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pirate prude

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[22 Jul 2004|02:14pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | can't be arsed. ]

i'm defriending some people. please, no hard feelings. i just needed to do something.

if you're really upset, tell me.

18 N gone sugaring

What a fantastic death habit [16 Jul 2004|06:25pm]
whoa that just liek, typed the subject for me.

omg wtf is jacky talking about? i don't know. i'm ignoring her & typing here instead.

she's still babbling.

so YES. i took the ferry & we took some buses & then we got lost & then we took some more buses & then we walked a lot. then we went to playland & we're both burnz0red.

then we took even more buses (jacky is mocking my typing skillz0rs. she says "mock mock mockity mock mock & you have no skillz0rz." she makes me cry,. ow, my aARM hurts.)



so yes. i am in jacky's basement now. in her ROOOOOOM.


would you like to rent a horse back?
you can't leave your submarine cables here!!!!!one.

ooh there is cutlery above me.

it's a goblet...of FIRE.

ghafhdsdjkfksd WGHAT AR
3 N gone sugaring

[20 Nov 2003|03:07pm]
[ music | "superball" - helium ]

if you want to be added, or if i de-friended you & you're pissed, leave a comment & a reason why i should add you.

46 N gone sugaring

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