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firsts.... [Feb. 2nd, 2005|05:21 pm]
i found my first gray hair today...
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Already?!?!? [Feb. 1st, 2005|02:54 pm]
I've been waking up every morning for the last five days feeling like I had JUST gone to sleep. Oh, that constant tugging sensation of sleep deprivation. My alarm clock goes off every day at 5:35am so I can get to meditation down the hall by 6am. A little later (7am) on the weekends. I've mostly adjusted to starting my day like this, often enjoy it and look forward to a more relaxed mental state, but its so EARLY!!!! This morning, I had a difficult time staying awake. And, I wake up already fantasizing about going back to bed. Not good signs.

I'm going to Santa Barbara this weekend...alone. This means that I can SLEEP!!! This overjoys me to no end. There is something to be said about the kind of rejuvenation one incurs from a solid night's sleep...

In other news...

My weekend was wonderful! Although I knew about, I still enjoyed the surprise party my friends planned for me. (Seems to be a theme in surprise birthdays this year). We had a pancake dinner and went dancing until 4am. (Hmmm...sleep..?)The next day I was taken to a movie, walked around the lake, spent good time with a friend and crashed. Sunday involved one of three massages I received for my birthday and a day catching up with my cousin who lives in the City.

Another work week has begun. I seriously need to brush up on my work habits...catch up on old financial paperwork, settle matters with my previous school, make a doctor appointment (some things are beginning to concern me), finish books I start to read, spend more time with my cat and SLEEP. ;)
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*yawn* [Jan. 25th, 2005|03:39 pm]
Today is slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. The overcast rainy weather outside isn't helping very much either. I can hear the clock ticking, but the hour hand doesn't seem to be moving!!!!

My job has me doing all sorts of interesting, intense and odd things. I manage an entire support group program for a non-profit agency in the east by. Its a grief program and the support groups are mainly for children who lost their parents to cancer, AIDS, homicide...you get the idea. We also have a group for kids that have HIV, and for all the parents/caregivers/people with terminal illness. I manage communicating with many of the families, supervise all the volunteers and interns who run the group and do program development...

Today, I called to check in with a man whose cancer has spread through his body and has pretty much taken over his shoulder. He's survived 12 years but admits that this time, it might not get much better than this. I caught him in his 20 minutes of lucidity and he talked about the kinds of things people who will be in his shoes can do to prepare, about how he's already taking care of giving his things to his children because he'd rather see them when he's alive...mostly about others and how to help them or how he is planning to help them...Even with portending death, such fortitude, strength and an open heart.

I am constantly amazed at the people I get to be in contact with every day. I'm really thankful for it...
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[Jan. 25th, 2005|09:55 am]
Ahh! My 30th birthday is rapidly approaching...this Friday 1/28. Eeek! I can't believe its already here. 30. It felt like it was such a long ways away even five years ago. Time is flying...

Surprisingly, I'm not really freaking out about turning 30. I feel that so many things are shifting and changing for me in my life right now, that I welcome this official transition into adulthood, my womanhood if you will.

To be honest, what I freak out about more is people forgetting about my birthday. I'm not saying this in a way to remind people either. But, seriously. When I lived at home, my parents forgot every single birthday of mine except for my sixteenth. The only reason they remembered that is because I gave them such a hard time about not letting me have a birthday party and they finally let me have one. My mother, of course, sat upstairs in her room the entire time telling my father I didn't deserve it.

These days of birth always strike tension and fear in my heart. But, I'm no longer surprised when i don't hear from any of my family members until a month later. My housemates are planning something for me this year...so I need to learn to relax through this week and just see what the future brings...

And, in the spirit of things, here's a little somethin' somethin':

You are 73% Aquarius

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My Weekend [Jan. 24th, 2005|02:30 pm]
In a nutshell, was very uneventful, for the most part. There was a portion of Saturday evening that was spent gazing into a pair of soft, pale blue eyes and slow dancing in the middle of a crowded party...followed by some confusion. But, of course.

About a week ago I went to a concert/dance event with a bunch of my housemates. I met Mr. Blue Eyes there through a friend. At first glances, then we pretty much danced with each other the rest of the night, he got my number, we held each other for a long time...that sort of thing. He never called me. A week later (this past Saturday), he was at a party I went to with a friend. Upon entering, he whisked me away to dance with him. We spent a lot of time together gazing, speaking softly about deep things, random things...there was cheesecake, soft music. We slow danced and talked about how we could just gaze at each other for days.

There was the good-bye kiss...felt a bit sudden in the moment, and I felt unprepared in my breathe (had lasagna earlier)so I couldn't just surrender into it. More gazing. Talk about how we should do this or that soon...more kisses. Then a very abrupt goodbye in this 'well, it was nice to see you and maybe I'll run into you somtime" kind of way. Weird. I left wondering if I WOULD see him again and later realized I WANT to...

Who knows. We shall see.

Other than that, spent some time alone this weekend re-evaluating where I think I am at and rejuvenating...not sure how successful it all was, but for a Monday I feel pretty good.
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In Between States [Jan. 21st, 2005|02:41 pm]
[Current Mood |reflective]

In reading some of your entries and reflecting upon my own personal life, I think it is safe to say that I have a serious case of the "in betweens". In Tibetan Buddhism, the term "Bardo" means the time in between states, in between lives, in between transitions, etc. A bardo state is that period of time that lapses in between two points, whether its rebirth, a transition, a mental state or what-have-you.

This moment in my life is one giant bardo period. My life has entered a giant waiting room, taken a number and has been seated in a hard, red plastic chair pushed up against a wall. There's no telling how many numbers are ahead of me, or behind me. I'm just hanging here...not really even waiting for anything.

All sorts of things come up here, in this waiting room. Ideas, delusions, fantasies, illusions, temptations, the past and the future presenting themselves in skillful ways and a lot of thoughts. Do I go back? Do I go forward? Can I surrender to the moment? Will I give myself away to useless distraction? Be here now. Breathe. Thinking of how things used to be comfortable...bliss in ignorance. Things are never the same once the light is turned on, right? Waiting...not knowing. Trying to figure out whether to seek out comfort or grace.

These periods of the in between. The bardo period. It is just as important as all those important moments. Perhaps even more so if one can manage to settle down into it instead of trying to rush through it and fill the emptiness of it with some other "big" moment or comfort. Its in this period where things can really change, emerge, shed away. Its a scary place, this waiting room. Noone ever really talks about it though, in this way.

I want to decorate mine with Indian silks, brocade, down pillows, pictures on the wall and soft candlelight...

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Rumi [Jan. 21st, 2005|01:01 pm]
Rise up nimbly
and go on your strange journey
to the ocean of meanings

The stream knows
it can't stay on the mountain.
Leave and don't look away
from the sun as you go,
in whose light
you're sometimes crescent,
sometimes full.
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Getting Real... [Jan. 19th, 2005|02:30 pm]
I'm not much into astrology, but I was driven to finally look something up today to see if there was anything to it. People all around me keep mentioning that I must be in my Saturn Return and are shocked that I might not know what that means. Well, it's here.

Ah. Its more clear to me now.

The last two years have been more about moving, working through some intense patterns, coming in line with a more spirutal way of being and abandoning some major things I thought my life would be about. I left graduate school to move into a practitoner's community in the Bay Area. I had no idea what that meant at the time or what I would do here. Now, I have an amazing job and things feel like they are the way they are supposed to be in my outside life, for the most part.

I feel directionless and confused about who I am and where I've landed. I picked this life, these changes. Its real now. Now, I live in a place where there is no place to hide and nothing to do but grow under the exposure of raw vulnerability, previously unseen insecurities, illuminated neurosis and someone saying "practice". Some might say its the spiritual army. But, its really just the real thing and not a bunch of hoaky crystal twinkies wearing a bunch of scarves smiling and saying "we are all one".

And, I find myself caught. Caught between wanting to go back to having my own apartment, having things my own way and being comfortable in my patterns and suffering...returning to all the complaining I once did. Because this is HARD. Each day, moving passes through my mind. Its been more intense lately, particularly last night.

I can either choose to continue this and change, grow and become a clearer more awakened version of me, or I can quake in fear and cling...

So, this saturn return thing. I'm turning 30 and life is shifting. The question is, when will I surrender to it?

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[Jan. 13th, 2005|12:02 pm]
Its been a while since I updated many things online. So, I figured what the hell. My birthday is right around the corner too. What do I have to loose?



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relationships [Jan. 11th, 2005|10:03 pm]
And, of course, as I uploaded my last entry, something came to mind.


Lately, I have found myself wondering if I will ever be in one again. This kind of wondering doesn't feel fatalistic, or "whoa is the single me". Right now, its good that I'm single because there's some footing I want to gain for myself and in life in general. But, there is still this wondering there. Is it the biological clock turning on? Is it that I am nearing 30?

Dating has been such a strange thing too. It seems like the people I meet are hungry for relationships but don't really know how to have them or prefer to immediately begin having one after the second date. Its freaky, really. Dating has been someplace I'm reluctant to go now. All I want is to get to know someone in a natural way that doesn't feel like we're conforming the the first, second and third base politics of dating. It feels so programmed and crazy...ugh.

The last person I dated started to send me love poetry after two weeks. It was a pretty intense poem that kind of freaked me out because he had decided I was the one who was going to help change him forever...seriously. That kind of pressure isn't the key to keeping it going. Is it? Have I missed something? SOS?

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[Jan. 11th, 2005|10:00 pm]
so...i uploaded more pictures here if anyone is interested. prolly not though.

i can't think of anything to say. i haven't flexed my writing muscles in so long... :o(
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Let's See if This Works... [Jan. 10th, 2005|09:45 am]
I uploaded some pics to my Yahoo! account photo album. (I will get with you both about server storage....but thought I would try this out to see if it works...)


One day...I should explain Nandi... :o)
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[Jan. 7th, 2005|01:28 pm]
Does anyone have a server where I could store pictures and post them on here?
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[Jan. 5th, 2005|06:50 pm]
haha! I love it.

"I can't find nobody as crazy as me," mourns bluegrass singer Alison Krauss in her song, "Crazy as Me." You may have had that thought yourself on occasion, Aquarius, especially lately. But you don't have to feel that way anymore. More than one unusual character is hovering at the outskirts of your world. Say the word, and they will venture closer, raising your level of unpredictable experiences. That would mostly be a good thing, though not completely free of harrowing brushes with comic weirdness. Your watchword for the coming weeks comes from another singer, Thalia Zedek: "Trust not those...without some touch of madness." Brezny's Free Will Astrology
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[Jan. 4th, 2005|01:57 pm]
i was thinking of saying something about how things are going, how well and good even. but, it all seems so insignificant in the light of this.

my prayers are with all the beings that have lost their lives unexpectedly, and all the beings facing enormous difficulties we cannot even begin to comprehend.

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[Dec. 31st, 2004|01:15 pm]

I hope that everyone is well, happy and safe tonight.

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New Year [Dec. 28th, 2004|05:02 pm]
[Current Music |rain outside my window]

Another year has come and gone. I can't believe it. It feels like January was just yesterday.

This January, I'm turning 30!! Yikes.

Not that new year's resolutions ever really work out for me, but I do want to try to do a better job of keeping my journal up in the coming year. This journal and a paper one. Last year I kept a journal with all my personal writings plus clippings and photos from world's events and things that transpired over the year. Its a nice history to have and I completely spaced on doing it this year.

Some questions I've been pondering over the last day or two:

What was the biggest lesson learned this year?

....for me, it was to RELAX. To relax, be spacious and trust myself and life. Enjoy.

What do I plan on accomplishing in the next year?

...well, lots. I think I tend to keep going with things so much that I forget to relax and enjoy things. So, in the next year I'd like to see myself enjoy more of my life. I'll be starting a doctorate program in the fall. I'd like to travel to Budapest in the summer with my father, develop a new support group program at work, make plans for a trip to India, settle my debts (financially and otherwise) and begin to build the foundation for a life in the thirties. There isn't much that I'd like to see myself accomplish in terms of paper and plaques on the wall. Perhaps finally have a show up in a gallery somewhere in the Bay Area in the next year. Do more with a creative women's group I recently came in contact with. I'd like to get started in school and accomplish more internally and psycically, as well as in relationships going in my life. I'd like to be attracting more abundance and nourishment, rather than drama. There's only one way to do that and its cleaning out the old, the dust and the muck.

What would I like to leave behind this year?

...my penchant for getting into bad relationships and blaming it on others. my lack of self-acceptance and overthinking of things. any excessive worrying can stay behind too.

what would I like to take with me?

...inspiration, creativity, drive and faith that as I move forward, things will progress and blossom. Faith that in all of this, I will grow and change and transform my life into something spectacular, powerful and my own.

What about you?

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[Nov. 25th, 2004|11:40 am]
Happy "Having Lots of Food with Your Family" Day!

Its a quiet one for me, as its just me and my dad...*yeah*

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openings... [Nov. 22nd, 2004|09:49 pm]
[Current Mood | contemplative]

Okay. I must have travelled into some mind vortex in the last couple of weeks as I forgot all about Livejournal! Oh no! Just the other day Eileen was telling me that I haven't been updating enough. The truth is, I miss updating too...I miss writing here. It was one of the few moments I had to sit and check-in with myself and all of you.

So, here I am.

There have been some souls out there who continously travel in and out of my mind through memory...memories in pictures, short films, sounds and feeling. The feeling of skin, or eye contact or laughing with each other. These memories come over me like the scent of flowers blowing in the wind. Lingering, I breathe them in and sometimes try to let them go, until they re-appear again showing me a new angle. Sometimes inspiring me to reach out and touch them, only they are transparent and veil like.

It brings up the question of getting in touch with the past though. Does the past want to get in touch with me?

If new light could be shed at a different angle and perhaps break another piece of my heart open, that would be nice.


Heading down through SB to LA tomorrow...

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[Oct. 28th, 2004|08:52 am]
[Current Mood | content]

so, i'm finally here. settled into my new Oakland home.


its been super hectic. and, this week is a sign of it maybe not slowing down? lots of work to do and i'm working on finishing up a grad school application that is due in the hands of one very kind and flexible admissions counselor...the deadline has passed, but he met me and set up an interview anyway and asked me to promise to get my packet in by tomorrow! This was on Tuesday...ahhh!

i'm really looking forward to life up here. its such a fresh start. i'll have to really get into that part later, but it truly is a relief to be where i am at in my life right now. (remind me that i say that now...;o)


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