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We went to see the Reading Phoenix Choir tonight... varno is a tenor in the choir. Absolutely fantastic performance, really enjoyed it! :o) Their guests were Kit And The Widow, had me in stitches!! If you like Flanders and Swann, or even Victoria Wood's songs, then you'd love them! :o) The whole night was almost perfect, with the singing, performance, company (Em, Chris' family, Em's family, and additional friend-type peeps), and half-time ice cream. The only things that spoilt it were the two kids (I say 'kids', they were probably late teens) in the row in front of us, farting around with their mobile phones... recording songs and taking photos, with the mobile phone displays catching our eyes throughout the whole of the second half, and the lady on the back row who coughed, choked and spluttered throughout most of the first half! Heh, it's the Pleasure-Pain theory, I suppose.
Current Mood: tired
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Dear car drivers to whom this is relevant, Those extra bright lights that are usually underneath your main headlights and blind other drivers are not "driving lamps" or "driving lights". They are "Fog Lights". It is not big and it's not clever. It's bloody annoying. Particularly those of you who think that side lights and fog lights look cool. No, it's dangerous. And according to the Highway Code rules 201 and 211, it's illegal and a criminal offence. So please, switch the sodding things off when it's not foggy. If you need to have brighter lights than your normal headlamps give you, then either get a car with decent headlamps or get your eyes tested. kthxbye.
Current Mood: ranting
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Yeah, so this is probably a waste of time, but I really hope that it isn't. For the record, here are my New Years Resolutions for 2005, in no particular order. - I will re-establish and maintain contact with certain members of my family whom I have neglected over the last few years.
- I will get back into my weight loss, and stop farting about.
- I will get back to the gym and get fit(ter).
- I will update my journal more.
- I will re-establish and maintain contact with certain friends whom I have neglected over the last few years.
- I will improve my organisational and time-management skills. I've entered this one as a personal objective in my Annual Appraisal.
- I will get off my arse and sort out my websites and other projects that I've started and subsequently abandoned. Along with this, I will not start any new projects until I've sorted out the ones I already have.
- I will commence a kind of self-therapy by brain-dumping my gripes and annoyances, in the hope of improving my temper over things that shouldn't really bother me. For this, I have already created an Opinion Blog*... which is also available at thelovebugopine.
- I will improve our home and quality of life. This resolution has a big list of its own... I might post about that at a later date.
I think that's enough to be going on with. * Yeah, I know... I can't stand the word "Blog" either... but as it uses Blogger, I'm kinda stuck with it.