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User:playlist (334773)  
Name:favorite five songs
About:Okay. So in this page you can list your five favorites songs and find some other new music. Only five per entry, but you may post again at any other time. Do not post greetings, or advertisements. They will be deleted. And always comment on a song or reply to a poster if you see one that you like as well.
Interests:64: alternative, ambient, audiogalaxy, beat, breakbeat, britpop, bulletproof ftp, cdnow, cds, classic rock, classical, dance, death metal, disco, download, downloading, downloads, drum and bass, drums, electronic, euro, folk, freestyle, ftp, grunge, guitar, happy hardcore, hardcore, heavy metal, hip-hop, house, indie, industrial, jungle, lyrics, metal, mp3, mp3 trade, mp3 trading, mp3s, music, musical, oldies, progressive, punk, r & b, rap, rave, records, retro, rhythm and blues, rock, ska, song, songs, sound, sounds, techno, trade, trance, trip hop, two step, winamp, writing music. [Modify yours]
Members:223: 0084, 80sxfoxsho, _ladystardust_, _mofo_, _nondescript, _paperbag, _pickleparty_, _stop, adonis420, ahiruduckie, alongcameaspydr, already_dead_, amira, amnesiac27, angelina0marie, anomicbeck, ashesfrom_stars, astropoetic, babygirrl777, baza_dekoy, beatbyter, behindthetimes, believo, bellebruise, belovedjojo, bibe, biochip, bite_me_barbie, bitterness, bleueyes, bloodshotlocket, bloolube, bluechild, bonez, bonniefiction, bossdj02, brighten, bubblysinner, camerashake, chaddarooch, cheeseinhalents, cherith, chibibaby, clearwater, complicatedgrl, confuddledness, context_clues, cracksmurf, crazecheeca, crazigirljen, dancing_ferret, davejax187, dej, delerious, delirium9, delore, denmarkadonis, devoid, dezteny, divineduck, dodgylogic, doverbeach, dragon_macabre, drunkenly_aware, earthdog, eeviac, eiszapfen, elekent, eternal_luna, ex_heartache41, ex_rockitqee603, exoh_al_ee_son, exxjasonx, fahrradfahrer, fakefurcondom, fatalperception, feminiqsoul, femme_boheme, flamingjune, frosted, frzngoddess, fuido, fuzzywarbles, ghimson, glassdanse, gonzalass, gonzowiz, grendelsden, groovemaster, guavabends, gwar, gypsyrosalie, halo_zero, halocy, halotrickster, happysmiles01, haushinkaitlyn, haushinkka, helgasfolly, hell_angel, hero_inside, hexe17, hiryu2015, hole_of_black, hollister617, hollowsoulxx, horsekateer, iamhardcore, icecreamy, icedguardian, idreamofjetlag, ifadefrommyself, iheartbootiebob, im_a_roustabout, indierocker7, ingaa, intersection, jarvisc, jigsaw_feeling, jshoejr, jsonik, juniper, karma_to_burn, karmicunderpath, katiekat, katielovesyew, kaybee25, keepsecrets, kibe, killtoy, kilowatts, kimloquacious, kinkybra, kold_as_ice, kurtle, ladymuffin, laurbb710, lexysexy, likeadream, lil_luvrgirl, linh, lluvya14, loverboy810, madwaves, maldeluxx, meffles, milinko, mintshorty69, miseemuffin143, miss_vanity, misships, modern__romance, monstar, musicisenergy, musika, muzzicgirl, nadyna, nalogg, narusan, neophyte_bullet, nice_thang, nicolivalosavic, noise_destruct, nostromo81, nyu321, octoberallover, oldies, onepinktear, orionstar, pandorasparkle, philippe, pistolpfm, pronetowonder, psychowill, psyko_dizzco, pulseczarina, quietlyecstatic, quotesgurl, ramenoodles, reasonsunknown, redwinterdying8, rinimuffins, rockittonight, rudezombie, sacredidol, sacredvision, shaeydee, sheema, shes_sotypical, shylittlemark, snoogans14, spiderjones, starryeyes257, stugurl, suneet, sunkistsoda, superior, tailfly, takingamess, teetotum, then_i_die, thenicholster, tracedream, tricksta, two_of_a_kind, typicaldisaster, tyrablaze, unknownsb, uselessbeauty, vballstar, viceindustry, vixen22, voidoid, xaintius, xayumi, xiolasmith, xjustinx, xshimmergurliex, xsillygirl, yayo, zerogauge, zeroguitar, zeroxstarx
Watched by:107: 80sxfoxsho, _ladystardust_, _mofo_, _pickleparty_, _stop, ahiruduckie, amira, amnesiac27, angelina0marie, astropoetic, baza_dekoy, bellebruise, belovedjojo, bibe, bitterness, bloolube, bossdj02, brighten, chaddarooch, cherith, chibibaby, complicatedgrl, context_clues, cool_groove, creese, davejax187, delore, dragon_macabre, drunkenly_aware, earthdog, eeviac, eiszapfen, elekent, eternal_luna, exoh_al_ee_son, fakefurcondom, favian, fear_to_see, femme_boheme, fraud_patrol, fuido, gonzalass, grendelsden, groovemaster, guavabends, guilt_trip_kiss, halotrickster, happysmiles01, haushinkaitlyn, haushinkka, hero_inside, hexe17, hiryu2015, hotchocolatte, idreamofjetlag, im_a_roustabout, ingaa, jigsaw_feeling, jodynsyl, jsonik, juniper, kaiwei, karma_to_burn, karmicunderpath, kaybee25, kibe, kold_as_ice, ladymuffin, lexysexy, likeadream, lil_luvrgirl, madwaves, meffles, milinko, miseemuffin143, miss_vanity, musicisenergy, musika, neophyte_bullet, nicolivalosavic, noise_destruct, nostromo81, nyu321, pistolpfm, pronetowonder, psychowill, psyko_dizzco, r2w, ramenoodles, rinimuffins, shaeydee, shes_sotypical, snoogans14, spiderjones, starryeyes257, sunkistsoda, tailfly, teetotum, thenicholster, unknownsb, vballstar, viceindustry, voidoid, xaintius, xhalingaredsoul, xshimmergurliex, zeroxstarx
Account type:Free Account

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