tbot's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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who am i? youd like to know [Wednesday the 9th of October]

Who are you?

in other news: i got an amd xp +1900, soyo dragon kt333 mobo, 256 crucial ddr memory, and im using my 2 hard drives, old modem, some other ect crap, and im builing my new computer!!!!!!!!!!! im getting a new case + 350 watt power supply at fry's electronics, and im getting windows98/2000 from my unle. FUNFUNFUN

NEW!!! IMPROVED!!! [Friday the 4th of October]
Tbot is like a normal coffee cup, but it tells the time.

yeah, that website ryo was using, uhh http://thesurrealist.co.uk/priorart.cgi?

cofeecoffeecofeecoffeecofeecoffee [Friday the 4th of October]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Something Corporate - Fall ]

Zenryuko and I are trying to get a website up, kinda like a spoono.com, where some peeps can post tutorials, articles, rants, movie reviews, music reviews, and the like. I would be doing the PHP and most of the website design, and others would have posting duties. I would get hosting, around 100 megs and 2000 megs of bandwidth, if we need more i would update.

The site would take up ~15, as not alot of files are gonna be up, its just gonna be some text files of each article. As an incentive, each user gets his own webspace (~8 megs), subdomain, and own email like name@domain.com, the domain hasnt been picked yet. Ive got a catch though, the members have to donate like 5 bucks a year or something, i have better things to spend 25 bucks on right now... and i dont even have 25, im a cheap, poor poor bastard.

Well i know zenny wants to, lurker does, ive got a freind who thinks its interesting, and another who has a good job and can pay, just for the email. I could save ~10 bucks, so only three people need to donate. guess what? everyones poor like me, so we have a total of 50 CENTS saved up. anyone interested in this, if only to get the webspace, subdomain, and unlimited email? EMAIL ME: lost@verlyost.f2o.org

oh haha after about a year wearing my hat i got my hair to spike, IT WAS LOOOOONG, then i woke up this morning and it was half-mohawked, so i made it a HARDCORE MOHAWK YO


jus chillin' [Monday the 23rd of September]
im just sitting here listening to 'hopelessly devoted to you, vol 4'. its... boring. i read through all these zzt-z2-community related posts and laugh. i look through all these college related posts and... think, wtf am i going to be when i grow up? no clue.

lately my dad has been angry, like 'get strait 'a's yadda yadda' im like 'goddamn'. last year i got b's, a c, and a couple a's. in my opinion, grades = shit. i do all the crap, i get good test scores and still get b's and c's. he says i have to try harder. HOW. im not gonna change all of a sudden and... uh.... yeah i dont even know what to do to get better grades.

only reason im worried, if i get all a's i get a car. simple as that, i dont? he gets pissed off and i dont even want to know. im not scared of him, but a car is a good thing.

by the way, how the hell do i get a grant from those cat6's or whatever the hell theyre called. he says i need one or something.

IN GOODER NEWS: i got an nvidia geforce4 Ti, 4400. tomarrow im ordering an athlon AMD XP+2000 and a soyo draginb motherboard. in about week im getting a kick ass casem then some ddr memory. happy happy joy joy.

i need a job.

wtf [Monday the 16th of September]
this is a direct quote from sciencenow or seomthing:
"How to Make a Fly Bi
Genetic engineering gets male fruit flies hot ... for other males"

that can be found (temporarily) @ http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/

again with the tests [Sunday the 15th of September]

What cartoon dog are you?


i eat paste [Saturday the 14th of September]

What lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

haha hell yea

somebody call 9-1-1 [Wednesday the 11th of September]
egads. 9/11 already. i know, im late. everyone else has already posted about it.

what a sell-out excuse for a day. i was in the grocery store and they had corn-flakes with american flags on the cover. Wow. i bet those families are so happy and proud that they are being cheered up with 'american corn flakes'. what else should i complain about? The assembly at school today? Why not. Blah blah sit in the sun for 20 minutes, thensome crappy ass school band comes in blah blah some songs, then some speeches that sounded like the writers for boy band songs wrote. Haha, one lady was talking, and said ' i couldnt beleive it. i thought to myself "who couldve done this!?!?"' so i shout out 'OSAMA'. good for that bastard, i hope he had fun. dont take that the wrong way either.

lets get our minds off this crap for a moment. ive been playin guitar alot more now, i can play alot of the offspring 'smash' album, pretty much all of that nirvana album everyones always talking about. And lots of others. Damn white stripes/the hives/the vines songs are easy. just like 4 power chords for the whole song. i need to get faster though, ive been trying some punk rawk and some 'finger strengthening' exercises or whatever.

im a lazy bastard. *tips hat*

yo [Wednesday the 4th of September]
wow life could really suck right now, but it doesnt. First, my dog gets hit and breaks her front left leg. Shes o.k., i guess. Then i sprain my ankle, not fun. There have been some home-improvement problems around here, resulting in much anger toward my mom and her bfriend. There is alot more goign on, but thats personal family issue stuffs.

oh yeah, and school starts tomarrow. i must wake up at 6:00. sucks much. AAANNNDDD either my site was hax0red or my hosting service fuc|<3d, so many many files were deleted. Its fixed, and im posting my newest script, Newscaster 2.0, up tomarrow.

<3 's to all

3D3D [Wednesday the 28th of August]
[ mood | okay ]

wow, 3d modeling is fun. cept my computer sucks so bad its hard to render. My computer crashed twice by trying to render a robot i made =(

.... that is all. And oh yeah, visit http://verylost.tk now


RARE LIMITED EDITION [Saturday the 24th of August]
Name: tbot
User: 14268
Created: 2000-09-07
Post Count: 107
Tbot, the ultimate in tbot skillz. Will bust out Bahamut Zero and kill your ass.
Strengths: l33t ninj4 skillz
Special Skills: Guitar playing, Wwebsite skillz
Weapons: Bastard Sword, l33t h4x0rz

DAMMIT ALL [Thursday the 22nd of August]
[ mood | angry ]

crap. i had to wake up at 7:30 to get ready for high-school registration for 10th grade. that was gay. we stood in line fore like an hour, then got bombarded by 'JOIN WATEPOLODODOL AND CHRISITANITY FOR TEENZ'. then my picture had to be taken. ive been wearin a hat for like 6 months, but i couldnt wear it for pics, so i got my hair cut. IT LOOKED GAYER THAN MY BROTHER (he looks like a fag) LIVING IN SAN FRANCISCO, WEARING A PINK SHIRT. then they said some stupid thing, and i laughed and they took the pic at the WORST possible time.

then i got my schedule. i signed up for basketball, and htey put me into some pe class with some gay coach. then i got the HARDEST worst POSSIBLE teachers. every single one.

oh yeah, i got screwed out of 25 bucks too. and i learned my freind isnt getting a car for a while. i have to walk like 20 minutes to the bus, then listen to some stupid radio station for 40 minutes as she goes the long way to school.

more complaining: i still havent gotten verylost.net, acidmist says to get a doman takes less than 7 days. its been 14.


blah blah [Monday the 19th of August]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | some mxpx song, i dont know the name ]

im bored...

two weeks and a couple days untill school starts, and i need... to do something. Im going to the beach again, and might go paintballing, if i can get around to filling my co2, and getting decent gloves. getting hit in the finger isnt fun. oh yeah, some type of gonad-protecting device will be needed also.......

anyway, im thinking of starting 'web design', making lazy peoples websites for them. i always like re-doing my sites, so im gonna stop and do other peoples. currently i almost have 4000 hits to my site, http://verylost.f2o.org, and im still trying to get verylost.net. acidmist is cool, but takes way too long, its been like 10 days and its supposed to take maximum 7. i should be getting a confirmation email SOON. hopefully tonight.

when school starts, im gonna take up drawing. im gonna draw crap. its fun. sketch out trippy stuff, do nothing. im gonna keep my grades ok, but school doesnt matter to me. i hate it. i might have to ride the damn bus too. hopefully my lazy friend can get his stupid truck soon.


spam times two billion [Tuesday the 6th of August]
[ mood | okay ]

ok, ok, so how many times have i made a new website or re-designed one. the most recent version, titled just 'verylost', is found at http://verylost.f2o.org . ive been makind scripts, adding content, and uploading pics to the site, im hoping to make it the biggest yet.

i tried to make it compatible with at least 600x800 resolution, which i guess is the standard. i cant stand anything below 1028x768, but thats me.

on other news, the idea of 'aol abuse', is quite funny to me. finding a random screen name and bugging the hell out of the person. only aol users though, and not always 'bugging'. im thinking of pretending to be telling the person they won something...

damn, what the hell is this: a 'plastics' comercial. what are we going to do, go out and buy plastic now? yeah we dont already do that...


do not try at home [Monday the 5th of August]
take a looke at this:
scientists are creating a 'relativistic heavy ion controller', or 'RHIC'. its true and being developed now. theyre gonna smash two gold atoms toegether at light speed.
it will either
a) create the matter that created the universe( some gluon stuff) (lasts a split second)
b) create a black hole, or
c) effect all atoms in the universe ultimatly destroying it.


or search in google for: relativistic heavy ion controller

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