February 1st, 2005
10:17 pm - Bella Seizure 3 At 10:05. 3 minutes. Saw this one happen as she was asleep next to me next to bed and I was watching her. Managed to get another Diazepam into her (her seconds shot today).She is very disorientated this time, got up, fell over, lay down for a few minutes to catch her breath and snapped out quickly. Now wandering about the house.
Visiting vets tomorrow for 2:00pm (lunchtime) surgery to let her AM medication have a chance to metabolize. Blood tests and then form a course of action.
11:52 am - Bella Seizure 2 At 11:45: Short duration of two minutes. Coming out of it she whined a lot because I was in the other room getting Diazepam shots ready for her. I rush in with the diazepam and phone and speak to vets who agree a single shot for now...
This is a return to cluster seizures. Her last fit before this AM was Jan 16th 16 days ago. Unacceptable.
08:42 am - Bella Seizure A very short one, she walked up to me at 8:00AM and was her usual self standing over me in the bed -- trying to lick my face when so I gave her a belly rub which she liked, She hopped off the bed and went into the living room and had a fit. Duration 2 minutes. Post Seizure 2 minutes. Wobbly on her feet but nothing untowards after. Resting now. A gentle fit.
January 16th, 2005
10:00 am - Bella Seizure Very gentle by comparison. Perfectly normal after a couple of minutes... A bit wobbly on her feet but was completely attentive when I go her medicine wrapped in a bit of ham. 3 minuites-ish fit. Recovery a minute or two...
Her last seizure was on December 19th - a month apart. Acceptable. Showing extremely good sense she's decided to stay in when Elinor took Galen out for a walkies. I gave her a treat instead.
December 19th, 2004
10:08 am - Bella Seizure At 1:00AM duration for only a couple of minutes. Moderate if sluggish recovery. She was in her sleep when it happened. Fine afterwards. Lots of drool.
Last fit was Nov 11th so her duration has lengthened considerably since increasing her medications. However I did have to walk about the house Saturday noon picking up tablets that she had spat out at 10:30am so maybe she had a drop in dosage...
Watch the floor after she's had her medicine (or wrap it better in pork/ham/chicken etc)
November 11th, 2004
10:18 am - Bella Seizure Moderate. 10:00am. On the Bed and was asleep. A short fit of maybe 2 minutes with another 2-3 minutes of panting and heavy breathing and post seizure shaking with some eye twitching. World was spinning for her as her eyes were trying to fix on moving things...
She's walking about dazed and with the usual bemused expression. Given her some fresh water and she seems stable. A gentle seizure as usual.
However as per vet's instructions. As the last fit was just ~18 days ago she goes up to 5 tablets twice a day her Potassium Bromide remains fixed for now.
Her last fit was October 24th, 29th September 5th September 14th August ... Current Mood: thoughtful
October 24th, 2004
03:38 pm - Bella Seizure 3.10pm. Asleep on the bed. One of the gentler seizures. Galen came into the living room to warn me and I went in to see her in a fit. No noises just a bit of slobber. Short duration. Duration 1 Minute max with 3 minutes eyes open and out of it and then awake. As she does her usual walk about the house routine of drinking water, eating a bit and so on I pop into the kitchen to get a snack while keeping an eye on her. As soon as I pull out last night's home made turkey and mushroom pie she is completely normal sitting begging for food looking completely cute and normal eyed. The only telltale sign of her having a fit is her being a bit wobbly on her feet.
Her last fit was 29th September then 5th September and then 14th August before that
September 30th, 2004
11:53 am - Bella seizure On my way back from Glasgow.I was away.
Her last seizure on September 5th before that was about Aug 14th-ish. 3 weeks between fits. Time to call the vets again.
September 5th, 2004
12:12 pm - Bella Seizure A short one. 12:00noon. Lasted a couple of minutes but a long time to recover. Seemed almost to go back to sleep. Long twitching afterwards. I woke her up to be sure she hadn't lost consciousness post seizure...
Usual walking about drinking and generally looking cute. Settled down to sleep next to me now.
August 14th, 2004
07:37 am - Bella Seizure One at 7:15-20ish AM. in her sleep. By all accounts a very very gentle one about two minutes duration and another two minutes to snap out of it. No blindness but she was restless in the night. Settled down now for now but keeping an eye on her for now.
Update: Another seizure at 8:20AM.Similar duration but faster to recover but she is more wobbly and uncoordinated. Vet suggested giving her a shot of diazepam and her medicines early).
Settled down now and panting. It must be very hard on her.
Her last clusters were on: July 15th/16th (3 x) -- One month is an acceptable gap.
July 16th, 2004
10:47 am - Bella seizure 3 1030am very short. as I was preparing her medication. 2 minutes fit. very quick recovery. Gave her diazepam shot as per vet instructions.
dosage is back up to 4 x 60mg twice a day. Plus 1 x KBr twice a day
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July 15th, 2004
11:45 pm - Bella seizure 2 another one at 11.40pm longer this time 3min or so with longer period of panting a bit more unsteady...
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10:20 pm - Bella seizure 10.05pm duration 2 minutes. leg seized up. blind post fit but fine after a couple of minutes... unsure when last fit was as am awayfrom laptop 2-4 june I think.
just lowered phenobarb to 3 x am and -stayed at 4 x pm last week as well as blood tests say she was well within theraputic levels
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June 1st, 2004
07:57 am - Bella Seizure 7:30AM duration: 2 minutes while she was asleep. Watched her as she twitched and I got to her before she started flailing too badly. Post Seizure lasted 2-3 minutes panting heavily and then she woke up and walked about, ate and drank as usual. Very wobbly on her feet but otherwise ok.
Last night I gave her and Galen a worming treatment. Ellie also had a bath with a drop of Basil essential oil in it.
Previous seizure: May 9th.
May 10th, 2004
01:40 pm - Bella Seizure Just had one now at 13:20. Very very gentle one. I heard what was a wee yawn sound and came into the guest bedroom (where she sleeps) to see Bella looking like she was going to have a seizure and she was a bit drooly but not actually have a serious twitch in fact I don't think she lost consciousness.
She jumped off the bed and was very wobbly on her hind legs and she kept falling over for a few minutes, walking and then her bum would roll under her. Drank some water and came up to me and is lying down nice and quiet...
Last full fit was 13th April. This was almost undetectable apart from her little yawn noise and a bit of drool on her jowels.
I'll take it easy with her and see if she's any worse or better later today.
April 17th, 2004
07:09 pm - Bella seizure While away but Ellie was present. duration seizure 2 minutes. 2 minutes afterwards heavy breathing qnd okay after that. while asleep on guest bed.
We had 4 people visiting and she was very excited. assume this was the reason.
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April 8th, 2004
09:02 am - Bella Seizure At approx. 2:30 am...
Her first since January 25th. Although any fit is not good, this is better than the 15-20 days she was heading for before we added KBr.
Possible reason for fit is we had to buy a Generic Pentobarbital at a vet's in Birmingham as we had run out of her usual tabs. Will mention to vet's...
Otherwise OK. Fit duration a couple of minutes.Pre-seizure activity exactly as before on the 25th (long period of walking about in circles before and after). Quick recovery after 5 or so minutes. Asked to be let out to go to the toilet and settled down afterwards to sleep on the bed.
Fingers crossed this was just a blip...
January 25th, 2004
09:12 pm - Bella Seizure Fit at 8:55 Duration: minute and a half.
She was supposed to have her medicine around 8:30 and indeed I was getting her medicine ready when she started, thinking. Hmm 20 minutes late... (although I am told we are looking and window of a couple of hours plus and minus for it to really make a difference).
Very long run up to the seizure with her twitching and drooling, walking in a circle and looking confused. She started twitching before losing consciousness this time which is new maybe for 20-30 secs and she was actually having the fit standing up before she fell over onto a waiting me with a pillow and she twitched some more and ran a little but mostly rigid and twitching - not too heavily. Some grunting and snorting and a bit of drool but nothing too serious. She was not as "panting" or breathless. She was however very very dizzy and walked about in a circle and fell over on her hind legs a few times.
Last time I spoke to the vets Morag suggested it would take a few days for the KBr to have its full effect but will contact her in the morning to see as Bella normally has a fit every 20 days and then they are starting to be clustered in a day but this is the first time she has had one just 4 days after the last one.
Post Seizure she is very jumpy: if she doesn't notice me or ellie and then we move she jumps back but otherwise the recovery this time was as usual and she is 15 minutes later lying down quietly having a nap. Current Mood: blah
January 21st, 2004
01:45 pm - Bella Seizure 2 Bella's just had another grand mal at 2:40. Very agitated, drooling at the mouth and pupils dilated. She looked very very frightened. Walking around in a circle and bottle brush tail until she finally keels over on her back where I was ready with a pillow. Eyes shut this time. I notice this set of fits are less of the running kind and more body jerking and jaw snapping kind. Put Galen outside (he's beginning to know the score) as it started and the fit lasted only a minute, no more and then she was back to normal after a couple of minutes. They she lay down and slept quietly for an hour or so...
Spoke to Morag @ Vets who has added Potassium Bromide to her medication which acts as a sort of "catalytic converter" for the Phenobarb -- it makes the dose more effective -- it does give the liver a hammering so we'll have to make sure he has regular liver tests... April is the next expected batch.
EDIT Bella had no more fits that day and had a sound night's sleep. She's had two doses (Last Night's and this Morning's) of KBr already and she seems unaffected and settled.
09:02 am - Bella Seizure About 8:47 AM. Lasted about a minute and a half -- she was on the bed with me this morning when she started foaming at the mouth and chewing, she jumped off the bed and was obviously very upset at whatever preseizure activity she was having as she was scared and wild looking.
She walked about in a small circle and growled a little and then fell over and had her fit.
Lasted about a minute to a minute and a half she was unable to use her hind legs for a while and was blind -- bumping into things. Then a short period of sitting quietly panting and she snapped back to us and walked about a bit.
Went into the bedroom and squatted and had a pee on the tiles and then paced about the house, as usual sniffing and exploring everything...
This looks like quite a bad seizure. Very intense looking one. Previous one was 1045pm on the 5th Jan.
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