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Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
1:48 am
So a few of you know I've been working on an alternative soundtrack for that film I'm oddly partial to. The one with the midgets and shiny things. Yeah. Anyway, Dave made the mistake of showing me how to use Final Cut Express.

And my tiny brain produced THIS MONSTROSITY!

Stick with it, the final frame is the best. :D

Go me.

current mood: so geeky I might wet myself
current music: Crazy - Britney. God. Are you even paying attention?!

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Monday, February 7th, 2005
8:05 am
Do you know what I hate more than the stress of oversleeping?

Waking up an hour and a half earlier than I need to and not being able to get back to sleep.


current mood: tired
current music: The Killers - Somebody Told Me

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Sunday, February 6th, 2005
12:23 am
I just realised that I never said anything really about my trip to New York. So for the sake of preserving my own memories, I'm going to wank on about the trip over several entries for no one's benefit but my own. :)


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Thursday, February 3rd, 2005
9:18 am
For someone who decided they weren't going to see the Manics again, I did an impressive job of falling out of bed as soon as I read the text from Tim2 saying tickets were on sale. I had to untangle the quilt, then I fell over a stupid poster tube that Dave have left by my bed, the twat, then get the Mac working and THEN find the right sodding card to buy them with.

I now own tickets for London and Swansea for myself, Laura and Maria. :)

And in other news, the stupid poster tube was a late xmas gift from Tim1. And it's the best thing ever. EVER.


Dave is going to kill me. And then maybe Tim too. Sorry Tim.

Eeee... Charlieeee! <3

current mood: general fangirly squeeing

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Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
1:04 am
Today at work:

Abby (running around, stressed off her face over nowt): Right guys, what do we need from the supermarket?!
Ed: Half a pound of tuppany rice. And half a pound of treacle. LET'S SMOKE OUT SOME WEASLES!!!
Abby: *scowl*
Me: *literally on the floor crying with laughter*
Ed: (with a proud look) Oh get up, you muppet...


On my 3 hour break I went over to Aly's. She had just finished work and asked me if I wanted her free staff pizza. We watched Hollyoaks, the news, ate mushroom pizza and got stoned. I've never been to work stoned before, and when I got there the Arsenal v Man U game had just started and the place was packed. I always find nights like that a drag. Beery men shouting at the TV, not a please nor thank you between them.

However, stoned Alison found it a breeze. I had a vacant smile for all, got drinks bought for me and la la laaaaa'd my way through the whole shift.

I think I need to get a regular drug habit.

current mood: calm
current music: Kaisar Chiefs - Oh My God!

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Monday, January 31st, 2005
11:59 pm
Oh my god... What the fucking fuck?!

Ignore twat-face and his twatty-face, and look at the girl (aaargh! scary!) and what she has written on her damn arm!

My fandoms are colliding and fuck me, it's ugly...

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6:25 pm
So Wayne ended up having so much work to do he was about most of the day anyway. Which was pretty good, because we almost did a Nandos - the kitchen boys tried to set the place on fire, the twats.

I also got offered Abby's old job, which I took because I need the money. That makes me trainee Assistant Manager. Bollocks.

What am I doing with my life?

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Saturday, January 29th, 2005
8:24 pm
I had a scary moment at work last night. Wayne was managing, and then it was me. Which is fine during a day shift... I'm used to it just being me on a day shift. But I've never been important on a weekend night shift before. I had to wear the walkie-talkie and ear-piece and everything, so that I could talk to the door-staff if anything kicked off. I looked like a twat.

At one point a drunken guy said, 'Are you like... 'ead of security or summat?' When I asked if I seriously looked like I was, he said, 'Yeah... you've got that 'don't fuck with me' look aboutcha...'

Good to know what my default facial expression is.

current mood: Don't fuck with me. Obviously.

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Thursday, January 27th, 2005
1:03 am - Doggy fart... Gladdens my heart.
Went to see 'A Very Long Engagement'. Twas everything I expected it to be... Predictable yet complicated in its predictability, beautifully shot and totally harrowing.... I loved it. We had two stupid people behind us who talked the WHOLE way through though, which drove me mad. Dave shushed them mum style at one point, which worked for about 20 minutes, but when they started talking during the climax, which was silent with tension, I had to do the whole body turn-round 'WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!' thing. Which they did. Fucking losers.

On the tube to the cinema I saw an ad for TV licensing on the train. It said 'What will you have to sacrifice to pay a £1000 fine?' Except someone had stuck two stickers on there. One answered the question and said 'My TV license'. The other was stuck over the word 'fine' and said 'whore'.

Well it made me laugh.

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Sunday, January 23rd, 2005
2:53 pm
So in my haste of self-pity I forgot to tell you all about the one man who brightened up my shite day.

He was stood at the bar *all day*, and everytime I looked in his direction he was staring at me. *shudders*

After a while he says to me, out of the blue, 'Do you think I look like Christian Slater?' I tried not to laugh, and decided to be kind. 'Ummm... maybe... Err...' He told me three people that day had said he looked like Slater. He personally wasn't so sure, but if he *did* he looked most like in his older films. 'Like Heathers? Or Pump Up The Volume?' asked I. He agreed on 'Heathers'. Yes, he definately thought he looked like Christian Slater in 'Heathers'.

Here is an artistic representation of Christian 'Mmmm Christian, yum yum' *fangirl squealing* Slater in 'Heathers':

The man at the bar, unfortunately, looked very much more like this:

I spent a long time wondering if there was ever any easy way to break the news to my new American barfly friend.

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Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
11:45 pm
I was so tired and sick of the site of work this morning I spent the first two hours on the verge of tears. I eventually cracked 7 hours into the shift when I cut my hand changing the Stella. To top it off the damn thing exploded in my face. Next time I'll remember to keep my mouth open.

I met up with Aly, Dave and Steve after work and we drove to Harrow to see 'A Very Long Engagement'. When we got there the cinema was sold out. Which was annoying as fuck after my shite day. Not only that, but EVERYTHING was sold out. Aaargh. So we came back home, bought coke and Haribo from Londis and watched 'Napolean Dynamite'. Very funny, but not Audrey. :(

When the film finished we put on the video that was recording the Manics at the Tsunami gig. It had recorded maybe the first 30 seconds then it went to snowscreen.

No Audrey. No Manics. Crying fits at work.

But I got to hang out with Aly.


current mood: bereft of Audrey.

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Thursday, January 20th, 2005
11:25 pm
Stolen from Karrie's journal... (anyone know how to do that 'link to people's journal' thing?)

1. Pick one dozen movies that are ones that you have special feelings about.
2. Pick a few lines of dialogue that mean something to you.
3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.

Ok people... play... :)

1. Drink up, young man. It'll make the whole seduction part less repugnant. Eternal Sunshine - Claimed by Ciaran

2. That's a fully fledged BASTARD of a good idea!

3. Cold be heart and hand and bone, cold be travellers far from home. The Two Towers - Claimed by Ciaran

4. If you ever get lonely you can just go to the record store and visit your friends. Almost Famous - Claimed by Tim 1

5.I'm sorry, uncle... I'm afraid I lost it. Return Of The King - Claimed by Laura

6. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me.

7. Certainly with your ever growing collection of flesh mutilating silver appendages and brand new neo-nazi boot-camp make-over, the boys will come a runnin'! Empire Records - Claimed by Iain.

8. The fool looks at a finger that points at the sky. Amelie - Claimed by Laura

9. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten. Lilo & Stitch - Claimed by Karrie.

10. I only surround myself with people I find intellectually stimulating.

11. Many that live deserve death... and some that die deserve life. Fellowship Of The Ring - Claimed by Fiona

12. I had a nickname for you! You wanna know what it was? I'm not going to tell you. All right, it was 'Laser'. Slackers - Claimed by Iain.

current mood: Come on! PLAY! PLAY!

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11:10 pm
So I've been totally bored tonight. Episode 14 of Lost is still downloading (22 hours to go... broadband my ARSE!) and we finished watching Garden State. Which was lovely and beautiful and I just adore Zach Braff, but... well... It's finished.

When I'm bored I seem to end up surfing for pointless crap, and look what I found! A veritable array of Orlando mockery. I've been cackling unattractively for about half an hour. Dave is scared of me now. And I may have made Fiona snort.

On the plus side, I'm not so bored any more.

Sorry Mia. :p


current mood: Ugh. Bloom. Ew! ... Ha! Bloom!

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Tuesday, January 18th, 2005
7:48 pm
Some stuff that has made me laugh. If you don't find LOTR funny (intentionally or unintentionally) these probably won't amuse you at all. ;)

Clicky clicky...

Boil em, Mash em...

All Badger scenes fully restored...

1940 Warner Bros. version of the Lord of the Rings, staring Humphrey Bogart as Frodo and Peter Lorre as Gollum. Also featuring Marlene Dietrich, Sydney Greenstreet, Dooley Wilson, Charles Waldron and Orson Welles.

Hand-Puppet FOTR

For Laura...

For Mia

current mood: stupid and amused
current music: "That is no orc horn!"

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4:55 pm
On the way to work this morning I listened to Silverchair and quite enjoyed it.

I have been feeling dirty all day as a result.

To make up for this complete lack of iPod quality control, I have listened to a large amount of Easyworld and Rival Schools, and now feel like I have made amends with the music gods.

current mood: cleansed
current music: nowt

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Monday, January 17th, 2005
7:17 pm
Oh. God. So. Tired.


I overslept by an hour this morning - I blame the crappy music they were playing on the RadioAid thing. Normally I get woken by lovely Xfm and something bouncy with guitars. This morning it was Phil fucking Collins. All for a good cause and that, but it put me right back to sleep.

So by oversleeping I forgot to pick up my portfolio for the interview and didn't realise I was without it till it was 1pm and I was in the middle of telling Abby how I lost most of it the night before. Luckily Wayne took pity on me and let me leave at 2 so I could get home and pick it up. That cost me £6.50 in taxi fares though. Pfft.

I arrived at Picadilly early (early! me!) and browsed a bit in Virgin, nosing through their American magazines for 'Lost' previews. When I got to the offices I had time for a little chat with Nas' adorably sarcastic boyfriend Rich, who works on reception there, and then got taken to a teeny hot room for the interview.

All in all I think it went ok. The guy was nice, and the other guy seemed ok too, even if Nas, Serena and Rich all hate him. Heh. They asked me lots of silly questions, I wowed them with my pretend HTML skills and they strongly hinted I would be asked back for a second interview. So... fingers crossed.

However, at Paddington I got on the wrong train and ended up in Maidenhead, the first stop. I think someone is trying to tell me I should not return to commuting and time soon...

current mood: Fucking fucked.

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Sunday, January 16th, 2005
9:17 pm
Bceause I have an interview tomorrow and I don't feel like being interesting to anybody else.... instead I'm going to have a minor dribble and wonder why I didn't sell my boyfriend to travelling folk and go on a plane to play with the geeks for a few days in sunny California.

Mmm... Beardy...

current mood: nervous
current music: silencia

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Thursday, January 13th, 2005
12:19 pm
I got a call this morning from someone who works on the editorial team at Peoplesound. I have an interview on Monday afternoon.


*tries so so SO desperately not to get hopes up*

current mood: painfully optimistic
current music: NetcafeFM is playing Shola Ama. Dear Lord.

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1:47 am
I got a reply from the dude at Xfm that Karl Pilkington told me to email... He said they're currently looking for people for work experience and asked me to fill in an application thing, and that he'd be in touch.


*tries not to get hopes up*

current mood: optimistic
current music: This room is freezing, therefore my sniffing *sniffs*

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
6:54 pm
Aargh. I was so angry at work today. SO SO ANGRY.

Basically I've been doing the job of a supervisor at work for 2 months, but despite this I've really had to fight for my raise. Eventually I pinned down Wayne and got him to PROMISE me he would sort it out that week. He didn't obviously. And I was away the week after so I didn't find out till the week after *that*. So I worked out how much he owed me in back-pay (around £25) and got him to PROMISE me AGAIN that he would put my wage up AND pay me what he owed.

On payroll day I texted him to remind him. He hadn't forgotten. He promised.

Of course, when I get my pay slip for the last week of Decemeber this morning, there's no sign of the raise. Or the back pay. And this week's pay had already gone through. I was SO FUCKING MAD I could have screamed. By this point I was owed £80 - £80!! - in back pay. That's a lot to me!

So I texted him and asked what the fuck he was playing at. I should have waited and spoken to him in person, but he wasn't working and I was angry angry fucking ANGRY. He said he *had* put my wage up (honest) and that he would give me the back-pay out of his own pocket. I replied that whilst that sorted the problem in the short term it didn't solve the REAL problem, and that I was sick of having to fight for my earnings. He replied that 'He was going back to sleep and that solved his problem'. The cunt.

This afternoon he came down to the bar and gave me a white envelope. 'This is for last night, don't spend it all at once!' The fucking cheeky fuck-faced CUNT! Why couldn't he just apologise and give me the cash and promise to sort out my pay-rate?! Oh NO he had to make a joke about me being a fucking WHORE. Because that's SO FUCKING FUNNY ISN'T IT?!


No. No it's not.

I need a new job so badly it hurts.

current mood: frustrated
current music: Channel 4 news. And my own grinding teeth.

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