I close my eyes and oddly enough, see what looks like a block figure of a woman in a purple Olympic outfit, running down the track. She leaps and her legs swing out in opposite direction beneath her -- she's going to clear the hurdle with ease. And then the image just freezes there and my brain circles around it, like she's just some three-dee of somebody's fucked up Richard Simmons version of the Matrix.
Don't ask me what that's even supposed to mean. I just report it.
I haven't had cookie pizza, remarkably -- no ricidulously good -- in a long time. I used to get it off the pizza buffet line at this little place Dad took me to in Mississippi. They managed to rustle up some pretty decent taco pizza, too, and taco pizza and I are touch and go in our affection for one another. It depends on the kind of salsa used and the amount of lettuce and cheese it contained. But man, this place had premium everything. I could HEAR my stomach doing the Jessica Simpson impression of, "Is it a taco? Or is it a pizza? Is it a taco? Or is it a pizza?" And I could hear Ashlee saying, "It's BOTH, Jess," with a laugh, her lips just the tiniest bit off beat to her words.
That girl makes me laugh. I used to enjoy her, or at least hold her in higher regard to her sibling, but that SNL piece she did is just some shiznit. I wonder what was going through her mind. "Fuck" was probably part of it. Why would you want to be headlined as something you're not even GOOD at? That'd be like me becoming famous for plumbing. Or Britney Spears being famous for being a pop star. I could just see me on SNL crouched beside a toilet, holding a plunger in my hand, taking Q@A from the audience, and responding with my lips not in sync with my words. And above, Bob Villa would be crouched in the catwalk, responding to question's I'd taken with an unnaturally perfected falsetto.
For men. pour hommes
That's what it says on the deoderant stick sitting next to me. "For men." Men just sounds so much more agreeable than a "hommes." Hommes is obviously a cynical tiger who hangs out with a smarky six year old, time traveling occasionally, sometimes using typical sarcastic, overbearing, pretentious one-liners. I wouldn't want to date a hommes.
Isn't it weird how names can make you think of somebody, before you've never even met them? Ralph is a guy who bowls - he has a potbelly. Edwina has cat-eye glasses, a parrot named "Snarks", and a 54th birthday coming up. Jackie is a scary ninth grader, with light brown hair and a bit of down syndrome. Hank is a football player, a thick farmer, or the janitor. Jeeves is a butler. Melvin gets beat up and is frail, with a clogged nose. Bertha is overweight and raises milk cows. Betty Lou wears a checkered tie-in-front bra and jean shorts to school. Sam is an honest man. Mr. Ovalstine owns a graveyard, works the graveyard shift, and drinks chocolate milk. Larry is a dishonest, lying man. Probably a politician.
Character study! Old man in a Subway is chilling, eating a sub alone at one of those scary yellow tables. Girl walks in, she's pregnant. Man eating the sandwich watches her order and scramble in her purse to pay her bill. Girl clearly doesn't have enough; embarrassed. Old man gets up and chivalriously pays it for her, invites her to sit down, she does. Get to talking. Girl starts in on her sob story - single mother, had to quit school. Blames it on her ex. Says bitterly, "And it all started with a crush." Close in on the old man saying, "If it were supposed to feel good, they wouldn't call it a crush."
Stole that quote from Anonymous. Sorry, Anonymous. But you have a lot of stuff already attributed to in your name. Wot wot.
God, I wish I had an accent. Why the fuck can't I have an interesting accent? I would talk all the time, just to hear myself speaking. "We are deFEATed!" British. "We ahrre defeeated!" Irish. "Aye, we're deFEATed!" Scottish. "Defeated, eh?" Canadian. "Wat iz zees defeated business?" French. "Yo, essay. Yo MAMI defeated!" Spanish.
LOOK AT ME, I'M BILIGINGUAL! Ask to me to translate something, anything.
Quick! What's Chinese for REVENGE!? Why does the phrase "pee pee in Coke" spring to mind? Damn elementary school kids permenantly cementing shit in my head.
Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your booty! ...Who WROTE that song? I understand that you can't predict or shake off the throes of inspiration, but what's the art of getting inspired by booty shaking? I can just see some old pervert sitting on the stairs, watching a bunch of high school girls walk by, skirts flouncing, and he turns his old wrinkled head and says in an almost obsessively cracked whisper, "Shake shake shake...shake your booty." And then Bread picked it up. Or somebody with equally annoying songs.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerie Lake Eeeeeeeeeeerie. God, could that be more dramatic? Or more obvious that drug smugglers used to put up shop there? I bet they were driven to the lakesite in droves, and they just waited there for their clients to arrive. They named the Lake Eerie because it scared away the tourists, nosy kids, and disapproving constitutionists. They hung up paper ghosts in the trees and hid behind bushes and made "ooooh" noises, rustling the branches with both fists. And then the kids or the old people or whoever it was that had managed to wander into the woods would shriek, "No WONDER it's called Lake Eerie!" and run off to spread the news.
"Hey, man. Let's call it Eerie, because, like, it's scary and stuff." "Heh heh. You just said 'stuff.'" Beavis and Butthead doing Eerie.
Da dum CHHHH. I don't even need that guy to sit at the drumset after my jokes. I'll just use my mouth, since I am a professional beatboxer and all. Drop it like it's HOT. I'm also a professional wrestler. And it's not FAKE. I should know. You should see my chipped nail. Barely got off the ropes last night. Had to come back in swinging and singing, "I will survive" to get the Slammin Jammin Man in Hammin up off me.
Worst superhero name ever: Pussywillow. "LOOK! UP IN THE SKY! IT'S, THANK GOD, PUSSY'S HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!" And imagine her, with her hands on her hips, glaring up at a villian. "You OBVIOUSLY don't know who you're talking to." "Oh yeah? And who's that?" "(snort of derision) I'm PUSSYWILLOW." Dum dum duuum.
Worst way to ask your wife to marry her: "We might as well."
Worst way to tell a bully to step off: "I'm training to be a cage fighter."
Worst way to invite your girl to have sex: "The OTHER girl didn't protest as much."
welcome to atlanta. where the players play. and the ballers ball. and the ladies lade. in the autumn or fall.
That's MY piece of work. Take THAT, Ludicris. Is that how you spell his name? God, I can't keep up with these spellings, these plays on words. Ludicrous. Loodehcris. Loodycrees. Sounds like a sandwich now. Or a Willy Wonka chocolate. Spun out by those good old Oompa Loompas.
GOD. Could they GET any better than that? I mean, really. Could they GET any better than THAT? There's just no way to improve upon them! They are the ultimate! As I type this, I'm reminded on Napoleon Dynamite sitting on the stairs of his high school, drawing, and Deb comes up to him and says, "What's that?" And he says, "A lyger," and Deb goes, "What's that?" and he says, "It's probably like my favorite animal. Special skills in magic."
I'll end this entry and write another. Don't want to be scolded. The corner's cluttered and there's no where to sit in it anyway.