fine. Now the only annoyances are that I've already highlighted in the reader, and that buying a new one requires waiting in that bitch-ass-long line clogged by freshman who don't have enough sense to memorize the name of their class or get their credit cards out before they're at the counter. Okay, so that aside, fine. I smoke some Shaman's to calm down, I go to class. Class was really good, good teacher, even though these two girls behind me would NOT shut up. This is why I am old -- I want them to die. I am there to learn, the professor is not there for your goddamn entertainment, just learn, damn you, learn!
Class is over. Wonderful. I run over to Copy Central, the line ain't that long (I got there just in time) and I'm starting to think things aren't so bad. However, when I get the front of the line, I am told that my reader is sold out. Amazing. So I can't have it today. (The immediacy of my need will be explained shortly.) I can go back and get my new reader at any time after noon tomorrow.
Let me tell you what I'm doing tomorrow: I am going to English section, and then immediately going to Bridgeport. Sections shouldn't even be held on the first week, and I'd consider skipping it if it wasn't for such a high-demand class that my skipping-out would lead to me being kicked out of class and my spot taken by a wait-listed kid who is more dedicated. So, already I am delaying a number of people leaving for Bridgeport and feel like a jerk. On the way home, I am upset, thinking how this makes it even worse, and how if I don't get the reader tomorrow, I'd have to read like 300 pages on Monday night alone. I am thinking about this to the point where I stop wanting to go to Bridgeport and actually start thinking about what I am going to say to Ian about not wanting to go, because I know he is really excited so I would be soooo making him sad.
Thinking about this, thinking thinking thinking, until I get to my room. By the time I reach my room, I am in "FUCK IT" mode. Fuck the reader, fuck school, fuck Bridgeport, fuck me. I envision myself walking through the door, swigging alcohol (so not good for me) and hitting the bong until I can't think anymore. My one consolation being that I would be back JUST in time for Law & Order. When I do arrive at my room, I am so pissed at everything and myself, that I kick my mattress (it sits on the floor) and swear. In the few seconds the mattress was shifted, I saw my reader. Under the mattress.
Okay, let me say that again: UNDER THE MATTRESS! So, I waited in line, went all over campus, got upset, put myself down, broke into tears, tore my room apart, borrowed money from Ian in advance that is now going to be totally wasted, and committed myself to a night of no-thinking (as opposed to my immediate plan of reading reading reading so I could go to Bridgeport and still be caught up; beginning of the semester is the worst time to fall behind, I think). Great. So I find the reader and my own stupidity, as well as waste of time money emotional energy, and what I'm greeted with is hardly a consolation. Here, Beth, said God, you CAN spend your whole night reading. I bet you have the energy for that, right?
Just kill me. Just kill me. This has to be a joke. Not to mention, I bought the reader with my own money, figuring Ian would pay me back tomorrow. This leaves me about $3 dollars for dinner. So, thanks to myself, I am eating baked beans and canned pineapple for dinner (whoopee) while I read a reader that I paid for twice. And in case you're wondering, readers are non-refundable, which also applies to the reorder I paid for today. I would have felt better flushing my own dollar bills down the toilet, but that would be a pleasure too satisying for God to allow me to experience.
And I was going to go to the Inauguration Protest in SF today, but now the last thing I want to do is go outside for anything. So, my own stupidity costs me time money emotions and the energy to release some stress by actually DOING something that corresponds with my beliefs (something not that typical of Beth, when "doing something" refers to more than just adjusting my character in some way).
And of course, I was completely unable to sit down and enjoy my Law & Order because my head was now ready to explode. So, Ian doesn't answer his phone, no one answers their goddamn phone, Patty & Corrine are on the other side of the ocean and Dipstick doesn't understand words, and it leads me to this final refuge -- livejournal. And writing in livejournal has now left me at a time in the Law & Order episode where I don't know WHAT THE FUCK'S going on.
At least it's 420. Fuck this shit. |