
“Anyway i have correct all the mistakes”

Filed under: — @ Nov 27, 02 | 6:58 pm

Ironic_bitch posts here attacking everyone who had something to say about her friend’s bad poem being posted in Lj Confessional.
Users comment on her lack of correct grammar usage and bad spelling, she fights back. She no longer can take the heat, and deletes replies and removes the ability to comment.
Here are some of the original replies to her post.


Filed under: — hep @ Nov 27, 02 | 5:13 pm

Yes, that’s right folks, even knitters have their drama. Apparently our old friend hagiology stirred up some drama in knitting when she mentions her new community, knitting pretty. Some members feel this community is too close to the original knitting community, and was just created as an attention getting tactic. The original post has been deleted, but you can see her “apology post” (3rd one down) and of course, the ever popular “let’s not let it die” post.

Filed under: — Bobby Isosceles @ Nov 27, 02 | 12:12 am

Our friend Jen is a very sad clown. You can Cheer her up with alcohol, pills, and Pussy Control if you like, but you probably won’t succeed. And there you’ll be, looking like an idiot in nice shoes.

Filed under: — Bobby Isosceles @ Nov 27, 02 | 12:11 am

Our friend Jen aka Fifi le Blancmange is a sad clown. Cheer her up with alcohol, pills, and Pussy Control if you like, but you won’t succeed. And there you’ll be, looking like an idiot with nice shoes.

Filed under: — Bobby Isosceles @ Nov 27, 02 | 12:08 am

Our friend Jen aka Fifi le Blancmange is a sad clown. She’s full of crippling, terrible angst. Cheer her up with alcohol, pills, and Pussy Control if you like, but you won’t succeed. And there you’ll be, looking like an idiot with nice shoes.



Filed under: — @ Nov 26, 02 | 11:41 pm

Please pardon the redundancy of the title!

Retarded goth child posts really bad poetry in the wrong community, is told to die repeatedly by everybody; continues being an idiot.

Fat girls give better head!

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 26, 02 | 8:23 pm

Submitted by Healer

A guy decides to post in one of the pro-anorexia communities that he believes that fat girls give the best head because they are so HUNGRY, accompanied by an amusing pic. Somehow, the humor is missed on the other community members.


Filed under: — hep @ Nov 26, 02 | 7:36 pm

I am not sure what the big deal about being on someone else’s friends list is, but we have yet another tale of drama stemming from such. Apparently this is a huge problem in LJLand. Today we have thewalkingman who, after posting about how liveforchrist threw a huge tantraum when certain EX-FRIENDS wouldn’t take her off their friends’ lists, received the standard FUCK YOU YOU SUCK from all those still worthy to be ON her friends’ list. Perhaps they all need to invest in one of our shiny new billiam

Homophobic flamebait

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 26, 02 | 4:27 pm

Submitted by Callie

Bobbybudnick, who takes his name sake from the early 90’s Nickelodeon show “Salute Your Shorts", posts an anti-gay rant, blaming gays for starting AIDs, etc, people flame him back, all hell breaks loose.


Filed under: — batty @ Nov 26, 02 | 3:17 am

just what we need, right?

the LJ drama superstore!

GRAND OPENING! a few items there now, we’re going to see how the response is and add more. spread the word!


Filed under: — @ Nov 26, 02 | 2:06 am

Anorexic chica says she wants to die. Someone suggests that that’s not healthy and all heck breaks loose.

Submitted by pserv



drama of the absurd.

Filed under: — batty @ Nov 25, 02 | 9:44 pm

and lo and behold, its in my lj again. lj user alhier decides it would be amusing to post images of clown balloons in the comments of my recent entries. sure, its amusing at first, but then it just becomes VERY ANNOYING. so, i ban him from posting in my journal. the drama continues in his journal, and just when i thought things settled down, he makes a flash tribute to the whole thing.

0sama RulZ!

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 25, 02 | 5:58 pm

Submitted by root@goatse.cx[/email]]

A post is made agreeing with Osama Bin Laden’s letter to America (text of said letter can be found here). Many many people jump in to disagree.

Trolling For Jesus!

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 25, 02 | 3:47 pm

Fullcycle, an lj user who has a history of posting some of the most obvious, pathetic trolls in the LJ Boston community (including posting a huge image of the subway, asking what it is), posts in the Boston community again, asking if he can take his bicycle on the major highway, which any one with half a brain knows that you cannot. I call him out on his troll, as do several other people, he continues to delete my comments where I refer to his previously just as poor attempts as trolling, including posting my home address inviting people over for a party.



Filed under: — @ Nov 24, 02 | 10:30 pm

Kitty18 announces to the world that she has a new layout in several completely unrelated communities. Charlotte and myself start tripping. Could blow up.

Sextips Drama

Filed under: — @ Nov 24, 02 | 9:56 am

A girl who calls herself suicide [lolita” title=” makes a post in the community, announcing that [url="http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=sextips&itemid=2203830]she is not pregnant"> makes a post in the community, announcing that [url="http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=sextips&itemid=2203830]she is not pregnant. Thies says, “who cares?” and starts 26-comment thread. Comments (33)

He Adds hundreds of friends and pisses off all of them

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Nov 24, 02 | 7:21 am

An unknown writer-wannabe who calls himself,
has been adding random people to his friends list and creating a stir in the
process. This guy is a weirdo. It’s obviously a prank journal created by someone else, for what reason, who knows. He is getting his jollies from posting excerpts from a book, and right after posting it, he would literally add hundreds of people to his list. This makes people wonder why he does it. Many of them seemed genuinely concerned at the rate he is adding friends. One person, skyy_blue,
posted a

i am just curious as to why you added me as a friend?? and
i’m not sure if I understand your interests on your bio..are you saying
you are interested in the kkk and child pornography because you agree and
stand behind those things or are you interested in them because you are
taking a stand against them. I am strongly against most everything you
have listed as interests of yours.

This guy is so weird that

he is very selective on what comments he replies to
. His last several
entries have generated a minimum of 50 comments, many are in the 80-140+ range.


It’s My Party and I’ll Whine if I Want To

Filed under: — hep @ Nov 23, 02 | 5:21 am

Acidexia whines that no one showed at her birthday party, even though she is an “lj celebrity".

Submitted by the delightful pserv.

Racism, Classism, and What Constitutes Each

Filed under: — hep @ Nov 23, 02 | 5:09 am

Our dearly beloved drama production artist iworshipsatin causes some delicious chaos in ljconfessional about what exactly is considered racism and classism. 100 (and counting) comments of hilarity ensue. Bonus points for selective reading before aiming that there flamegun, rocksalt.


Filed under: — hep @ Nov 23, 02 | 4:59 am

More recently, however, is the less-commented-on, yet infinitely more dramatic kiss-off post, which leads us to her new journal, where more drama is sure to unfold…

Both of these posted on behalf of kevn because he is retarded and can’t figure out how to post. Shit. Not PC to retarded people. Oh well.


Filed under: — hep @ Nov 23, 02 | 3:21 am

When comments begin anonymously in bork’s journal, an amusing blitzkrieg of Dawson’s Creek-esque drama is sure to take place, as is the case with this fiery teenage art/ex-boyfriend debacle.

Backstory, in her own words: “i dated a boy for 2 years. he is with another girl now. she pretends to be good at art. i make a post that says i hate girls like that, but don’t put her name. in her livejournal (poisonedfaerie) she attacks me. i attack back. this happens back and forth, then the ex gets involved. then everyone’s friends get involved, mostly anonymously. now there’s a fued going on between everyone’s livejournal.”

Misc. drama here, here, here, here, here, and here.

LJdramaorg Syndication

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Nov 23, 02 | 2:44 am

LJDrama.org converted all its .html pages to .php. You won’t really see any difference except a minor annoyance when you get your updated LJdrama Syndication on your Friends List. Unfortunately, because of the conversion, your Friends List would be populated with the last 15 entries from this site. It’s a one time deal and we apologize for the inconvenience. This was done so that we could add more features to the site.

Receiving the “last 15 entries” also occurs when you first sign up for syndication. I think people worry that they’ll keep getting 15 updates all the time. I will set the RSS template so that new subscribers will get no more than 3 entries at sign up.


No, no, not MY kitty hat!

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 22, 02 | 9:04 pm

Submitted by gynocide@livejournal.com[/email]]Gynocide

A girl makes a post in craftgrrl, showing her knitted hat she made that looks like a kitten. It goes over really well in the community until another member accuses her of stealing her design.

Autism goes awry! News flash at 5

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 22, 02 | 5:04 pm

Submitted by tropekitten@kittymail.com[/email]]Tropekitten

Mother of autistic boy argues with adult with autism. You can guess what happens next if it’s posted here! :D

holy cow!

Filed under: — batty @ Nov 22, 02 | 7:31 am

it seems that my very first post, my very first initiation of lj drama HAS ALL BEEN DELETED. boo hoo.

never fear, though. i saved the text for posterity.

kids these days. sheesh. go, heppie!


Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 22, 02 | 5:30 am

Anyone else get added by “>antistatic?

Check out some of these comments (at the time of this post, the thread had 114 comments):

isn’t going to do anything about it. ~LoLz~

P.P.S. I think this girl’s comments are hella funny. She puts so much time and effort into her comments and the Russians basically reply with “Blablabla” – HA!

my own self induced drama!

Filed under: — batty @ Nov 22, 02 | 5:20 am

oh, boo hoo. novice designer gets offended by my inquiries, and GEE, I WONDER WHY I MAKE THE BIG BUCKS.


The Gayest Drama Ever

Filed under: — @ Nov 21, 02 | 8:54 pm

Venividivicious tells me to eat nigger cock because I’m a fagg0t. I don’t pay much attention, but five days later jackin69 remembers to get offended.

When Geeks Attack

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 21, 02 | 8:18 pm

Submitted by rayray

The normally quiet community geeks suddenly erupts one day when Codewhore decides to flame the entire community because he’s fed up with everyone bitching about Microsoft, saying that’s sooooo 1999.

Phone Card Drama

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 21, 02 | 5:28 pm

From Ellie

Girl posts in indiefucks asking if someone will give her a phone card because she is broke. The other posters don’t like request very much, telling her to get a job, etc.

Fuzzy Dice Drama

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 21, 02 | 3:28 pm

Girl posts in the B0st0n community about how much she hates cops, especially Boston cops, because she got pulled over for having fuzzy dice on her mirror. When she doesn’t like what people have to say, she posts that Boston kids are mean, and that she loves her dice. More flames ensue.

cash, being scene, & cutting

Filed under: — @ Nov 21, 02 | 9:08 am

From Jaqui: missjealousea posts in indiefucks about how she doesn’t understand why rich girls self mutilate. a bunch of indie kids call her insensitive for making ignorant generalizations. she mentions emo, which will always add fuel to the fire when discussing depression or self mutilation.

Harry Potter Pedophilia Fan Fic

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 21, 02 | 2:31 am

Guy makes a post in Debate about several communities on LJ that specialize in rather disturbing Harry Potter fan fiction. He wonders if this is pedophilia or not. 300+ comments of hilarity ensue.

EDIT: Special thanks to tropekitten for having submitted this too! :)


He is afraid that his “Howdoyado” is too small

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Nov 20, 02 | 11:46 am

If you haven’t been to the Sextips Community before, you’d think the people who joins that community are a bunch of perverts. There might be some truth to that. It’s not uncommon to see some whacky people post whacky questions causing serious dramatic episodes and flame wars.

Yesterday, the lovebirds posted “a couple of quesitons” about penis size. The guy was obviously insecure about his inadequate 6.5 incher and wants to know what women think because he does not want to be laughed at.

Not exactly drama but a good source for giggling, nevertheless.


“Victim” of LJREVIEW complains about Review, LJDRAMA

Filed under: — @ Nov 18, 02 | 6:21 pm

ikill007, whose journal “had become the object of ridicule” on LJREVIEW, finds LJDRAMA and basically gives us a good plug. Also makes fun of Hep.

nothing exciting, plz skip unless bored

Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 18, 02 | 1:40 am

the latest installment of “>anubisblue vs. the people on my “friend of” list:


DISCLAIMER: I am not promoting the abuse of the above-referenced Livejournal user, nor am I asking for viewers of ljdrama.org to visit the above-referenced post to contribute their own “abusive” comments. I am merely fulfulling my contractual obligation as an author for ljdrama.org by posting any and all drama that I happen to see.

P.S. click here for an update on the “acidkitty/greenleef friends list fallout” drama. they’re back together! that’s so tender precious..


We’re on Salon’s ass!

Filed under: — @ Nov 17, 02 | 7:32 pm

Well, as of now we have 88 people watching through LJ, just as many as Salon.com. We’re only 296 away from slashdot! So, please tell all your friends with paid accounts to add ljdramaorg to their friends list!

Update 11/18/02 1:05 AM: 115 watchers, almost as many as Boondocks (119). 271 from Slashdot.
Update 11/18/02 2:57 PM: 125 watchers, almost as many as The Onion (130). 259 from Slashdot (384).
Update 11/20/02 1:51 AM: 151 watchers, making us the fifth most popular syndicated feed. We’re getting close to memepool (which has 190 watchers) and only 236 away from Slashdot (387).
Update 11/21/02 4:14 AM: 152 watchers… We’re not moving fast enough, fellas!

Seeing as it’s the weekend and we’re kind of low on drama, an easy place to create some is “> Comments (8)


this isn’t too exciting, but it’s in *my* journal and it involves kevn, so i’m going to post it.

Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 16, 02 | 7:06 am


Keywords: Sexy little kids, faggotry, spelling B, enteries, /scoff, rainbow-penises

I think I can, I know I can, I need some “thinsperation".

Filed under: — @ Nov 16, 02 | 4:52 am

Proana aka Emily-Anne posts “>here about being so pathetic. Someone posts anonymous as “her” body.

Here she asks what the person meant by posting that her body was tired of dieting, receiving comments from outsiders culminating in some good ole’ fashion pro-ana drama


Drama in DEBATE community

Filed under: — @ Nov 15, 02 | 11:41 pm

After a debate moderator reposts the rules in the community, julianbashir asks an annoying question and everybody yells at him.

Highlight: “if i make a post in my journal about how pantyhose make me more comfortable with myself as a man, and then ikilled07 comes in to debate and links to that specific post and tries to debate how big a turn on this is for him. that would be bad” -mrflagg

Why conservative women are better

Filed under: — wicket @ Nov 15, 02 | 12:59 am

Guy posts in a conservative community about why conservative women are better than liberal women. The livejournal liberal community finds out about it, and then all hell breaks loose in the original post.


Nobody likes me

Filed under: — @ Nov 14, 02 | 5:52 pm

After listing top five overrated bands, everybody flips out. :-(


Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 14, 02 | 3:39 am

OK, apparently, my original post failed to reference the actual LJ post where all of the drama originated from. plz see update. :-D

Hater Girls have Drama in “I Hate Girls”

Filed under: — hep @ Nov 14, 02 | 3:21 am

Girl posts in the “I hate girls” community about hating girls, but said girl especially hates girls who hate other girls. Of course everyone has to say something and then some. This shit gets dirtier then ljconfessional and wordier then debate. Let the haterz hate.

Hey, that’s almost a poem. Snap damn you.

submitted by jakki

Another Quick Note re: Syndication

Filed under: — @ Nov 14, 02 | 1:22 am

If you are a paid Livejournal user, you can syndicate ljdrama, which basically means that we get to show up on your friends list for your convienence. So just head over here and get your drama on. If you are not a paid user, well what better time to drop as little as five bucks in the interest of supporting livejournal and getting your drama fix with greater ease?


Non-Drama Related News!

Filed under: — @ Nov 13, 02 | 11:59 pm

Welcome to the all new improved LJ Drama. We have pulled a phoenix routine and risen from the ashes stronger than ever! I realize that this site is completely lacking in any sort of worthwhile design, but I did this all at three am to end the whining. So if you have any better ideas or m4d d3s1gn sk1llz that you want to flaunt, throw down and let me know and I will see what I can do. We are using Moveable Type since it makes my life a whole lot easier and besides, it is pretty swanky in it’s own right.

LJ Drama is currently looking for new authors! If you would like to be a new author, please contact hep with your details and why you want to be an author. There is no monetary compensation, however you do get a spiffy @ljdrama.org email address and the prestige of having no life and surfing livejournal all day for drama.

LJ Drama is also looking for relevant links to add to our links section. This doesn’t mean your crappy geocities homepage or anything to do with flash (JIHAD!), but if you think up a link that absolutely belongs over there, well then hop to it skipper, and drop hep a line about it.

There is now a submission script for those of you who aren’t authors to get in on the drama goodness. All submissions will be appropriately credited and you get your NAME IN LIGHTS, on here at least. So if you see that great flamewar going down on your friends page, well run right over here and let us know about it.

There is also a notify list for those of you who want instant drama updates! I have no idea with the traffic situation will be like, what with this only being the beginning of drama postage, but you can always hop off if it becomes too much for you to handle. Pussy.

Some thank-yous to people who have helped out. LJ Drama would like to thank Marc for the drama submission script you see over there. This makes hep’s life a lot easier since she is colossally retarded from lack of sleep. Marc also helped out by giving emotional support and bug-testing, as well as constant teasing which inspired the work to throw this together. We want to thank The Hanford Consortium for hosting and various other support, including bong hits and jerkcity references at 3 am. Check out some of the other sites in the Hanford family, we are in some very very fine company.

Well that is all for now, back to the drama mongering and mud slinging. Let the mockery begin!

1ST ENTRY -Acidkitty/Greenleaf Friends List Fallout

Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 13, 02 | 8:02 am

http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=greenleef&itemid=20841&view=103785 this one is now blocked, but plz see the next entries:


acidkitty lost a friend today. Everyone needs to go add him to their friends list. Do it. Now, please, before he hurts himself. I know he’s really upset over this loss… after all, it is Livejournal, and we all know how emotional people can get over things that happen on LJ…

k thx

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