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Maggie Abigael

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I have come to a decision! [14 Dec 2004|06:55am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Bjørn Arve Lagim - TLJ - 32 - Winterland ]

It shall be.. Rahkel! I just really like the way that looks ^^; lol.

Now.. I have to change Minzoku and Nekojin too. Tenshi I'm not going to change, because they're actually asian, in some parts of the world, so they can keep an asian name. Just.. the Nekojin, Kuroneko and Shiroineko aren't, and are very european. The Minzoku.. ah, I don't use their name much, but I think I'll change that entirely. ^^;

I dunno how I'll do that yet. ^^;;

In more news: Moving to Hopkins on January 11th. The house that fell through came back. It's ours. Huzzah! XD

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[13 Dec 2004|07:42pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Fluke - Puppy ]

While making flashcards for the Massive Bitch of a Euro Test tomorrow, I wrote, in pen, on the back of Robespierre's card: "Head of Committee of Pubic Safety".

Yeah, I only wish. Or he only wishes--either one. I'm annoyed at Robespierre because there's no info on him in the packet, and my notes on him have disappeared.

And Fitz has not helped by providing a review sheet. I'm in the dark here :/

Are the National Assembly and the National Constituent Assembly the same? Who exactly *was* Marat, other than a guy who sat in his bathtub all the time? Were Jacobins part of the Grodists at one point? How the HELL does bourgeoisis sound like "booge-wa-zee" when you say it outloud? Is Fitz just pronouncing it wrong? I see *no* reason for it to be that complicated. ^^;

Nark. I am not fond of this.

In other news, (searching for happier news...) I got a really good idea for a Euro extra credit drawing? I took it from the apparent French Rev "pornography" depicting Marie Antoinette. I'd do it in cartoon style instead of fancy style like the last one, maybe color it too, and it'd be Marie lifting up her skirts so you could see a garter or something, and then there'd be like.. bread under her skirts or something. ^^; I haven't decided where the bread shall be yet. Maybe stuffed into her stockings?

In other good news.. My Death of Nateline picture is coming along well, even though I haven't looked at it in a good while. I'm going to watch EarthSea tonight.. Even though I should be studying, but fuck it :P I'm going to the study session, and as long as I've got my flash cards at hand, I can study before class. I can go through the cards through the onslaught of Ihop commercials, too. ^^;

Why am I waisting time writing? ^^; Uh.. One would be inclined to say stress relief, but I think it's just dawldling. ^^; Kanthak got pissed at us today u.u; I need to mem hotaru so that I can focus on light. Narknark. Narknarknark.

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[12 Dec 2004|02:46pm]
[ mood | curious ]

I am hurriedly looking for the Big Bad Wolf--because even though these apartments *look* like they're made of bricks, I'm pretty damn sure that he's going to blow them down.

Aside from the prospect of my house colapsing (which is not a large prospect) the weather fucking kicks ass. XD Horray for angry prairie weather!

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[08 Dec 2004|07:58am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | O'Donnell/Salvatori TotalAudio - "Halo" ]

I just.. really have to share this scene. XD It's my favorite so far, and most likely will be my favorite until I finally get to the Death of Nateline.

If you care/want to care who the murderer is, don't read it. ^^; It's the confession of the murderer. I just want to flaunt it because it's.. kind of hot. ^^;

Oh, and when Michelle refers to "it" at the beginning, he means the mad sex he had with Nateline.

Scene Somethin-or-other: The Confession of the Murderer )

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Okay. [06 Dec 2004|10:38pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Patrick O'Hearn - Track 03 ]

So, I think, for every Nano Novel that I do, the first scene shall have to incorporate a spider into it. 2003 had a spider in the opening scene, and now 04 has too. The spiders come back in 04 novel a lot more--in 03 it's just a random thing that scurries across the floor--but in 04 the spiders are the symbols of insanity. When ever Michelle sees a spider, or Veronika is mentioned iwth a spider, it's bad news. :D

I just thought I ought to share that with yall.

I still haven't decided on Raquelle's name yet. ^^; It's between Raqkel and Rahkel--only I can't seem to type Rahkel without typoing it. ^^;

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[06 Dec 2004|05:51pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Delerium - Consensual Worlds ]


Jaenelle. Get your ass back into reality so you can grow up and do it with Daemon. Doing it with him in unicorn form is not acceptable.

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<3 this book [05 Dec 2004|10:10pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Vas - Prayer for Soheil ]

Daemon is such a slut! Thinking such things about a little girl..

He is so very, very attractive though. ^^;

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[04 Dec 2004|11:41am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Astral Projection - Black & White ]

Raquelle, Raqkel, or Racqael?

The last one changes his name in speach more than I like. I'm leaning towards Raqkel, because Raquelle is just too damn femmy.

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Okay.. [02 Dec 2004|08:40pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Tubular Bells - 1 - Mike Oldfield ]

So I was hanging around at school the other day, and somebody asked me for my senior pic, so I brought out my handy dandy senior pics and gave one to her. :D

Then, upon coming home, I thought.. I give out all these pics to people from school, but nobody in Shiver gets one!

Soo.. I scanned one in for Shiver-ites, and played with it in Photoshop, lol. If you want it, you can save it or whatever. This one was one of my favorites.

~this is the original

~now I made it old lookin :D

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After Nano Goals [01 Dec 2004|07:31am]
[ mood | content and sad ]
[ music | Original Soundtrack - The Tree of Death ]

Well.. Nano's done. It's like there's something missing from my very soul, you guys. ^^;

I did really well this year; finished with 67,176. I probably should have stopped at 66,666 for the occasion, but it's always best to have more :D My originial goal after hitting 50k was 60k, and after 60k was 70k--but I only got as far as that. I'm still happy, lol.

The book isn't done--it might have been if I hadn't seen Alexander and gotten caught up into Serpent of Souls again, but it certainly would have been rushed and butchered. I'm going through and editing, writing more, finishing hopefully.

Anyway, so here are my post-Nano writing goals:

+Nateline is done by the end of Winter Break.
+At least 1k per day on any story, I should think. Very easy, but keeps the writing juices flowing.

And here are to-dos:

+Most important, APPLICATION. Finish editing up the essay to send to U of M and get it in to the Student Center by the end of this week.
+Get through the Japanese book Vocabulary before the end of Winter break. Depending on my role in the Fr. Rev Trials, this may be easier or harder. (I'm looking to be an attorney.. maybe. I want to defend or persecute Louis, but apparently Fitz's class doesn't want to do Louis this year :/)
+Find a damn job.
+Color at least three pictures. The Louis one counts as two. ^^; If Sarah and I are selling at Detour, then I need some things to actually *sell*.
+Buy Christmas Presents!

I'm sure there are more.. but I have to dry my hair now. ^^;

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::twitch:: [30 Nov 2004|10:42pm]
[ mood | missing nano already ]
[ music | Tubular Bells - 1 - Mike Oldfield ]

So ahh.. were exactly did my day go? :/

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^^; [28 Nov 2004|03:04pm]
[ mood | annoyed with myself ]
[ music | Vas - In the Garden of Souls ]

Help. I'm spiralling out of control again.

I gave up--now I'm doing work on Serpent of Souls. I'm not doing any writing, really, only reading and editing here and there.

And, of course, as I always do, I got a new idea. :/ What would happen if I got rid of the one-wife deal.. and instead just had Mazern have a few, and Abigael and Raquelle's mother be alive and well?

That would change a lot of things, but not require a rewrite or anything. In fact, I think I like it better.. because then I don't have to find some strange reason why this immensely powerful woman is dead. She could even be teaching Abigael the secrets of the Caeri behind Mazern's back--like the dances and things, but since it's behind his back, Abigael doesn't know that they're more than dances. She could have a very.. ::cough:: Olympias kind of character. It could prompt Mazern's hatred towards Raquelle.

God, I hate my brain. :/ I just want to finish something for damn once, lol.

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[28 Nov 2004|02:12pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Vas - Unbecome ]

I have a chance of finishing, I think.. but I want so badly to go back to SoS. I'm way over the 50k, but god.. :/ I wanted to have the damn thing done. ^^;

But no.. Raquelle, how you are like Alexander. u.u; I want to draw Felix with his little blonde dreds. I was very surprised that Heph had little dreds in parts of the movie :D It reminded me of Fe.

And you totally can't make me read about the French Revolution :/

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:/ [27 Nov 2004|04:54pm]
I wrote like.. 6k today and I am ready to bash Veronika in the face. I started with her confession--but I don't like it, and I feel that the whole thing is somehow not plausable. Michelle hasn't had enough time to fall deeply in love with that stupid ho, and I think Veronika is coming off way too seductively.

Anyway.. Ran into Ann and Nick when I went to Dun Bros, and Cassie was there too. I wrote more than I talked with them, lol, but when Ann showed up we had a regular fandango. Yep.. I think I'm just really bleh-like because my stress level is super low. ^^; I don't function well when I don't *have* to do something. Plus, there was no Kung Fu today, which I'm kind of glad for, but I haven't had serious excercise in like.. two weeks. I'm sad, lol. I need excercise, but I'm so damn lazy.. I've lost like.. five pounds, maybe? I'm pretty sure that's my muscle draining away :/ I need that muscle.

I definately think that I am way too attached to Hephaistion in the movie. It's not because of the actor or anything ^^; It's just that look he's always got. There's a picture of him in the cd booklet and it's too pretty. u.u; Honestly.. how do you be a man like Hephaistion? How can you be the lover of a man who has the entire world under him? Is he the one that's supposed to keep him in check? Kind of like yin and yang, maybe. And in the end, when Alex took a bride, was it more like he was being cast off, or did Alex still go with him?

I think I'm romaticising them too much ^^;
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::sigh:: [27 Nov 2004|12:03pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Delerium - Consensual Worlds ]

Okay, so I guess I've found something that I miss about that house. :/ No fires on the hearth when it's snowing. I think last year, towards the end of nano, I did some serious work by the fire. I'd forgotten about it.

I don't have kung fu, though, adn that's a plus for today. (I think) I'm kind of lazy, but at least I'll get some writing done. I've started a new picture--the Death of Nateline. It's hot. I might even try to add Michelle somewhere in there, but I think he'll only be a figure.

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[27 Nov 2004|08:54am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

There's a crow perched outside my window, sitting on a branch with a dusting of new snow stuck to it.

I hope this doesn't mean I'm going to die soon. :/

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I've never called the police before [27 Nov 2004|08:09am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Alexander -Roxana's dance ]

But I am damn well going to if someone doesn't turn that damn car alarm off NOW. Stupid fuckers :/ It's ruining Roxana's dance.

We're getting snow, though.

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I am such a whore ^^; [26 Nov 2004|11:07pm]
[ mood | like a ho ]
[ music | Alexander Soundtrack - Titans ]



I am so hopeless. u.u; And I am forever sad that Heph is dead.

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Despite it all.. [25 Nov 2004|11:42pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Vas ]

It was a good movie. It really was--it was done very well, even though, historically, it was SO OUT THERE. Hephaistion was beautiful--Kassander was extremely good looking. Bagoas, once you got over the she-man look, was defiantely well done. I didn't even think he'd be in there, let alone in there so much. So much of it was from Renault. :D The critics say that they didn't develop Alex enough, and I really think they did. He did very well--much better than I thought he would. Angelina Jolee was AMAZING. She was just brilliant--perfect, she was SO GOOD at being nuts. Oh, god. Just perfect.

Okay, well here are the main issues that I had with it.

1. THE PERSIAN CAPITAL IS ****NOT**** BABYLON. (That's a big deal, guys.)

2. Issus. Issus, ISSUS. The name they gave to the battle with the Persians that really determined the fate of Persia was Issus, while the one that was in the movie was the last stand, I'd say. After Darius ran in that, Persia was lost, but he had a much smaller force, if I recall correctly.

3. No burning of the palace? Mou?

4. Stateria (or however you spell her name) was not the one that confused Alexander with Hephaistion. It was the Queen mother, who later denounced Darius and claimed Alexander as her son.

And, my favorite parts:

1. Heph and Alex had a great relationship. Brillaint. Hot. mm.

2. Roxana was too attractive. ^^;

3. Bagoas. I loved it because I knew the backstory, and I felt smarter than everyone else. ^^; He also looked like a eunuch, which suprised me at first, but I got over it. The dancing scene was awesome too, lol.

4. The symbolism with the paintings, and the cinematography with Philip and Olympias coming to haunt him. The eagle was not my favorite, though.

5. The speach in India written beautifully. "I will go on, with my Asians." Perfect.

Oh man. I'm seeing it again. Like now. Let's go. <3 the soundtrack too, very good.

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HUZZAH! [25 Nov 2004|12:18pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Delerium - Consensual Worlds ]

I have successfully typed the 50,000th word, 192 words ago!

Now, on to finish the other *half* of the book! (I'm not even on the fifth murder yet, let alone Veronika's confession! Good lord :/)

I shall continue, as I gulp cold coffee and stain my teeth into oblivion.

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