
Drama Submission

Filed under: — jameth @ Jan 09, 05 | 10:30 am

We don’t have a drama submission form (yet).

For now, please visit my journal and leave a comment (anonymously, if you wish) in my most recent post with links to drama along with a synopsis. Someone will probably pick it up and roll with it from there.

Thank you for shopping LJ Drama.

Update: submit@ljdrama.org will also work now, thx to ghettofinger asking girlvinyl to do it!@#!! However, if you wish to remain a bit more anonymous and don’t know how to send fake emails, feel free to submit to my journal.


Welcome back drama

Filed under: — ghettofinger @ Jan 07, 05 | 8:47 pm

Your old usernames/passwords should work. You can click here if you can’t remember your password. If you had posting access but now don’t or if anything is broken AIM: modrama dot com. You will need to be logged in to post anything. Threaded comments are working as well. Have fun and don’t forget to upload a user icon.



Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 29, 04 | 2:57 am



hk undersc0re: ljd needs new hosting
hk undersc0re: ugh
hk undersc0re: may be shutdown time
J a M e S 98101: oh NO
J a M e S 98101: what happened
hk undersc0re: well
hk undersc0re: the webserver its on now is dying
hk undersc0re: it needs backing up asap because it could die any minute
hk undersc0re: or it could live for another year
hk undersc0re: we dunno
J a M e S 98101: oh no
hk undersc0re: there is no replacement server when it dies
hk undersc0re: and there arent any more resources
hk undersc0re: everything is wearing out
J a M e S 98101: the beginning of the end
hk undersc0re: i may have a solution
hk undersc0re: but you should ask your flist if anyone wants to host
J a M e S 98101: i shall
hk undersc0re: i need to have ssh access to the server
hk undersc0re: real hosting, not like mydreamspace.com/~butterflykittens/ljdrama/
J a M e S 98101: hahaha ok
hk undersc0re: i need access to the server, php 5, and maybe perl
hk undersc0re: i forget what we have going
J a M e S 98101: asking now


please contact hepper if you can help us out.


Quick Administrativa

Filed under: — @ Aug 20, 04 | 10:52 pm

Just a quick note here…

1. Okay, so the drama submission page has been submitted and we’re looking at it. Nevermind this.

2. I’ve approved the memberships. So you should be able to login now. Let me remind you that the whole reason we have it is because you fuckers decided to comment spam. So now you have to sign-in.

Okay, it turns out that invalid e-mails cause the server to bounce them back to us. And. Well. That requires more work for us. And that’s bad. So if your account doesn’t have a real e-mail address, we’re gonna start deleting them. Because that is less work for us. So change your e-mail to something real. Start a free e-mail if you must.

We are all for free-speech (duffnote: OH GOD GRANT I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS - Gnote: FUCK YOU I JUST WORKED 14 HOURS <3 ). Within certain legal limits, of course, we want you to say whatever the fuck you want. That’s just how it is. Part of that, to me, is standing behind what you say. I never post anonymous, because it just strikes me as being a coward. Especially since you are pretty damn anonymous here anyway. It isn’t like we require a real name to sign-up. If you want to know what we have on you… read the legal page and the privacy page.

Okay, okay, it is our bad for not converting them over to the new system yet. Remember the lazy part from above? Yeah.

I think that was everything I needed to say. I dunno. Maybe I forgot something. If I did I’ll just edit this post later.

Oh, and jameth is so kicking ass.


Drama submission

Filed under: — jameth @ Jul 21, 04 | 7:57 pm

Please note that we do not yet have a dramasub form.

HOWEVER, JAMETH HAS BEEN KIND ENOUGH TO SACRIFICE HIS JOURNAL: http://jameth.livejournal.com/1124675.html




Filed under: — @ Jun 30, 04 | 1:27 pm

We’ve gotten some “comment spam” recently and I’ve gone to the bother of banning some IP addresses. If for whatever reason those IPs are actually real people who contribute to ljdrama, please contact me and I’ll fix it.

As Hep has mentioned many times, we do not ban people because of their opinions. Even when they are wrong. :-)

[Edit: You are all insane.]


A point to be made.

Filed under: — dancingdrew @ May 10, 04 | 8:56 pm

Yeah, I know, I’m not funny. Whatever.

Seriously, folks, the quality of LJDrama going down has very little to do with me, specifically–it has to do with the fact that A) most of the stuff in the submit queue is pure, unadulterated crap (if I see another submit with “Drama is sure to start here soon,” my head will begin whirling around independently of my body) and B) most of the writers have, you know, LIVES. We can’t go around looking for good drama, and most of us squeeze in a writeup whenever we have time.

If you’d like to remedy the situation (y’know, instead of complain about how much ljdrama sux lol), I suggest one of two courses of action:

1) Get out there and find some drama. (And if you cause it yourself, don’t submit it. We’re not here to tell you how witty you are.) Submit it with a clear link to the entry and a synopsis. This makes our job a billion times easier, and probably will lead to better reporting.

2) Email hep about becoming a writer. Yes, that’s right, as has been pointed out many a time, you too can write for the esteemed LJDrama.org. If you think you can do a better job than I do, I encourage you to try. (And no, I don’t think the Les Mis drama was high quality. But so what? Despite what the losers think, qwolinger isn’t either.) Keep in mind, though, that there’s a reason we all say something like “Jesus! I have a lot more respect for you guys now” after our first entries–this is harder than you think it is.

Or, you know, you could just trip over to livejournal.us and try to convince McClane to write ME up as worst journal of the week or something.



Filed under: — hep @ Apr 20, 04 | 9:09 pm

Dear Internerd Drama Mongers,

From the producers who brought you LJDRAMA, comes a whole NEW kind of drama, LJADVICE! That’s right! An advice column for livejournal! Isn’t this just what livejournal needs? Now when whiny emo kids want to know how to get their hair to look like it hasn’t been brushed in days, they will have somewhere to go! (answer: don’t brush it for days retard) When right-wing fundies want to know that perfect rebuttal to use on tr1x0r in DEBATE, they will know who to call! When Nicky needs a new insult for Strages, he can ask her! When the pro_ana’s want to know how many calories is in a mouthful of semen (about 14 calories and 3 grams of protein according to The Straight Dope) they will have someone to turn to. So for all your advice needs, come to LJADVICE Anything goes! Advice Gone Wild! So be the first on YOUR friends page to hook up with ljadvice, because everyone knows, s/he who gets the memes first, is less of a loser than those who jump on the bandwagon three days late!



Filed under: — dancingdrew @ Apr 11, 04 | 10:02 am

Hey, kids, here’s a simple way to avoid double commenting: hit the Post button ONCE. In my experience, regardless of whether or not you can see it or not, the comment always posts. Yes, even if you get the white screen with “no entry_id” after about five minutes of waiting.

And even if your comment DOESN’T post, think of it this way: Was what you were saying really so important? My guess is a big ol’ no.


No April Fools Here

Filed under: — @ Apr 02, 04 | 12:39 am

Over the last year, ljdrama.org has had 1,216,718 visits that have had 8,312,627 hits on 2,712,773 pages. We’ve pumped out 147,918,877 KBytes of data.



April What?

Filed under: — hep @ Apr 01, 04 | 6:54 pm

Yes, yes, thanks to those jerks over on LJ for outing us. I was initially thinking about leaving it up until Friday so all of you clever people out there would fall for it too. But sadly I miss the drama too much. And really, the drama is piling up around here. I ran out of room in the fridge, so I am just putting it in buckets of ice around the DramaHaus. This 4/1 prank will be archived on the site here. And now, a drama ‘gone-wild’ smorgasbord for your amusement:

Death Metalheads Gone Retarded(er)
I don’t even know WHAT the hell is going on in there most of the time. Pretty sure it’s 800+ comments because someone slept with someone’s dog.

Pregnant Teens Trying to go Wild!
Pregnant teen wants a drink. Others explain what FAS is. eyelid claims there is absolutely no danger from consuming alcohol while pregnant. Personally, I will be taking all my medical advice from ELJAY from now on.

Lazy Teens Gone Wild!
Features minibrit the amazing child who lived on her own at nine, held down a fulltime job, fought off attackers thrice her weight and size, and singlehandedly saved Manhattan from a dasterdly plot involved nukes and ferrets. But now fully grown, she can’t keep a part time job, because she gets sore throats. Or something.



Filed under: — @ Mar 20, 04 | 1:06 am

You may comment again.

Sorry about that folks.

I got distracted by Hep’s…




Filed under: — @ Mar 19, 04 | 12:46 pm

As you may or may not have noticed, some spammers have been leaving messages on posts. There aren’t many, but if you see a comment talking about “buy viagra” or whatever, please let us know.

You can leave a comment here and I’ll see it.



Logo Contest!

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Mar 10, 04 | 11:32 pm

So we had the Boobs contest, and the Troll contest, and now it’s time for the LOGO contest!

Plz submit yr creations here (POST URLS NOT IMG SRCS!!!). The logo has to say “LJDrama” or “LJdrama.org", however you want to capitalize it. Link to it here. Winner gets to report us to LJ Abuse for stealing her graphic.

Some pointers:
If you can include My Little Pony into it somehow, you automatically double your chances of winning.
If you can include a LOLLERSKATES into it somehow, your winning chances triple.
If you make an animated GIF of the undulating dolphin with “LJDRAMA” tattooed on its back, you will probably win automatically.

See behind the read-more for an example of a really simple logo I made. (more…)



Filed under: — @ Feb 05, 04 | 2:30 am

Sorry about the down time folks.

DL and Futhman got drunk together and… well.

Yeah, just sorry. Everything should be fixed, if there are any more problems… eh, it will get fixed when somebody feels like it. Back to your normally scheduled drama.


We’re back

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Feb 04, 04 | 5:02 am

LJDrama was down today but we’re back. Our founder Hep RUINED IT and then fixed it (or her friend, Pants, fixed it).

Football drama: someone says that they should’ve cancelled the Patriots parade because people died or some pussy reason like that. Submitted by Zippy.


The Month of Love

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Feb 01, 04 | 5:36 am

Alright everyone, it’s February, and you know what that means… Valentine’s Day! We at LJDrama.Org have always been about the LOVE. And, on a more personal note, I think everyone in iTheft is a douchebag. But I am not responding negatively, oh no. I am LEADING BY EXAMPLE. This is why I am offering everyone this icon FOR FREE!!

Display it proudly! Show your support for LOVE and Valentine’s Day at the same time with this spiffy GIF! Add it now! I’ll make it easy for you lazy fucks:

Go to editpics.bml and enter this URL: http://userpic.livejournal.com/9788256/129327. Yay!!!

Thank you for reading and being the absolute best! We love you!



A note.

Filed under: — @ Jan 04, 04 | 12:19 am

Just because you see something here that appears on some other site and/or community… it doesn’t mean we got it from there. We write about what is submitted to us. That’s how it works. Occasionally, we’ll find something on our own… but we don’t read other sites for material.

So stop whining.

And while I’m writing, idle legal threats simply makes us laugh. A lot.


you are all h8rs

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Dec 25, 03 | 6:38 am

We got this in the dramasub today

Melissa [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) frm] at Wed Dec 24 18:40:42 2003 EST
Title/Url: LJ Drama

Summary: This website is ridiculous and for people who have nothing better to do with their time. It is a sad story about hundreds of people who can’t understand other people’s feelings or are too caught up in their own misery at being lonely and bored with their life to find something better to do.

Comments: You guys have problem


Since I’m a Jew and have nothing else to do on Christmas I’m having fun googling her e-mail address. Only found one thing: a greymatter weblog entry. OK she’s on the robotics team! HELLO, WE ARE THE ONES WITH A PROBLEM?!!?!?

OK really I have nothing to go on. Hwhatever I’m going to bed!


LJDrama submission comments

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Dec 07, 03 | 8:43 pm

So as you all know, there’s a comments section in the drama submission form. We sometimes copy and paste the main content, but don’t you ever wonder what we get in the comments? I’m sure you’re all dying to find out so here we go!

p.s. no drama here so please *YAWN*! (more…)



Filed under: — Raspberries @ Nov 25, 03 | 6:46 am

Okay, I normally don’t like to start shit with other mods, but this is just unforgivable:


Also, this is something I cut and pasted from a friends only post he made:

Dear journal,
Today was a most beautiful day. I went to the furry convention and took pictures. Then I humped other people in costume. I went as a wolf. My nick name is Wolfie as you all know. Then I drew this picture. Do you like it? I think it represents the real me as it is furry. I also enjoy having sex for money. well gotta go back to the furry lecture by Dr. Furry Fitzbearsuit. G2G!!!

So what the fuck TC, when were you going to come clean with us, HUH?! I vote you off the FUCKING ISLAND buddy!

Yeah okay someone post this on ljdramadrama.org


Copyright PSA

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Nov 19, 03 | 6:36 pm

This is sort-of shooting ourselves in the foot, but I’m posting it anyway because I’m sick of reading about icon-stealing drama.

LiveJournal.Com FAQ Question #136: Someone on LiveJournal is infringing on my copyright. What should I do?

Full DMCA text

DMCA 1998 (pay attention to pages 11-12).


Point of Information

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Oct 30, 03 | 10:52 pm

A lot of people are e-mailing me with complaints about the site, and it’s getting out of hand. So let’s clarify:

1. I DO NOT RUN THIS SITE. LJdrama.Org is a collective, community-driven site, owned and run by you, the people! Just kidding. But it really isn’t me. HEP is the owner, creator, founder, CEO, whatever, of the site. See “Read More” for a picture of Hep in her bra.

2. DON’T SEND ME COMPLAINTS BECAUSE I WILL *LAFFS*. Send them to complaints@ljdrama.org. I will still *laffs*.

3. FUTHMAN’S BUTTHOLE REALLY IS WARMER THAN PUSSY. You have no idea how many questions/requests I’ve fielded regarding this. (more…)



Filed under: — Raspberries @ Oct 10, 03 | 11:19 pm

trying to set up userpics don’t whine about the broken imgs

The LJDrama Drinking game

Filed under: — TristanD @ Oct 10, 03 | 6:12 am

Yeah, so a discussion in the LJDrama chatroom the other night sparked this, and I take no credit for the idea yet can’t remember who came up with it cuz I was drunk from playing the Nickolaus drinking game.

Anywho… (more…)



Filed under: — Strages @ Oct 09, 03 | 12:36 pm

Lately people have submitted a great number of journals - not specific incidents - but whole fucking journals.
Please stop.
We aren’t going to go through an entire fucking journal, searching for the drama. We aren’t going to go chasing it for you.

Submit the URL to the direct drama.



LJ Drama dvar tora

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Oct 06, 03 | 1:38 am

By Rabbi DL Sheets

As many of you know, Yom Kippur is upon us—the Jewish Day of Atonement. This day exists in Jewish religion for us to contemplate the sins we committed this past year against God as well as against our fellow man. More importantly, however, on this day we are to focus on turning a new leaf and becoming a better person. In the ten days between Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur we are to contemplate our actions, and on this tenth day, we are to make a decision?much like the secular New Year’s Resolution most of us make on the first of January.

Tonight, the question that plagues me is this: should I retire from LJDrama.org? Is LJ drama really an inherently evil concept, or does it serve a noble purpose? Does LJDrama.org spread lashon ha’ra (harmful speech) or does it actually fulfill the mitzvah of tikkun olam (making the world a better place)?

This question is tougher than it seems. After all, we are indeed gossiping. There’s no way to sugarcoat it. We take livejournal’s ugliest facets and publicly expose them. Even though most of our statements are true, they are still harmful to others. Not physically, of course, but mentally? Absolutely. How can one possibly justify the existence of such an “evil” site?

There is a second, subtler side to LJDrama. This is a side that is not always shown here, but is very apparent in the long-term. If you read the comments in recent posts, you’ve probably seen people complain about the drama we’ve been posting. People have been calling the drama weak and impotent; essentially, they are wondering: “Where is the good drama"?

The answer is simple. There is less LJ Drama because of LJDrama.org (and the smaller LJ communities that subscribe to a similar mission statement). LJDrama.org in its domain-name form will celebrate its first anniversary next month. During the year, we’ve exposed much drama, and as the LJ community saw this as a deterrent. The LJ community has learned, for the most part, not to start shit on-line. LJ mommies started warning their LJ kiddies: “Don’t go starting shit, sonny, or LJDrama will get you!” And the results are clear—there really is less public drama now than there was last November. A lot of the drama now either occurs behind the friends-only lock or face to face.

So, in fact, while we appear to be some sort of warmongering egomaniacs, we are truly providing an important service to the LJ community. And with that, fellow Jews and gentiles, Rabbi DL Sheets gives you permission to read and contribute to LJDrama.org for another year.


Cliques, Clicks, Bullies And Blogs: WP article about blog drama

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Sep 28, 03 | 11:27 pm

I was reading the Washington Post today (I was actually reading the printed version, how about that!) and I saw this article which discusses the topic of on-line bullying. It is very interesting to see the non-blog-savvy person’s view of the whole thing.

The bottom line of this article is that we’re acting like twelve-year-olds, which we are.

Cliques, Clicks, Bullies And Blogs: “Say hello to the newest strain of the bullying virus, technologically updated for the 21st century.”


Layout; IRC

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Sep 23, 03 | 3:35 pm

Okay, I really haven’t forgotten about the new layout that I promised two months ago (!), I just haven’t had any time to finish it. I linked to the rough draft at the top of the page. Please look at it and send me all suggestions. There are some obvious things that are fucked (like that huge space you get when you view in IE) but let me know little things + suggestions for color schemes, other links that should be included, etc.

I have also been thinking of other additions like a discussion forum, staff bios, etc. Now that Livejournal.info is out of the picture I guess we have to make something to replace it. On the other hand, LJ itself is a discussion forum, so I guess we don’t really need one.

Anyway, talk to me.

Edit 9/23
Okay, I’ll change the colors to one of the other default MT styles for now. Tell me what you think. It seems people are happy with this layout so I’ll leave it be as well.

Edit 9/24
I have no Internet at home and since the site wouldn’t rebuild for me I had to wait till now to fix all the little mistakes with the new style sheet. Should be all better now.

Someone asked about IRC, so here you go:

1. Download an IRC client. The most popular one in the world is mIRC. I use Trillian.
2. Log into the server irc.idlenet.org
3. Join the channel by typing /join #ljdrama
4. Chat.


Obvious fakes and how to not submit them

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Sep 21, 03 | 10:33 pm

You guys keep submitting drama to us started by obviously fake journals. That’s fine, because they are funny (sometimes), but remember: if it’s a fake, we probably already know about it. Ninety percent of the time, either we or a friend of ours created the fake. The other ten percent IT’S TOTALLY LAME!!!!!. So DWYTAO.


You’re all retarded

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Aug 30, 03 | 10:51 pm

Scarlet is pretty much the hottest shit to ever come out of Ireland (after hot potatoes and U2) so you guys don’t know shit. You hear that? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME!!!!11 And sorry girls she sucks dick! And plus you are all retarded and don’t even KNOW. If anyone here thinks she’s hotter than Scarlet send me naked pictures of yourself and I’ll masturbate and then still think that Scarlet is hotter.


I am not posting anymore until Scarlet comes back!

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Aug 29, 03 | 7:21 pm

I agree with whoever said Scarlet should come back….. SCARLET PLEASE RETURN


TotY submissions due TOMORROW

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Aug 14, 03 | 7:45 pm

Don’t forget folks: Troll of the Year contest submissions are due TOMORROW, August 15 2003, by 11:59 PM EST. We’ve already received a bunch of submissions but we can’t have too many. Win that 2-month paid account! Submit today!

Note: old dramas count too. If you are not a troll yourself but have a favorite, submit his posts to me as well.


LJDRAMA CONTEST: Troll of the Year ‘03

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Aug 08, 03 | 2:34 pm

Alright everyone, it’s time for the very first LJDRAMA CONTEST!

Trolls have been a source of entertainment for all of us. While nothing beats real drama, where two people are taking it seriously, it’s always great to see some fool fall in a troll’s trap. That’s why we at LJDrama want to reward the best troll there is by giving it a prize and the publicity it deserves.

1. You can troll wherever you want, using whatever account you want (can be a fake account).
2. The entry has to stay in place for at least one week. To guarantee this, you probably want the drama to be in your own journal.
3. With your submission, you have to send a saved copy of the drama.
4. Submit entries to dl@ljdrama.org. Do not comment with the drama here. If you submit your drama here you will be disqualified.
5. You can nominate others if you want, but specify that you are nominating.
6. You have until August 15th to submit.
7. We will decide and give the prizes by September 15th.

Who wins?
All trolls will be judged by the LJdrama staff. Things we will be paying attention to include number of comments, subtlety, and venue (aka you get more points for trolling lj_maintenancem then pregnantteens.

First prize winner will receive two months paid account couresty of LJDrama.org. You can get the paid time on your trolling journal or real journal, we don’t care. If anyone wants to pledge more money to buy our troll more paid time, contact me. I love you guys, but I’m only going to put in five bucks (which gets you two months).
Two runner-ups will each receive an autographed 8″x10″ glossy of their favorite LJDrama staff member (14″x10″ for futhman because he can’t fit in an 8″x10″).

Rules may change at any time.

8/9 3:38pm: deadline moved to Aug. 15


LJDrama Times-Herald-Enquirer-Post

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jul 21, 03 | 4:04 am

Here’s the beta version. I’m still going to add images and make everything neater, but that’s the basic idea. Comments and suggestions should be e-mailed to daniel@amitai.net.


Another redesign?

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jul 18, 03 | 8:49 pm

My project for this weekend is to make LJdrama look like a newspaper. Adcott made something about six months ago and I’m probably going to go for something similar. Suggestions should be e-mailed to dl@ljdrama.org.


We know, kthx.

Filed under: — @ Jul 16, 03 | 11:40 pm

Thank you to those who contacted us and told us the comment field was not working.

We know; we did it.

It will be back whenever we feel like it, quite frankly.



Filed under: — @ Jul 11, 03 | 1:52 pm

I know, I know. Two admin topics in a row. Guess what?

I don’t care.

First off, please read the damn FAQ.

Secondly… we’ve been thinking about adding in a web based IRC client so those of you too stupid to figure out (or firewalled from using) MIRC or even Trillian could chat with the mods and other fans. My question to you is this:

If we add in a web based IRC client, would you use it?


Filed under: — @ Jul 11, 03 | 1:52 pm

So you became a star, now what?

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jul 11, 03 | 5:45 am

“You are a star on ljdrama.org!” Many of you have received that graphic at one point or another. The first feeling to run through your mind is confusion. What does that mean? What the hell is ljdrama.org? So you come to our site and find out that you have a healthy amount of the LJ population laughing at you.

Okay, so now what? The star will invariably take one of these courses of action:

1. Ignore their feature completely, not comment on the post here, make the post friends-only, make the comments friends-only, etc.
2. Get super pissed and demand we remove the post, whether by e-mail or in public.
3. Laugh about how awesome it is that you got on the site, say how dumb we are in the same breath.
4. Combination of #2 and #3, possibly also deleting their post.

Let’s get this straight: IF YOU ARE FEATURED ON HERE IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE AN IDIOT. That’s it, you lost. No argument. The only way you can keep your dignity is by going the way of #1. Anything else makes you look like even more of a loser. Why? Think about…

LJdrama has often been compared to a LJ-specific tabloid, and while I’d rather look at the site as a fascinating sociological and anthropological experiment (combined with very potent social commentary), I can definitely see where those analogists are coming from. In that case, ladies and gentlemen, learn from the tabloids! What do you think Oprah Whinprey does when they talk shit about her in the Enquirer? Nothing! Because who gives a fuck what they say? It’s funny—that’s why you read it.

Also, nobody thinks it’s great to be on LJdrama. It could not affect you at all… I’m not saying that we are omnipotent (although we’re pretty fucking close) and I’m not saying that every person mentioned here should consider her life ruined forever. What I am saying, though, is that LJdrama can affect you negatively or not at all. It cannot affect you positively, because what good could come from someone putting the spotlight on your dumbest moments? Ergo, getting on LJdrama is nothing to brag about, unless you’re a troll (but if you are a good troll you won’t brag about it anyway). It is interesting to note that the people that try to laugh it off and say “oh haha that’s so funny that you put it on here” oftentimes e-mail the complaints dept. or the authors personally, begging for removal.

The bottom line is this: if you really didn’t give a fuck, you wouldn’t let us know you don’t give a fuck. And you wouldn’t give us free publicity in your livejournal you stupid fifteen-year-old slut junkie pregger morons.


LJDrama and Mob Rule

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jun 27, 03 | 12:59 am

McClane, one of our mods and the webmaster of Livejournal Review and Livejournal.info wrote yesterday about some of the more retarded ljdrama fans.

Some of them are just so obnoxious they make Debate Central fans look like nursery kids. What cracks me up about the LJDrama phenomenon is the efficiency and ruthlessnes in which pack mentality or behavior is being played out in their forums.
I’m going to be honest… I really don’t know most of the regular visitors that well. I mean, I know them by name, but I don’t read their journals, know what they look like, or who they really are, etc. However, I am still prepared to make these semi-educated observations:

1. Our readers are much more intelligent than the people we highlight. Sure, this may not be saying much, but it’s true.

2. Our readers are bored and looking for fun. They will, therefore, help us out. We give them entertainment, and in return they will perpetuate said entertainment. Remember when that girl called the cops on that crazy girl? That was awesome.

Consequently, and most importantly,

3. LJdrama is like family. We all take care of each other, especially the mods. If someone tries to fuck with me, I know Strages and Hep and Mandy and everyone else will be right there by my side, BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING WAR OUT THERE I TELL YOU. I know the cooler readers will be there, too. And I’d do the same! Not for all the readers, of course, but I feel a strong connection to anyone that lists lj drama (or ljdrama as an interest, so to speak. p.s., did you guys notice that syn_promo and syn_quest both have lj drama listed as an interest? Is that fly or what!

So, the bottom line is yeah, some of you get a little too carried away. But we aren’t as bad as debate, and we’re a shitload funnier, AND even Debate’s champion Buff recognizes that we are superior, and submitted his boobs to us. So fuck all of you.



Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jun 26, 03 | 7:43 am

First of all, we forced the folks at onmethod to redo the dramasub. The old one is still up and working though, which means YOU GUYS SHOULD FUCKING USE IT, DON’T FUCKING E-MAIL ME. I’m talking to you, Catherine, who did it most recently (but she’s not the only one). I don’t care how important you think your drama is, fucking submit it and we will look at it.

Promised boobs

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jun 26, 03 | 4:37 am

A day late but fuck y’all, here are the admins (the cool ones, anyway) with their cleavage shots! OTHER ADMINS/FANS +ADD YOUR BOOBS NOW.

Post updated as new boobs come in so check it out. Last update: 6/28 5:45pm EST (more…)


Stuff LJDrama.org needs

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jun 23, 03 | 2:02 pm

Alright, so we’re growing and growing and we want to add some stuff to the site. Two things in particular:

Web-based IRC
Here at LJDrama & Associates, we believe in communication. That’s why we want to make it easier for you, our loyal readers, to talk to the staff on #ljdrama, hosted on irc.idlenet.org. Because some lam3rz haven’t had mIRC installed on their computer since 1997, we want to add a web-based IRC client to our site.

New drama submission form
We want to create a new drama submission form, because right now the form is very basic and lame (because Hep made it). The form has to be in PERL (because Hep said so).

Why am I telling you all this? Because we want you to help! Do you know where we can get this IRC client? Do you know how to program in PERL? Please let us know! You can comment here or just e-mail me directly to discuss. We’re not going to pay you but you can probably get a kiss from Strages and a blowjob from Isosceles. And maybe a little extra from Mandy if she’s on enough drugs.



Filed under: — josh @ Jun 19, 03 | 11:48 am

i was discussing this earlier in #ljdrama with mandy, and i would just like to ask everybody to stop fucking submitting about lj users you don’t like, thinking we’ll go and start shit with them. we are not fucking thugs. yes, we enjoy a good troll now and then, but in general, we prefer to laugh about shit that is already going down rather than harass users who have done nothing wrong. please take note: the name of this site is ljdrama.org, not ljusersthatotherljusersdontlike.org. anyway, that’d be a really lame domain name because it’s way too long. i’m not even gonna mention any names, just cut it out. and if you’re thinking “durrrr, what’re they gonna do about it?", please bear in mind that we know where you all live thanks to hep’s masterful perl script that actually can determine your address, phone number, age, sexual orientation, and favorite color when you hit that submit button.


Thank you for flying with ljdrama.org

Filed under: — @ Jun 16, 03 | 2:56 pm

There are two new links on ljdrama. The first is a FAQ. That, for those of you unable to program a VCR, means “Frequently Asked Questions". Various questions will get added to that as we feel like it. If you have any questions to be added, you can comment here and we’ll think about it. Maybe.

There is also a privacy policy and a legal statement. The sweet part of this is that even if you never read it - you’re consenting to it by usage of this system. Isn’t the law great?

There is one thing we don’t specifically mention in either document… but recently became an issue. When you comment, please do not put people’s phone numbers or physical addresses. Legally I think we’d be fine, but we just don’t want the hassle. What you post to your own journal is your business. Just don’t post it here. kthx.

Both documents may be changed without notice.

Thanks to DL for doing the web work.


LJ Drama Stats

Filed under: — Raspberries @ May 14, 03 | 4:19 pm

Okay, that ICP post was dumb because you are all stupid and don’t recognize that ICP rulez. So I deleted it. You are stupid.

Anyway, getting back on topic: playing with MT features more, I created a preliminary stats page which isn’t very useful for anything in particular, but it was a lot of fun making. People like McClane that know more about MT than I do should suggest more fun things I can do with this stat page.


Interim template

Filed under: — Raspberries @ May 02, 03 | 3:24 am

Okay, because the template is causing trouble for whiney IE fuckers, I’m going to just implement one of the default MT templates until Kevn finishes the long-awaited style he should be working on.

Oh, and while I’m posting here’s some sextips drama featuring sXe, ana, statutory rape and more all in one!!!


New site feature: browse by category

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 29, 03 | 3:48 pm

As I learn more about MovableType (thanks to McClane, mostly) I will be adding more and more features to the site. Today’s treat: BROWSE BY CATEGORY. Look at the middle box above. Under the search box, you will see a list of categories. Click on a category to see all the relevant entries. Perfect for when you just got dumped by your girlfriend and you want some misery to keep yours company.

Oh and ps do we all agree that IE is a shit browser? Everyone use Opera 7 np.


Filed under: — hep @ Apr 29, 03 | 2:30 am

A lot of you readers seem to be under the mistaken impression that

  1. we care what you think

  2. we have some sort of moral or ethical code or plan
  3. we care about anything at all other then amusing ourselves.

This really couldn’t be any further from the truth. All your whining will get you approximately nothing. Want to see the content of LJDrama changed? Become a fucking author and quit filling my inbox with your useless whiny comments. Think you are way funnier then we could ever be? See the above statement. However I suspect the truth is more that you self-rightous whiners know you couldn’t be funny if your life depended on it so you stick to the whiner’s gallery where you can parade your self-rightousness like it was something to be proud of. So in closing: put up or shut up.

love, hep


PROJECT: Troll Lines

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 28, 03 | 12:05 am

Okay, here’s a project I’m starting.. I want to compile all the awesome lines you can use to troll, and all the lines that idiots think are witty (even if they aren’t trolling, and just trying to pathetically defend themselves) . Stuff like the harsh line, the prove-my-point line, the how-old-are-you line…… Post them here.



Filed under: — hep @ Apr 24, 03 | 2:06 pm

This is our 200th entry! (including deleted NONFUNNY entries) Thanks for continuing to read our dramawhoring and muck-raking. Without you pathetic readers, we would be even more loseriffic then we already are. So keep those submissions coming (via the submit drama link at the top of the page) because really, some of us have lives and don’t have time to sit on LJ all day. Not *me* of course, but you know, some of us.

Also, call for authors! If you want to be an LJDRAMA AUTHOR, email me (hep) at dis@gruntle.org and tell me why you should get to be one. (Hint: be funny) Also any designers out there that want to do site design, feel free to contact me as well. There is no way I will pay you or give you any real compensation but it makes great portfolio experience! Plus you get link hits and perhaps even an ljdrama.org email address or something. Basically I want someone to do all the work for me plz. :D


Prove my point plz!

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 23, 03 | 5:38 pm

Okay, it’s time for the new Answer-all Comment! If you were part of the AREN’T YOU BEING A LITTLE HARSH?“, the line you can use to reply to anything, and I mean anything, confessional-related">”AREN’T YOU BEING A LITTLE HARSH?“, the line you can use to reply to anything, and I mean anything, confessional-related. Anyway, after that was beaten to death, resurrected via the Dark Arts and beaten to death again, it’s time to introduce a new line. Here it is:

“replies like that just prove my point.”

See it in action when little freshman iambatman1382 uses it on mallarda in the drama from two days ago! See it also here and here!



hard hat

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 16, 03 | 12:43 am

ok starting to implement new design, hope it works… plz hold

Update 21:03 EST new design is up. Share feelings about it on the designated message board.

Update late at night EST Kevn the bizzy d00d is finally getting bizzy with the layout and changing shit around so blame him for everything that happens from now on.


More redesign stuff

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 11, 03 | 7:46 pm

One more important thing: I set up a temporary and shitty message board to discuss the redesign of LJDrama.org. LJDrama is for the drama aficionados, so we want to know what you want! Stop by and give your two cents. Even if you don’t know anything about design, we want to hear.



Filed under: — Raspberries @ Apr 10, 03 | 6:58 pm

Expect some serious redesigning tonight. If Kevn doesn’t have his shit ready by tonight I’m going to implement some Crazy & Wild Stuff. If you want to suggest a color scheme go ahead; I have the basic idea of what I want to do but no clue as to what colors I should use (I think in monochrome).

As far as drama is concerned, I took a look at the submission box and most of the stuff is either very weak (but with potential?) or very old. There’s also some shit about Rocky Horror which is too long for me to read, but Kingfox makes it sound kind of interesting in the summary: “Someone quits their local Rocky Horror cast. People flame on, people start even going into each other’s journals and taking the flames all over. Petty stuff.” Might be worth it…


have you visited #LJDrama yet?

Filed under: — hep @ Apr 02, 03 | 4:08 am

See what you are missing?!

<twid> ljdrama sucks
<twid> i was around when it was still cool
<Encapsulate> FUCK YOU TWID
<Encapsulate> FUCK YOU TO
<Encapsulate> TO
<Encapsulate> HECK
<twid> NO FUCK YOU
<Encapsulate> NO FUCK YOU
<twid> NO FUCK YOU
<Encapsulate> NO FUCK YOU
<twid> NO FUCK YOU
<Encapsulate> NO FUCK YOU
<twid> thank you, that was “TYPICAL LJDRAMA POST” - a play in one act
<Encapsulate> Thank you.
* Encapsulate bows.
* twid bows
<twid> [THE END]
<twid> [EXEUNT]
<twid> what no applause
<twid> you fucking ungrateful bitches
<hep> *golf clap*
* duffey one handed clap

irc.idlenet.org #ljdrama - We give IRCops for blowjobs



Filed under: — josh @ Apr 01, 03 | 10:34 pm

okay, i’m working on redoing the layout because nobody else was doing it. :D


Filed under: — josh @ Apr 01, 03 | 10:34 pm

okay, i’m working on redoing the layout because nobody else was doing it. :D


Admin Announce: IRC CHANNEL

Filed under: — hep @ Mar 31, 03 | 9:10 am

Do you like Drama? Do you like IRC? Do they not go hand in hand? We have started an LJDrama irc channel for the continuous realtime perpetuation of drama. Join #ljdrama on irc.idlenet.org and get your drama on, kids. Let the op begging and topic whoring commence!

(If you don’t know how to use irc and want to, see this fine site.)


Where Did She Go?

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Feb 07, 03 | 11:39 am

I just noticed Hep deleted her journal. Is that temporary only or did she change her name?


The Holy Grail (Not A Drama)

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Jan 29, 03 | 3:06 pm

According to glish.com, the most elegant technique and perhaps the most sought after layout is the 3-column layout with a fluid center column. They also refer to it as “the holy grail.”

So there you go - presenting the holy grail, as part of my “trade” with Hep. I’m not quite finished yet, but I hope people like it. Most everything is controlled by CSS. So if you don’t like the colors, fonts, font sizes, etc., please leave a comment and we’ll consider making some changes. For admins with template access, the banner image is easily replaceable. Just crop your image to 640x183 and it’s left-aligned. Depending on the composition, you can also center it of course.

~ “Tammy Miller”


LJdramaorg Syndication

Filed under: — shapiromorris @ Nov 23, 02 | 2:44 am

LJDrama.org converted all its .html pages to .php. You won’t really see any difference except a minor annoyance when you get your updated LJdrama Syndication on your Friends List. Unfortunately, because of the conversion, your Friends List would be populated with the last 15 entries from this site. It’s a one time deal and we apologize for the inconvenience. This was done so that we could add more features to the site.

Receiving the “last 15 entries” also occurs when you first sign up for syndication. I think people worry that they’ll keep getting 15 updates all the time. I will set the RSS template so that new subscribers will get no more than 3 entries at sign up.


Another Quick Note re: Syndication

Filed under: — @ Nov 14, 02 | 1:22 am

If you are a paid Livejournal user, you can syndicate ljdrama, which basically means that we get to show up on your friends list for your convienence. So just head over here and get your drama on. If you are not a paid user, well what better time to drop as little as five bucks in the interest of supporting livejournal and getting your drama fix with greater ease?

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