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Stolen from lots of people
Tell me something. Anything you want. It doesn't have to be about me. Anonymous comments have been temporarily allowed (although they will be screened initially) and IP addresses are NOT being logged.

You can tell me anything, it could be about me, a secret about you that you want to share with us .....

Current Mood: nervous

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I think there can't be anything more childish or cowardly than someone who uses the anonymous comment feature to be nasty to someone else, and doing it in their friends journal too. I mean, if you have something to say why not say it and stand by it?

I could care less about anything anyone has to say if they can't even admit to it. Anyway, back to the xbox. Better things to do on my day off. :)

Current Mood: indifferent

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Well I must recommend going to the Trafford Centre on boxing day... if you want to get stressed!

Well at least I got myself something out of it. Click here to see my flashing phone (3Mb avi file)

Current Mood: bouncy

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Merry Christmas to all my friends and to anyone who reads this that isn't my friend. Hope you have a good new year too.

Time to go out drinking and being merry. Got our digital camera, so be warned if you live near us and decide to go out anywhere we might see you. :)

Current Mood: merry

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Stolen from the nonnafrottable one


From the Irish root meaning "Complete Bastard"

Josh is drawn to the scene of an accident by morbid curiosity.

Josh is childish and immature.

Josh is naive.

Josh judges a book by its cover.

Josh starts most of the arguments.

Josh is basically ugly.

Josh isn't rowing with both oars.

Josh likes to cause mental and physical pain.

Current Mood: happy

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Just a quick post to say I am playing on my xbox.
Heh. Guess where some of my bonus has gone. Well I worked hard for it.

so ;-p to chinasunflwrnon-xbox-owner

Current Mood: happy

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ok, if you are seriously bored, and nothing better to do, then I am on yahoo with my webcam, and you can watch me do exciting things like drink beer. :-p

I'm jnelsonuk on yahoo.

Current Mood: tired

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Well I can't wait for next week now... I get to work till 3am every day. whoo!
I'm glad that I don't have to start until 3pm. :D

12 hours work and I'll get 19.5 hours pay. I like this plan, even if it means I have to be up until 3am each day.

Current Mood: hungry

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And finally a HUGE thank you to my jeweleeebaby.

Thanks for the card, thanks for the cuddles, thanks for the kisses. I love you.

Current Mood: loved

User: [info]tep
Name: Josh
Back February 2005