
Friday Roundup

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 30, 04 | 9:27 pm

A bunch of drama that needs to be posted… Looks like none of us have time to write these up.

Kittypix drama submitted by many people

Sex & The City drama people get pissed because someone says the star’s new boyfriend is too old

Fat rejection drama something about fat people so you know it’s awesome. Plus there’s some fake in there with a swastika user pic. Has to do with this. Submitted by Hizuru.

Ana drama fake journal makes a pro-ED post in Vancouver community. Submitted by a bunch of Canadians, and some losers from Washington state.

Also, someone sent us a protected entry from Un_popular’s “private” journal that was HILARIOUS. I’m not going to post it but whoever is doing it, please keep sending them! Futhman and I read them and jack each other off simultaneously.

Shabbat shalom, motherfuckers!


Evil genius

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 27, 04 | 2:48 pm

What happens when you cross a self-righteous prude with an annoyed pornfan? Entertainment, that’s what. Especially if the pornfan has five dollars laying around.

Elance says:

I’ve thought of something. fandom_scruples has no contact email address, and no way of talking to her.

It’s a free account.

But…if it were a paid account, no one could stop us from emailing her at fandom_scruples@livejournal.com

Tomorrow’s my birthday. I have a little bit of birthday money from my parents. I am willing to put $5 toward the cause of having fun with the troll getting our voices heard.

So, I’ve done it.

Have fun, slashfen. And spread the word.

Fandom scruples is a reverse-blacklist journal that adds people if they are “clean” aka post fanfic that isn’t about little kids fucking and stuff. Apparently this guy likes his chan slash (like tcgiant)…

From Ovary.


A Hair Raising Review

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 26, 04 | 7:02 pm

“>random_review is a place where members choose a random LiveJournal and write a witty, scathing review of it. They choose various things about the journal and the user that was revealed in its entries and poke fun. Sounds innocuous enough, right? Not when “>futilitarian_ chooses “>strypedsweater’s journal for review. He notes that she has some sort of chronic hair-pulling problem, mocks it, and posts humorous pictures to complement the review. Basically the whole entry is entertaining shit-talking. Strypedsweater, of course, receives an “F” for her journal.

Things get really hairy when some of strypedsweater’s freinds get involved and make groundless legal threats. Furthermore, strypedsweater bitches about it in her own journal and inspires a less than inspired attack on futilitarian_’s journal, where the review was originally posted.

I’m personally pulling my hair out over icon thieves!


Vapid chicks gone wild!

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 25, 04 | 10:43 pm

richgirls“>richgirls is a community for fans of the ridiculous MTV reality show. Offtopic posts are allowed, however, and punkasbenji">punkasbenji takes advantage of this by cross-posting a question about “ugg-style boots” (sorry, I have no idea what that is - my idea of fashion is jeans and a t-shirt).

ok, you know how ugg-style boots are getting really big in NYC so a lot of people are buying emus?(cuz its really hard to get uggs) well, someone told me they heard on tv that some places are selling man-made material emus and saying they are real sheepskin. and this worried me cuz i know that man made emus are out there(they r sold in alloy for like, $40, which is a ton more then what i paid) and when i sprayed my emus w/ the weather stuff they faded… do i think i got ripped off? did anyone else hear this?

josie_no">josie_no (who is proud to be a slut and loves Paris Hilton, so you know she’s got real class) knows that punkasbenji doesn’t really want the advice she asked for - she wants josie’s opinion!

i think anyone is stupid for buying them - they’re ugly as all hell and they’re only buying them because “they’re in".

Thus begins a fight between fashion divas, though the convo eventually gets sidetracked into a discussion of emo bands.

Bad spelling abounds.


Richmond, city of lamers.

Filed under: — siannan @ Jan 24, 04 | 10:04 am

Today’s special was submitted by dmlaenker, who needs a boyfriend. A big hairy boyfriend. Maybe named Chet. Quoth Gay DL:

“Man, dumbass tobacco hicks in Richmond hate it when people cheat in the EZpass lane. And they hate it when people complain about it. And they hate it when people talk about people complaining about it.

Particularly fairybelle, a pro-ana speedhead who was personally offended at weev’s statement that turnpike deadbeats ought to be fined or something.

So anyway, somewhere damn well near 150 comments later, the drama is putrefying nicely. fairybelle raided my journal, along with weev’s and his S.O. vampirepopple for what she assumed would be ad hominem paydirt and, in a deliciously predictable twist, locked her journal tighter than an 80-year old undead pussy when weev delved into her amphetamine habit, disdain for food in general, and “Donnie Darko"-related repetitive stress injuries. Of course, when she freaked out that more than one person was taking note of her inability to argue, she invited her friends to sling more ad hominems, which are apparently better than hers because they’re homophobic and “anti-drug". Or anti-mind-altering drugs rather than anti-ephedra. She cannot believe that someone who does drugs she does not do, or fatties, for that matter, could possibly hold a job, because her unemployed ass is the arbiter of all things related to the labor market.

Or something. I can’t climb inside her mind. It’s too dark, hollow and formless. “

And so, true believers, I leave you to ponder the reasons why a person would have FIVE icons made from the SAME FUCKING PICTURE:

“Don’t hate the vegans, hate the game.”

Filed under: — JimJones @ Jan 24, 04 | 7:20 am

In light of the recent MLK holiday it would seem we haven’t learned anything about tolerance. When ninaf suggests force-feeding steaks to vegans as a cure for road rage, kytty jumps in to defend this particular oppressed minority group.

Grade A prime cut of the day:
And, yes, forcefeeding is a form of assualt, just as rape is.

thanks to polarbear for the title.


Take me off now or I am reporting you to the livejournal staff (and they will listen as I have a paid journal under another name).

Filed under: — Strages @ Jan 22, 04 | 5:06 pm


Get in on the Krispy Kreme Kicks Ass fun now.

The title of this post comes from a quote in a comment made by “>hiddeninshadow3hiddeninshadow3.
Unfortunately, she deleted her comments.

Check her user profile. Her one interest: hunger


From Japanese With Love

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 20, 04 | 10:55 am

dr_gabe_b_md">dr_gabe_b_md posts an image of a James Bond poster from You Only Live Twice to japanese“>japanese. This image shows Mr. Bond in a hot tub with several attractive Japanese women. People get pissy about it.

brokensphinx">brokensphinx seems to be the most upset by the situation, and starts complaining about how gabe’s posts are always irrelevant and how the poster objectifies, “asian women as ‘dragon ladies’.” He and gabe get into a fight, and a few others join in, causing aquitone">aquitone to plead, “whatever your viewpoints, please, PLEASE don’t let this escalate to the point where this community is featured on LJ Drama.” Too late, buddy! Enjoy your fame!

I love that poster, btw. I’d so buy it. It’s a shame it’s a Japanese community, though. I’d love to see their reaction to old Fu Manchu book covers, but alas, he is Chinese.

From Japanese With Love

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 20, 04 | 10:50 am

dr_gabe_b_md">dr_gabe_b_md posts an image of a James Bond poster from You Only Live Twice to japanese“>japanese. This image shows Mr. Bond in a hot tub with several attractive Japanese women. People get pissy about it.

brokensphinx">brokensphinx seems to be the most upset by the situation, and starts complaining about how gabe’s posts are always irrelevant and how the poster objectifies, “asian women as ‘dragon ladies’.” He and gabe get into a fight, and a few others join in, causing aquitone">aquitone to plead, “whatever your viewpoints, please, PLEASE don’t let this escalate to the point where this community is featured on LJ Drama.” Too late, buddy! Enjoy your fame!

I love that poster, btw. I’d so buy it. It’s a shame it’s a Japanese community, though. I’d love to see their reaction to old Fu Manchu book covers, but alas, he is Chinese.


The lesser of two furries

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 19, 04 | 10:05 pm

Out of the five submissions we received so far today (Happy MLK Day by the way), we got one about a furry and one about a real animal. Which drama is better? You decide:

Drama #1: Beastiality

I’m sure you’ve all heard the urban legend about the woman putting the peanut butter on her.. um.. genitals and her dog was licking it off and she got caught. Well, I heard that story for the first time about a year ago and.. I tried it.

And it was good.

And I’ve done it so many times since, and it’s the only way I can get off.

Drama #2: some SomethingAwful readers harrass a furry (SA always makes LJ/LJdrama interesting):

WHICH IS WORSE? Honestly, I have no idea.


Free at last, free at last…

Filed under: — siannan @ Jan 18, 04 | 10:34 pm

racial_hatred has been suspended.

That was better than sex. Well, sex with DL, anyway. Now I can dedicate my energy towards bringing back goatse. ¡VIVA EL RECTO DE LA CABRA!

Edit: Aw shit. The struggle continues. I like how it doesnt occur to yoan that maybe “a lot of people [being] angry” might be LEGITIMATE. 50 million n****r lovers can’t be wrong!

I Kick Puppies!

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 18, 04 | 4:50 pm

“>coolbluereason’s dog got belligerent the other day and bit him, drawing blood. The pain so enraged Mr. Reason that he punted the dog like a place kicker after halftime at the Super Bowl. For a while things are OK, his friends want to make sure he’s alright, and that nothing worse happened. Then some of them take the moral high ground by being offended that he would retaliate against the beast that mangled his thumbs and made it hard to type.

If all this weren’t bad enough, the loonies over in “>animal_rights hear about it and mention his horrible puppy-kicking behavior in a whiny post, where “>elctrk17 cries about her apparent lack of LJ flaming skills and causes a laughably weak response to coolbluereason’s post.

Meanwhile, coolbluereason further explains the situation but disables comments. Then he catches wind of the animal_rights bitchfest and snickers about the whole situation.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put several mice in a blender and then play frog baseball with Erin, who submitted this to us.

Bonus! Because everyone needs to read it, here is Something Awful’s take on LiveJournal.


a wedding story, the ljdrama edition

Filed under: — JimJones @ Jan 17, 04 | 11:05 am

Our tale begins with hannabajanna. Drunk, and on a rooftop she spots the man of her dreams. After a quick courtship (maybe a week) they move in together and not long after (four months or so) they get engaged. I’ll give them credit because they are planning the wedding two years from now, their love can only grow stronger right?
Our story continues and the drama begins when hanna asks for advice from some nice folks at the weddingplans community.

Can a bundle of joy be in the cards? - stay tuned

Deleted entry saved! (sorry I just sobered up)


Poetry, stupidity, and goth music

Filed under: — @ Jan 16, 04 | 9:05 pm

So, in her journal, crzy4jrt77 posts the following piece:

I can’t stop crying.
Never cried so hard.
Never cried for so long.

And soon enough, she starts getting weird comments from some very amusing people.

When lakini_malich (who is completely insane) decides to ask about her crying, they end up with the following brillaint piece of writing.

“Well, if you had blown your nose and started crying, I would have been very shocked. This kind of thing is a medical condition, that I have, and nobody else. I got itt in the 80’s from too much Sisters of Mercy. So you see, it’s impossible for you to start crying if you blow your nose, unless you listened to a lot of Sisters of Mercy in the 80’s. I did.”

The whole thing is making me laugh hysterically. It even brings up BDSM and Winnie the Pooh…

So, here is your drama, and thank you for letting me try. Don’t kill me! First post! Thanks to Mistress Xenobia

Let the Idiocy Begin

EDIT: Fixed the problem… Hope thats better.

Giggles isn’t so giggly

Filed under: — JimJones @ Jan 16, 04 | 7:30 am

Meet Giggles, by placing a bid you could win a dream date, she’s buying the drinks! (leave the bottle barkeep) You could dance the night away, get some ink done, and who knows what else? She is not promising anything you understand.

Warning-Do not click “go to larger picture"… it may crash your browser.

While browsing ebay for human flesh, starsforb finds Giggles and invites pals over to her LJ to point and laugh. When giggles herself makes an appearance she goes ballistic and threatens to file complaints. Odd, she struck me as being more romantic.

“I’m not being whiney I just don’t want to deal with it anymore.”

Filed under: — Liebe @ Jan 16, 04 | 2:42 am

Good evening everyone! This is my first post, so bite me.

Killhamster and I have been members of mock_the_stupid for a while now, and it’s been a while since we’ve had the “OMG, like you guys are sooo hateful, I’m leaving this community, but I’ll still watch it!!!oneoneone111″ post.

Wickedgiggle decides to start posting her own bitching sessions in the community. People get pissed off and start making commentary towards her, telling her she doesn’t belong, that her posts are OT, etc.

Quote of the day: 1337 in web design/graphic design as one of her posts refers to her new layout, which is simply a global head change on Livejournal and a font change. Oooooh, you’re soooooo 1337! Doesn’t say much for your ANGELFIRE site now, does it? Not that hard to point your cursor, click, and move images and words around huh? Pseudo. Whiny. Attention whore.

FYI: I’ve archived all of this bullshit, so if it’s deleted, friends-only, whatever…I got it. Oh, and yeah, I’m a spelling nazi.

racial hatred hatred

Filed under: — siannan @ Jan 16, 04 | 2:25 am

There’s a community that many of you fuckers have become aware of recently, called racial_hatred. Sure, the userinfo looks inocuous enough, but once you click your lilywhite armchair liberal ass inside, you find people with names like buchenwald (whose varied invectives read like some Romper Stomper version of the very worst the much-maligned childfree has to offer) and the tragically misspelled vampryixie (who bitches about the fact that Philly is full of black people, and probably didn’t watch enough Fat Albert as a youngster) and surprise! everyone’s new favorite cousinfucker, terrence16, who wonders if you have to be blonde and blue eyed to be white (well, no, but it helps if you want to be a TWINKIE!).

“So where’s the DRAMA, you fat lardshit?” you ask. God, you’re never satisfied. The thing is, that’s just it. You can’t have any drama in that community because it gets deleted before you hit enter. Even if you make a post about how friggin’ ugly the white race is (hey, I know I’m one hideous honkey), it gets wiped by the “moderator” and crap like this is allowed to stay up, in the name of GIVING VOICE TO THE OPPRESSED WHITE RACE HAHAHAHAHAHAH shaddap you friggin’ crackers, I happen to know that our own hep is personally miffed to the point of blowing out her good kidney over such treatment. We cannot stand for this!

So, although the ancient species of Crab People that run ljdrama.org have said many times that this is a venue to publicize drama already extant, I will do my finest Clarence Darrow impersonation in order to plead that the very existence of racial_hatred is in itself the purest of drama. Only without a Greek chorus. Or Oprah. But Oprah never has racists on anymore so who cares.

And if that’s not a good enough reason…THINK OF THE CHILDREN:

Stickin’ it to the Minorities!

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 16, 04 | 1:35 am

terrence16 strikes again.

In the gay boys“>gay boys community, he pimps his new community, angrywhiteboys“>angrywhiteboys. According to the user info:

This is a community for white males who are sick of being told that they can’t dance, can’t jump, have no rhythm, and possess a small penis when that is demonstrably untrue.

Naturally, this causes some drama regarding racism. Terrence is no racist, however. He employs the old “SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE BLACK” trick, but puts a spin on it. “My cousin’s mixed and I’ve slept with him. If the fact that he was my cousin didn’t bother me, the fact that he was half-black sure didn’t.” He’s out to tell the world!

Pretty short-lived drama (but it’s fairly new, so hopefully it will continue), but amusing.

Goth, Stripper, Poet: she’s a triple threat!

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 16, 04 | 12:52 am

Submitted by Delirium… I know I said I’d never post nonuglies drama again and I’ve been good, but this is too awesome.


she’s actually kind of cute…

She thinks she’s cute, too, so she decides to join non_ugly_goths. OK. So she applies. FINE. Her application reflects your pretty much standard goth girl.. Let’s look at her interests:

Interests/Hobbies: parapsychology, dancing, writing poetry (yay for me; i was recently published), fine dining, and i’ve been getting really in to wine lately
PUBLISHED EY? When someone says they are a published POET that automatically equals WARNING LIGHT for me, because if they are telling the truth, they’re fags, and if they’re lying, they’re liars. One person asks here what poetry she published and she shares some poetry with us (reprinted at the end). And when they ask her where it was published… she says POETRY DOT COM!!!!111111 HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA AWESOME.

That enough is worth the post.

BUT THERE’S MORE! First there’s this genius who says things like “you dont sound like a compleet juvinile” and “Your not an iddiot, and you like sum good music.” OK whatever.

And HERE’S where the main drama starts: “no Too Average, methinks. And your hair. Eww.” WHAT THE FUCK. SHE’S A HOT GOTH STRIPPER, WHO THE FUCK CARES IF SHE’S AVERAGE. Anyway, what’s so average about being a hot goth stripper? She also says: “Your right she is goth. But not Gothic-in which i hold my standards in.” WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

Oh and also, according to her application she’s an exotic dancer. So I guess with her poetry, a great stage name would be E E CUMMINGS! AHAHAHAHA I’M PRECIOUS. (more…)


Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 16, 04 | 12:23 am

Hey guys, remember Pixelicious? That nutcase that has a comic journal and sells hats with cat ears on them… Yeah, her. Anyway, apparently she is now sweating her new boyfriend’s style and is getting called on it.

I just wanted to update y’all on this because I really really liked the old drama featuring her


This is the Title Box

Filed under: — hep @ Jan 15, 04 | 11:14 pm

Ignore that last post people. Nothing to see here. Move along.

But I will address the quality of drama:

People are always complaining about ‘the quality of drama’ or ‘how LJD has gone downhill’ Well people, there are two things you can do about it.

1) We mostly rely on submissions for our drama. I don’t think any of the authors sit around frantically loading random journals searching out drama. We all mostly have jobs, hobbies, and other things that keep us busy. Occasionally we will find drama on our own, via our own friends pages, or what have you, but for the most part, it’s all about what YOU submit. So before you start complaining about what bad drama there is, why don’t you submit something? You can also join us on the irc channel (#ljdrama on irc.idlenet.org) and tell us all about how your best friend muffy raped your dog and wrote about it on LJ.

2) You can be an author! Yes it’s true! We have no standards about who can write (and for the record, I have never taken away an LJD author account. Those who no longer write for us, do so of their own initiative, their accounts are still existing and active) So if you want to complain about what a horrible job we do, and the fact that all we write about are fat camwhore, come write FOR us and see how YOU do.

simply email dis@gruntle.org with your desired username and password and I will set you up with an account and you can troll away to your heart’s content. And there are no “creators” of LJD other than me. Singular, not plural people. And considering I am for the most part a retired dramamonger (If I ever was one to begin with) it’s not really me you all should be blaming :) (Mr. X I am looking at you)


LJ Police, Arrest this Man

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 14, 04 | 10:02 pm

If you’ve used LiveJournal for any length of time, you should know just how important your freinds list is. He who has the most friends wins! At least that’s how some people feel, so they go and add as many random people as possible to said list.

“>bootyful_gurlay added many people from the community in the previous entry, causing mass hysteria in “>mock_the_stupid. Maybe not mass hysteria. One or two people got their panties in a wad over the situation and wanted to flood “>lj_abuse with requests to suspend bootyful_gurlay or have the option to remove her from their “friends of” list, because they’re apparently anal retentive. After some posts (of which this is the only one remaining,) mocking the situation, they gave up and left lj_abuse to deal with actual problems instead of neurotic teenagers. After the Dave the Great debacle, one would assume that people had told all the morons that such a feature isn’t going to be added.

Then along comes “>paedophile (whose icon makes me dizzy,) who randomly adds and removes people from their list. This gets “>deathcabformel all all bent out of shape, so much that she threatens to report him to the police for adding her username to his friends list. I’m sure that the police would then laugh at her until it hurt.

“>cookiecache can’t let this monumental idiocy go on without comment, so she highlights the idiocy in mock_the_stupid. deathcabformel gets word of this and attempts to flame the stupidity mockers and fails, deleting all her comments once she’d given up.

It doesn’t stop there, though. I’m sure that this is the kind of stupid that doesn’t run out, so it’s bound to get worse before it gets better.

Thank you mistressxenobia, ceejayoz, and Esprix for paying enough attention to this nightmare to send in detailed descriptions of these.

I must be off now, I’ve got to go add some random people to my friends list. I’ll start with deathcabformel.

Update: deathcabformel doesn’t quite understand why she’s featured here, evidenced by this. Nice cop-out though, “I was just doing it for fun!”


Two for the Price of $27.91!

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 12, 04 | 12:12 am

“>vinnieroyale needs your help! He can’t afford to buy some fake cash in his favorite online game, so he’s asking for donations in the “>gamers community. People rush to tell him to get a damn job and quit begging for stuff online, and he counters with weak excuses for being broke. The guy wants to buy intangible items in a video game, and here I am counting the days until payday. Could any of you guys send me some money through PayPal?

I stumbled across the link to that in “>mock_the_stupid, where they’re being trolled by one “>bootyful_gurlay who thinks it’s stupid “wen guyz lik kum 2 mah houzie n lik ask if ill fuk dem n imma lik DID I KALL U? NO0O0O0Oo0o0O. so0o0o lik uhm y wud i wana fuk u?

The entire entry is written like that, and it made my eyes bleed profusely. Some people immediately recognized the poor attempt at trolling, but I always found it more fun when someone is too dense to figure it out, kind of like the people who took Butchy Jene seriously.

Thank you LinguaFranca, violet_myst, Jon, and myself for finding this.


Re: the entry FAT AGAIN!!!

Filed under: — hep @ Jan 11, 04 | 10:35 pm

I posted this there, but I want the maximum amount of people to see this. You all know I tend not to censor anything, but we do have a firm ‘no friends only’ rule. It’s an actual invasion of privacy and really, livejournal has enough drama that we shouldn’t need to .

This entry was lame.

And not only that, in concerns friends only posts. LJDrama doesn’t deal with friends only drama, because that isn’t fair. So it has been removed. Feel free to whine about it, I will just think you are a loser.

Sorry it took so long, hep has been super busy and not near a computer where I could attend to this matter.

For the record, I think this girl is lovely. You jerks slamming her can all blow me.


Al Qaeda sympathizers gone wild!

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 11, 04 | 12:35 pm

freakflag">freakflag works at a car insurance company. One day, a woman who recently moved to the US, after living in Saudi Arabia for the past 13 years, comes to freakflag to get some car insurance.

The event so affects freakflag that she feels the need to share her woes with customers_suck“>customers_suck.

Her post is filled with all sorts of insulting and deragatory terms towards Arabs and the Middle East. Predictably, drama erupts. She even feels the need to charge the woman as much as she is legally allowed to charge her. Although this looks like it is a troll, it apparently is not, since freakflag’s journal also chronicles the exciting life of a car insurance saleswoman. Unfortunately, she never defends herself or her statements, so it’s just people talking back and forth about her post and how racist she is.

Hep comissioned me to post this, so if you don’t like the drama, hey man, I only work here!

I am here to bring you drama!

Filed under: — duffey @ Jan 11, 04 | 5:21 am

Hello my pornography loving friends, my name is duffey, and I am here to bring you drama. Not just any drama…LAAAAME drama. That’s right, welcome to your new hell.

To begin, one Dave the “Great” created a journal specifically to annoy the shit out of random users of Livejournal. It seems like it has worked thus far. To better illustrate what he’s doing, I have created a picture account of what’s happened.

For reference, the post that’s causing all this “drama” is right here, but don’t click that link until you’ve looked at the pictures.

“Take me the HELL off of your list. You have no idea how irritating it is. Adding people randomly doesn’t mean they’re actually you’re friends.

Who the hell are you, anyway?” – LJ User primadoll

“okay, Im gonna ask nicly.

If you dont remove me from your list, I shall report you to Livejournal. Thanks for listening have a nice day.” – LJ User bakausagi (side note, why must these people have stupid fucking livejournal names?)

“Um.” – LJ User lolixioa

Please note that while this may not be funny at all, and is likely juvenile, I lack any care in the world, and thus, this entry exists.


Jonathan Swift Was Right.

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 10, 04 | 8:49 pm

We should all be eating babies instead of animals. “>technaut57 would disagree. In fact, he wish[es] there weren’t so many pro-abortion feminists. Being a male, he really doesn’t have much room to speak. His assumption that everybody in “>feminist is a coathanger-waving, foetus-stabbing “child killer” gets more than a few people riled up. Since no one agreed with him, he went off and cried about it in his own journal.

Since I’m a big asshole, I found another such thread in “>veganpeople, where he receives more of the same. Edit: comments have since been disabled in that post. I guess he can’t take the heat. Which just makes me think of cooking up a few burgers. I think I’ll go do that.

He annoys me solely because he’s sixteen and he thinks he’s much more important in the scheme of things than he is. That and he posted that obnoxious “George W. Bush’s resume” meme-thing. It’s old now. Please stop.

One more special message: “I hope [my mom] chokes on her ham on christmas.”

Edit: he’s apparently been spamming every community he’s in.

He’s edge too. Big surprise there.


Filed under: — futhman @ Jan 10, 04 | 6:58 am

This entry was lame.

And not only that, in concerns friends only posts. LJDrama doesn’t deal with friends only drama, because that isn’t fair. So it has been removed. Feel free to whine about it, I will just think you are a loser.

Sorry it took so long, hep has been super busy and not near a computer where I could attend to this matter.

For the record, I think this girl is lovely. You jerks slamming her can all blow me.


undulate undulate

Filed under: — hep @ Jan 10, 04 | 4:58 am



And that’s not jewelry she’s talkin’about

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 09, 04 | 9:07 pm

workinclaslass">workinclaslass finds something amusing on Ebay and posts it in found_objects“>found_objects. It involves a reference to a pearl necklace. Some people find it funny, have some laughs, and who knows how many more just scrolled past it because they didn’t care for it or didn’t want to comment. Inevitably, though, someone has to break in and spoil the laughs.

That someone is cordelia_sue">cordelia_sue who wants to remind workinclass of the (relatively recent) rules against posting things found on the Internet. Drama breaks out between people who think you should slavishly obey the rules vs. people who think it just makes better sense to scroll past posts that you find uninteresting.

Dilbert does drama

Filed under: — JimJones @ Jan 09, 04 | 6:04 am

Obsessive Dilbert fans? It seems many share an emotional, perhaps spiritual bond with his poorly drawn antics via the Dilbert feed. Lacking a filter or the ability to ignore “first posts", Dilbert fans proceed to straighten brindys tie (and tell him to die, etc..). A little further down the thread the weird nitpicking continues on a new tangent and warren s bravely tries in vain to calm frayed nerves.


Another One Bites the Dust

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 08, 04 | 1:29 am

If we were to believe the internet, or at least random posts in LiveJournal communities, it would seem that rock stars are dropping like flies. First Billy Corgan, then that guy from Good Charlotte, and now Siouxie Sioux!

By MSNBC.com staff

Jan. 4 - Susan Dallion (Also know as: “Siouxsie Sioux"), age 46 was discovered dead in her Southern France home by her husband and long-time bandmate, Peter “Budgie” Clark while she was sleeping.

Siouxsie’s new project, The Creatures, just released their 4th album “Hái!” Any future purchases are said to be donated towards the cost for the funeral and burial.

No cause of death has been announced as of yet.

here is the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ID/3876974/

The link leads to an ad or a “file not found” page, as if that’s any surprise.

This shocking news is brought to us by one “>satanisantilife, whose clever play on words in “her” username confuses and amuses many.

Also of note: “>tolookatyou seems to be obsessed with Marilyn Manson, despite their apparent hatred for the man.

Thanks go out to lelly for pointing this mess out.

Another One Bites the Dust

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 08, 04 | 1:29 am


I’m not racist, but…

Filed under: — JimJones @ Jan 07, 04 | 4:40 am

Rachel writes in customers_suck:

I have nothing against immigrants. I really don’t. In fact, I believe, in most cases, that the immigration policies should be lessened so as long as whoever it is doesn’t have a criminal record.But…
This time she didn’t receive the usual *hugs* the community gives out aww :(
Vive le Quebec!

Edit: Sorry kids, entry was deleted. Here is some old drama instead.


Debate. deleted?

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 06, 04 | 12:49 pm

Debate is deleted!

Well, I’m sad about this.


Filed under: — @ Jan 06, 04 | 4:41 am



Do I really need to say any more?

Enjoy yourself.

[Edit: haha. They changed it so you have to be approved to post.

Also, I turned off comments because, quite frankly, I don’t care what you have to say about this.]

Oh Look, There’s A Rape Machine…

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 06, 04 | 1:13 am

I’m at a loss as to what exactly is going on here. Apparently in fanfiction circles there’s a market for rape fanfic. This alone isn’t very surprising, since fanfics are more often than not complete and utter crap. This, along with other more disturbing things involved in fanfic, led to the creation of “>anti_fandomrape, which deals with strange things like “twincest” and “male pregnancy.”

Enter “>caminante, who has one of those terrifying cartoon menstrual fairy icons, stating that all the rape fanfic writers should be gathered into a warehouse and raped by giant knife-weilding robots. This, he proposes, will prevent them from writing any more shitty stories in which people are raped.

This attracts the attention of people who think that rape should be written about, and people who dismiss the idea that rape fiction is bad because the people they write about aren’t real people.

In each thread caminante responds by posting pictures and comics that aren’t terribly funny or entertaining, all while abusing the Caps Lock key. He rants about Nazi Germany and continues to post inane pictures throughout the entry.

I couldn’t read all the way to the end because reading all this crap killed too many of my brain cells and I’d like to keep a few of them functional.


Obnoxious Blinking Drama

Filed under: — killhamster @ Jan 05, 04 | 1:30 am

We all know how important icons are in the world of LiveJournal. They’re a 100 pixel window into the soul of each and every user. OK, not really. They’re little square pictures with which we make posts slightly more interesting. Some of us use photos of ourselves, some use cartoons, some use completely random crap. Some people, however, crap out dozens of icons with obnoxious blinking shit, band names, celebrities, and other things that don’t really matter. These people have a perverse attachment to their little “works of art” and actively seek out “icon thieves” in communities devoted to such petty actions.

One of said communities is “>i_theft, which boasts a membership of 560 somewhat clueless people. They frequently point out people who use someone’s icon without “credit” and then swarm upon said journal until the user either deletes the offending picture or types the name of the “icon artist” in the keyword section. This is all petty and foolish, and most of them have little or no grasp of US copyright law.

“>princess_bleh, a paralegal, wants to help these strange and humorless people understand how copyright law affects them. Most, however are unwilling to listen, and whine on and on about how much time and devotion goes into creating a square picture for a website. Others point out that the community is for “spot[ting] out people using icons without credit.”

Once more, I must point out that most of these are obnoxious blinking shit in a square. And these people argue over who made which one and who’s using them without their oh-so-important permission. I’ve had people use icons I’ve made before and didn’t shit bricks over it. They get bored of the little picture after a couple of weeks and replace it with another one.

Edit: There’s also some mention of the RIAA here, despite the fact that they’re fairly unrelated to the visual media.

Every day when I wake up in the morning, I say to myself, “someone needs to destroy the internet. It spawns too much stupidity.” These people only reinforce this.


I just don’t feel comfortable singing blasphemous lyrics to a beat made by a Christian

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 04, 04 | 8:25 am

This drama needs no explanation. Here’s the post:

i’m working on a new dark industrial project with stompy beats and harsh distorted vocals… along the lines of velvet acid christ, allied vision, wumpscut, etc.

i’m already working with one other Reason user on this, but is anyone else interested in collaborating as well?

the way it would work is like this: you send me your dark stompy Reason .rns files… and then i’ll pick out the parts i like, add some of my own programming, and then throw down some vocals. of course, credit will be given for whatever work you contribute.

if you’re interested, please contact me through aim [..] or e-mail [..]

and sorry if this sounds pretentious… but NO CHRISTIANS, PLEASE.

It was posted in the Industrial community.

Thanks Hecuba.

A note.

Filed under: — @ Jan 04, 04 | 12:19 am

Just because you see something here that appears on some other site and/or community… it doesn’t mean we got it from there. We write about what is submitted to us. That’s how it works. Occasionally, we’ll find something on our own… but we don’t read other sites for material.

So stop whining.

And while I’m writing, idle legal threats simply makes us laugh. A lot.

Return of the Childfree Morons

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 04, 04 | 12:12 am

jade_darkness">jade_darkness posts to childfree“>childfree about a hil-friggin’-larious thing that happened when she went to see ROTK (for the 3rd damned time).

It seems these kids were blabbering throughout the movie, especially “about half way through the movie towards some of the more important parts.” Jade, the adult that she is, tells the parents, “I swear i told th eparents to shut the crotchdroppling up (yes i used that words int hat order, as i dont care) so they managed to shiut the kid up after giving me evil glares about the name i used for their thing.” Note that in quotes, her “unique” approach to spelling is retained.

As she is walking out of the theatre, she sees the “crotchdroppling” that so ruined her 3rd viewing of ROTK. The kid slips while walking down a hill, “and he fell flat on his face because it had been raining. And what did i do? Like any normal childfrree person, i laughed and pointed, and i wasnt the only one. So my movie expreince wa sgood for the night, thats what the stupid fuck and his parents get,”

Drama breaks out because some of the (sane) CFers are pissed that a). she laughed at a child and b). she said that that is what “any normal childfrree person” would do.

Jade later states, “Just be glad i didnt trip the kid.”

Also note: She is a furry!

Thanks be to Nadine for submitting this!


Siamese cats dont meow…they maroo

Filed under: — mandelion @ Jan 03, 04 | 11:46 am

“>louie_approved asked for advice in the hip_domestics">hip_domestics community when her Siamese cat Snickers was not playing nice with new dog they adopted. Well, Chastity decided that she wanted to keep the dog after the cat took a dump in her sink because it was jealous of the dog. She even posted pictures of this in her journal.

Well, “>louie_approved decided to thank everyone in hip_domestics">hip_domestics for their great advice and update them on the situation at home. She wanted them to know that the cat has more willpower than she does and she was getting rid of it. She directs them to them to her recent posts in her journal as to why the kitty has to go bye-bye.

As you can guess, this pisses off the animal lovers in the community and people who went to her journal to find out the story and saw the photos of the animal crap, complete with red arrows pointing to the turds. Thankfully, the images of the cat shit in the sink are over the bandwidth for today. Sorry guys, I know everyone was looking forward to waking up to that this morning.



Filed under: — Strages @ Jan 03, 04 | 7:33 am

PBZ_BANGERS - is a community which snagged the title from the initials of author, Poppy Z. Brite.
From the info page:
The World’s First Community Devoted Both to Being Childfree and Having Love of Yaoi

“>docbritepoppy, herself, posts a question in the community,

Hello! Just found this odd little place. Here’s something I’ve long wanted to ask about on the childfree community, but I didn’t want to join the community and certainly didn’t want to be thought of as a troll. I’m hoping maybe I can get away with it here, since I’ve (sort of) lent my initials to this community.

Why childfree? I mean, why do you identify as childfree? I am childless and planning to stay that way, but I don’t hate kids and I confess I don’t understand the urge to define oneself as “childfree,” have Internet communities about it, etc. I did experience a certain bitterness toward “breeders” in my early thirties, when it seemed to me that the entire world was geared toward celebration of heterosexual people and their babies, but even then it wasn’t a bonding factor for me. Is it one for you, and if so, why? I don’t intend this as a criticism per se; I’m truly interested.

I’m not here to blab about myself overmuch, but I would like to respond to a rather snarky comment below by saying that if you think the characters in THE VALUE OF X are normal, I can’t help thinking you have a great deal to learn about normalcy. True, they don’t have funny-colored hair or body piercings, they don’t wear makeup, they don’t Worship The Night. I think part of growing up, though, is realizing that a great many people who exhibit these characteristics are in fact excruciatingly normal – or at least as “normal” as anyone is – while a lot of people who don’t feel the need to parade their differences are in fact unusual and interesting folks. Not that there’s anything wrong with parading one’s differences, but I don’t care for communities where it is a requirement.

Naturally..as child-free people are always so quick to wig out and chomp at the bit, the moderator of the community, “>kwobtchankwobtchan jumps down Poppy’s throat for supposedly posting “off-topic” and then bans the author.

Now as you may have guess, “>kwobtchankwobtchan’s journal is just what you might picture it to be…
complete with anime user pics and all.

The audacity of this fucking bitch is amazing…
use an author’s name/initials to further your community and cause…then ban the very person you’re using.
What a true fuckwit.

Do yourself a favour and all of us and just delete your journal now…
come on..
you can do it.
Let’s take bets on how long it takes for us to push her over the edge.

p.s. Why the fuck don’t we have a child-free catagory????
All the child-free shit we post and we’ve never added one??
Well…we do now!!

McWiccan vs. Tightass

Filed under: — @ Jan 03, 04 | 4:51 am

I fucking hate people who get all pissy and uptight about their religion. It doesn’t even matter what religion we’re talking about. There are tightass bitches in just about all of them. Today’s example, thanks to Hecuba, is about those crazy wiccans.

Wiccans. Pagans. Druids. What-the-fuck-ever. Go eat an organically grown salad and get over yourselves already.

Anyway, kittywuff whines about people who don’t take their religion serious enough. She’s all elite and shit. I’m amazed she’s 22 - I would have sworn 16.

It gets worse though. Some useless first degree whore going by the lj name werebitch (who’s a poly, how fucking trendy) has to write a thesis paper on the subject in the comments. I would seriously be considering suicide as an option if I was a 40 year old blabbing in LJ comments like the author of the tax code just for the sake of arguing with someone half my age.

Then she goes and posts about it in her own journal.

Conclusion: They all should die. Preferably, a tree should fall on them both. And nobody would give a fuck if it made a sound or not.


It’s time for America’s Wang to fall off

Filed under: — Raspberries @ Jan 02, 04 | 11:03 pm

Holy shit, those kids in the Sunshine State never chill out. Florida has been featured on this site many times, and here they are again, this time in the Sarasota community…

Quietducks tells a story about watching some “punk” kids fighting outside a Barnes and Noble. Things really get heated up when punkmunky86 declares those kids aren’t punk.

On a semi-related note, I kind of want to know who Tara Stone is.

This drama brought to you by Ricky.

You guys thought I was dead, SUCKERS!!

Filed under: — mandelion @ Jan 02, 04 | 4:06 am

Yeah, I know she deleted her journal. The links are saved to our servers. With the exception of her userinfo page, everything was saved right after I posted this. If the word thread is in HUGE letters, it’s a working link. Have fun kids.

“>ivy_is_poison has decided the best way to deal with her problems with people online is to fake her death. So she has a “friend” make a post stating that she has committed suicide because of a long battle with cancer. People are crying and crying.

Wait folks, don’t cry for Ivy yet. She isn’t dead. She decides to tell everyone how she lied about dying here and apologize. She feels bad for her lies but wants everyone to know she really did have cancer when she was a kid. The comments from people who believed her, asking her to tell the truth or go to hell.

One of the best quotes is here

I’m betting it was pancreatic. But she didn’t die like most people do. Because the magic nomorecancer fairy came and saved her and put a quarter under her pillow. But she almost killed herself since she couldn’t stand to see her hair fall out.

She then decides to really come clean and now is saying someone else put her up to telling the lie to help themselves out. Right, because lying about dying from cancer always helps your friends out. I know it helps me score with the ladies.

Enjoy! Thanks to many for the submission!

Update: It seems as if Ivy is deleting comments. That’s ok because most of the threads were saved. Also, she wrote her about her first chemo experience in her journal. Amazingly enough, a 41 year old woman wrote the exact same thing about her battle with breast cancer. “>sinnocence wrote something about how she found it via google here. Wow, she fakes her death, having cancer, and she steals her life experiences from other people. What does this bitch do for an encore?


OMG, teh Cure is so gay!

Filed under: — mandelion @ Jan 01, 04 | 3:02 pm

“>gothikpunkrcker finally gets a journal and the first post made is about their choice in music. Now no one seems to have a problem with the fact that they are a Manson fan but the following lines of that first post have the Cure fans running to defend Robert Smith in droves:

i dun lisin 2 gay bans lik da cure lik u do. WTF? mesi dun no who dey r neways! meesa just nose dat da signr wares makup 2 n he uses harspray n teeses his hare ot!! n OMG!! he is a guy! WTF!?!?!

n get dis u guys - meesa saw him ware dreses b4 2 on stage. OMG! SO TOTLY GAY!

Nothing pisses off the goths and closet Cure fans like calling Robert Smith a fag. The argument goes on for comment after comment about how Manson is just as gay as Robert for wearing makeup, etc. There is debate over if this journal is a troll journal or not. Gee, I wonder. One of the best comments happens when one commenter offers the author the following advice:

Thank you ever-so-much for enlightening me..I meant you are just so cool…yes if being a narrow minded freak like you is cool. First learn how to fucking speak! I m34n n00b 74lk is s0 g4y! And damn you are such an Avril Lavigne…you are both wannabe’s so go fuck yourself in a hole and talk like a n00b shit head and see if anyone cares…Faggot I swear to god…

Yeah, it’s a little old but it’s Cure drama. I found it to be an appropriate comeback entry and nobody loves goth drama like me.

Thanks to Jen for the submission!

Old Drama For a New Year!

Filed under: — pouk23 @ Jan 01, 04 | 9:00 am

Ok, so this drama is sort of old, but it’s still idiotic and icon-realted, so what the hell!

oates">oates posts about taping the Wizard of Oz. This post sets off a bunch of drama because it seems she stole a Hilton Sisters (!) icon from thehouseofgucci">thehouseofgucci. thehouseofgucci threatens to report oates as an icon thief, which of course, strikes terror in oates‘ very soul.

After she stops quaking in her booties, oates demonstrates her obvious intellectual superiority by whipping out a copy of Bartlett’s Famous Quotations. She informs houseofgucci that:

“Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.” –Charles Caleb Colton

“Originality is nothing but judicious plagiarism.” –Voltaire

Shockingly enough, this doesn’t daunt thehouseofgucci (who retorts with an inane, fake “quote” from Michael Jackson) and a bunch of her friends jump into the fray.

Thanks to “Kat"!

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