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that one girl

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[25 Sep 2003|09:01pm]
well i'm glad everyone has time to comment in my journal and leave me nice little notes. its quite great kayce! i'm glad you brag to people about something this stupid. you brag about harassing me online anonymously even when its none of your business.i don't have a problem with lindsay and if she has one with me that's totally fine. we make it work for polo, i really wish you'd grow up and get over it. i hate how. this is my journal...i write what i please in it. these are my opinions and my thoughts. if you don't like it..then go the hell away, because i'm not here to please you or for your goddamn entertainment, so do me a favor get a life.
1 go braless | Liberate your breasts!!

[26 Jul 2003|03:48pm]

god i love watching mens waterpolo
1 go braless | Liberate your breasts!!

[06 Apr 2002|12:20pm]
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lj-cuttext="more>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<lj-cuttext="more quizzes">
<center><b>If I were a wine I would be...</b>
<a href="" target="new"><img src="" alt="merlot"></a>
<br>This quiz was created by <a href="" target="new">Krazy K</a>. Take it <a href="" target="new">here</a>!

<center><img src=""><br>
You?re Michelle Branch! You?re the ?girl nextdoor? type of gal. You?ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you?re not afraid to be original. You?re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn?t mean you?re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you?re not gonna let that go to your head. ;D<br>
<a href="" target="new">What Kind of Pop Princess Are You?</a> Quiz by <a href="" target="new">Jonah</a></center>
did i already post that?? hmmm....

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0"></A>
<A HREF="" target="_blank">which <b>Shakira</b> are you?</a>
by <a href="" target="_blank">divachop</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">phantomx86</a>
i don't like this song....:P

<a href=""><img src="" alt="I am a fridge!" border=0></a><br>
<a href="">what kitchen utensil are YOU?</a>
GO ME!!!!!
Liberate your breasts!!

[02 Apr 2002|09:36pm]

You?re Michelle Branch! You?re the ?girl nextdoor? type of gal. You?ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you?re not afraid to be original. You?re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn?t mean you?re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you?re not gonna let that go to your head. ;D

What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah
Liberate your breasts!!

hehe [20 Dec 2001|12:53pm]
You Have A Nice Ass

You must be doing something right. You have a nice ass and aren?t afraid to show it off. Keep up the good work!
Take Assman's Ass Test at Fire For Ice!
Quiz by fire4ice and Assman
REALLY??? that's soooo cool.. my butt is big though too.
Liberate your breasts!!

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