Welcome to the all new improved LJ Drama. We have pulled a phoenix routine and risen from the ashes stronger than ever! I realize that this site is completely lacking in any sort of worthwhile design, but I did this all at three am to end the whining. So if you have any better ideas or m4d d3s1gn sk1llz that you want to flaunt, throw down and let me know and I will see what I can do. We are using Moveable Type since it makes my life a whole lot easier and besides, it is pretty swanky in it’s own right.
LJ Drama is currently looking for new authors! If you would like to be a new author, please contact hep with your details and why you want to be an author. There is no monetary compensation, however you do get a spiffy @ljdrama.org email address and the prestige of having no life and surfing livejournal all day for drama.
LJ Drama is also looking for relevant links to add to our links section. This doesn’t mean your crappy geocities homepage or anything to do with flash (JIHAD!), but if you think up a link that absolutely belongs over there, well then hop to it skipper, and drop hep a line about it.
There is now a submission script for those of you who aren’t authors to get in on the drama goodness. All submissions will be appropriately credited and you get your NAME IN LIGHTS, on here at least. So if you see that great flamewar going down on your friends page, well run right over here and let us know about it.
There is also a notify list for those of you who want instant drama updates! I have no idea with the traffic situation will be like, what with this only being the beginning of drama postage, but you can always hop off if it becomes too much for you to handle. Pussy.
Some thank-yous to people who have helped out. LJ Drama would like to thank Marc for the drama submission script you see over there. This makes hep’s life a lot easier since she is colossally retarded from lack of sleep. Marc also helped out by giving emotional support and bug-testing, as well as constant teasing which inspired the work to throw this together. We want to thank The Hanford Consortium for hosting and various other support, including bong hits and jerkcity references at 3 am. Check out some of the other sites in the Hanford family, we are in some very very fine company.
Well that is all for now, back to the drama mongering and mud slinging. Let the mockery begin!