You are viewing the most recent 25 entries.
24th December 2004
12:28pm: meme-alicious
stolen from peculiahReply to this post saying "do me!" and... 1. I will tell you what song reminds me of you. 2. I will tell you what celebrity/public/fictional person you remind me of, either personality-wise or looks-wise. 3. I will give you one word that I associate with you when I think of you. 4. I will tell you what colors I associate with you. Then steal this for your journal and make someone else's day as well.
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: elvis - blue christmas
11th December 2004
hello, i am waiting for emily to cash out so we can go to bulk barn. bulk barn is my favourite, honestly. who couldn't love health food and jujubes in great big bins?
our oven is broken* so we can't bake anything. this is unfortunate because ray's mother is coming over tomorrow and i wanted to impress her with baked goods.
*at me and ray's new place because we live together now and our apartment is super nice!
edit: after i wrote this entry we got on the o-train without paying (i avoid paying for public transit whenever possible) AND I GOT A TICKET FOR A HUNDRED DOLLARS. karmically, i realize i've earned this and have probably defrauded octranspo for more than that amount in the past year or so, but it still sucks.
in other news, my exams went well and i'll be in st. john's on monday.
also, the reason you didn't see this entry until a week later is that i had accidentally set it to private for some reason. because going to bulk barn is soooo secretive.
22nd November 2004
6:38pm: wooo thirty grand in student debt!
I am in the computer lab at school. i came in to print something and check my email... three hours ago! i haven't had an internet connection at home since mid-april and, surprisingly, i like it. my own laptop has neither a working floppy nor cd-rom drive, so i mostly don't use it at all anymore. it's amazing how much more reading i did last summer than the one before, how much better i sleep without it. i can't actually blame computers for an unhealthy lifestyle, but the purge has been cleansing all the same. so, why have i been geeking in an icky lab with bad neon lighting all afternoon, you ask? well, i've been researching grad programs. although i'm not actually going to graduate until sometime next year and hope to take at least one year off, it seemed pressing, for some reason. ( the bizarrities of my academic career thus far )so i was talking to an acquaintance in the humanities program (i like to joke that i'm getting a "budget humanities degree"), and it dawned on me that with an art history/classics BA, i could totally be an archaeologist when i grow up! so here i am, in the computer lab, researching graduate programs in archaeology. i can go to... u of t! calgary! mcmaster(which is actually a pretty good school except that it's in hamilton)! or simon fraser! i have no intention of ever moving to hamilton or calgary. (sorry su) simon fraser wouldn't be bad, it's a good program and i'm not totally averse to moving to vancouver, except that it's awfully far away and the cost of living is even higher than it is here (while i realize that wages are also higher there, i'm likely to be ta salary and loan dependant while writing a thesis... and i already have so much student debt!). the fact that meghan is moving there is most definitly a draw, but who knows if she'll still be there in 2 or 3 years? plus, their website is terribly designed and not very informative. the u of t program, sadly, looks the most interesting. actually, it looks very awesome. but do i really want to move to toronto? it's fairly close to ottawa so for that reason i *might* be able to talk ray into it.... but i really don't like toronto for more than a few days. ( more stuff about grad schools )so how committed am i to this new life goal that i just picked out like two weeks ago? i'm really not sure. if i absolutely MUST get a masters degree in archaeology, i'm going to have to live somewhere i don't really want to live*. (and get ray to come with. i'm not doing the distance thing again). really, if i wanted to specialize in middle eastern stuff (and i do), i'd have to move to the states. i haven't even LOOKED at that... besides bush getting reelected, there's no way i'd be able to afford american tuition without some serious scholarship action. *even typing that i wonder if i'm being too picky. i got used to ottawa, after all. i even kind of like it here now. surely if i can make it here i can make it anywhere? also, if i do end up going the archaeology-via-anthropology route (which could be fairly interesting), i'm going to have to study some anthropology at the undergrad level. everywhere that offers archaeology as part of the grad-level program in classics requires latin or greek. mun requires both. so, in addition to the 2.5 needed to graduate plus the credit or two i'd like to take in archaeology at ottawa u next year, i either have to take intro to anthropology or latin or greek, or all three. *sigh* looks like i'm going to school full-time next year. oh well, at least my bus pass will be cheaper.
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: frat dudes - typing and pizza eating
1st July 2004
ok. this thunder is TERRIFYING. you haven't heard it.
7:03am: mwahaha
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.ottawa is nice, we're leaving in a few days. today is canada day with lots of thunderstorms. i wonder how the fireworks will work out? i seem destined to never experience canada day in ottawa as it is meant to be. our play was a hit at fringe. didn't win any awards, but we outsold anything else in our venue, which was among the biggest. we've got awesome venues in winnipeg and thunder bay, and in winnipeg we even have a place to stay! not so sure what we're doing in thunder bay yet, maybe tents? too bad dwayne and sarah can't lend us their luxury-condo tent again. *sigh* ooh! that was a loud one! like, holy shit! it's STILL ECHOING. that was the loudest thunder ever. oh, i made a website for black sheep theatre. check it out at www.blacksheeptheatre.com and please keep in mind, this is the first website i've made since highschool biology. (yes, biology). ok well i have to go read everyone's entries now, have a good july if you don't hear from me again:)
15th June 2004
2:20pm: People who live in St. John's,
On behalf of the Peace-A-Chord Committee I am inviting you to attend a public meeting in the E.B. Foran room of City Hall TONIGHT at 7PM. At the meeting, the future, direction and location of the Peace-A-Chord Festival will be discussed. Peace-A-Chord started twenty years ago as a free, youth-run initiative to increase awareness of the arts and social justice in our community. It is an open forum for creating discussion on music, art and education, and it has brought together artists both locally and from around the world. The festival features performances, children's activities, workshops, art exhibitions, and information booths. This year we hope to return to the festival's original focus on peace, art and family. We need your input to help this happen. Some of the changes we are proposing include: -Creating a family-friendly environment -Having a single afternoon event ending during daylight hours -Reducing the sound system for the main stage -Enhancing security measures -Staging indoor evening events (including louder acts) at the Masonic Temple -Developing a more varied programme We need the support of residents like you to keep this community festival in the community. For more information contact: peacefestival@hotmail.com or the City of St. John's.
6th May 2004
hello, i am at ray's house using his computer. partly this is because i am going to hang out with him when he gets home from rehersal (in an hour or so), partly this is because i'm supposed to find a cartoon for him, and partly because i've been too lazy to go to carleton to set up a free dialup account for ralph. ralph is a really nice house. great molding, hardwood floors, big windows, minimal dankness for a communal studenty-type dwelling. my room is tiny, but i really like it. it seems fairly unlikely that i'll be staying past august, however, so i'm not getting too settled. today i hung my laundry out to dry on the line in our backyard. it was sooo nice! dave and heather are way wierder than i thought, but tatone is a bit less wierd. minter is awesome. today he was showing us "minter money" which is basically homemade monopoly money with his face on it that he gives to his students when they are good so they can turn it in for rewards. how cute is that? minter and dave and/or heather are definitly moving out at the end of the summer though so that's kind of ass. "definitly" and "unfortunately" are two words whose spelling i am never sure of. everyone has some of those words, what are yours? (nb: meghan, don't bother answering. livejournal won't let you post a comment that long!;) i feel bad that i didn't make any entries about how nice it was to have meg here, or about our ben and jerry's, montreal-spur, latenight poker adventure with erica, but now it's too late so there you have it. oh, we did manage to find a source of punky dye in montreal and they have a website! my hair is currently bright bright BRIGHT pink, and meghan's is all bluey and purply and pinky. yay! one last thing, i am made of phlegm. gross:(
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: traffic/ray's noisy noisy computer
24th April 2004
hello, meghan is here and we've been having fun. the other day we went to see rufus and he was awesome, only we almost fell asleep on the floor. his opening act, teiter, was also awesome. last night we had a little party and i fell asleep. julia made us play "i never" for what seemed like a really long time, but at least i found out that shane and suzanne did not, in fact, have sex in the sock n buskin office. also, colin dropped off a dvd of hamlet:) she is making stirfry and i am packing stuff up. i'll be completing my move to ralph this week. meg is going to montreal for a few days and i plan on joining her for free icecream day on tuesday. yay free icecream! i'm sorry about the boring list-like entry but we don't have dsl here anymore and i'm on dialup and it is terrible. i'm probably going to be on dialup all summer because i don't have any money (bleh) but i'm hoping that i can convince the ralph-ites to go in on cable internet with me in the fall. mmm, smells like vegetables.
15th April 2004
10:50am: random first 20 mp3s game
01. stereo total - ich liebe dich, alexander 02. sneaker pimps - spin spin sugar 03. peggy lee - smoke gets in your eyes 04. the pixies - river euphrates 05. belle & sebastian - step into my office, baby 06. puffy ami yumi - destruction pancake 07. breeders - cannonball 08. rilo kiley - bulletproof 09. the beatles - money(that's what i want) 10. the white stripes - dead leaves and the dirty ground 11. rilo kiley - plane crash in c 12. sloan - people of the sky 13. dealership - for sale 14. dealership - tv heart 15. the wedding present - montreal 16. rilo kiley - 85 17. belle and sebastian - get me away from here, i'm dying 18. subbluecollar - the day the bullshit started 19. the white stripes - now mary 20. dealership - toujours ta fille
in other news, i am waiting for adam's friend to wake up so that i can go in the living room and de-messify it. hopefully this will happen before i have to go to work! (in about an hour)
i very nearly started a fight with mel last night when she called to see if i will clean the carp shop on friday. (i will, but not till my exams are over). not that she asked, but that she felt it was innapropriate to ask others because it's "not their job". i'm fucking sick of her pandering to the heathers and shitting all over her own executive. i'm sorry, but if you produced a show or built the set, even if you did way more work than you signed on for (because no one else can make that claim...), cleaning the carp shop is at least partly your responsibility. also, if you are on the executive of a company, than it's at least as much your job as it is mine to clean up other people's messes at the end of the year...so stop being out of town and bitchy! ps i hate everyone who worked on tommy, in any capacity! at least it's over, though. while talking to my mum last night it occurred to me that it may be easier than i'm fearing to avoid excessive involvement witih sock n buskin next year. (i do still want to work with the company, but in manageable amounts that don't take over my entire life). with the number of snb perennials with whom i now refuse to work (heather mou, brent, audrey with certain exceptions, mel, jessie, assorted actors and musical people, etc), i really can't see myself getting heavily involved with more than one show next year, if that. if that actually holds true, i might have time to work with other companies, hold down a real job or even, *gasp*, go to class once in awhile!
excuse me, i have to go move some furniture.
11th April 2004
yesterday i went to ray's mum's house for easter dinner. there were many delicious salads and sugary punch! i bought his mom lilies which apparently grow in the ditch by the side of the road in south mountain, but whatever.
we took the tiny poodle thing for a walk and the farm across the road had emus which were very big and non-timid. they came right up to the fence and looked at us with their big red eyes. they were so close that we could have touched the feathers on their necks. we wanted to, but were afraid that they might kick or bite us. unfortunately, mitzi didn't like the emus, and the doberman didn't like mitzi, so we had to leave before things got messy. apparently that house also has llamas but we didn't see those. also, very few cows this time and no sheep.
for better or for worse, i'm done my term work. i decided not to write that last paper (which would have to be done by tomorrow early morning)... it's just not worth it. i'm tired, you know? anyways, this part time idea next year is sounding more and more like a good idea. it's hard to justify wasting so much time and money going to school full time when my heart isn't in it and i'm therefore doing badly. in theory, if i can get all the art history credits i need here next year done, then i could move anywhere, because i can pick up classics and religion credits at pretty much any university in canada, and finish my degree at my convenience. there's not much else here that i couldn't leave. i do like it here, but i could probably learn to like most places. if i stay in ottawa more than another year, it will be because of ray. if in a year we're still the way we are now, then i would have absolutely no qualms about staying here for that reason. or maybe i could shrink him and keep him in my pocket while i go exploring.
30th March 2004
jessie just called to tell me not to come in today, the guys repairing the cieling have booted us out again, sooo, ( i never update except for surveys anyway )i'm getting very frustrated at the fact that we're never able to get into the office. the soldier costumes from OLT are late getting returned because of it, and i think my agenda's in there! bah. i'm sort of looking for a second job because i'm not quite making enough money at the herb and spice right now, but then just now ma'ayan called and gave me 15 more hours in the next two weeks, so that helps. i dunno, we'll see how frustrating the commute gets when i no longer live on the sweet sweet transitway.
Current Mood: complacent
21st March 2004
5:42pm: string.
tommy is over, thank god. that play was total misery. i hated working on it and if i never hear "sensation" again it will be too soon. i'm very cranky all the time(though not so much today)partly because the last few weeks so much of my energy has been given over to something that made me miserable. also, i haven't been getting enough sleep. tonight though, tonight will be different. after this i'm going to clean my kitchen (all the knives and bowls are dirty) and cook something good and eat it, and then i will go to sleep.
i worked at the herb and spice today from 7:30-4. meghan, you would love it there. more rice chips, spelt flour baked goods, organic/exotic produce and tofu-based desserts than you can shake a stick at. i really like it there too, every day i work there i have blood oranges and bananas and buns for lunch. (well, one of each). it's my best meal of the day. also, i'll bet you five dollars i can name more vegetables than you.
adam got a fancy cellphone. tavy wanted him to cancel "his" landline. no comment.
i'm definitly moving into ralph in may, or possibly late april. i haven't yet decided how long i'll stay, i guess i'll see how it goes. it also depends who else is staying in the house in the fall. we'll see.
the root of all squares has been cast, but the no's haven't been called yet. ray, i left the papers at your house. call me later? i find it shocking every time i remember that i'm doing another play between now and fringe. i think the misanthrope will be pretty cool and i'm sure i'll enjoy working on it, but damn.
i need to drink some juice.
7th March 2004
th herb and spice called me back...apparently they do have a job for me after all! it's only $7.10/hour, but i think i'll at least keep it until i see how things work out with the *other* job offer i got today. mwahaha!
the other job is a tour guide for youth groups visiting ottawa in the summer. i like working in hospitality/customer service-y type jobs, i like the idea of working for the national capital commision, and i like working with kids. also, it pays way better and they want me full-time until the end of june, so fringe wouldn't even be a problem. my getting hired there is conditional on putting together a five-minute presentation on the parliament buildings targeted at kids aged 8-11 by wednesday. any ex-pages out there with some advice?
the other thing about the herb and spice job is that it's not at the one near ray's house, as i had previously thought. it's out near tunney's pasture, which is actually surprisingly easy to get to. also, the area is like bizarro-old ottawa south, they even have the same drycleaners as near my house! it seems like a really pleasant work environment and i really want to give it a chance, despite the low pay and farness. (and if i can snag enough free food, that might be okay anyway).
anyways, i'm late for rehersal.
6th March 2004
7:57pm: stolen from su
( time wastah )
Current Mood: thirsty
Current Music: hawksley workman - paper shoes
5th March 2004
boy do i ever hate the newfoundland student aid office. even more than last week. they finally processed my goddamn loan and sent it to carleton, but then carleton HAD TO RETURN IT. apparently, they sent off my old form that they've had ready to go and just waiting on a form which they thought i hadn't sent (but neglected to inform me of) when in fact i had sent it in august, but actually they need to recalculate my loan and send off a whole new form. thanks, province of newfoundland, you're really making it easy for me to get my education and bring expertise back into your economically-depressed and brain-drain suffering province. no, really. fuck. i know that *by all rights* they should be giving me x amount of money. but when this level of screwed-up buerocracy is involved, i'm concerned that that logic won't apply. if i don't get that loan i won't be able to pay my tuition for this semester (in which there is less than a month left!) and i'll have to cancel my registration. not only will that effectively constitute me dropping out of school, i also won't get credit for any of the work i've done in the past 2 months. i will also be dirt poor. fuck, it's probably not as bad as i'm making it out to be, i'm pretty upset and pissed off at the momemt. at least i'm expending that energy by a) cleaning out the storage closet and b) participating in some debates at lj_biz. they've got this new thing called GoatVote, which invites users to advocate why they do or do not support various proposed changes to livejournal. The result of one of those is, incidentally, the reason your userinfo now lists "read/trusted by" instead of "friends of". it's kinda neat. pack to throwing out adam's mismatched shoes! mwahahaha!
i am at home right now and that is great. tuesday until yesterday was punctuated by a series of running home long enough to change my clothes, grab a juicebox, and hop back on a bus to somewhere else. busy busy busy. probably i'm neurotic.
yesterday i went to the rally at city hall protesting the proposed 2004 budget. it includes something like an 80% cut to arts, cultural, and recreational programs. it was really great to see so many people out protesting it. aside from the usual theatre people i'd expect to see, there was a whole lot of real grownups whose jobs will be affected by it, the whole french theatre community which i'm only nebulously aware of, as well as religious groups, seniors, families and people with babies, and a lady wearing chain mail. i have my doubts as to whether any of this will do any good but, you have to try i suppose.
after the rally i went home and showered and did a little homework, then i went to dave's and filled out some forms and such about fringe. i'm very excited about this tour:) i also went to a tommy rehersal yesterday, and i can honestly say that almost all of my worries have been alleviated. this is going to be a very good show, and if for some reason you're in the ottawa area i strongly recommend coming to check it out.
and the best part of yesterday was that i wore a big rainbow tutu all day:)
2nd March 2004
i love hawksley workman. in my kitchen i was thinking about when he played here at barrymores right after the callbacks for hamlet and how it was the most fun ever. i am home because i skipped the second half of my medieval architecture class to come home and chill. (i know i'm bad, but on the plus side i sat through an entire 3 hour lecture on navajo blankets). the paper that i was "determined to start early" is due in a week. at least i'm not the only kid in the class who hasn't picked a topic. *sigh* our landlord is inspecting our apartment for "rentability" tomorrow. i am mildly concerned about the burns and paint stains on the carpet but really they should replace the carpet anyway, as it was already in pretty crappy condition when sarah and i moved in. i'm also worried about my closet, but really they can't get mad since i didn't take it apart; it fell apart and i simply chose to improve on it's design. i'm going to miss this neighborhood when i go. i like the produce store and the wannabe glebe and the convenience of living next to a mall and transitway stop. however, i don't think i am going to miss this apartment. i hated it when i moved in, the only reason i started liking it was because adam let me decorate, and i can do that anywhere. i'm most definitly going to miss living with adam, but i already do miss that. he's basically moved in with tavy already. (ugh). ( rant about adam's terrible boyfriend )
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: hawksley workman - beautiful and natural
29th February 2004
2:28pm: son of bitch!
argh! i came home and there was a message from herb and spice (hippie grocery store) saying they'd like to interview me, so i call and THEY'VE ALREADY FILLED THE POSITION. since this morning when they called me. gah! i'm just pissed that i didn't check my messages before i left ray's house, as it's just around the corner. grrrr....
Current Mood: frustrated
25th February 2004
last night we had a blackout! it was localized to just my building, not even the harvey's lost power. after fumbling around to the light of my laptop screen, i managed to find matches and a flashlight. i lit some candles, and then quickly got lonely and mildly creeped out, so i went downstairs to see if julia and tony were home. they were, so we drank iced tea before coming back up to my house for that most important of blackout activities....playing the game of life! according to julia, the most important part of playing the game of life is picking out your celebrity spouse and naming your children. tony married micheal jackson and had no kids. julia married worf and named her kids "son of worf". i married jonny depp and had kids named fiona louise, julia orchid, and jango fett. also, julia wrote a bestselling novel and cured the common cold, tony was a corrupt cop, and i wrote a symphony. the lights came on as soon as we finished our game, leaving me just enough time to read a chapter in the book i have to read for saturday before passing out on the couch and having some seriously bizarre dreams. and also here, for your reading enjoyment, ( a survey )
23rd February 2004
ugh. i was going to stay here all day, and watch itv. but i already have a tunnel headache and it's not even 4:30...so not so much. it's not like i don't have work to do at home, anyway.
Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: esthero
19th February 2004
yesterday i was supposed to go to zaphods with greg and his new girlfriendy thing nina, but they stood me up. and yet i still ended up there, with ryan and adeeb in tow. i have to say, it was a little to hipster for my tastes. now i like to think my tolerance of pretentious subcultures is pretty high, but there was just tooo many spiked belts and boys in plaid shirts, and the music was sooo shitty. also, greg's girlfriend didn't seem to like him very much. or anyone else for that matter, she's kinda surly. hopefully she was just in a wierd mood that night and/or on coke, which was adeeb's theory. in any case, greg seems really happy with the deal so i guess i'm not too worried. towards the end emmett started playing some beatles and supremes and ryan and i rocked out, so the last half hour or so of the night was pretty awesome. oh and also, pulp's disco 2000 came on (would it be zaphods without it?) and nobody except me was excited about that. it made me wish julia was there. my shoulders hurt from dance class. stupid pushups. who needs upper body strength anyway? and now, to consume banana bread:)
Current Mood: sore
Current Music: traffic
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