[07 Sep 2004|01:17am] |
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Placebo - Black-Eyed |
] |
So I was extreeeeeeemly bored - and as always....that means something creative and an excuse to stare and a Lij picture for about 2 hrs....yep, I made another vector thingy. Click to enlarge!
[13 Aug 2004|06:11pm] |
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Limp Bizkit - My Way Or The Highway |
] |
*knocks loudly on your friends list*
Is this a dead community? *looks under a rock*
sexula.org is up for renewal, and I'm wondering if I should renew it or let it die. If I don't renew the domain name, anybody who still has a sexula.org email address will lose it.
What do ya'll think?
*needs to know by... MONDAY*
Danish Orli Interview |
[17 May 2004|11:31pm] |
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stressed |
] |
Okay SO ...I translated, scanned and made a layout from a danish Orli interview!!! CLICK HERE to view it....links to original scans are in the buttom.
A Plea |
[05 May 2004|09:08am] |
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distressed |
] |
I've been listening to all the stuff that's been going on, the wank, the talk of this comm being deleted, and people up and leaving. I'd be lying if i said i wasn't worried. I am.Very worried.
I for one don't want to see this comm end simply because of one bad apple or one bad incident for that matter. We have weathered storms like this before. The Loveline incident and subsequent backlash, and the first wank. We have had obstacles. But we DID overcome them. I just wanna say that i remember why and how we all came togther in the first place. It was a happy little accident that spawed our creation and a bunch of hilarious stuff has popped up because of it. (i mean come ON! We have our own clothing!! How cool is that?!?!) I love everything about this comm, the 'royal titles', (wtf is a Royal Fluff0r anyways??), the random crazehness, and especially THE PEOPLE IN IT. I care so much about each and every one of you. And yeah we have other comm's that we're all a part of,like fandom_chat, but it's not the same as this one. Let's face it, we are very unique! And it's our unique-ness that makes us who we are.
I'm not saying any of this to convince anyone to stay. I'm just trying to put into perspective what we're supposed to be all about. Please tell me that i'm not clinging to a pipe dream.....
[14 Apr 2004|04:57pm] |
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creative |
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Nelly Furtado - Try |
] |
Made a new desktop today - collection thingy. Click for bigger version. Enjoy :)
Find the rest of my work HERE
[04 Apr 2004|12:43am] |
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Goo Goo Dolls - What A Scene |
] |
Time for some Dom now - click to enlarge
You can find more HERE under funstuff
[03 Apr 2004|06:44pm] |
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creative |
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Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees |
] |
I made one of Billy today - click to enlarge
Comment....please....puitty please?
[03 Apr 2004|04:34pm] |
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creative |
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WWS - I'll be Guilty |
] |
Okay I made a couple more Lij things...hope you like them!!
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20050105104059im_/http:/=2fwww.simultaneousdesign.com/LJ/T&S/images/FunStuff/ElijahArtThrumb_02.gif) ![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20050105104059im_/http:/=2fwww.simultaneousdesign.com/LJ/T&S/images/FunStuff/ElijahArtThumb_01.gif)
Click to enlarge...and comments are gold yis?
Total pisstake |
[02 Apr 2004|07:34pm] |
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dorky |
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Tell me Something Good. |
] |
This is baisleac's fault. *Snort* To cut a long story short, (which will make sense when you read the question) I said, "They wouldn't" She said, "I would!" LOL. *snort* /Dork.
( Read more... )
Total pisstake |
[02 Apr 2004|06:28pm] |
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dorky |
] |
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Tell me Something Good. |
] |
This is baisleac's fault. *Snort* To cut a long story short, (which will make sense when you read the question) I said, "They wouldn't" She said, "I would!" LOL. *snort* /Dork.
( Read more... )
Another Drawing |
[03 Apr 2004|12:53am] |
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Tori Amos - Cooling |
] |
Yes...I did it again....since my mind is on him and my body...whishing to be on him....now my hands keep doing him o.O ANOTHER DRAWING
Drawing |
[02 Apr 2004|01:59am] |
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Christina Aguilera - Walk Away |
] |
I made a new drawing today featuring my obssesion ELIJAH
liekwhoa |
[30 Mar 2004|10:57pm] |
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horny |
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Supersonic--DOMINIC |
] |
( Read more... )
[30 Mar 2004|01:04am] |
OH, and if you didnt see my charity post and are interested let me know. I will do a reminder at the end of this week.
[30 Mar 2004|01:03am] |
I wanna claim Dom's undies and gizmo. kthnx bai.