Below is information about the "John Mayer Fans" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | jmayerfans (642432) | |||
Name: | John Mayer Fans | |||
Website: | Official Website | |||
E-mail: |
| |||
About: | Community Rules: (Please read before joining/posting.) HELP WANTED! -- Anyone who is interested in being another Moderator for this community, send me an E-mail with a few reasons why you think you're qualified. (Busy people are not the best options for this job; it'd be nice to have someone who doesn't already moderate 3924872347 million other communities.) Addition to John Mayer Fans' Staff: sweet_tink If you want to ask Toni a question, please e-mail her here. -AIM: TinkSweet5 -Favorite John Mayer song: "Back to You" - If you feel that you can add anything to these rules, or if you disagree with something, contact me. Also, we would love if everyone would suggest things for this community as a whole, we're always open to new ideas! - Posts that contain quiz results, of course only John Mayer related, should be put behind an LJ-cut tag. You will be reminded and have 24 hours to change the post, otherwise it will be deleted. Reminder for LJ-cut: <*lj-cut text*="Write whatever you want to show as the link"> Place your photo(s) here. <*/lj-cut*> (Remove the "*" when you use an LJ-cut. They're only for demonstration purposes.) - We ask that long posts, or posts with several pictures, also be put behind an LJ-tag for the sake of flooding fellow members' friends pages. - If you would like to promote your John Mayer community, please run it by us first. Usually we will not mind, but this is not community_promo. Go there if you wish to promote your non-JM related community. - If you have any questions regarding joining or posting in the community, check out the LiveJournal FAQ. Any other community-specific questions or comments can be directed to either Toni or me. - If anyone chooses to use this community as a forum to harass others, they will be banned (i.e., Flame wars will not be tolerated). Also, think before you post a comment; Don't delete them. If you feel harassed by another member, or encounter a member being harassed, please report it to one of your moderators, ASAP. - Obviously, if it's against the Livejournal Terms of Service (TOS), it's not welcome here either. - Any post, comment or member that does not abide by the rules of this community can [and will] be removed at our discretion. - And the most important rule of all: Have fun! Links: Look out links in this section. If you have anything to suggest, e-mail us. Cheers from your mods, sweek and sweet_tink | |||
Interests: | 28: 3x5, 83, back to you, breakaway, city love, comfortable, covered in rain, everything is not broken, george's blues, great indoors, inside wants out, john alagia, john mayer, lifelines, love soon, man on the side, my stupid mouth, neon, no such thing, not myself, outside in the underground, quiet, room for squares, somethings's missing, st. patrick's day, sucker, victoria, why georgia. [Modify yours] | |||
Members: | 129: 33emotions, _bridgetoconnor, _drifted_away, _eep_, _homelife, _lucy_, abbenormal, ac_maintainer, acidburn5, ally_girl, alongsorrow, angdiddy, asianjade, audibleodyssey, bak2u83, beautifullymade, believeinme_, bigwills25, britt_2004, bruinshorty, bucylicious, caramelswirl81, carly_took, carolinerheafan, chino_lover07, chrissybabi014, coliecat, completefraud, cora8389, crazy_taryn, crazyblondie36, cute_but_psycho, daydreamdancer, dixiesong3131, drinkchaitea, eirbear, elliebellie4, frankiepea, gapchica47, gastatebabe, glindathegood, glitter_guitar, glittertart, goddessdana, graceful_tiger, haggardlilslayr, half_of_2b, hijakd, ilovebilliejoe7, instantkarma7, irishgirl87xo, jadedpixy, jazzgirl03, jellybean84, jellybeans313, jenday, jes17, jilleighsoprano, jmscitylove, jmsingsjust4me, jonnylangslevee, karnerblue, kickdoll, kissclikbangdie, lauryn2684, loguitarchick, luckyxstarx3681, lushzz, luvlileah, luvnvamps4life, marissaelena, megustamayer, melfinas_aria, messwithforever, mikeysmom, misserina85, mraz62377, music_monkeyass, my_failed_dream, my_stupid_mouth, mysticchildz, nandoca, need_to_let_go, notmyself43, notyrsenorita, pcoppola82, plainstupidjane, po5mrk, poetry_to_prose, pumagrrl84, radiostar41, rainwhispers, redtoastypickle, restar42, retardedrice, roxy_pixie13, rubber_ducky6, senescence, sheenamariez, shygirl32, smore321, socalstarfish, songbird5469, starmygalaxy, starynight576, steffiez, stellargoddess, stripedscarf, striptease_, summerlily530, suzze013, sweek, sweet_tink, switch_girl04, taralm, taytay101, tehmucnh, tigerheartdrebl, traceawaythefog, ucancallmeal, unamour, uselessdevotion, wheresthelove, why_georgia_why, xjillx, xkelster07x, xoshortie330xo, your_star314, zippermagnet | |||
Watched by: | 89: _bridgetoconnor, _drifted_away, _eep_, _homelife, abbenormal, ac_maintainer, ally_girl, audibleodyssey, bak2u83, beautifullymade, believeinme_, bigwills25, britt_2004, bruinshorty, bucylicious, caramelswirl81, carly_took, carolinerheafan, chino_lover07, chrissybabi014, completefraud, cora8389, crazy_taryn, cute_but_psycho, daydreamdancer, elliebellie4, frankiepea, gapchica47, gastatebabe, glindathegood, glitter_guitar, glittertart, goddessdana, graceful_tiger, haggardlilslayr, half_of_2b, hijakd, instantkarma7, jadedpixy, jazzgirl03, jellybean84, jenday, jes17, jmscitylove, jmsingsjust4me, justlikeamaze, karnerblue, luckyxstarx3681, marissaelena, megustamayer, messwithforever, mikeysmom, mraz62377, music_monkeyass, my_failed_dream, my_stupid_mouth, mysticchildz, nandoca, need_to_let_go, pcoppola82, plainstupidjane, po5mrk, poetry_to_prose, radiostar41, rainwhispers, redtoastypickle, restar42, retardedrice, roxy_pixie13, senescence, shygirl32, starmygalaxy, starynight576, stellargoddess, stripedscarf, striptease_, suzze013, sweet_tink, switch_girl04, taytay101, tehmucnh, tigerheartdrebl, traceawaythefog, uselessdevotion, wheresthelove, xkelster07x, xoshortie330xo, your_star314, zippermagnet | |||
Account type: | Free Account |