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I've a hobbit question re. titles. [26 Dec 2004|08:04am]

Is it customary for younger hobbits to be called "master", and for hobbits who are of age to be called "mister"? Ie. Sam would call Frodo "Mister Frodo", but would call toddler Pippin "Master Pippin".

Yes? No? Anyone?
8 tall tales| tell a story?

spreading holiday cheer [24 Dec 2004|05:19pm]

rated G, Robin, Bilbo

for [info]monkeycrackmary

Read more... )

rated G, Frodo, Sam-lad

for [info]melnotmeli

Read more... )

rated G, RosieSamFrodo, Elanor

and this one, just because

Read more... )
10 tall tales| tell a story?

[11 Dec 2004|02:39am]

The Site is updated. Feel free to smack me around the head for how long it took. I'm sorry, guys. This has been a rather wacky year for me, offline-wise. That's not an excuse, but the delay wasn't entirely due to the fact I'm slack. Just mostly.

Also, because everyone reading this has probably (quite rightly) either defriended me or taken to scrolling past my entries automatically, I thought I should point out The Stories We Tell, which is a fic I wrote last week. Yes, it's got characters from comics in it, but there's a hobbit as well, and (as I point out in the end notes), DC canon actually set the precedent for such crossovers. So, again, the wacky isn't all my fault.

And I don't say it anywhere near enough, but thanks. Thanks for liking hobbits as much as I do, and for having generous creative minds, and for many hours of fun and games. We've wound down into comfortable quiet for the most part these days, but it's been one heck of a ride. Like a rollercoaster. Except that hobbits would be too short to ride a rollercoaster. So not really like a rollercoaster. Like a metaphor which is like a rollercoaster.
11 tall tales| tell a story?

further community spamming -- er, love [02 Dec 2004|12:50am]

Guess what. PGY has a fanlisting.

Continue on beneath the cut. )
2 tall tales| tell a story?

what fandom in a fandom is complete without... [01 Dec 2004|10:10pm]

... a colorbar of its very own?

I have this (and the code) beneath the cut because the image is pretty big.

Pretty Good Year Is Love )

The artwork filched for the color bar is all [info]hyel's.
17 tall tales| tell a story?

[21 Nov 2004|03:14pm]

Okay, so I was just looking at the site and I haven't updated since February, which is just downright horrific of me, and I'm so far beyond sorry as to go right around and end up at 'sorry' for a second time.

I'm obviously a complete and total flake, and if I tried to round up all the things I'm supposed to archive I'd be sure to forget something, and did I mention I'm sorry? So here's what's going to happen: anyone who has created something pgy-ish in the last (ohmygodiSUCK) ten months or so, drop a comment on this post. I will then collect, collate, upload, and update. And say sorry a few more times.

I'm sorry. Truly.
4 tall tales| tell a story?

[27 Oct 2004|10:40pm]

I happened to wonder into Cafepress after a long absence, and noticed there were new products available, which led me to update all the stores I have there, and make a couple of new ones. Since most are PGY products, I don't feel too bad about advertising them here.

store links )
tell a story?

Sick!Ruby [23 Oct 2004|03:15pm]

My darlin' Elly, [info]astaofmirkwood, wrote this sick!Ruby ficlet, and wanted me to post it. So here you are.


Hot. And red, and flame, and her cheeks burn like someone just took a cherry-red poker to them. )
tell a story?

[22 Oct 2004|10:34am]

Fanart of Daisy and Sammie, and Del and Sammie again and Peony, here.
tell a story?

Newbie artpost [12 Aug 2004|05:01pm]

Hullo all. I've been a Pretty Good Year fan for about 1½ years now, but for some reason never joined this community. But because I'm a big attention whore, I want to share with you this Foursome pic I drew a couple of days ago:

Merry/Pippin/Dinny/Estella, nudity )

I might be posting PGY-inspired art here every now and then. Byes.
15 tall tales| tell a story?

[12 Jul 2004|01:32pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]

Here's one little ficlet thing... Melly, I REALLY hope you don't mind me posting this, I wanted to do something with it. If you do, I'll just ask them to take it off.

Of Birthdays )
Yay for Melly's birthday story.

5 tall tales| tell a story?

a pair of drabbles [19 Jun 2004|08:20pm]

Just so you know: I did this thing on my journal where I asked people on my flist to pick one of my icons, and I'd write them a drabble for it. I ended up writing two that I can post here (out of, what, fifteen?): the first being West of the Moon, the second being East of the Sun.

Read more... )
2 tall tales| tell a story?

Augh [31 May 2004|10:55pm]

Um, guys, I've been so very, very slack in the last few months with site updates. So could everybody drop links in the comments of this post - links to any fiction, icons, or other stuff that needs to be archived? And also I believe that there have been non-pgy rsf things done by a couple of you, which I'd love for 'How Easy' if you could point me in their direction.

Thanks, and apologies for my crapitude.
6 tall tales| tell a story?

Goldilocks the Brave (rated G) [29 May 2004|10:01pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

So, I've wanted to do a Pretty Good Year tribute story for awhile, and [info]karadin's Hobbitfic Fairytale Challenge finally gave me the opportunity. So, I hope you all enjoy this.

Title: Goldilocks the Brave
Author: Ruby Nye
Characters: Rosie, Sam, Frodo, assorted Gamgee daughters.
Summary: Goldilocks Gamgee cuts her hair and hears a tale of her namesake.

A screeching broke out at that very moment.... )

2 tall tales| tell a story?

I come bearing icons. [01 May 2004|02:27pm]

I'd like to say that I was incredibly inspired, but I was instead incredibly bored. That, and I was thinking about an old joke-type-thing of mine and [info]singeaddams's, and it just went from there.

Ten (well, now twelve) icons under the cut... )

To add two more...
12 tall tales| tell a story?

[22 Apr 2004|03:19pm]

Oh, I am so joining this community. I'm a religious Pretty Good Year believer (a big Tori fan too, so that works). I've got dolls for Sam's daughters, Meli Took, and Aster also. YEs, it's that bad. I'm fanatically obsessed with LotR in that way where you start speaking random Elvish at people who piss you off. Yes.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. Oh yeah, my name's Shae, and I'm 14. I'll be regulary posting.
5 tall tales| tell a story?

[01 Apr 2004|01:40pm]

I'm supposed to be writing an article, so of course I have instead been making a list of characters that have appeared in PGY stories. You can see it here. It's still under construction; feel free to point out characters I've missed; in fact, please do!

In this folder here you can also find rtf files with all the pgy stories them, which I just made to be able to use the find function to find certain passages or character mentions. I put them up since some of you might find them useful for the same reason.

The PGY family tree is, as always, still under construction. I think the one I have up right now is a rather old one, as it doesn't even mention Frodo-lad's bride Firiel. My recent computer crash probably destroyed the fuller version. I'll fix that one of these days...
5 tall tales| tell a story?

*pops up again* [30 Mar 2004|05:48pm]

[ mood | silly ]

Hi all! Our lovely, talented and all around wonderful Miss Mary has brought to my attention the fact that pgy is now two years old. So firstly, congratulations to her, and to us, and to everyone who has read and enjoyed the rustic hobbit threesome! *blows noisy-maker while wearing a silly hat*

Secondly, Miss Mary also suggested that this would be an excellent time to celebrate with a ficlet smackdown. So join in! Write a pgy ficlet, or a pgy-crossover-crack-ficlet (bonus points for you if Singe threatens your/your muse's life) or whatever. Have fun! Celebrate! Make Mary wonder why she ever tells me anything when it all results in more work for her!

I'm of the opinion that the ficlets don't have to be about birthdays, but don't be shy of writing birthday ficlets. Oh, yes, and everyone gets cake and party hats. *runs through the community putting hats on people's heads* Enjoy!

33 tall tales| tell a story?

[14 Mar 2004|11:51pm]

[ mood | good ]
[ music | At the Hundredth Meridian - The Tragically Hip ]

Beware: Unbetaed strangeness lies ahead. Both stories rated PG/PG-13. The first being Frodo-centric and the second being Lily-centric. I have no excused for these two, except that they popped into my head about an hour ago and demanded that they be placed down on paper.


As A Hatter )


And A Candle )

13 tall tales| tell a story?

Can you make a career out of spamming? Cause that would work really well for me. [02 Feb 2004|05:49pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

Untitled East of the Sun fic... )

16 tall tales| tell a story?

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