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Shadows of the light
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Conversations about Ree's LJ, funereal

I just got back from the hospital. My grandpa died. His pneumonia hadn't really gone and resurfaced. It was quick -- there was no call saying he was back in the hospital, just that he was dead.

I, uh -- zombie comedy doesn't seem so funny anymore. Or my stupid crappy story, or the zombie story I was reading, or any of it.

God, I don't want to do this again. I've been a pallbearer twice before and I'll do it again, for my grandpa (there aren't enough grandsons so I offered), but I feel too young to have done this so many times.

My dad's holding up well, considering the hospital in which his father just died is the same hospital where my father lost his firstborn son a quarter-century ago. He cried. His brothers cried. I thought men in my family never cried at all.

I don't want to write anymore now. I want to go move bits of code around. Projects. Yes. Projects are good.

feeling : what do you fucking think?
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Conversations about Ree's LJ, slayer songs
slayer songs

The Buffy musical episode is on. Jaina says if she ever bursts into song, I am to deus ex machina her out of existence immediately. Aw. How cute that she's self-conscious!

I shall now reaffirm my eternal geekitude by saying: They totally stole the "musical ep" idea from Xena's, which was better. Lucy Lawless = operatically trained. Sarah Michelle Gellar = reedy. I'm just sayin'.

However, Anthony Stuart Head and Amber Benson? Yum. Not that I still envision the former dressed as Frank-N-Furter. Often. In detail. For very long at all.

Wait, what was I saying?

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, Um, Snog?
Um, Snog?

How long have you had that gushing tribute to moi on your Elfwood page?

"Ree is special, in many ways. She has style, and she's got a mysterious amount of experience under her belt. Don't let her small library fool you - she's got more, stashed somewhere. Also part of our RP group, and the one you can blame for some of the poetry in Ivory... go on, give 'er a hug. You know you wanna."

Yeah, I don't think my face will tone down to normal for a week. Compliment overload, augh! Don't you people know I'm allergic? ;)

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, Jaina is dumb
Jaina is dumb

Holy cheese. I mentioned Kare in my roleplaying last spring? So I did. There it is in black and white (thankfully, since coloured text makes my eyes bleed -- damn weak eyeballs).

I wonder if I should attempt to explain that or just let it go, being so old. It's about the last thing that locale ever got out of JJ, though, which makes it a sort of focus point -- see where I was and then get back into it if I shall.

Choices. Dammit. My sister gets the reference, I know that, but I'm not sure it's more than a passing "who? eh." to the average person.

And if Jaina doesn't shut up in her little blog thing I'm going to delete the account. Two somewhat lengthy entries a few hours apart is just too much posting for a fictional character, particularly when I've not posted at all today!

I am sulky. Idiot characters. I ought to write her into losing a pinky.

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, Tserrrrr!

I talked with a Tser last night. Anything else I could mention pales considerably next to that dear dragon.

feeling : bouncy
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Conversations about Ree's LJ, some kinda zombie
some kinda zombie
Damn it. I just wrote a zombie story (no, you can't see it yet -- I'm thinking of changing the ending first) and not an hour later I bump smack into Monster Island, a serial novel. Now I feel even less special.

On the upside, though, free online zombie literature. Sweeeeet. As for my stupid zombie story, it will go up on Dark Escapes when I'm done mauling it.

I need to finish my insanity story too, now that I have a place I can show it off and get comments without having to censor myself. Utter lunacy requires blood. Does in my mind anyway.
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Conversations about Ree's LJ, refound text
refound text
I am occasionally the dimmest bulb in the chandelier. Found this while trying to organise my stuffs online:

"If ever you want to read something funny, read [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]. If ever you need a book on which to write an ongoing plot summary as you read, for a class, for the love of mashed potatoes, pick ANYTHING ELSE. Somewhere I still have a notebook full of 'I think they're just throwing the plot out the window. But there's a sperm whale! Hi, sperm whale!'

The text game is even worse."

I swear I'm sentient. Sapient even, after caffeination. I must have been off djew that -- oh -- year. *headdesk*

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, meme

Ganked from Elenbarathi.

What's the oldest possession you own?
Some hardcover books that belonged to my biological great-grandmother.

What one possession have you owned the longest?
Doopy Dog, a toy my father gave me when I was three days old.

What's the most expensive possession you own?
Own outright? My laptop.

What's the most precious (to you) possession you own?
So many things. Possibly a ankh pendant of Egyptian silver or one of the Black Hills Gold bits my father gave me.

What's the rarest possession you own?
My sense of humour? Seriously, I don't really do "rare". Probably some out of print paperback.

What's the oddest, strangest, or silliest possession you own?
A foot and a half tall Pikachu suitable for Pika-butting.

What's the newest possession you own (not food)?
Some Christmas gift or another. Probably Johnny Cash's last album.

Which of your possessions most sums up your personality?
Computer or bookcases.

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, my site's down
my site's down

Not this site, obviously (*knock on wood*). My main website dealiemabob. Actually I have two hosted with the same company. One site returns the host's 404. I can't log into it by FTP either. Now the other is denying my FTP login, though thankfully HTTP is still functioning -- or else it's a really good cache. Eek.

I've been methodically sorting my bookmarks of hosting sites. That host has already given me a world of trouble. Their support forum has been down for over a month, for ****sakes. If my last site's HTTP goes, so do I. Because I am a web diva and I don't have to put up with this shit. I have to admit that until now, they've been worth every penny I paid. Now? Not so much.

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, I was a teenage* lurgy zombie
I was a teenage* lurgy zombie

Ah'm not dead yet. Ah'm getting bettah.

Sorry for the radio silence. I was busy trying to dig my frontal lobe out with a spork. In my cold-medicine--addled state, I must have thought that would relieve sinus pressure.

That was my first cold with a nose stud and a doozy besides. I have never ruined so many tissues. Ewwwww. Luckily a change of jewelry helped somewhat.

Aren'tcha glad I'm back and chattering?

*give or take a handful of years

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, I <3 truckers
I <3 truckers

Funny how I can read a blog entry about "idiot truck driver(s)" and all I can think is "Oh God, I hadn't even thought about that!"

By which I do not mean "idiot truck drivers". I mean "if the roads suck this bad for my little car, those poor truck drivers are going to be in deep shit."

Is it so hard to realise that truck drivers are, oh, human? They're people under hard deadlines. The winds get howling and an empty semi-trailer just rides the breeze. Then you get a jackknifed rig and everyone complains.

Funny how nobody complains when all the latest material goods arrive at Wal-Mart on time. Foolish citizens.

My pet theory is that they're all jealous because they ride wimpy widdle cars and the truck drivers get to peer down from their lofty roaring perches. There's nothing like riding a Peterbilt, man.

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Conversations about Ree's LJ, IE bad, mmkay?
IE bad, mmkay?
There aren't words vitriolic enough. If you use IE, read the article and then please, for the integrity of your computer, install a better browser and USE IT. Don't let people run IE on your computer, not if you want to keep it secure.
Meatwad: "There's somethin' wrong with the T.V."
Frylock: "There's nothing wrong with the T.V."
(T.V. belches blood)
Frylock: "Okay, there's something wrong with it."
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