| Mar. 23rd, 2004 @ 12:33 pm |
there's a major virus going around now...my computer's affected, of course, at work that is, not at home.
I can't decide whether or not to go home this weekend, if I don't go home this weekend, I'm going to go home next weekend.
pros: I need to get laundry done, free laundry, perhaps free food, can pick up perscription (which reminds me I need to make doctor's appointment so I can get perscription changed, which means taking off a day of work and losing a day's pay...gah).
cons: gas is expensive, I'll actually have to pay for perscription, where as if mom brings down, chances are I can avoid having to pay, I won't get to spend Saturday driving around trying to find a job.
I wonder if I can hold out on oding laundry, I'll only have worn each pair of pants twice. |
You Know You're From NH when... | Mar. 23rd, 2004 @ 11:59 am |
| Mar. 22nd, 2004 @ 08:14 pm |
yeah, our gas bill was MUCH less this month. SIGNIFICANTLY. it was nice. No having to worry about $60 just for the gas bill.
Tried to apply at Target for a job but the only computer was being used and I didn't wnat to wait around. I'll go back another day.
It's scary when $20 won't fill up you car anymore. Damn gas companies. |
| Mar. 22nd, 2004 @ 01:24 pm |
On Wednesday I'll have been here a month. Odd, it hasn't seemed like a month.
I'm going to California this summer to visit Anna (crazy finn) when she's there, now I think that I need to find a part time job to help save up for the trip. Maybe target or a grocery store. Not that I want to work at either, but they'd both permit working night hours and one day on the weekend. It would just suck cause I'd have no free time. |
| Mar. 21st, 2004 @ 07:09 pm |
Fuck, I lost my debit card. My only hope is that somebody hasn't gotten a hold of it and spent all the money in my account. I think I accidentlaly left it in an ATM. I didn't realize ituntil late tonite, so I'm going to call first thing in the morning. Shit. |
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Okay so my Simmon's essay has been posted in a friends only post, not because it's private, more because I don't want the whole world reading it. Please, I want lots of feedback, so if you know people who are good at editing or are librarians whatever, send them over. If you want to read it, please just let me know and I'll friend you so you can. It won't hurt my feelings if you just want me to friend you long enough to leave feedback.
You don't have to be good at editing, I suck at it, but if you come accross this post and want to read it, please leave me a note using hte comment feature.
Mar. 20th, 2004 @ 06:13 pm
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FYI, I've made a few entries private due to something I'm starting tonite, so if you were looking for that entry, not that anybody would it's hidden for now, I'll remake it friends available later on.
Mar. 20th, 2004 @ 09:34 am
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So, I went out to dinner, Fridays was good, I got a veggie burger but splurged on a margarita. Hung out for a bit w/Leah and friends. Forgot the graduation gown on the train, felt like a huge dufus because of it.
I want to learn Latin, except right now I'm trying to learn persian and swedish, neither of which I'm getting very far with.
Mar. 19th, 2004 @ 11:46 pm
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It never ceases to amaze me the things Mass drivers think are legal to do when driving. Case a) we're driving single file, I stop to let somebody in front of me turn asshat #1 thinks that means it's okay to pass me on the right cause I'm stopped, right?!
Mar. 19th, 2004 @ 05:12 pm
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Heading out to dinner tonite, today has been busy, which is good, verry good. Mispelling intentional. It's Leah's B-day, though I forgot to get her a card or present, though I did get my graduation gown for her to use for graduation, so technically if I give it to her...eh, I'm cheap, maybe I'll find something at LUSH tonite.
I'll post my grad essay this weekend for anybody who wants to read it .
Mar. 19th, 2004 @ 04:03 pm
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Yeah, I asked for work today and got it and it made me as happy as a clam and I have a shit load of stuff to do tomorrow, too. I got to finish up half the handbooks for the receptionist, cause she's SLOW and I get to do something like EOBs (explanation of benefits) they're wicked easy. Except these are benefit compensation statements. And since we're mailing out handbooks I'm getting calls every half an hour, I didn't get enough! and as much as I like to complain it makes me deliriously happy.
le sigh. today at the end of work ended up being the weekly, everything's just going to be one amusing zoo.
Had dinner with the mom, Peggy and Lorraine (the mom's friends) at Romano's Macaroni Grill, it was good...yummm...
Mar. 18th, 2004 @ 07:57 pm
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Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||| | 60% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 48% | Type 3 | Image Focus | |||||||||||||| | 55% | Type 4 | Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||||| | 53% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||||| | 65% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||||| | 72% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||||| | 41% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||| | 46% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 47% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 6w5 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 5w4 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Mar. 17th, 2004 @ 08:50 pm
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please feel free to tell me I need my head checkd cause most likely I do.
But, I have very little work to do, in fact I'm paid to sit there and do nothing for 3-4 hours of the day. It drives me crazy, I see all kinds of work come in for the other people in the department and I get jealous as anything. I dread goig to work as I know there s very little work for me to do there.
Last night I had the most wonderful job related dream, I dreamt that I received a pile of work that would take forever to complete and I was happy. I loved it, it was so wonderful. I'm the type of person who needs to be laden down with work or I just go crazy, I loathe going to work everyday..
Mar. 17th, 2004 @ 07:23 pm
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I shovelled behind our cars tonite, I pulled my car in backwards because it has front wheel drive and would be much easier to get out that way. I'll probably have to do it again tomorrow before I go to work, but shoveling 2-4 inches is sooo much easier than shovelling 4-8.
Mar. 16th, 2004 @ 09:27 pm
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I'm in a conundrum, as much as I want to apply to grad school for library I want to be able to go to grad school abroad, at some time. But, there are no library grad schools for teachers abroad. And well, my otheroption is international relations but I really have no set goal of what I want to do with it...there are grad schools that I'm interested in, but to apply to them you really have to know what you want to do.
Mar. 16th, 2004 @ 03:49 pm
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Does anybody know of any restaurants that are on the 95 stretch between 3 and 93 that aren't at the Burlington Mall or Joe's American Bar and Grill?
Work, double bleh, the receptionist who I usually eat with I think was having major PMS, she snapped at me for trying to do my job. Granted I wasn't particulary chatty, but I wasn't the only one who noticed. I guess I finally noticed what everybody else had been seeing before and I hadn't. Oh well, everybody has their bad days.
Going to Boston Friday night for a birthday party, at TGI Friday's conveniently. Going to stop at LUSH, I guess if only to buy my friend a present, okay I probably can't afford anything but it'll be worth stopping. They might have biofresh in.
Want to go to Barnes and Noble sometime, and Target. Tonite's too beautiful to go and it's a good tv night, tomorrow might snow crazy...maybe Wednesday.
Mar. 15th, 2004 @ 06:32 pm
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Monday's have to be the slowest day, until the mail comes, which brings all of this week's work. The mail isn't in yet. There has to be something I can do to amuse myself until that time, I've kind of been doing busy work.
Mar. 15th, 2004 @ 11:14 am
» (No Subject) |
Introverted (I) 62.5% Extroverted (E) 37.5% Realistic (S) 55.56% Imaginative (N) 44.44% Intellectual (T) 51.43% Emotional (F) 48.57% Organized (J) 55.88% Easygoing (P) 44.12% | You are a Trustee, possible professions include - management,accounting, auditing, efficiency expert, engineer, geologist, bank examiners, organization development, electricians, dentists, pharmacist, school principals, school bus drivers, file clerk, stock broker, legal secretary, computer operator, computer programmer, technical writer, chief information officer, police officer, real estate agent. | | Take Free Career Inventory Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com
I'm not sure how much I agree with this one, and I can't remember what I got on the one I took at BU.
Mar. 14th, 2004 @ 01:38 pm
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If anything this past week(end) has taught me it's that sometimes I shouldn't bother my mother with my concerns as she'll just shoot them down anyway. -Massachusetts drivers (or at least 90% of them) do live up to their nickname of "Mass hole drivers". The last 10% are NH drivers who now live in Mass and still remember how to drive, and my friends who live in Mass who are honorary NH drivers.
Things to do this week: Get my Simmons essay to the point where all I have to do is edit and rewrite awkward passages. Send out request for GRE scores to be sent.
I've already signed up to go to an admissions event and I need to find out whether or nt I need to call for an interview or if they'll call to set up an interview.
Mar. 14th, 2004 @ 09:32 am
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I think they're in the process of hiring somebody for my job, at least I have a really good sense that they are....it will be kind of disappointing, but I know i don't like the job anyway...I just wish that they'd let me know that's what is happening...
Mar. 12th, 2004 @ 12:42 pm