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Sunday, January 30th, 2005

Subject:Ink That Does Not Rub Off On Satin
Time:11:47 pm.
Been thinking, should I post more, to where it's just some extraneous dribble?

Or post links? - Friends' movie - Cool Net radio and listener's list

Good enough?
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Subject:The End of Days
Time:10:53 pm.
Mood: annoyed.

I never thought this would happen.

Sleeping in the fetal position sounds really good right now.
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Saturday, January 29th, 2005

Subject:Inner Thoughts
Time:10:47 pm.
gribble grabble, dibble wibble. exabble infabble wobble. bibble siwebble axekacrapopgahubble.
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Thursday, January 27th, 2005

Subject:Free Parking Never Hurt So Bad
Time:11:11 pm.
Mood: sad.
Man, I need free hosting sooooooooooooo bad! Got to park and upload my domain before it collects dust!!
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Sunday, January 23rd, 2005

Subject:Time Stopped...
Time:1:40 pm.
Mood: sad.
Johnny Carson is dead.

His Tonight Show was the reason why I stayed up late on school nights. It wasn't so much about him (though his monologue was great), it was the guests that were drawn to him, and his crazy antics and skits.

Maybe, he was the greatest.
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Wednesday, January 19th, 2005

Subject:Passion Fruitilicious
Time:12:12 am.
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Saturday, January 1st, 2005

Subject:Roll 'Em
Time:7:27 pm.
I haven't mentioned, but I know a guy making a movie. A REAL, 'This will be played somewhere' movie. He's doing with a friend of his, over in OKC.

And this is one of the poor souls that was fired over stolen goods...though not known to him at the time.
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Subject:What, Again?
Time:7:10 pm.
Whoop-dee-doo! Another new year!

I've been sick friends, but not sick enough to notice that George Bush is preening his brother to be president. By saying that his brother is used to disaster (though that family is full of it), does not mean he is a learned man. Being Governor just means that you get to tell people to do their jobs, and does not mean you get to fly half-way around the world say, "Dear, dear me."

Bleh, wretched sickness.
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Thursday, December 23rd, 2004

Subject:Special Things Down the Pipe
Time:10:54 pm.
Music:Jody Watley - Friends.
Woo-hoo! I have DSL at home, DSL at home!!
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Thursday, December 16th, 2004

Subject:Guards Along the Watchtower
Time:1:00 pm.
Mood: distressed.
I don't know why, but I feel like I'm walking on eggshells here at work. Just a weird feeling, always thinking I need to be a diligent worker.

Kind of a bummer.
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2004

Subject:Stone Cold Chillin'
Time:12:58 pm.
Man, freakin' cold!
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Tuesday, December 14th, 2004

Time:1:00 pm.

Can't say anymore than that.
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Monday, December 13th, 2004

Subject:In December, The Air Bites
Time:12:56 pm.
Mood: busy.
Music:Rush - Limelight.
Believe it or not, I am posting from work. Many a strange things have happened.

Mayhap, I will post more tomorrow...
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Friday, October 29th, 2004

Subject:In Due Time
Time:11:57 pm.
Contrary to popular rumors, I am not dead.
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Friday, September 10th, 2004

Subject:Working Man's Serenade
Time:7:25 am.
It's moving day, so you know I'm thrilled.

This will be like working double-shifts.

By the end of the night, I'll know what it's like to be Superman.


Except I won't have the red cape and tights.
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Friday, August 13th, 2004

Subject:The Kitchen Closes
Time:4:43 pm.
Mood: nostalgic.
Well, another icon has died; Julia Child.

I have fond memories of watching on my little black and white when I was young, and wondering, "Does that taste good?" Some of the things she did, were perplexing, and oftentimes she made a horrific mess, or an exaggeration over how something looked or tasted. She was as overboard as her accent. Julia was always a bit off, and after reading an article a few years ago, detailing a conversation she had with the reporter, she was alway content with America and its people. She had no thoughts about going back overseas. I say she just had the tourist bite, and could never shake it. We delighted her constantly, if you can believe it. Not too long after Dan Akroyd immortalized her on SNL, I would always think about the bumbling Akroyd whenever I saw Julia's show. Glued to the tube, I always hoped for some calamity, like a wreck during a car race.

Julia, you did what you did best, and loved to share. I appreciate that.
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Thursday, August 12th, 2004

Subject:Some People, Movement No. 5002
Time:4:39 pm.
Mood: curious.
You know, just because you're a gay governor, doesn't mean you have to quit.
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Subject:Commander of All I See
Time:4:36 pm.
The flooding here was so spectacular yesterday, that it made news on the Today show.

Starving for news gets little towns everywhere.

And I wouldn't have know a thing about it, otherwise.
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Subject:Get Out!
Time:12:44 pm.
Mood: stressed.
Can you believe it, a new Amityville Horror movie is being made?

Freaked up world.
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Subject:By the Dusk's Early Light
Time:1:28 am.
Mood: enraged.
I wanted to see the Perseids tonight, there were a few against me. And no, it wasn't city lights this time. The enemies were the Northern Horizon, of which the Perseid Ray (?) was just below for us southerners, and the trees. These trees are not little things either. They're probably 50+ years old, towering over these houses and the street. It's just some mighty old neighborhood, I tell ya!

A million tabloids could be printed down this street...
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