Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Garbage Fans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "garbage".
407 matches:
4da1witdaizzle - a chrizzle and madizzle production
5p3rmgerm5uck5 - The Cum Bums
90smusic - 90s music
____lockandload - so emo we shit nautical stars
___goddamn - here's a story for the kids..
___ohdear - Rating community.
__brain_damage - What's this life for?
__danceparty - Dance Party!
__frailty - __frailty
__sex_me_up - Make me Cream
__switchblade__ - Switchblade Girls
__x__punk__ - Punk Rawk
_brody_dalle_ - Brody Dalle
_chronophobia - _chronophobia
_colorbar_vault - ~*Colorbar_Vault*~
_entertainers_ - _entertainers_
_flash_me_ - it's all too beautiful.
_fucking_rock_ - Do You Fucking Rock?
_girlsnightout - SASS<3
_headphones_ - _headphones_
_jax_shows_ - JaxShows
_looksofine - _looksofine
_lyrically - _lyrically
_music_sluts - Music sluts
_oh_so_lucky_ - ~ look in to our eyes.
_retards_r_us - The Reatrded Community
_road2nowhere_ - From Cali to the UK...
_rocknroll_ - _rocknroll_
_rockstars - _ROCKstars |*|
_s_t_a_r - <<::s t a r::>>
_singthesorrow - __The beautiful people
_your_so_vain - x you're so vain x
a_bad_emo_song - a_bad_emo_song
acid_darling - acid_darling
acidplanet - ACIDplanet ... your world of music
adamsexual - adamsexuality
all_about_music - all about music
allgrrrlmix - female music mix tape community
amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
amp_effect - Amplitude Effect
anarchyonlj - fucker
angry_grrlcore - Angry Grrl Core
angrygirls13 - Angry girl music
anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
anxietysaturday - PsychoCandy Patio
apanon - Apathetics Anonymous
attackthelabels - because "all you nonconformists are all the same"
audio_jesus - Audio Jesus MP3 Rotation
ava__invisible - May The Brainwashing Commence
b_k_syndrome - Paranoid Freaks
babybats - Young, but not idiotic.
backstage_icons - Backstage Icons
band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
bandmerch_sales - bandmerch_sales
bangin__x - bangin__x
barreloflaughs - are you spiffy enough for this?
barrelofpuppies - waiting for doggod
bartcop_forum - bartcop_forum
beaglepix - Beeglz Rule OK!
beagleqa - Beagle_Q&A
beat_hotel - beat_hotel
beathotel - beathotel
beautyawards - charmer
beautyxcore - Fucking BeautyxCore
beggingbone - For Garbage Fans
believeinlove_ - believe in l.o.v.e_
bellezza_e_cuor - Beauty and Heart
betrayeddesires - Vintage Whores
bettermusic - Musically Superior. Are you?
bigdayout - The Big Day Out Community
bigsonic_heaven - Big Sonic Heaven Fans
bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
bitchcore - bitchcore
bleed_like_me - Bleed Like Me - Garbage 2005
bliss_thoughts - steady as it comes...
blvdbrokendream - all by myself on the boulevard of broken dreams
boymagician - Boy Magician
braceletxwhore - razors on her tongue//
breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
british_bands - For Lovers Of British Bands
brody_daily -
brokenheartpoem - brokenheartpoem
btvs_talk - AlistarNash
candy_flesh_ - candy flesh
candycoatedscar - Candy Coated Razorblades
candyxcunts - A Graphics Community
caringconsumer - consumerism is not patriotism
central_perk - Central Perk
cherrylips___x - cherrylips__x
chicagodumpster - Chicago Dumpster Diving
chick_rock - CHICK_ROCK
chickthis_ - a community for girls who rock.
claim_a__song - Claim a song
claim_an_item - Claim An Item
claim_me_now - CLAiM ANYTHiNG!
claimdistillers - Claim The Distillers songs!
classic_beautie - Classic Beauties
cleaning_tips - Help me clean this mess...
coal_chamber - Countdown to Destruction
comas_top_5 - Top 5 Songs
communitiessuck - Communities Suck
completeownage - Complete Ownage
concert_review - Concert Review
confused_r_us - such a confusing little life we have...
consumerwhores_ - The Consumer Community
copacetic_sexes - The Copacetic Sex's
corrosiveicons - corrosiveicons
crazylandlady - crazylandlady
cuntrockgurlies - Cunt Rock Gurlies Community
cureolicious - the cure cult
d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
damagedfuckers - Damaged Little Fuckers
damagedproperty - damaged property
dating_casper - Long Time All-American Reject Fans-aar related top
dead_creeps_soc - ~*~Dead~*~Creeps~*~society~*~
deadly_kisses - All there is, Is Empty
deepsoul - Leaf Webs - Short Stories
dirtyer_fucks - dirty is fancy
disownation - DISOWNation
distillaicons - **~Distilla Icons~**
divetribemiami - divetribemiami
dollyheart - Dolly Heart
downloadable - d.o.w.l.o.a.d.a.b.l.e
downloadables - The Downloading Community
dreadhead - doo-doo pants
drowned_d0llies - drowned d0llies
eclecticax - *EcLeCTiCaX*
electrorock - Electro Rock!
elevatorclub - The Elevator Hole Groupette
emo_manifesto - Rad Emo Kids
emokidsarecool - emo_is_awesome
evadreamdigital - A place for lost thoughts
fallingsounds - Beat Construction
femalebands - The Female Bands Community
femaleicons - Icons depicting female musicians.
femalelyrics - Female Lyrics
femme_metalle - femme fatale
femme_rock - A community dedicated to the female rockstars!
femrock - femrock
fightlikeagirl - The Girls
fish_porn - fish porn
fishy_go_bloop - fishy_go_bloop
fit_this_shoe - Lovers of 90's alt music
for_the_rest - for_the_rest
forumzers - @Forumzers
found_stuff - A Place For Your Mundane Finds
frances_bean_c - my roots in aberdeen
fratboydyke - Frat Boy Dyke
freakette_land - FreaKette LanD
freaks_galore - SaTaNs cHiLdReN
frontmen_luv - for the love of frontmen
fuckingslobs - The Worldwide Federation of Fucking Slobs
garbage_fans - (garbage fans and such)
garbage_freaks - garbage
garbagefan - Garbage Fans
george_fan_club - George's Fan Club
get_free - The Vines
girl_guitarists - death by guitar
girl_tune_trade - Women who Rock
girlbands - girlbands
girlmusic - Fans of Women in Music
girlspooptoo - girls aren't just cute and cuddly.. they poop too!
glassishalffool - glassishalffool
glitter_grrrls - GlitterGrrrls
glitterxrock - :::gLiTtErxRoCk:::
god_hates_us - GOD HATES YOU
goldfrapp - goldfrapp
goose_rawks - Goose: The Band, The Fans
gorgeous_rock - Love Is A Battlefield
grrlscouts - Razor Burn//Glitter Scars//Fucked By A Star
grungewont_die - In memory of the ones we love....
guitar_girls - Girls who play guitar
guitargrrls - Guitar Grrls
hali_craft - hali_craft
hardc0rerainbow - hardcore kiddiez who could care less
heart_of_goth - ..Refuge For A Goth..
heartshapedcuts - Vicious chicks
honeys_of_hendo - honeys_of_hendo
hot_as_ice - Are you as cool as us?
hot_sexy_punk - don't care what others think of you? join the comm
hxc_bitches - Hardxcore Bitches
hxc_whorexcore - hxc_whorexcore
i_am_a_hussey - I_am_a_hussey
i_like_hotsauce - i_like_hotsauce
i_love_brak - i love brak
i_vomit_rainbow - LoCaL ShOw JuNkIeS
icon_syndicate - the icon syndicate
icon_thieves_ - **The Stolen Icon Goodness**
iconone - Icon One
iheartdylan - dylan lovers unite
ikisslegalgirls - I Kiss Legal Girls
ilovetempleton - Temple of Templeton
incrediblesulk - Incredible Sulk
indegay_windsor - indegay_windsor
indvmusicfreaks - Individual Music Freaks
ineediwantiwill - i need i want i will
inthe_fastlane - inthe_fastlane
itslikedeath - hold your own damn coat.
jaimelamusique - j'aime la musique
jenniez_n_munky - The Munky n' Jenniez Fan Klub
jocular - bizarre findings... crazy stories..
just_music - just_music
kandeee - i want to eat your cancer
kfmt - Kung-Fu Mystery Theater
killer_layouts - Brought to you by the "oh mighty God of layouts"=D
killxthexvanity - ND and ORGY own.
kissme_iam_sex - Kiss me I am sex
kodonahaven - Kodona cosplay & original style
krisradio - krisradio
lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
lburg_homies - lburg_homies
lc_riotkids - Langham Creek Riot Kids
legalhotness - legalhotness
lesbianation - lesbianation
lesbians4jesus - Lick mah Pussah for tha Lord!!!
life_or_death - Life or Death?
lilsluttyasian - Fans of Janice the Little Slutty Asian
linoleumfloor__ - a lust for the female voice.
lipstickslut - lipstick! slut.
loserfreakgeeks - A place to enjoy the weirdness
loserlykid - LoserlyLuv
loserlyluv - Loserly kid
love4divas - Divalicious..images!
lovely_freaks - Delicious Freaks
loverockawaits - quotes and rock lyrics
lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
lyric_fest - Lyric Fest
lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
madness_in_mich - Madness In Michigan
makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
malesaresnails - Dr. Christie & Dr. Lauren
martzb_mp3 - Mahogany Dreams
marytwins - Mary Twins
matchingrebequa - People Who Match Re'bequa
md_music - Maryland Local Music
md_rockstars - md_rockstars
mechanikalbride - ~**mechanical**~
melbournegoths - Melbourne Goths
mendinghearts - Mending Hearts Clothing
menstruacion - feminist sweepstakes
miami_swingers - miami_swinger
mich_oddities - Munk Tae
miconcertupdate - Michigan Concert Update
mixtapegraphics - Mixtape Graphics
monster_babes - call us cunts.
mp3_xchange - .:MP3 Exchange:. Request A Song Here
muffinmixmusic - MuffinMixMusic
murdermurder - cretin kids.
music2mosh2 - Music 2 Mosh 2
music_daily - Music Daily
music_minded - opinions on music
music_trades - music_trades
music_wh0res - The Music Whore
musicaddicts - Addicted to Music
musical_elitist - musical_elitist
musicalbbq - Musical Bar-B-Que
musicforthesoul - musicforthesoul
musicicontest - musicicontest
musicintheblood - Music thrives in your blood
musicmilitia - musicmilitia
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicrawks - yer mom
my_song - Lyrics
n3t_beauty - <3
neondoll - Dedicated to female rock.
nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
nonaverage_mix - Non-Emo/ Non-Indie Mixtape Community
novahighschool - Nova High School Community
noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
nxdkingdom - No Doubt fans!
ohyeahbaby - Oh YEAH baby!
old_school_alt - Old School Alternative
onumik - closed.
overly_emo - I broke a nail...I'm gonna cry *tear*
p_p_paper - The Princesses Paranoia Paper
paintme_pretty - Beneath the surface
pale_green - Jodie & Emma
peace_unity - Unite for Peace
perilousrealm - The Perilous Realm Community
phodography - fido's photo album
plasticdolls - Plastic Dolls
poetictritones - Free Verse Outlaw
poison_graphix - Poison Graphix (Linkin Park & Misc. Graphics)
popmusic - Popular music discussion..all genres
pressrepeat - Press Repeat
prettygirls - Pretty Girls
princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
prisonofsanity - revol_of_death
pritty_pictures - pritty pictures
private_tune - My Private Tune
prozakonine - prozakonine
punkrockaust - A Place For all Aussies Into Punk
punkrockholiday - All About Punk Rock
quoteizzle - QUOTE THiS, BiZNATCH
radioultra_ru - radioultra_ru
radxcore____ - Radness in motion
razorblade__sex - hot sex.
razorbloods - Bloodwarped and Twisted
reflectonme - Stained Pages
retrogressing - What's wrong with us?
rewind_it__back - Take that, REWIND IT BACK.
rock_the_nation - rock_the_nation
rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
rockshare - Rock Share
rockstar_divas - Rock Star Divas
rockstarphotos - Rockstar Photos
ru_garbage - Garbage Russian Community
ru_maximum - ru_maximum
runwaymusic - Runway
saharahotnites - Sahara Hotnights
sans_pantalon - "Wipe them out. All of their pants."
sashafan - Sashages
scaryminds - Scary Minds
scene_is_what - Just when you thought you were cool
scissorkiss - Scissorkiss
seattlebands - seattlebands
secksetera_ - Sexetera
secrets_to_tell - secrets_to_tell
self__inflicted - || Piercings ||
self_imposed - self_imposed
semantic_poison - LIFE IN TEH BOCKS..
severed_stars - Blame the Stars
sexlessdemons - strange little girls
sexy_pimp - Big Pimpin Inc.
shastaroman - Stoopid
she_demons - she_demons
she_rocks_hard - **Shut up and Rock**
shegives - she gives
shirley_mans0n - Shirley Manson lovers
sick_chicks - Worship Of Female Rock Goddesses
sing_to_me - sing_to_me
sinisstar - Sinisstar
skin_deep_ - Beauty is skin deep.....
so_punk_rock - so_punk_rock
socktag - thesock
somethng_secret - Something Secret
sonrisaplastica - *[sonrisa plastica]*
souless_village - Area 51
southofcrete - South of Crete
spencer_thegod - Spencer = Better than you
steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
stereo_typical5 - stereo_typical5
streat_teem - streat teem!!!
street_finds - Eureka!
swimsuitissue - i don't wanna be a sensation
syntheticdolls - Syntheticdolls
take_off_eh - take_off_eh
tattoo_me - tattoo_me
tcr - tcr - sounds from TC and 'Agent' Robin Moulder.
telfordites - telfordites unite
the_happy_orgy - orgy at the whore house..come on in.
the_mixx - Music and Reviews
the_punk_life_x - Punk Life, Punk Love
the_rainbowroom - the_rainbowroom
the_sirens - the sirens
thecronies - Claudia, Rowan, and Pieter
themusic411_new - The Music 411
thepityparty - The Pity Party
tortured_tric - An Otep Community
toxic_cunts - TOXIC CUNTS#%&!!
tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
trashtalk - [:::::Trasher Angels:::::]
treeskumpanie - TreeSkumpAnie
trendy_fucks - Trendy Fucks
tripe_ru - Жесть как она Есть
tropicdesert - Rob + Dennise
trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
ttv - | tapping the vein |
ukbands - Uk Bands
ultimate_freaks - Where the freaks can be loved...
undo_band - Undo LiveJournal Community
unruly_bitches - unruly bitches
vaginas_4_lyf - Vagina Power
valinor - Valinor: A Valar community
vampyrecoven - The Order of Vespertilio
verleighna_v04 - verleighnaization
videos - Holy Vampire
vintage_coconut - We Are Just Random..
voodoomusicfest - Voodoo Music Experience - New Orleans
we_are_family - Melly and Nikki's Friends
we_heart_glenn - Glenn owns hardcore
we_love_cassie - we love cassie
we_love_tburger - The Tracy D. Fan Club
weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
wet_like_hana - wet_like_hana
whatdoyouhate - What Do You Hate?
wicca69 - wicca69
words_kill - hitler hairdo
worldjonesmade - Cosmopolitan Bloodloss
x_garbage_x - ☆.Real.Garbage.Fans.☆
x_marilynmonroe - x_mm
xbloodxsistersx - There is a knife in my hand...
xcherrybellex - Lipgloss and lies
xfullcollapse - .T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y.
xhangingoutx - Music Lovers
xheyletsmakeout - well then. hey, lets make out.
xspiderwebsx - No Doubters
xt3rc - «~°xT©°~»
xthepackx - Shadow Howl
xvioletburningx - xvioletburningx
xxclaim_songsxx - Claim Your Songs
xxfebruaryscars - ....Self ExPrEsSiOn...feel it.
xxzero_coolxx - xxzero_coolxx
xylin_room - __]].autechre.enthusiasts[[_
youmakemehot - Pin me up
Interested users
The following users are interested in garbage. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
468 matches: