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Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
5:44 pm - Txts
Does anyone know what ANON would mean in a text message? As in, 'See you anon'??

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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
4:04 pm
My family are coming any minute. It actually feels like Christmas when I was young and that feels sad. But I dont care, I've missed them.

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
6:39 pm
My Drama results are out tommorrow. I should be getting 2 results.

I'm also sick, I've got an achy cold or something, and I feel stupid saying this but I just want Mum to bring me some tea and a hot water bottle. I'm gunna do it myself obviously but I just want to curl up and sleep, but I need to keep drinking. Oh bother! [In eyores voice].

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
11:36 pm
There's always something about buying new make-up thats exciting. Trying it out and seeing what new faces you can make with your original. Using it with old make-up too, in turn, make it new. You can use it, manipulate it, soften, mould, stroke, blend. It's a new you.
Then you take it all off, and its the same old face again. Same lines, same signs of tiredness, of stress. Same old, same old. Day in, day out. Weeks, years, no change, no alteration. No replacement, same shit. Non-returnable.

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
10:49 am
First time at the gym today. I'm easing myself into it by going in the ladies only session first. Hopefully I wont make a complete fool of myself.

On a weirder note. I started this journal the day before lent a year ago but that was on March 1st. It's now lent today. Wow, Easter has come really early this year. I'm giving up sugary sweets [but not chocolate!]

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
12:41 am
I've just been on an Ultimate disk [frisbee] tournament this weekend.

Dont laugh.

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
7:31 pm
I am 16% evil.

I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.

Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com

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Friday, January 25th, 2002
12:28 am - Oh and...

Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

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12:28 am - Oh and...

Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

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12:16 am
Dont usually do this but I'm so bored I was driven to it. You know what I did after my exam today? I ran some errands then read my book for 3 hours! It wasn't like no-one likes me to not go out with me, it was just that everyone was revising for final exams tomorrow. Any of which I do not have. Typical eh? So, now I'm wide awake and am leaving Uni tomorrow to go out with Tet tomorrow night and of course tomorrow night is when everyone is celebrating the end of exmas. I do royally fuck it up sometimes. Neah'mind. Back to me book till gods know when! Better not start making a habit of LJ again. Was ver ver addictive last encounter.
Night all to my non-exsistant readers. Hope your fictional minds and auto-biographical bodies rest well in the sombre world of no-thought and no-brainers. *

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Monday, December 31st, 2001
4:07 pm - Erm, well...

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
11:13 am - This is what I am apparently.
(Submissive Extrovert Abstract Thinker )

Like just 6% of the population you are a MENTOR (SEAT). Some would call you the most powerful and influential of all people. Those people are wrong.

The reality is that you DON'T really WANT to impose personal views or beliefs on others. Yet you are extroverted and intelligent, and you like to get involved. So you help others with the pursuit of knowledge.

You're the reason that people say "teachers are also students." You are as much a learner as a master, and this satisfies you.

You won't die a lonely death, but towards the end you'll grow introspective, wondering if your life meant anything. This will last for decades, and you'll die after your spouse.

Take this test at TheSpark.com.

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Saturday, November 10th, 2001
7:48 pm - Red thing.
Well that red icon thing is a lucky willy! It explains it all in the small print which cant be seen that size, but you can see the willy. Just about. It's red and lucky. Can't go wrong.

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5:17 pm - Hi
Well, fuck me it's a long time since I've done this! I've kinda figured that there's just far too much to talk about it actually write it down in one go so I've decided to copy Martin and ask you guys for any questions you might wanna ask me about recent events, me life etc. I don't expect many qustions but if you have anything you wanna ask then go right ahead. If I don't get any questions then I just wont answer any. So there.

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Monday, October 8th, 2001
5:51 pm - Hey, guess what everyone!
I'm now on-line in my room. I can update whenever I want now cos I wont have to go to the shitty library and wait for hours inbetween lectures just to check my mail.


It's taken me long enough, but I've been busy damn it!

I also now have my TV and video up here and my selection of vids from home. I'm so set it sortedily scary.

Cya peeps.

current mood: elated

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Tuesday, September 18th, 2001
1:22 pm
Hiya. I've now got to Uni [quite safely but it is a rather bizzarre experiance].
I'll make this one short but I will soon be able to pick up my messages again from Aol. It's just that at the moment these computers are so old.

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Sunday, September 16th, 2001
10:39 am - And I'm leaving...on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again..
...Well actually I do. But for now, I'm offski. I'll be leaving in about 3 hours and then thas it. The last time I'llbe technically 'living' in this house, except for being a visitor. Cos the correct meaning of 'visitor' is something like 'something that goes to a place for an amount of time but ten leaves again'. Prolly in better English though.
I'm not packed yet completly. For some eason I seem to be drawing this out. I don't know when I'll be able to chat on LJ again. I won't be getting my computer to my room till 2 weeks time so I'll have to find time to go to the University computers whilst surviving the best binge week in the history of my life.
Anyway, toodles for now. We'll meet again...don't know where...don't know when...

I'm quite mad you know.

Dun Dun dun dun dun DUuuuuun DUN!

(Jazz hands)

TttTTTttTTttTTtttTTTttThat's all folks.
[all folks]
[all folks]
[all folks]

My Gad! I'm trippin.

A joke:

There's three tomatoes walking down the street. Papa tomato, Mama tomato, baby tomato. Baby tomato keeps lagging behind and Papa tomato gets annoyed with him, goes up to him and sqwishes him. 'Ketchup' he said.

current music: ThE VoIcEs In My HeAd

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Thursday, September 13th, 2001
7:13 pm
I am so fucking bored and so fucking fed up of all things life. I'm taking far too much to uni, so me thinks. And parents are adament on having conversations with me without me participating. F'instance, an extract of tonights conversation at dinner:

Mum - T [that's me] thinks shes taking too much with her to uni. She says she's thinking she's taking the whole house with her. [None of which I said]
Dad - Oh, it'll be ok, you might not use it all straight away but you will eventually.
Mum - Yeah, whats the point of us buying it if you're not going to use it .
Dad - Did you get a map of the uni so you know where you're living, did you get sent one...
Mum - Mmm, yeah thats a point...
Dad - What was the name of the place you're staying?
Me - [In a barely there voice] Saltash.
Mum - Oh yes! Saltash. Well, it's near everything so that'll be ok.
Dad - Yeah and I'm sure theres people giving us directions when we get there.
Mum - Mmm, and the keys will be picked up from somewhere central I should think..like the main headquaters..main building..er..
Dad - The reception.
Mum - Yes, the reception. They'll probably be people directing us to the reception then to the halls.
[Like, what the fuck has any of that got to do with anything]
[And now, after a long pause of eating]
Dad - Are you ok? You seem a little quiet. [Yeah cos you seem to be doing fine on your own]
Mum - She's been quiet all day. [Only cos no-one has spoken to me]
Dad - A little apprahensive I should think. [Oh god, mass concern from both parents at the same time, I feel 10 yrs old again]
Me - Can I get down from the table?
[And I left]

Oh please someone take me away from this. Sunday is gunna be possibly the most stressful day of my life so far and I'm already too uptight for anything. The multitude of tables I'm taking seem to be doing nothing and this detox thing is giving me the most awful stomach cramps. Which apparently is normal. I don't feel like saying anything to anyone, all of which my parents cannot understand. And things like 'well, you'll have all your own space to do whatever you want at Uni' is not even a thought that can make me happy cos as far as I'm concerned that only means more lonliness. Mum said the other day, 'oh you can still have thousands of people aroud you and still feel lonely.' Damn right I thought, but if I told her I felt lonely at that second even with family around me, she completly wouldn't understand. She'd treat me like I'm either disrespectful, deranged, or suicidal. Really can't win. My mother likes it when I tell her whats wrong, but only if it's the fact that I can't find anything to wear or my hair won't go right, or pushing it, cos I have a medical worry. But go any deeper into my phyky [?] than that and she freaks.

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Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
8:07 pm
Last night was pretty damn cool. Being that close and all. It'll be good to see it when it's on telly.
Meanwhile, troubled times and troubled heads. Didn't actually realise how bad everything in America was until today when I realised the full devastation. And those sick SICK people, the palastinians, dancing and laughing in the steet. Even if it was before the full story came out, how can anyone be so soul corrupted as to laugh and be greatful for thousands of someone elses loss. It's completly unthinkable. I couldn't get anything done today. I couldn't work properly. It's not like I was thinking about it all day, it's just that nothing felt right.

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Monday, September 10th, 2001
6:38 pm
I'm trying another new thing tomorrow for three days. It's a detox plan called bio-light. It looks very good and a well as promotng weight loss, it's to detoxify your insides so your outsides lok great. That's the plan anyway. I hope it gets rid of some excess fluid for next week so I don't feel bloated and crap to go out with everynight.

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