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Wild Women Against Razors

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New Drawing [06 Feb 2005|09:08pm]

Well, there was another drawing i hadn't posted yet ...

Harem Dancer )
A colorful belly dancer ... i don't know what it is, but i have a thing for pubic hair peeking out the top of skirts/pants/panties, etc... hehe.
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Clumpies make me grumpies. [05 Feb 2005|07:33pm]

So, how's everyone's hair going (or should I say "growing," hah)? I'm frustrated with pitstick clumpies in my armpit hair. :c/ I feel warmer than usual with armpit hair... who knew? I want to braid my pit hair, but it's not long enough yet. :: cries :: I'll post pics when it's longer!
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[02 Feb 2005|12:13am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | azure ray ]

Hello everyone. my name is Sarah, im 17, bi-sexual, and i live in Canada, Ontario.

I just discovered this community and was very happy ^_^. i know you'll all accept me for who i am and id love to make some new wonderful friends.


pics ^_^ )

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New Drawing!! [28 Jan 2005|10:11pm]

I wanted to draw a Logo, with a slogan for this group! I know it's nude and probably couldn't be used much ... but it's so cute, i just have to post it here!!

Mmmm, Fuzzy Warmth ... )
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[28 Jan 2005|06:55pm]

Hi..im new here..my daughter pointed me in your direction..and happily i decided to become a member..my name is cathy ..im 47..and i always loved body hair on women..well mostly underarm hair..have removed more skin in my lifetime than hair in a vain attempt to conform..now its time to let go!!..hell yea!..hair we go!
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Woo [27 Jan 2005|03:49pm]

I stumbled upon this community after joining the vaginapagina community and had to join. I read several posts and comments and loved the supportive-ness of this community. I'm not a big fan of having unshaven legs, although several years ago it was very rare to see me totally smooth. I, however, love armpit hair. I swear it's an odd fetish I inherited from my mother (if such things can be inherited). My boyfriend is not exactly thrilled with the idea of me being hairy. I asked if he'd be bothered or disgusted and he said I could never be disgusing and I'm always beautiful. In any case, I don't think I'd like my legs hairy and I prefer my afroclam to be afro-less, however, you guys made me say "fuck it! I'm not shaving my armpits!" So thanks. Now I can pet my own armpit hair, instead of tickling my boyfriend when I pet his.
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[11 Jan 2005|08:49pm]

i'm erin, and i have been razor free for a few years now.

hair is beautiful.
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Greetings [07 Jan 2005|01:32am]

I'm definitely happy to have this community show up on my user info page.

I'm 19 and am in University in the Northeast, which makes not shaving easy when winter time comes. But visits back to TX can be a little hair-revealing.

I stopped shaving because I was fed up with cutting myself. I guess I wasn't blessed with the skin-shaving skill, or maybe my razors were never good enough? Whichever, I was tired because it wasn't like there were any boys checking out my fat butt anyways, so why shave and cater to them!

Still, despite thinking shaving is silly, I still feel insecure about wearing short skirts or skirts with slits. It's like... I don't mind defying custom when my legs are covered, but maybe I can't back myself up when it comes to explicitly showing that I DO NOT SHAVE.

Another thing- I'm trying to "take care of myself" and be more careful about grooming (the non-hair kind), yet not shaving legs- I can't figure if it all works together, y'know? Like, can one legitimately not shave their legs, but get their eyebrows done? I think eyebrow shaping has more of a purpose, though, to frame the face nicely. But maybe it's all parcel with hair-removal in the first place? I dunno, just some random thoughts for y'all.
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ehh [05 Jan 2005|10:16pm]

[ mood | hairy ]
[ music | Creed ]

okaie so I totalie am clean shaven as of now, but im thinking of g0ing au natural for a while cus im on blood thinners and all that jAzz. I was w0nderIng if you gals hAd ne suggestions for stiCking with it for suCh a long perIod of tiMe (liek 8 months)

any m0ral support/ feeDback? thanks!

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tank tops [23 Dec 2004|08:05pm]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | U2 ]

well, i became hairy this winter so i haven't had to wear shorts/skirts/or tank tops. but, i love wearing tank tops. im favorite thing to wear is a long Indian skirt, a tank top, flip flops, and a bandana. so im just wondering, what kind of reactions do you ladies get when you reveal your hair? im still gonna wear what i want to wear because well..i want to! im just curious as to what kind of reactions you have received.


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yay for hair! [12 Dec 2004|07:39pm]

[ mood | restless ]

heylo all my lovely hairy ladies. my name is Stephanie, im 16 and i have decided recently not to shave. i used to be VERY insecure. i shaved EVERYTHING ...yes...everything. and i was struggling with bulimia for a long time but i have recently felt so pissed off at society i hate shaving, so im not going to shave. plus my boyfriend loves me and doesn't care. and if i want to eat, im gonna eat. so cosmopolitan can kiss my clit. i haven't wore a tank top to school yet but i have told most people that i dont shave. i have to admit that part of me is nervous about showing my hairiness but i feel like im ready to let it go! i need support ladies! feel free to IM on "i gotz fleas" or "CrestfallenFate" id really love to hear from some of ou because i need to get support from other feminist hairy girlies. :-) peaaace

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Plz Dnt PWN teh n00b [02 Dec 2004|10:10pm]

[ mood | glad ]
[ music | the futureheads ]

hello, my name is Micki D. (seriously), i'm 16 and a junior in high school, and i had wanted to stop shaving my legs for a long while because i just dont see the need except for social acceptance. companies exploit this by making "better" razors with more blades and making products that remove hair without shaving, etc, which is as ridiculous as exploiting women's insecurities by telling them that the new victoria's secret bra is "you...but better"

despite this, i couldnt get the guts to stop shaving. I live in El Paso, Texas, where its hell almost year round, therefore i wore skirts so that just added to my not being gutsy enough to shave. anyways, after a while fall finally rolled in and right after homecoming dance, that was the end, i was fed up.

why did i shave my legs just so that nobody knows it or feels them or anything, when my legs are completely hidden under a big pretty dress?

that was the end and i havent shaved since. it's been about...3 months since, and i'm just fine with it, and also my leg hair...well i just dont have much of it though it is a bit noticeable if you glance at my legs.

some friends have expressed to me that they just couldnt find a girl "attractive" if she had hairy legs, to which i said "OMFG NOOOOO, (name here) wont think i'm hott, heaven forbid, because thats all i live for!!!!111"

sometimes i get insecure about myself but never about my legs because i just really like them, and the hair on them makes no difference at all to me.

i feel like i'm blabbing a bit so sorry, but i'm just really...glad that there's a community such as this. my sister knows i stopped shaving but i dont know if the rest of my family noticed because nobody's said nothing though my sister and i were playing around and she just said "you and your hairy legs" but it was cute how she said it cuz she's my little sis, and i'm thinking about talking to her about it though i'm not sure how to go about it because we dont really have serious conversations like that...

pick-a-chairs )

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Strawberry Warhammer has Arrived!! [30 Nov 2004|08:07am]

Well, i've posted the uncolored version of my new warrior chick on my journal: [info]limegreensquid, wondering what to do with those nipple shields ... how to shape them, and what not.
Well, here she is, in full glory, colored and armed to the teeth!

Strawberry Warhammer ... One swipe, and ... )

So, tell me what you think!!!!
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Looking for friends... [03 Nov 2004|12:43pm]

[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Tegan & Sara - Jealous ]

**if off topic, feel free to delete**

Hi. Yes, I'm looking for some mutual LJ friends (friends who will add me back). I was going to go through some of the "addme" communities, but its too complicated to cipher through all the unwanted prospects to get to you the good stuff. So, I'm posting here, because I'm more likely to find someone with similar interests. With that said, I'm including a cut of my interests here. )

P.S. X-Posted to:

[info]add_a_feminist, [info]bras_suck, [info]ellisfans, [info]folkfans, [info]riot_grrls, [info]she_bears, [info]transfeminism, [info]womens_studies and [info]wrongbathroom
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Gotta love old people [13 Oct 2004|09:46am]

[ mood | annoyed ]

I usually try to avoid having breakfast with my grandmother. I'm not a morning person, and by the time I make it to the kitchen, she's been up for like 4 hours, since she's old and wakes up at like 4. Which means she's at the top of her game, and I'm still grumpy and bitchy. Most of the time I can avoid this meeting, but today our paths converged at the table.

So she tells me, as I struggle over a bowl of oatmeal, "Why don't you shave? You know what that is? It's a sign of depression. You've let yourself go."

*snerk* So we're all depressed now. Does that mean we get free Prozac? *eyeroll*

Yeah, I've let myself go. Because this is the hottest summer in recent memory, and it doesn't look like it'll ever end, so I haven't had any exercise since May. If I've let myself go, it's not because I stopped shaving 2 years ago.

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thought you might want to know [06 Oct 2004|11:57am]

i'm just writing this to let some people know of a website called tribe.net which is a mix of forums and friendster/ online meeting people thingy. there is a tribe called stinky hairy chicks. there is lots of convos going on and you can also upload yr own photos on there which is really cool!

(sorry, i cross-posted this on hairypits)
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[06 Oct 2004|08:57am]

Hi, i apologize if this cross-advertising annoys anyone, but i just want to promote my new [info]bbw_art community!

BBW, aka Big Beautiful Women. Lovely, curvy, cuddly, round, plump chubby fat chicks! Yes, they're not for all, but i know some of us (myself included) appreciate them and find them the most beautiful, sexy creatures in the world.

Also, being someone who loves drawing, of course they tend to be the center subject of most of my art these years. But sometimes i feel completely alone in this. I know there are artists like Les Toil, and Coop who also draw pretty plump women, but those are the only other 2 that i know of besides myself!

So, i am making a call out to all who adore BBW whether you love drawing them, or painting them, or perhaps even creating CGI images of them, or even if you just enjoy gazing upon the beautiful shapes in different forms of art, please come visit or join my [info]bbw_art community!

Post your drawings/paintings,etc... the only restriction: NO PHOTOS! There are enough of those out there, and any 5 year old can alther a photo to be wacky colors. I want people who actually put pen or brush to paper, or creates completely with computer graphics if there are any of you out there.

I know the group has just started, but i hope to let it grow to help support those of us who enjoy and/or partake in creating art of this kind!

I'm sorry if this was really long, but yah, that name again is:

Thank you for your time!
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Middle School Girls (12-15 year olds) [06 Oct 2004|04:34am]

Date: 07 May 2002 15:31:54 -0400
From: Miles Nordin
To: 720 aaahtaah arthurdent deeoot com

>>>>> "zicary" == Zichary O`Tea writes:

zicary> Why is it every girl's handwritting in middle school looks exactly the same?

actually, depending on how you look at it, their handwriting is _more_ varied than anyone else's. Handwriting researchers have shown that secondary handwriting characteristics start becoming invariant only after losing your virginity. You will find the same thing in the writings of _some_ Catholic saints, but of course not all.

The writing looks like it's all the same, but really this is because all the characteristics that handwriting science can measure are constantly changing on an incredibly small scale---between and sometimes even within single letters. For example, you'll notice that girls who are virgins do not always write the same kind of 'a'. ex.:
     #           ####
 #####          #     #
#     #   vs.   #     #
#    ##         #    ##
 #### #          #### ##

If you examine their work carefully, you can sometimes see particularly enlightening examples where the virgin started forming one 'a', then switched to the other mid-character.

The end result is an undifferentiated sort of ``universal'' robotic handwriting that only good sex can cure. In the early days of language, all these girls would be having sex regularly, but thanks to the current oppressive legal and religious regime in the US where civil rights, free association, sex, and even access to music and movies are restricted for children by the Christian Fundamentalist Theocracy, these poor handicapped girls sometimes can't even type properly. One can hardly imagine the internal trauma they must suffer, constantly questioning what is the ``proper'' way to form a certain letter, feeling as though they have ``forgotten'' how to write a letter when in fact they merely face an excess of redundant internal patterns.

On the upside, middle school girl virgins are excellent subjects for training handwriting recognition because there are fewer ``local minima''---which is one of the big problems with gradient-descent ANN training. However mining the children's minds for the benefit of Industry hardly justifies the negative health effects.

In Norway, girls in secondary school are screened regularly for pregnancy because there are a variety of free, mandatory prenatal care services, and social workers found that parents were obstructing their children's access to these services by attempting to monitor and ``supervise'' their children's use of State medical care. so, now, the test results are protected by doctor-patient privilege, and semimonthly testing is provided for free in the schools and is all but mandatory, even for girls who say they are still virgins.

Denmark is planning to adopt the same program, but is struggling with funding. Some schools are currently experimenting with handwriting recognition, because it can pre-screen some of the younger girls to save money on pregnancy tests, but so far I think they haven't gotten the reliability high enough to implement the program. They also face confidentiality problems with the ``stigma of virginity,'' which is not a problem with traditional binary pregnancy tests. At least one student-rights group is protesting the handwriting-recognition for this reason.

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I am an au-natural women too [04 Oct 2004|09:30pm]

I love this group. I haven't shaved since I was 18 I'm 19 now and love the look and feel. I have pictures but I'm not sure how to show them. If anyone knows please E-Mail me and let me know.
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