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Mon, Feb 14th, 2005 |
14 Feb 2005|12:24pm
dear diary, How our Sunday was spent...
Yesterday was a fun day.... until about 3:30. One of Calvin's friend's dad knocks on our door. Calvin wiped out on his skateboard and he doesn't want anybody to move him but Chuck. Chuck runs to pick him up out of the street and brings him back by the house to look for Calvin's ID. We can't find it, so Chuck takes the scraped and broken Calvin to the hospital on post. I jump in the shower and rush after them. Calvin's taken to x-ray first thing... definite broken arm. After about an hour (while I'm in the waiting room cause I didn't come with them) we all meet up in the ortho room. After a couple of hours, a bunch of morphine, and the orthopedic doctor tries to set his arm... but to no avail. The Colonel (orthopedic surgeon) is called in, Calvin is put to sleep with Ketamine and both of them finally set the bone. The radius was displaced and the ulna was broken but was still together. A CT scan was ordered on his melon cause he was asking the same questions a bunch of times (he still doesn't remember what happened). No concussion or bleeding... thank God. After about 7 hours, we make it home with a battered, bloody, broken boy. 14 years and his first break... not too bad. He's on the couch chilling on percoset right now. He's out of school today and tomorrow... so I guess that means I'll be here too.
Oh yeah.... Happy Valentine's Day! Look at the break below... ( Read more... )
Wed, Feb 2nd, 2005 |
02 Feb 2005|11:05am
dear diary,
I REALLY don't feel like being at work today. Especially with my boss out of the office. But I must be here... duty calls. I have an appointment to get my hairs did today. I can't wait!! It's been at least 6 weeks since I've gotten a cut/highlights... but my highlights faded shortly thereafter. I'm going with a color much like my icon with some copper/red highlights today. WHEEEEE!!
I'm scarfing down sunflower kernels (no shells). I can't get enough salt today. Anything wrong with that? nope
Mon, Jan 24th, 2005 |
24 Jan 2005|09:50am
dear diary,
My high school meme ( Read more... )
Sat, Jan 8th, 2005 |
08 Jan 2005|10:47pm
dear diary,
Apple martinis + steak + ribs + chicken + friends + darts + chatting + Blue Comedy Tour Rides Againn + various other things = a grand ole time
Kathy = happy (drunk) girl
Sun, Jan 2nd, 2005 |
02 Jan 2005|09:23pm
dear diary,
After a fun, tiresome trip to Oregon, we are finally home. Actually we got home yesterday and I'm still wound up. After we got home from Oregon, my dad and went up to North Georgia to meet up with my 2 oldest brothers (half-brothers) and families. I haven't seen them in at least 5 years so it was great to see them.
I still have to upload all of my pictures and type of my trip's synopsis. There's a lot of stuff so be prepared sometime next week.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a good New Year!!
Wed, Dec 22nd, 2004 |
22 Dec 2004|11:34am
dear diary, Bored with cold feet
Sitting at the parents' house... waiting for the brother and family to get here. Can't wait to hop on the plane tonight to get to the other side of the US. We're still figuring out places that we want to go in the cold, drizzly, beautiful Oregon. There is some castle near Portland that we want to check out... of course the coast, some wineries through the Willamette valley.
Hey Ree, is your mom near Salem, OR? I want to see the town where she lives... what's the name of it? Does she still have the book store?
Short little stopover is Vegas... 30 minutes. On the way back it's an hour. I'll take advantage of the slots in the airport then.
OK, off to finish helping my mom with "Christmas" dinner. We get 3 Christmas's this year!! Can't wait for Christmas Day. Chuck's mom (Olga) is fixing us all kinds of German food. Sweet!!
Sun, Dec 19th, 2004 |
19 Dec 2004|04:22pm
dear diary, It's a good thing I stayed home today.
Chuck and Calvin went to pick Kevin up today. I stayed home so I could start packing for our trip and so I could make lots'a rum balls for our cookie exchange at work. Chuck called me at 2 with his car overheating on the side of I-40 outside of Mocksville, NC. The water pump is dead. He got in touch with the ex so she brought Kevin to him (40 miles from where they were supposed to meet). Now the truck is at a Dodge dealership & Chuck and the boys are shacked up at a hotel. Hopefully the truck will be fixed tomorrow or I don't know what's gonna happen.
OK, make to the rum ball making. I've made 2 1/2 dozen balls & have run out of makings. Off to the store...
Wed, Nov 24th, 2004 |
24 Nov 2004|10:21am
dear diary, Is you Ghetto?
I know I am!! In fact, 98 points worth (mucho points for calculator) My points are bolded... ( Read more... )
Mon, Nov 22nd, 2004 |
22 Nov 2004|04:28pm
dear diary,
Is it time for me to go home & curl up in bed? Almost...
Had a good time at IHOP and the pot pottery festival on Saturday. Went with spunti, Sarah of the_walkowiaks, Sarah's mom, and sunsun023. I did pretty good this time... only bought some big-ass mugs (for coffee of soup), a handmade hat & scarf, and some homemade soap. I could have bought a WHOLE lot more, but I was a good girl.
Sunday was spent in bed curled up with the oncoming of a cold. I'm still trying to fend off the germs... hopefully I'll still be germ-free for Thanksgiving. Yay for fat-laden holidays. I can't wait to fill up on food & then watch the UGA vs. GT game this weekend. Auburn vs. Alabama was a great game this past Saturday. My mom & I are trying to decide whether we're going to shop while the men go hunting, or whether we're going to decorate her house for Christmas.
Tue, Nov 16th, 2004 |
16 Nov 2004|04:47pm
dear diary, Ramblings of that girl, Kadi
I know I'm hardly ever on here. I do come back and check up on everybody when I can. Not much has been happening this past month. I got to see my new baby nephew, Jake (will see him next week); I got to have a girly movie night last week with Sarah & Jenni (but no Jenny); I got to be a drunken, scary, witchy-woman for Jenni's Haunted Garage; I've been doing a few extra curricular things for work lately (trade shows, open houses, Board of Realtor meetings, etc.); I've been chewing my nails waiting for news on whether we're moving to GA or not; I had a wonderful lunch date with josiepop this past Saturday (beautiful as ever); I can't wait to go to the pottery festival in Seagrove, NC this Saturday; I can't wait to get my hair cut this week; I can't wait to see ALL my family (on my mom's side) for Thanksgiving; I can't wait to have Thanksgiving weekend with my husband without the kids (they'll be at their mom's); blah, blah, blah.
Fri, Oct 8th, 2004 |
08 Oct 2004|12:03pm
dear diary, I'm an aunt.... again!
I just got a call from a dad a couple of minutes ago. I now have a new nephew named Jake Thomas (J.T. hehe)!! He was 8 lbs 12 oz. & 20 3/4 inches long. Right after work I'm headed to GA to see my new baby nephew! :D
oooo and also... Happy Birthday to my lovely josiepop! I love you!!! Now, when do I get to take you out?
Tue, Sep 28th, 2004 |
28 Sep 2004|10:05am
dear diary,
Time to go trick-or-treating!! Who wants to go?
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
kadi goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. | angryvixen gives you 16 pink apple-flavoured gummy bears. | baby_daddy tricks you! You get a toothbrush. | babygirl023 gives you 3 light orange tropical-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. | ceilidh71 tricks you! You lose 5 pieces of candy! | demolitiondonna gives you 11 tan licorice-flavoured gummy fruits. | lessordinary tricks you! You get a rotten egg. | mokitty gives you 12 red-orange tropical-flavoured pieces of taffy. | nerofotia tricks you! You get a piece of paper. | the_walkowiaks tricks you! You get a dead frog. | weswilson gives you 14 mauve blueberry-flavoured gummy bats. | kadi ends up with 51 pieces of candy, a toothbrush, a rotten egg, a piece of paper, and a dead frog. | Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
psst - I might have me a visitor this weekend. She makes me oh so happy!!!
Wed, Aug 25th, 2004 |
25 Aug 2004|05:08pm
dear diary,
I have so much to say but so little time to put it into words.
Our company is made up of 3 offices. Our main office (6 people), my office (2 people-me & Carrie), and the Hope Mills office (formerly 4 people). The Hope Mills office lost one of their loan originators & as of yesterday the other originator quit. Now there is only a processor & a secretary. Well, me and Carrie have been asked to move to the Hope Mills office where they will fire the processor there and I will replace her. She has 10 years experience & I have one year; I was told that I am a helluva lot better processor than she is. That makes me feel sooooooo good! Now we will have our own secretary/receptionist (yeah, that was part of my job too)... I'll have my own office... I'll get my raise in October... I'll be closer to the house... WHEE!!
Jenni and her new husband, Bill, came over on Sunday to cook out & drink beer. My godson, Jonathan, wasn't with them though. :( We all drove the mile over to their new house and Jenni & I christened it with a couple of shots of tequila. Chuck left for the field this afternoon and won't be back until Friday night... Jenni's coming over for some beers.
Last night I took Calvin to the movies with some of his friends (ok, a double date). They went to see "Without a Paddle" and I went (by myself, mind you) to see "The Village". I literally almost peed myself... I scare that easily. The couple behind me (there were only 5 people in the theater) continued to laugh at me at each jump. They better be glad that I didn't crawl up and sit with them. I'm still trying to figure out if I liked the ending or if I hated it. Was the writing stupid or ingenious? If you saw it, what do you think?
Fri, Aug 6th, 2004 |
06 Aug 2004|12:49pm
dear diary,
Me and my hairdresser went a little crazy last night. I had my blond highlights put in... then she cut my hair. Then I asked her about doing a little streaked thingy to the front of my hair...
Now I have purple/burgandy streaks in the front of my hair!! Pictures will be forthcoming - probably tomorrow.
Nothing planned for the weekend. I may hit my co-worker's party while Chuck & the boy are the gun show. Elinor is having a bunch of friends and family at her house from all over the East coast. Well, you know, Virginia, New Jersey, Georgia, etc. Of course, I am her token white child. I think I might go. :)
Thu, Jul 29th, 2004 |
29 Jul 2004|12:21pm
dear diary,
My new reality show obsession: "Amish in the City"! I.LOVED.IT!!!
What's on tonight? BB5? Yep, I know where I'll be.
After 2 Aleve & 2 Extra Strength Tylenol, my back is starting to feel a little better. At least I can walk now without looking like I've got a corncob up my ass. I'm thinking I might leave a little early today. Might as well, I'm not busy (and I'm salary so no loss!). hehe
29 Jul 2004|08:49am
dear diary,
Now I know why I hate working out. My lower back is killing me!! I got a pinched nerve a long time ago from lifting heavy things when I worked at Cub Foods. It seems to pop back up from time to time. This morning I woke up & could barely get out of bed. I was tempted to stay in bed with a few muscle relaxers, but it's Carrie's birthday (my boss) and I forced myself to come in. You know I can't miss free birthday cake! lol
It really sucks cause all that weight that I lost before Chuck came home from Iraq (17 pounds) have jumped back onto me.
So, question... how can I strengthen/reduce my tummy flab abs without doing crunches? And they're not FULL sit-ups, just crunches still kill my back. Plus I'm using my little exercise machine... but I've been using that for awhile and I know it's not hurting my back.
Wed, Jul 28th, 2004 |
28 Jul 2004|08:47am
dear diary,
Work is tough. We just got through with 15 loan closings for the month. Next month should be easy, only about 6-7. BUT... that means less money. Carrie is out visiting agents drumming up business. I took up a little side job. I'm doing bookkeeping for one of our real estate agents. Her last bookkeeper did all of the accounting on her own computer at home. Guess what, it died and everything was locked in there. Good thing she printed out everything. So, I've gone in, updated Quicken (easy, breezy) and did a profit & loss statement for each month/quarter. Now, I just have to go to her office each month (after her statement comes in) and update her records. Easy way to make $50 per month for about an hour of work.
Chuck & Calvin are heading to the gun show on Saturday. I still don't know what I want to do. I could head up to the "tiger park", go shopping (need to for Calvin's school clothes - no tax weekend!-not till next weekend), or just lay in bed all day. I'm so lazy... knowing me I'll be a couch potato...
Fri, Jul 23rd, 2004 |
23 Jul 2004|02:02pm
dear diary,
I had a good time volunteering at the Carnivore Preservation Trust last Saturday. Only had 2 bad things come out of my road trip: a huge blister on my thumb (I had to do REAL work!) and a new windshield caused by a rock trying to jump in my front seat. I got to hang out and play with a couple of binturongs (Asian bearcats), an ocelot, & a few caracals. 2 out of 3 of the caracals that I worked next to let me pet them; I didn't trust the male - he didn't purr like my little girlies did. After working (weeding & pulling vines/poison oak), Audra took me to see a bunch of the other animals. I almost peed my pants when one of the tigers charged at us... good thing he couldn't break through the cage! I met a couple of black leopards, a snow leopard, some of the tigers (including a white tiger), some servals, and a kinkajou. I wish I could go every week to volunteer, but it's about an hour & 20 minutes each way. If I can, I'm going to try to go every other weekend. I'll see how my schedule looks.
Last night was girly movie night with a couple of new girls added in to the mix. We had a lot of fun amidst the margaritas, pizza & movie. I even got to rub Sarah's baby belly. She's losing her belly button - SO CUTE!!
Hopefully all this weekend entails is sunshine (doubt it), the beach (doubt it), sleep, and margaritas. Relaxation needed!
Thu, Jul 15th, 2004 |
15 Jul 2004|02:15pm
dear diary,
I did one thing that I hardly ever did in college: I went to the library to do some research. And I got my work accomplished! I had to look up some building/fuel gas codes in regards to VA mortgages. Yeah, I know, interesting stuff. But now I'm going to be setting a precedent(sp?) with the VA on appraisal approvals in NC. This means less work for mortgage officers all over NC (ulimately). Rock on! Oooo, maybe it'll get me a little bonus... hmmm.
I'm thinking about getting out of the house on Saturday. Maybe volunteering at the Carnivore Preservation Trust in Pittsboro, NC - http://www.cptigers.org/ I want to see the BIG kitties!!
Tue, Jul 13th, 2004 |
13 Jul 2004|07:00pm
dear diary,
I'm sorry. Just had to delete some people. It's hard for me to read everybody when I can't get online at work & I'm hardly ever on at home.
Don't take it personally (even though some might)... I'm running out of steam & running out of time.