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(so that I can hear you)

2/2/05 05:45 pm - vegan cookie recipes I found, liked, and may want to try

Hazelnut Cocoa Cookies
Chocolate Maple Cookies
Ginger Cookies

I think I'll make the Ginger (without cinnamon) and tweak the Chocolate Maple and Hazelnut Cocoa into some weird hybrid cookie, and I can use the cutters on it.

2/2/05 12:01 pm - meme: bad songs I like

And now a meme, because I'm avoiding work:
This is a list of the 50 Worst Songs of All Time, as put together by the magazine Blender. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to bold the items that you actually like.
Read more... )

2/1/05 04:59 pm - books, bother,

It's five pm and I've done no artwork. Infact I've only just not gotten into work clothing. pah.

I have, however, finished Silver on the Tree and Marn is laughing at me, as I'm incredibly disappointed with the ending, and telling zie I'm going to mail Susan Cooper and tell her how disappointed I am. How frustrating it is to have enjoyed a series so emmensely only to be left thinking "no! no that's all damn wrong!" in the last four pages of the last chapter of the last book.

Also, I managed to not write any slash. so, um, go me? (I've never written slash. I don't believe I've it in me, honestly.)

Now I will force myself to finish at least an hour of work, damn it.

2/1/05 02:44 pm - doh *shuffles off*

I'm bad. Very bad, and I ought to be punished.
I read some of tDiR slash, and it was so hideously bad, I thought "I can write better than that!"

Good lord, I will absolutely not spend today writing Will/Bran slash, I will not.
Well, at least not before I've done my artwork, anyway.

2/1/05 01:40 pm - mail, work, reading

Yesterday I mailed off parcels to [info]floatyfish and [info]deb_m. Mae parsel gyda ni i bostio i [info]dyddgu ond dw i'n aros i [info]marnanel i ysgrifennu nodyn bach. (Oes hyn Cymraeg dda, Bee? *ochenaid* Mae rhaid i fi ymarfer Cymraeg.) I've some letters to write today, and I think that I'll start dealing with the Valentine's cards as well. I was sad to find that our local post office won't have the conversational heart stamps anymore, has none left, and won't be getting the new love stamps until after Valentine's Day. Daft.

I think I'll deal with that first, and then get into my work clothing and properly apply myself to some art. I've spent far too much time immersed in books rather than working this weekend. Though, the books are good, and I am almost through with them, and I don't let myself do that nearly enough. So I guess that's alright, then. Semi-related: The Dark is Rising slash - disturbing, plausibly spoilerish, and certainly not worksafe.

Oh, of course, I nearly forgot-- also, it's Imbolc today! So at some point we'll also be taking down the tree.

1/31/05 03:23 pm - obviously gendered shoes

I am questioning my sense of self as I've managed to come home with a pair of 3" heels.
You know, for me, not Marn.

1/30/05 08:22 pm - plans for the coming week

I've not done any artwork today, Marn mostly wanted to spend what time we had while Riordon was with SaraMae snuggling and reading, and I was quite pleased to abide that. I'm just about through with The Dark is Rising, brilliant book that it is, and luckily [info]floatyfish had given [info]marnanel the boxed set for zir birthday, so I've Greenwitch and the rest ready when I'm through.

We went out to eat for Marn's birthday, too, and zie brought home a slice of cheesecake for later on.

This week is, however, for applying myself more diligently to the webpages and artwork, with the exception of whatever day [info]floatyfish and I will be getting together for yarny-goodness. I'm going to attempt to teach her hdc and dc; I say attempt not because Amy isn't clever, but because I lack something as a teacher. It seems like ages since I've seen Amy anyways, (nearly a month!) so I'm very glad to get time with her no matter what we'll be doing.

1/30/05 10:51 am - happy birthday, my love

Happy 30th Birthday, [info]marnanel!

I use to wish for someone who I could trust, who I could share myself completely with, and who could challenge and support me to grow as a person, all while having a sense of playfulness about them. I am so blessed to have finally found all that, and more, in you. I joyfully look forward to sharing our remaining birthdays together.

I love you.

1/29/05 10:12 pm - carpet flavoured sour altoids!

Marn: *puts altoid in mouth* these taste of carpet
Fin: *blank stare*
Marn: *gestures at can* these, they're not carpet flavoured, but they taste of carpet.
Fin: *blank stare*
Marn: you may ask how much I've been eating carpet..
Fin: *giggles*

1/29/05 07:31 pm - a way around egg allergies

I made fried crackers!
And people like it and no one got ill! (I just used egg white.)

*nostaligia-induced beaming*

1/29/05 12:29 pm - birthdays!

It's somebody's birthday, who's could it be?
It's somebody's birthday, it sure isn't me!
It's somebody's birthday, do you know who?
It's somebody's birthday, oh gosh, it's you!
Happy Birthday, [info]onib!
*does a little birthday jig*

You've been a blessing to us and I hope that we see many more of your birthdays with you!

1/28/05 11:42 pm - Ni!

*puts this on her list of 'weird toys I want'*
*reminds self to make a 'weird toys I want' list later*

Also, look! Aww! *schmoop*

1/27/05 05:03 pm - Through the Telnet Tube and What Fin Found There

Twas snowsome, and the wind did whirl
a yowl and scrissle in the trees:
All toasty were the Taranens,
though outside things did freeze.

Beware sleeping in late, my love
it's off to work you go:
At least you work from home today,
don't need to brave the snow.

My head migrached, so still I slept
with colourdreams all 'round
till Marn woke me most lovingly
sweet kisses flannel bound.

And I quickrose, and snowside went
to buy some hugfix glue,
cementarous and tissueper...
Marn called ere I was through!

"Have you forgotten talkthroughtime?
I'm due to be at two
You think we'll cemeclock the time?
Today it's me and you."

We flished and made it just in time
and therapped it real neat;
We zurried straight back home again
and snuggled in the heat.

Twas snowsome, and the wind did whirl
a yowl and scrissle in the trees:
All toasty were the Taranens,
though outside things did freeze.

[Rabbit Hole Day, with my apologies to Mr. Carroll, and thanks to [info]marnanel.]

1/26/05 01:02 pm - she reminds me of SaraMae

Patricia Tabram, 66, of Hexham, Northumberland, bakes cannabis-laced biscuits, soups and casseroles for herself and friends. She hopes her book called Grandma Eats Cannabis will be in print soon.

Related story: Chicago Muffin Lady busted.

1/26/05 12:06 pm - Good Mood day

I'd like a vacation from my migraine. Preferably permanent.

Despite that, today is a Good Mood day. Case in point:
- I went to bed at a decent time, slept in a little, though.
- I remembered to take my pill this morning. (I hadn't yesterday, taking them in the morning is a new thing I'm trying.)
- I went outside to get the mail and when I picked it up, it jingled! *hee*
- I got maillove today! [info]jadegirl has completely spoilt me. *hugs lots*
- As such, I've british chocolate *glomps* mmm, dairy milk. I'll save you some, [info]marnanel.
- I've finally begun Anisoptera Argenteum, I've got two-three layers on before I stopped for the night.
- Cindy brought pizza for lunch.
- Much love for the friendslist *snugs* You are all amazing people, I'm honoured to know you in whatever way I do.

1/25/05 01:38 pm

Migraine Gods still hate me, am appeassing them with caffinated tea.

I did, however, start the silver dragonfly body today, go me. Messy, I've gluey pastey bits all over me, guess it's time for a shower, now. I would have rather worked on Whimsy but haven't got the papery pieces, so I'm going to wait on that. should be soon though, Amy tells me she mailed those on Monday. I got the miniture telephones in the mail today.

Anyone familiar with altering altoid tins into art? Do you file down the raised portions, or do you just work within that? I've a collection of about six or more tins (not all altoid tins) which I'd like to make into pocket shrines, but I'm not sure what to do about the raised bits on the front.

I've been thinking more about ATCs, I havn't done any in ages. I think I need to do some quick little art like that for awhile. Not worry so much about finished products and selling and the like. Anyone interested in trading with me? Maybe I'll make a bunch of love-related ones, and then attach them to cards for Valentine's Day mailing fun.

1/24/05 02:28 pm

PLEASE CALL-IN TO SUPPORT POSTCARDS FROM BUSTER, a new PBS program starring Buster. Buster, Arthur's best friend, made popular in the ARTHUR series. Each episode finds Buster in a new place, meeting kids from some cultural background, doing the things that kids do. One of the families that Buster visits is a same gender family in Hinesburg, Vermont. One mom has 2 kids and the other mom has adopted a Child. The kids are around 10 and 12 years old, and are typical, out-doorsy, Vermont, well-adjusted kids.

This episode will air for the first time on February 2. PBS gets a lot of its funding from the Department of Education, and as the day looms, folks at the DOE are getting a bit nervous about the reception this show will get. Please tell everyone you know in every state- whether they have kids or not - to tune into the show when it airs and to call and email their local PBS station to praise it. You know the other side will be calling with complaints from here to kingdom come. This episode is a break- through episode that is airing at a time when the backlash is gearing up, so all of your support will be greatly

Look for when this program airs in your area.

1/24/05 01:58 pm - for my fishies

Q: What did the fish say when it ran into the cement wall?

A: Dam!

1/24/05 03:03 am - well now.

Veeery Interesting.

1/23/05 11:05 pm - someone else's hands

Whenever I paint my fingernails I find that when I'm typing, it's almost as if I'm trying to type with someone else's hands (and the resulting typing usually looks like it too). I don't paint my nails very often, usually when I try, I get frustrated halfway through, and only finish my left hand. (For the past 25 days I've only had peeling lime green on my left hand, for instance.) Tonight, however, I managed to finish all ten sensibly cut nails in a fantastic metallic viridian, as well as Marn's ten in a lovely metallic slate. While we did that we watched Entrapment and The Haunting, both I must say, fairly crap films, good for 1) MSTKing and 2) Catherine Zeta-Jones, if you like that sort (and I do).

I think Marn's planning on going into work tomorrow even though SEPTA'll be running an hour behind. Tommorow I've plans of beginning Anisoptera Argenteum, and tidying up. If my migraine is better such that I can manage sitting infront of the computer for long periods of time, I'll convert over the digital portion of the webpages, if not, I'll write some letters/cards for sending out. Other than that, Cindy's coming over, I'm going to continue the crocheting lesson with Riordon we started last night (she made her first chain!) and of course the usual things, but that's it on my agenda. Fabulously dull.
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