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Inu Yasha

A little info.

DOB:Tuesday Apirl 10th.
Crave:Hot Cheetos
Back-up Plan:Suicide
Fadom:Inuyasha/Wall Scrolls

I'm not that gifted, nor special or anytihng really.. I'm just me and thats all I've ever wanted to be.. and now that I can be myself and not let anyone hold me back, I feel free. I don't regret anything that I've done in my life. well thats not true but, those things are things that couldn't be stopped and even if they could, would I stop them? No. I am a big procrastinator, and if you cant handle that then love, you dont even have the rights to be near me ;D I'm in love with Anime mostly the anime Inu Yasha despite what some people say it is most possibly one of the best animes out there ;D ohh wall scrolls I love those I have those and movie posters hung up in my room. I am a big gamer.. I can start playing anygame and be addicted in an hour flat, even if I'm not the bet player thats fine I can still find a way to have fun. k I pwn ;D My music preference changes with my mood sometimes i listen to hard rock, soft rock, emo, alternitive, country music, or even pop. i'm sorry but rap eh that stuff hurts not only my brain but you cant really feel the soul if someones talking so fast you need a lyrics sheet out to follow what they are saying. lately some of the major events well not major but important events that i'm looking forward to is; this cd ;p Jassen Jansen from Die Trying when he goes solo and acoustic.. i'm also looking forard to know what their new name is going to be.

February 7, 2005 • 2:16 am

i was coerced into buying a candy rose friday.
i still have to think of someone to send it too.

hm. eh.. screw love.
>> sorry to my fellow friends who are overflowing with it.

But. i think i know who im sending it too.

lmao. i feel bad for doing it though ;/
;cough; no reason


... im weird. i need to sit down and do an
lj cut one day. im just too lazy. maybe some
time this week. not now though

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January 31, 2005 • 9:02 pm

im shaking and i cant breath im such an emotional wreck.

I've lost everything that even slightly meant anything to me this school year, and things just keep getting worse, as i push them away.

i cant take the verbal abuse at home and at school, i cant take it all at once. i just want this year to end. then i can decide if i want to stay at this school for another year or goto laguna creek like im suspose to.

there doesnt seem to be anything left for me here.

i hate feburary, all these people are so happy and everything, i really want to feel that way again, i want to know the feeling where someone really cares about me, i want to be held again. but my grades are much more important and the things i do want i cant or wont let myself try to get.

so heres hoping these 17 weeks go by as fast as last year did. but then last year i was happy.

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January 30, 2005 • 11:55 pm

ADD [info]animephreakboi NOW
He's really nifty ;p

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January 24, 2005 • 8:34 pm

i hate the fact that everyone seems to think im some
type of depressed little girl whos never happy, my
teachers even think that, kinda pathetic.

i hate the fact that can never start or end good.

i hate the fact that the 7th period bell alwys rings at 3:25
i could stay there forever.

what the fuck do people expect me to do? fake happy?
i did that once, and all these guys started asking me
out and shit. i DONT want that. i dont want them., i'd
rather look all depressed and shit that have no one then
be pretend to be happy and deep inside tear myself apart
beacuse the happiness is killing my wanting to be with
someone i actually love.

i also hate the fact that people take everything i say the wrong
way, they make me sound like a complusive liar. the only time
i lie is when, someone would be hurt by it, i dont give a shit
anymore if i get hurt, its nothing new, nothing tissue and
music with a side of time cant solve.

i also hate the fact that i have two journals but only update this one
and end up copying entries from this one to my other one, which ill
be doing in the next few seconds..

i'm too lazy to reread this and fix my typos. i really need a new
keyboard.. ;sigh;

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January 23, 2005 • 12:05 am

so, friday ended greatly so greatly!.. even though i failed a final..
erf, horrible thought. but oh well. i had a great day so that makes it okay.

i spent the day with my asshole father as a friend of mine calls him, we
went and saw elektra he called it a "date" where i paid for most of it cause
he refused to stop at the ATM beforehand

i took some pictures.. a few of me, my guitar, my dinner, and the clothes
i'm donating to good will ;p.
Pics now under the cut
Read more... )

btw, im not using an LJ cut live with it.

***new icon also ;D**

EDIT: i'll put up "happy" pictures when i figure out how to get my camera to
unload the pictures again..

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January 22, 2005 • 1:50 am

i tried catching up on everyones jounral..
then i got 280 entries back.

and just gave up.

you guys write alot.
but thats why i love you

You pick me apart
While I search for witty things to say (In my defense)
"You'll never amount to anything anyway"
(Don't press your luck, don't press your luck)

I set (i set) myself up for the greatest fall of all time
I set (i set) myself up for the greatest fall of all time

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January 21, 2005 • 6:31 pm

finals are over.,

Failed math.
A in spanish

i dont know the rest.

i want to take the week off. and see if anyone calls to see if im okay.

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January 20, 2005 • 9:51 pm

i bet you, he wouldnt give a damn if i was mad at him.

he wouldnt try to make it work.

i'd give everything i had to make him happy.
but it seems as if, he doesnt even care,
i wonder why i explain whats wrong, when he asks.

eh, to be left out. i shouldn't have made him
tell me whats wrong, when its exactly what he did
to me. talked tome untill he saw them and left without
saying bye.

i dont care. it only bothered me for a little.

January 19, 2005 • 10:39 pm

Had a bad day, don't talk to me,
gonna ride this out,
My little black heart, breaks apart,
with your big mouth.

And I'm sick of my sickness
Dont touch me, you'll get this.
I'm useless, lazy, perverted,
and you hate me.

You can't save me,
You can't change me,
Well I'm waiting for my wake up call,
And everything, everything's my fault

fuck this. i've realized how alone i really am at school today.
how pitiful

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January 17, 2005 • 11:51 pm

things are getting better. kinda.
im still first accused of crap at home
but thats nothing new

finals are this week

blah. im not even prepaired

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