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Wedding ahoy! [02 Feb 2005|01:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Chase The Sun - Planet Funk ]

Booyah! Wedding plans ahoy. It's all starting to come together. Mostly just the bits and pieces left, like rings (yeah they're not important or anything! :), limo, chair hire for the ceremony (garden wedding), decorations at the reception, things like that. Had my dress fitting today and I felt so purdy! Would consider linking to a picture but I'm trying to hide access of them to Stuart. Mwahaha.

Anyways the wedding is confirmed. 19th March, garden wedding in the afternoon and then the reception at night. Both north of the river in Perth, which means my family will have to drive up but what do you do. So exciting!! In less than seven weeks I'll have a husband. I'll even have a different name. Woah. Will have to update my info ;)

If any of you would particularly like to come, e-mail me and I'll consider giving you the intricate details!! :D

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[28 Dec 2004|11:41pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | (none) ]

Dang! I only just realised how long it's been since my last entry! *blush* :) To think how addicted to this I used to be. I suppose it's a good thing, really. But here I am again :)

Christmas was great - worked Christmas Eve at 4am (until 10, only a 6 hour shift) which wasn't as bad as it sounds, cause work was busy and fun cause there was 4 or 5 of us working out the front and 3 bakers! We made over $600 in our first hour of trading (6am to 7am) which is pretty damn good. Go Brumby's :P I can't believe how many people wanted croissants! Crashed at Stuart's on Christmas Eve and woke up around 8am Christmas morning. After I was up and about I heard Stuart's mum in the backyard on her accordian playing Christmas tunes! Awesome :) She went around to the bathroom window to play to Stuart while he was in the shower. Mwahahaha. Opened some pressies and had some breakfast, went to church, then headed off to Stuart's aunty and uncle's place for lunch. That was fun too, his mum got a little happy and was obsessed with her little water squirty ring she got in the cracker ;) Then headed down to Bunbury and met the extended family at my folks' place, had dinner and some more pressies and played Scene It (the DVD movie trivia board game I got Stu for Christmas) and headed to bed. Had boxing day and yesterday off too, a nice little holiday. First in a while!

Wedding plans are going slowly but surely. Mum and I are going dress shopping after New Year's and we have ideas for invitations which we'll put together ourselves. Mum'll be a big help with that cause she's off on holidays from school and has heaps of scrapbooking stuff. We've booked the reception venue and are halfway through booking the wedding ceremony venue, we need to organise to speak to our pastor again but other than that we've almost caught up to the books. Well we've almost caught up to the three month part. But now our wedding's closer than that!

Church is going good, has it's ups and downs like most churches but I still get inspired (most of the time), but that's not so much the church as the mood I'm in when I rock up. However it almost seems like a chore to lead the morning service now, compared to the huge opportunity it seemed to be less than a year ago. I think it's also that although I have relatively short shifts I'm working 5 or 6 days a week, I see Stuart everyday (not because I'm dependent but he's my best friend as well as my fiancee), try to keep a house in order with Nath, catch up with friends, organise a wedding and whatever else is on that week :P So I don't have as much time to plan a service, especially when I work most Sunday mornings between 6 and 9am which gives me an hour to leave, change, get to church, do a sound test and maybe a quick practice of one or two things and then start. Breathing too, if I'm on a roll!

That's about all I think. As well as working and wedding planning and keeping up a house for home opens and all that jazz, soon I need to get all my crap from Bunbury (and all the stuff in my cupboard here) and go through everything and sort out what I want to move in with Stuart, what I should throw out and what I want in storage or downstairs or whatever. It's all so complicated. But so, so worth it!

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[20 Oct 2004|06:57pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Sacral Nirvana - Oliver Shanti & Friends ]

Awesome-a power!

Engagement parties ahoy! One down south was cool, especially having it in Mum and Dad's new place. Great view too. Scored a few casserole dishes. Stuart scored a hammer drill. That was the best present, probably. Apart from my parent's one of course, which is an offer of frequent flyer points to help us along on our honeymoon. w00t! We also got a garden buddha, which may get accidentally broken sometime in the next year or so :P

The next one should be huge, got about 80 people coming, wethinks, and a supplier from Herdies has donated scads and scads of savoury finger food - quiches and party pies and sausage rolls. Also scamming less scads of food from Brumbys, but hey, won't complain. Haider's gonna bake us a tanky mud cake too, which the guys (well, mostly gals) from work are chipping in for as part of our pressie so we don't have to pay for it.

Wedding stuff is slowly coming together. So hard to plan it and stuff though, when we have assignments due and are working and stuff. We won't get to spend all that much time together before Friday afternoon through Saturday, when we're gonna be prepping for the party. But oh well. The sacrifices we make :P

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[05 Oct 2004|06:14pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | Superheroes - Daft Punk ]

Sportsfest was... exhausting. Heaps of fun, but utterly exhausting. My body's still recovering - it's not used to playing sport! We went down in a convoy on Friday night (slow moving cause of the long weekend) and got to my folks' place around 9pm. Saturday morning the opening ceremony started at 7:45 which meant getting up around 6am. Evil. Our shirts/vests were awesome and we were the only team that were cheering in the first event. Over the weekend I played bocce, softcrosse, wallyball (volleyball on a squah court), indoor beach volleyball and indoor soccer. Then Kirsty and I had music practice for a few hours before the concert on Sunday night. It went well, I think, it was hard to tell from on stage cause all you can hear is noise and hope you hit the right notes. I couldn't see the words cause of the light in my eyes so I ended up reading the screen backwards - apparently it looked like I was 'worshipful' or something so I guess it worked out okay. Our team had many miscellaneous injuries but the worst was Stuart - he got a mild concussion from getting hit in the head with a cricket ball in indoor cricket. Poor thing! He managed to get today off work and went to the doctors and got a medical certificate. He hasn't been very exciting today, just sleeping a lot, but I'm hoping it'll help his headaches. Nathan took lots of photos over the weekend and put together a powerpoint that got played after the concert, which was awesome. Basically it summarised how much our team sucked, but how proud we were anyway! We got the cheering award at the closing ceremony and the only 'real' award we won was runner-up in chess thanks to Ben! We were all incredibly sore and grateful to go home to bed though. I was so buggered at work today. But I guess my body needed the workout. Kinda inspires me to join some kind of sporting club. I sucked the least at indoor soccer but there's no way I'm gonna join an indoor soccer club. Too dangerous :P I have more fun at indoor beach volleyball and hopefully with practice I'll get in there a bit more. But the chances of me actually doing anything sporty are slim to none. Oh well. It's the thought that counts ;)

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[25 Sep 2004|11:17am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Look What You've Done - Jet ]

I woke up this morning and shortly after heard a few noises outside. Nothing unusual, I mean the other houses are quite close and it was likely next door. Then I hear a knock on the door. Note that it is like, 8:30am. None of our friends would be around then, and though our parents are coming up today they aren't due til lunch and they would have rung first. I ignored it, figuring it was some weird person going door to door who can just deal with the fact that I was still in bed.

Sleeping on and off, the noises are uncannily close, and at 9:30 I notice someone walking past my window. He then proceeded to play with our automatic garage door (he'd walked around the back of the house to open it from the inside, so he could get through). This is not cool. I'd peeked out the laundry door and saw a guy with dark curly hair and a rake. So I got up and knocked on Nathan's door to tell him there's someone at our house. We kind of sat there for a while and then Nathan went out the front and spoke to him.

Turns out that our landlords had sent this gardener around to finish mulching. We'd been home quite a bit the previous couple of days and the landlords have our mobile numbers but hadn't rung us. I was not happy. I mean, I figured that he wasn't here to rob us, cause he was making far too much noise and stuff, but I was still a little freaked and not very happy :( It's kind of a breach in the lease agreement. But it's too small a breach to do much about. It'd be a bit evil to take them to court for sending a gardener around.

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[10 Sep 2004|04:07pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | (none) ]

LJ Battle Royale! by monmonito
Weapon you got:Shotgun
Your goal in the game:To be in touch with nature.
Number of students killed:35
For fun, you kill:xistor
Out of a personal vendetta, you kill:kirk_hsv
Accidentally, you kill:xistor
You have an alliance with:tancred
You develop a puppy-love romance with:grim_one
Watch out for:g_ather
Percentage of survival possibility:: 21%
Dying words:"I'll just go die now or something."
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Hehe, I kill Simon twice :P
And watch out for Oz - well, that's an understatement ;)

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[02 Sep 2004|10:14am]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | Rollover DJ - Jet ]

Thanks for all the congratulations. I'll be sure to pass them on to Stuart. We've been telling so many people and there are so many more people we wanna tell! Might see some of you at the engagement party - don't worry that you don't know yet cause we haven't organised it yet. Will try and let everyone know with time to spare. Will be a Sat arvo in a couple of weeks time.

I spose I better post the story in here for those who wanna know! I only did a short one before cause I realised that [info]lordrifus had already posted saying we got engaged and I needed to have some kind of glory saying it myself :)

soppy romance )

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[31 Aug 2004|05:11pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Cold Hard Bitch - Jet ]


Kirsty's right. The internet needs bigger letters.



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not by might [23 Aug 2004|04:06pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Fill Me Now - Planet Shakers ]

Gosh laziness sucks. Comfort zones suck. Even worse clique-y-ness sucks.

[info]nathanj's post hits a bit true to me too. I like to think I have lots of friends but now I think about it I haven't spoken to at least half of them in a few months. So easy to let things slide, to not catch up... even when you're well meaning and try to organise a coffee but you're both too busy.

I'm sorry God, You too. I know I've tried to fit you in around all of my slacking off. You know how much nothing I do. I act like life is a big holiday, and complain about working at Subi even when I need the money. *sigh*

I'm going to endeavour to email/sms/ring/write a letter to most of my friends over the next week, even if they are small. I do think about all of you, and those who I know who don't read this too. From one of my best friends when I was 4, to another who I haven't spoken to cause I thought she was angry at me. I even pray for you sometimes (it's hard when you have lots of people to remember :).

God please hold me to this. I don't wanna fail again.

*hugs to all*

And to anyone who reads this, I'm sorry that I haven't loved you like you deserve. Just as well God doesn't let people down. I worry about my friends that don't have God, and who only have friends like me. They must have periods where they feel completely neglected. God please be with them!

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[08 Aug 2004|01:14pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Drops of Jupiter - Train ]

Birthday! Woo! :) T'was fun. Parents and Dwight came up and I spent some time with them, went to a light shop with them cause I wanted a lift to get a cake, and they spent TWO HOURS there, that was the only slightly down side of the day. Was still good to spend time with them but. I miss my folks :( Got some lunch and ate here, the whole family together again. Doesn't happen much.

Went to TimeZone and that was fun, two people didn't turn up though so I ended up with two extra cards, 15 ticket games! I used them well too, ended up winning a bag of TimeZone crap :) Had a go at quite a few games. I think everyone had fun! Sizzlers was full as I half-suspected, so we walked up and got our own food from Innaloo - I think most people got Nando's or Subway (one KFC?) and we ate at Nando's (they didn't mind too much). Came back here and had cake and Cube-age and music and bumming around.

All in all was a good day. Except towards 1am I started hinting I was really tired and a couple of people didn't go home. With some people, subtlty doesn't work too well. But what can you do. They went eventually.

Thanks everyone for coming, I had such a blast... wish I could have invited everyone but maybe next year, 21st is more a blast like that :)

And thanks, God. These last 20 years... I've learnt so much, but I still don't know so much. Hopefully I'll learn a lot more! Don't ever let me go. I thank you for all my friends, for Stuart, for my family. I thank you that I am so loved here, my life is one huge blessing! Ups and downs sure, but nothing I can't handle with You, especially with all the extra help You've given me by blessing me with such wonderful people! *sighs contentedly*

Now, lunch. Then rent inspection!

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[05 Aug 2004|06:35pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Remember Me - Blue Boy ]

Woah, a post! Again! I can't believe how addicted I used to be to the net. Oh well.

Still trying to organise my birthday bash for Saturday. It's cool how I can actually DO something on my birthday :) It bites when your birthday's on a Tuesday or Wednesday when everyone's already in their swing of work and commitments and you have to do something later. Well it doesn't bite that much. But anyway. Booked TimeZone out for an hour which should be fun, and having dinner, then probably back here. Friends ahoy. There's gonna be almost 20 of us, so finding somewhere to eat (cheap) should be interesting ;)

Watched a couple of good movies recently - Chronicles of Riddick at the cinema and Paycheck on DVD. Both very good. I very much liked Paycheck. Kinda weird, but very cool. Not as weird as Cat in the Hat :P

Not much else to say really. Work, uni (which isn't too bad), friends, Sportfest organisation coming up even though it's not til October. Got my boots fixed (finally ;).

Til next time. Off to help Nath cook dinner.

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time and again [29 Jun 2004|03:04pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Awesome In This Place - Hillsong ]

It's done!

And by that I mean the last couple of weeks. Man it's been pretty stressful. Moving (well, organising enough moving for two people) and shopping and finishing exams and work and working at another store and organising church services and still trying to keep everything else in a normal balance taxed me almost more than I could bear. A few days ago I almost cried driving up the freeway to work as I was already running late (a little, I'd already rung ahead and warned them) and we hadn't had the gas connected so there was no hot water so I needed to have a shower at Stuart's, Stuart was sick, there were roadworks which took like 20 minutes longer than usual to get through... but it's all over now. Thank God!! I don't know how I would have got through without Him.

I'm pretty much settled into an almost-normal routine. Starting to get some less random hours at work, and since I've done a shift at Subi now I'm not too worried about next time. I know shortcuts to skip the heavy traffic between Manning and Mill point, Stuart's feeling better, I'm down to organise Sundown this week but all our utilities are connected and I've caught up with a couple of friends.

Our new place is cool. Nathan and I are getting along pretty well, we have appliances and even speakers for the TV now, and we have a temporary dial-up account which should tide us over. I had such a huge back-log of email!

I hope everyone's been going okay - I miss keeping in touch with people and I feel so horrible when I don't see ANY of my friends for a few weeks so hopefully I can right that soon. Feel free to drop me a line sometime if you want! Most of you should have my email or mobile but if you don't just leave a message and I'll get in touch.


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[02 Jun 2004|03:11pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | I, Robot - Futurama episode (Season I) ]

So. Bit of news as of late.

Moving out of the Connors soon, and I can definitely say it's a good thing :) Loved being there, very convenient, and cheap. Good seeing Claire and Tom too. But the lack of privacy and freedom (well, you know, like dumping myself on the couch to watch some TV or something else lazy) has been getting a bit much. Probably moving in with Nath by the end of the month.

Work has been good, but not getting many hours. Slowly learning what's in all the breads and remembering where the buttons are on the till, I guess that's a good thing. My boss seems to think I'm going okay. She's going to be putting me on by myself for a few hours during the day soon and see how I go.

Uni's going, well, not very far apparently. I mean this semester so far I've done pretty well, and I'm only moderately stressed about exams (I think these exams will be slightly more stressful than my previous ones, and they're core, so I'm screwed if I stuff up). But the worst news is that I can't finish my degree this year like I'm supposed to. There's a clash with my classes and though I can choose 4 of 6, there's no combination that goes. Sucks to be me! Looks like I'll have to do part-time for two semesters instead, which throws my career ideas out the window for another year. I hope Brumbys can give me some more hours next semester or I'm gonna need to get another job. 6 hours at uni and 8 at work is just not enough in a week.


But things with Stuart are awse :) Couldn't be much better except if we weren't both stressed out from uni. Church has been pretty busy, well, for me anyway, been on the roster for something almost every week. So with house-hunting and exams and still learning at work, don't be surprised if you don't hear from me til it's all over. My parents are always glad to see me though. Their house is coming along nicely!

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groovin' down the track [11 May 2004|09:41am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | (none - I'm not on my poot) ]

Yay me, I am now employed. Well, assuming my employer rings me back. I got offered a job at Brumbys down at Herdies. Awesome, hey? May mean some early starts, but at least I'm not baking the stuff, so I don't have to get there before 6:00 (yes, that's AM). Except maybe around Christmas, apparently Herdies opens at 6am when it gets busy. And I have seen it busy!

Lots of assignments to do, my next semester looks pretty munted up at the moment, I only have four units left but I don't think I can do them all simultaneously, I guess that's what you get for messing the system hey. Oh well. Things are pretty good up in Perth, we had our Sundown launch (Sunday night church service) Sunday before last and it was pretty full, I think we pulled it together pretty well. Managed to get quite a few people I knew to come, hopefully a bunch will come back again this week.

Stuart's doing good, he's pretty busy with assignments and work at the moment, which hopefully I will be too soon. After Thursday only two left to go! And maybe soon I can buy those boots I've been wanting to buy. Woo! Money! :P Not that I'm that shallow or anything. *cough* :)

I do miss my parents and Dwight heaps though, I wanted to go down for mother's day but mum was really sick :( Maybe I'll go down after my last assignment's done, depending on my roster. Should be good. Anyways I haven't spoken to many of you in ages so I hope things are pretty awesome for all of you too, and happy birthday to Viro too. Til next time!

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[14 Apr 2004|09:24am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | computer hum - "whrrrrrrrrr" ]

Hellooooo! Yes I am still alive, if living without constant net access is indeed living. Woe is me! Less than a year of uni to go I am so stoked. One of my assignments I have to gamble and I am making money in the Forex market but the rest of my group isn't doing too good we're still very much in debt. Good one guys. Some of my assignments completely bite but some are a piece of chocolate mousse, all soft and squishy and goes down really easy! And you know you're gonna pass :P So it's all good. Stuart's doing pretty good his car's acting up a bit again I think the indicator's broken so I should probably stop indicating for him, silly European car asked for it, I mean it's right there isn't it. I need to catch up with some more people in Perth but I really loved coming down over Easter, I missed my family heaps and we got to go paddling in the funky boat too. I get to lead the Sundown service on Sunday night I'm pretty stoked, I wanted to do one for ages and Sanjeev put me on roster so YAY! Hopefully I can get a good vibe down, before we launch and all these people come who just kinda look at you funny. I think that's all I have to say, just a quick one in case you couldn't tell by my fantastical writings, I almost look like some of my other friend's blogs :P All of you take care and God bless, I hope things are going good, and yeah I'll write again next time I'm south maybe. I'm going boot shopping!~~

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[20 Feb 2004|02:05pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Melt - Leftfield ]

Well I cleaned up my pooter. Reinstalled windows. The only problem with that is, I can't seem to get my printer to work now - I don't know what I (or someone else) did to it before to get it to work. That and for some reason livejournal.com is going all funky - the text in the body is starting in the headers and weird stuff like that. But since I won't have the net in a few days, I spose I can cope :P

Yes, that's right, no net... how sad. Going up to Perth on Sunday and living with the Connors again, at least for the meanwhile. Leesi and Chrissy are still looking for places and if they haven't found one in a month or so I'll tell them to put me aboard, if just to stretch my wings.

So this is my last post for a while - I mean the Connors have dial-up and all, but they don't have networking stuff so I can't get it through my poot; I'd feel bad using it much anyway. Maybe I'll update from the uni poots sometime. And tonight is my last shift at the restaurant. So long, Green Jade! I had fun. Thanks for the experience :)

After I get home, the Gonzo crew should be here, and will proceed to run over my house for the following day and a half. Hopefully my family won't eat them. Then to Perth again Perth again jiggidy jig. I might even miss Bunno.

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take me higher [17 Feb 2004|03:36pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | Higher - Creed ]

Well my Valentine's Day was good :) Except that I had to work at 6:30pm, so we couldn't really go out for dinner or anything. Work went well though, I got to work with Kat and Mandy and Marianne so it went really smooth and Mandy understood when I said I was gonna have to leave. Stuart gave me flowers, and chocolates, and a necklace!! I was so spoilt rotten. But Friday was more Valentine Day-ish than Saturday - cause Saturday morning Stuart was working (and I had a meeting in Padbury) as well as me working at night but oh well! No complaints ;)

So what else has been happening... it seems like the whole world is up in Perth now! Leesi and Andrew and Noodlez and Chrissy and Kirsty and it's like, they're all Bunno people (or Busso people)... what's going on?! :) And some of them have jobs up there already, something that I'm gonna have to be working on, but at least I have some experience now.

Anyways I have work in an hour or so, and I'm peckish, and bored, and... yeah. Bye!

Personality Quiz )

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and i pray [10 Feb 2004|11:06am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Worship Forevermore - Planet Shakers 2001 ]

I've had friends tell me before that the NIV translation of the Bible misses out verses now and then. And I've noticed recently when I've been reading it that yeah, sometimes it goes straight from verse 7 to verse 9. But in my Bible (and I'm assuming most Bibles) it has a little footnote which has the missing verse. Makes you wonder why they bother to take it out :P Usually it's just "And Jesus left them and returned to Galilee" kind of verses, you know, not of huge importance. But a couple of days ago I was looking for that verse about having the faith of a mustard seed, and the following verse (Matt 17:21) was missing. So I went looking for it, and I don't remember ever hearing of this verse before in my life.

(19) Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"
(20) He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."[1]

[1] 17:20 Some manuscripts you. (21) But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.


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a helping hand you lend [07 Feb 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | My Friend - Groove Armada ]

I don't have much to do at the moment - well, except wash my car, and it's waaaay too hot atm for that. So I figured I would do something that I nicked the idea for off [info]salix_03. There you go, Karen, I credited ya for it :)

So. The idea was to like, list all your LJ buddies and say something nice about them. Where to start! I guess I'll do it alphabetically so no-one gets too offended by being last ;)


[info]angels_weep: Well she hasn't posted in like aeons! I met her through [info]fade2sam and [info]grim_one but didn't get to know her too well... she seems really shy, and now, well, I guess I'll never know, unless she posts again! :)

[info]ballsmcsteel: I met Alex through my brothers and I can say that he always comes out with the most weird but humourous remarks :P Always right off the mark too. His remarks may not always be tasteful, but always humourous :)

[info]boorman: I'm gonna be a sheep here and say that Boorman's art is absolutely amazing! Honestly Boorman, I think you're the best artist that I know... you always impress me.

[info]dannn: I don't even remember how I met Dan! I think he saw my LJ randomly, or I his, or something. Although he doesn't spam his LJ as much as other people I know, he's almost always optimistic, and that cheers me up!

[info]discobarbie: It's Nat! I don't hear much of Nat anymore, it's been a few months since I've seen her, but I hear about her through some other peoples and it's good to know she's faring okay! Her posts are usually ditzy, but it makes a good change to a lot of other styles of writings on my friends page :)

[info]ezin: Good one, Eri! She wanted to get an LJ too, so I gave her the only 'freebie' code that I had and then she never posted on it. I don't think she ever used it at all, really. The phase must have passed. Just as well I like you, girl!

[info]fade2sam: I met him online after one of his friends went to a combined church Easter camp down in Busso with me. Very cool guy, and was incredibly good to talk to for hours and hours in the middle of the night during Yr 11 :) I can't wait to meet him... maybe this year!

[info]fenrisolf: Dwight's my bro, and we get along pretty well, all things considered! I really love the way he can weave a tale... he gets so animated and we all love listening to his stories. Even on his LJ, he can paint such an awse picture...

[info]fenuxx: I met Eli through some Busso peoples and we emailed each other heaps while he was at Curtin. Then he went to China and we started going out... almost 18 months I think. That's my record. You're still a cool guy, Eli :)

[info]g_ather: This dude writes the most laughable stuff on my whole friends list! You're awse, Oz! I love reading your posts, even though it's often so hard to figure out if any of it actually occured or not!

[info]garbs: Garbs quit his job at Dominos. Woo! :)

[info]gaylesmith: Gayle was originally a friend of Nath's... she's another Christian gal from the other side of the world! England? I forget :) But her posts are often God-oriented and it's refreshing to see other people seeking God!

[info]grim_one: Like sam, I met him online after his friend went to Easter Camp with me. He also kept me company in the wee hours of the morning, when I was still a high school gal and he was a uni boy, so he didn't care about sleeping patterns. Then again I doubt he did in high school either ;)

[info]hotbeastie: Chrissy and I were in high school together, and became closer friends in upper high. She started coming to youth group and church with me and we saw an awful lot of each other for a few years! Since I've been up to Perth we haven't seen each other as much, but hopefully when we're all up there we'll hang out more :)

[info]integriti: I met Pegz at a science camp in Yr 10. Oh, the memories! She and I keep each other on our toes with debatable issues ;)

[info]kirk_hsv: I met Kirk through sam and he's cool too. Into cars. In case you couldn't tell :) Haven't chatted to many of this bunch in a while, especially not while I was in Perth cause I didn't have DSL :(

[info]lordrifus: I was introduced to this man as 'Noodlez'. It took me several weeks to find out his real name ;) Noodlez is an awse guy, fully into his poot, and lans, and games, and music, and cars. Typical slightly-geek guy I guess :) Oh! And he has a Gamecube, I think he's the only person I know who owns one!

[info]matt_polky83: Another of sam's crew. I never really spoke to Matt as much, though I remember he works (worked) at one of those gardening places. He always used to post about work. And cars. I think? Oh! And parties :) It's been a while...

[info]miss_mugsy: Megs is the sister of one of my brother's friends :) She and I met at a lan when the little sisters were allowed to be present. I still remember she didn't react too well to Spidge's gurana tablet. Her birthday is just a few days before mine!

[info]mr_squiggle: Bart is a friend of the Busso crew. I think I first met him at SYG? I don't quite remember. He's a very bouncy person. Woo! Go the perky people!

[info]nathanj: My eldest bro. Nath is so cool. We can hang out and get along really well, and he lets me crash at his place sometimes when I come up to Perth! He's started coming to my church in Perth and is good to talk to.

[info]nikkui: Nicole is another friend from high school. She got an LJ after Chrissy and I got ours, and we all used to post on them during our pooter periods. I think she kinda dropped off the idea when she graduated!

[info]omad: Damo's the second out of the Busso crew that I met. The first was Stu, who I debated against at Countryweek (I think he won too, the bum!). He and I really hit it off at first, and he came to my ball with me, but then we had a bit of an, umm, falling out. But it's all sorted now, that was a few years ago, and now we're good friends :)

[info]quaver: Another of the few friends I haven't met yet! I don't even remember how we met. Must have been another random thing. I think he posted on my LJ :) It's funny, he seems like an old friend, but I don't even know what he looks like ;) But you're very reassuring Ant, which is even more special considering you haven't met me! Thankies! *hugs*

[info]salix_03: Karen gave me the inspiration for this post. At this point I'm not quite sure if I should thank her cause there's a lot of friends on my list! ;) I met Karen through Nath (my bro) and I was an annoying little kid then (but not much has ch..*cough*) and I'm not sure how long she had an LJ for, but she posted on my post a while ago and asked me to add her, and of course I did! You're cool company, Karen, even though it's only on LJ, cause I never catch you online! Thanks for being awse ;)

[info]sex_god: Another Newton Moron. I think Russ got his LJ shortly after Nikki did. He had this whole "OWEN 10" thing going all through upper high. Even the teachers got a bit sick of it ;) But Russ keeps in touch with a whole bunch of our classmates so it's good to talk to him cause I get all the goss ;)

[info]shard013: Another 'fade2sam' person, but he came before Kirk and Matt. I chatted to him probably a little bit more than I chatted to sam, and I remember I used to get in trouble for chatting so late when I had school the next morning. There's only so many times you can blame assignments for 3am ;)

[info]silvacody: Katy's another sister of a brother's lanning friend :) She and Megs and Chrissy and I (and Jane, but Jane was older than us, the same age as Dwight, so she wasn't so much of a 'little sister', or in Chrissy's case, a 'little sister's friend') were the 'lanning chicks' at the Jolly lans, well, when we could all make it. Our parents were so much stricter then!

[info]sir_spanner: One of the residents of Castle Greyskull, in Perth. Bummer He-man's gone on holidays, hey? :P Russell's pretty cool, he's not quite so chatty as some of the other guys but he really cares for his friends. Well from what I've seen anyway. Doesn't mean he's all soft though! Heck no. All of those guys hit hard :(

[info]sumthin_sinista: Another girl that I met through sam. They used to go out once, I think? But it was a long time ago. Almost as long since she's posted ;) I didn't get to know her very well either, but she used to try and get records for the longest time between posts!

[info]tancred: Woah, he brings back memories! I used to chat to Tanc even more than anyone else, I remember Nathan busted me once for chatting to him at 5am on a school night! We weren't even flirting either (I might not have known better but he did :), we just found so much to chat about. He's kind of another big brother to me, and I think he sees me as a little sister - I even annoy him like a little sister can ;)

[info]theevilsloth: Ai, this brings back memories! Thomas hasn't posted in aeons. I met him at a maths camp (yes I was a geek!) in Yr 10, and we hit it off pretty well. We chatted on and off for a few years, and when I went through my 'depressed' stage, he kept an eye on me to make sure I didn't do anything too stupid. I caught up with him last semester, and ohmygoodness he changed! I barely recognised him :) But he's still cool!

[info]tombeck: A friend of Eli's from uni, they were both doing Asian Studies together. Tom was one of the only other caucasians in Eli's class, and he was a Christian, so they got along really well. And because he was Eli's friend I started chatting to him, and I've met up with him a couple of times since, at Christian concerts and events :)

[info]veeoneuhh: Tom is one of the only people who initiates conversations with me on MSN when I come on! He's also one of the only people that's usually on when I put my lazy butt online :) He's a cool dude to hang around with, likes a lot of different things. He's part-geek too, likes lanning. But then again, that's pretty cool to me, cause I'm part-geek too. So you're cool Tom :)

[info]virohex: Ben's another lanning guy, not quite sure how I met him, I think it was through the Busso crew or lans or something. Maybe it was online to start with. Anyways he kept me company in my miserable days, I think he felt a bit left behind when I was perky again! But he's so cool, he gives me hugs and knows I'm so perky and loves my bubbliness. Thanks Ben! :)

[info]zeekor: Three cheers for being the last on my list! Huzzah! Steve is one of Dwight's friends, he used to come over a bit when we were in Bunno so I saw him quite a bit. Never got all that close, I mean, he is Dwight's friend, so :P But he's good to chat to even if he does share Dwight's taste in music! :)


Yay! That took a while. Now I'm gonna go eat some lunch. I'm famished!! :)
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to the beat [06 Feb 2004|05:06pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Batman (The Game) Remix - Stephen Kennedy ]

I bought some frypans today.

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