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[17 Jan 2005|02:29pm]
One of my English teachers was this really nice lady, a mother maybe in her 40-50's. She had one of those infamous books of (apparently) colloquial English expressions, and she liked to hit me with things from it at random times. I think the very first one was when I asked for a day off, and she said "Oh, yes yes, of course. Oh! (thinks about it for a second) ....No problemo!" She seemed really happy she was able to incorporate colloquial English into her speech, and I didn't have the heart to tell her we stopped saying "No problemo" sometime in the 80's.

The next time, I was leaving for the day, and she said "Goodbye! See you tomorrow! Oh! (thinks about it for a second) ....Hasta la vista, baby!"

Another time, she was thumbing through the book, and randomly turned to me (we sat next to each other) and said "It's hotter and muggier than a sweaty dog's fur today, isn't it?"

I'd really like to meet whoever it is who writes these books. I'll bet good money they speak neither Japanese or English. They're probably French or something.

Sadly, this teacher was transferred to a new school last March. I really miss her. Hasta la vista, baby.

quoted from I am a Japanese School Teacher
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Elephants [05 Jan 2005|10:49pm]
"She was like a wild elephant ... nervous, swinging her trunk and waving her ears."

With the seawater half a metre deep and rising, the elephant's owner and mahout got her out of her stable and to higher ground near a temple. Now, Ranmenike is helping her town clear heavy debris. .

Also for the elephant lover in you, [info]misia pointed me towards The Elephant Listening Project
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[05 Jan 2005|10:28pm]
Cleveland paralegal Austin Aitken has filed a four page handwritten lawsuit in federal court, suing NBC to the tune of 2.5 million dollars because their show Fear Factor made him throw up.

He added that when he ran from the room, he bumped his head into the doorway.

Mr. Aitken told a Reuters reporter "I am not at liberty to discuss the complaint unless it is a paid-interview situation." .
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News Gank Roundup [17 Dec 2004|01:10am]
Mars is one thing that gets me excited deep down. I love checking up on the Mars Rovers. Some recent pictures have me very excited. I love seeing the colour of the sky and soil on Mars. And clouds! And frost!

I hadn't realised we were getting so close to the release date for Karla Homolka. Her 12-year sentence ends on July 5, 2005. Apparently the National Parole Board thinks that she remains a risk to commit another violent crime.

You may have heard of 'Buy Nothing Day', but there's a man in the Maritimes who has made a personal committment to buy nothing for a whole year. 25 year old Matt Watkins is halfway through his year of life off the economic grid.

A 69 year old nun has been fired from her job at a Roman Catholic school for speaking too harshly to an eleven year old boy. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

In other news...
Two sharks snack on fresh teen.
Iceland offers a visa to Bobby Fischer.
Scientists announce finding of new macaque in India.
Possible treatment on horizon for vCJD
Love Shack burns down
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Nanotech News [14 Dec 2004|12:48am]
The FDA is realizing that they have to come up with guidelines for nanoscale materials and their safety in terms of waste management, and introduction to the environment and food chain. The director of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office says that it may take up to five years to 'get a handle on the toxicology of nanomaterials.' .

One area of research that has already begun is that of the safety of nanotubes on human tissue for medical use, such as monitoring blood glucose levels and other biological changes in the body. . .

In other news, Men Avoid Marrying Strong Women
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Saddam not hungry [13 Dec 2004|01:04pm]
Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson reports that Saddam Hussein, who was earlier reported to be on a hunger strike, has eaten today. Johnson speculates that some of the eleven henchmen imprisoned in a seperate facility from Saddam may be on a hunger strike, but that he doesn't know one way or the other. .
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Size 6: The Western Women's Harem [08 Dec 2004|09:50pm]
Size 6: The Western Women's Harem )
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Dear Visitors [19 Nov 1974|03:34pm]
This journal is friends-only because of an uncomfortable situation I'd rather not get into here. If you friend me, I will check out your journal, and most likely friend you back, entitling you to read all the mundane and frivolous things I write. Occasionally I may produce something more stimulating, but ya pays your money, ya takes your chances. Some entries may be public for a day or two, and then friends-only enabled.

Comments are ennabled on this post. I will delete comments once they have been read, or processed.
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