Life of a Lemon

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Saturday, February 5th, 2005
11:13 pm - Oh yeah
As for an account of the day: We gated for about an hour before Phil W turned up with ladyfriend Sarah and two year old daughter, Milly.. Allan easily handled the tearaway who was surprisingly well mannered.. and easily distracted ;)

Sarah seemed really nice, they make a good couple.

We then chowed down on pizza from munchies and declare them pizza kings of cantebury.. ish.

So.. hurrah.

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11:06 pm - LAC
Apparently I'm attending tomorrow along with the Ian and the Laura..

I'm scared.

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Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
9:17 pm - Semifinals
Made it through to the semifinals \o/ on best trailer, best parody and best lipsync o.O

..unexpected. but still. Go nominate me in the semi's now ;)

Hm, not entirely convinced at the IQ of all those voting though.. the same few videos crop up in nearly every category.. even ones that're nearly mutually exclusive. Especially "best no-effects video" which has three or four entries which have more effects than.. all. Including the awesome Whisper of the Beast which is entirely focused on screwing with the scenes to make it look like Naruto. Sasuke and Haku are on a team and in the same scenes together ;) Serious rotoscoping, blurs and filters and lightning effects galore. Yet it got enough votes to make it on the top 25 for the category.. people are dumb -_-

work busy.. tired nert..

Mother darling sent me a very girly dressing gown which is the perfect colour to lop up for koinosuke's robe.. really need to get an idea of how I'm going to do half of the little bits on these outfits -_- and soon.. deadline looms.

been feeling a little ill lately too., my wrists have been acting up badly but seem okay for now.. couldn't even handle a inght of animesoc, had to run off as soon as tylor started.. didn't get to see people's reactions to KGNE ep 2 :P

ah well. all in the name of one piece footage harvesting. ep 38 \o/

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
8:46 pm - Of that which is Key
Watching the new AIR anime, seems very good, high production values and it's already kicking into Kanon-esque sinisterness.. Anyone who liked Kanon will love this, it's got a decent mix of different personalities, the coolest anime dog ever, even beating PeroPero, but only just, and the main character isn't afraid to hit an annoying schoolgirl. Hurrah. He';s actually pretty cool.

Music's good too.

work's been manic, as poor Laura's off ill, and she's the only full time staff we have on the front tills.. kinda screws everything up ;) another reason why they need to hire more people..

Also? I need more music to listen to.. my playlist is a little.. terse.

I'm loving my current setup though, fancy-looking-but-actually-cheapass keyboard with winamp buttons on, so I don't have to switch applications, and the shuttle is fantastic for just making virtualdub a breeze to run through entire eps frame by frame, at SPEEEEED!

and dual monitors, for maximum.. stuff on screenage.


so there you have it.

The cosplay material gathering rituals have.. begun...

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Monday, January 24th, 2005
12:02 am - ManyLemons powers up!
I should really rename it MegaLemons.. Many is now the proud master of an AMD XP Barton 3200+ and two dual banked 512mb branded ddr ram sticks \o/

It now runs half life 2 happily in full detail at 1280x1024 without a glitch. yay.

This should speed up the editing a little

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Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
3:59 pm - Cosplay choices *made*!
Now to.. er.. actually make the costumes..


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Thursday, January 20th, 2005
8:37 pm - I need to get on with the next vid -_-
But meanwhilst, has started nominations for the 2005 awards (i.e. vids made in 2004) so go nominate stuff!

me's tired working hard bunny..

and I have to go to crystal palace this weekend to kick some ass over the stall that gave me the wrong processor last time -_- sempron 2400 instead of the xp 2600 I ordered. bleh.

Also? we have rose syrup. mm.

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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
12:42 am - Cinderella Boy
Decent series, "gah! bastards!" ending.

It's basically a Lupin III clone, character designs and all, only set in a more futuristic world, and where Lupin and Fujiko are actually the same person and switch over every 24 hours. Odd? Yes. but that's basically it, the goons are very Lupin-esque, the bad guys are goofy.. and gadgets really can do anything.

So there you have it.

Animesoc tonight was good, if short since we were all pretty low on energy.. Tsukihime really impressed me, I didn't think it would be any good..

So, yeah, hurrah.

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
11:50 pm - Update? me? nah.
New anime/manga/asian cinema magazine is out, or at least the second issue is, and smiths now stock it \o/ well, only because I made sure we would, but hey. I got to use my mighty power for good!

Anyway, tis called Neo, it's pretty thin but not too bad. I think. Tis under cult tv in the canterbury smiths as I type. So, yeah, buy it so it looks popular. even if it sucks. bwahaha.

Hm. So Al has his shiny new acer tablet, damn his hide. Now I really really want one.. drawing on it was awesome. sadly that's cash I wouldn't be able to save up for several years.. bah.

I.. lack other things to write about. hm. I'm sure I had more but.. brain freeze.

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Tuesday, December 28th, 2004
8:46 pm - So.. yeah.
Christmas. whee

Fast and short I think is the term.. Friday night panic catching the very last train home straight after work, then running around looking after Jaymie & Jessica and updating the two pcs while I was home.. Then a rushed ride home sunday night for work monday morning which was the busiest day I've ever seen.. today was just as bad -_-

So I's tired. still it was good.

I now have all of my mst3k collection here.. nabbed the last WHSmiths ubercheap dvd/divx players that actually turned out to be really good. It plays anything I throw at it, any region, it's pretty slick, and the quality is excellent. all for £26, yay.

Jaymie got me an awesome millenium falcon model second hand, so it was all hand painted properly and stuff by someone who was competent with a paintbrush unlike me, which is why my models remain that pale beige-gray. few bits of clothing, some weird tescos gadgety things, and general familyness

Also since the family digicam now suffers from "what memory card? ..... oh that one. no wait, which one?" syndrome, the parents ebayed themselves a nifty 3mpx canon camera and I've given shelter to the old umax which can behave.. occasionally. Tis a mere 1.3mpx and obviously a little picky about whether or not it will actually take pictures but on the whole.. free digicam? with flash? oh yes please.

I would write more about all this, and I have more to write, but I'm soo tired -_- and freezing bloody cold as we still have no heating.


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Thursday, December 16th, 2004
9:41 pm - Fear the new hostname.
we is, yay.

In other news, AGS party was awesome, though I went as Brutus and not only had to pad myself in a ton of foam just to vaguely fill the Bruté suit, but also had to play an incredibly dumb character the whole evening ;) Kinda meant missing out on trying to figure out the plot.. bah.

Still, the acting ability inherent in everyone else was fantastic.. Definitely going next year.

Discovered Richard and Emily are also Minami-bound next year, so we'll actually have a team of 7 from KentAnimeTed! Plus the old crew like TiggsPanther/Big Pete/Neil etc.. damn

Need to think who I can cosplay from death note to team up with Miiol and co. too.. hrm. My long hair is starting to limit cosplay choices even more, dammit.

animesoc quiz went well for how rushed it was.. the Japanese guys who barely understood most of the questions just stormed ahead in the extremely difficult rounds and won by a single point purely because of that ;)

However they did make me kareoke Mou Sukoshi. damn them.

Work still going good - I'm not bored of it yet.. customers suck slightly less than I'm used to, so that's a plus..

That'll do for now.

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Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
9:16 pm - Other things I've forgotten to type out
Last Saturday was the Smiths christmas dinnery thing, very posh affair, chicken liver pate and half the menu in french and stuff. Myself and Ian went the full suit-fu, I even slicked my hair back which I've only ever done once before for a costume.. twas cool. Most people got drunk off their asses, one introduced herself twice, then didn't remember me at all the next day ;)

This is more of a diary entry than anything I think o.O

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6:50 pm - Busy busy busy
Work has been fun but somewhat tiring.. and life around the work has been hectic and generally "you ain't getting any sleep". Still, spirits are high. ish.

Random encounter in Amigo yesterday, the girl in front of me quite openly couldn't decide, so I helpfully chimed that it's all good ;) She looked pretty surprised that some random stranger would help out :P not that it was particularly helpful, but still that reaction always amuses me.. Ended up with very pleasant company for lunch, hurrah. Talking to random strangers can be fun. It can also be not fun as working in retail tells you, but hey.

Animesoc was also awesome last night.. Finally remembered the cd for Claire, turned up on time, didn't have ReallyAnnoyingGuy(tm) to deal with, I got to do the cliffhanger dance again, and watching the last eps of Midori is always good.

Plus Yakitate went down fantastically, as well it should.. SOLAR HANDS!

Now there's the quiz stuff to sort out.. pants.

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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
9:33 pm - bleh
MAC code requested ;p

life at work is fun. well, as fun as work gets anyway.. the staff are very cool, the work isn't bad at all, keeps me busy, not bored, but not ridiculous amounts to do.. customers still suck but the stories do amuse me.. and the pay I can live on. so yay.

Animesoc went.. horribly wrong with the second showing last night ;) I'd only seen brief clips of the series, and an episode or two from later on when it tones down a bit.. but the eps we saw were dripping in innuendo, both subtle and blatant.. kinda scary stuff.

Midori also suffered with over an ep and a half of filler trash.. Ayase's swimsuit attaku and the switchy episode -_- weakass. Still, next week shall be of the awesome. Did I mention I think Ayase is an awesome character? her anime version isn't as likeable but still she's easily my favourite from the series.. Anyway, we're finishing that up next week so hurrah. Plus Yakitate awesomeness.

Oh, and fear the evil Uni
and the less evil, but more traced and cel-coloured Uni

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Monday, November 29th, 2004
1:41 am - HL2 done and dusted
Shiny, very shiny.

Buggy, very buggy.

The... latter quarter of the game felt like a game. The rest, felt like a tech test demo. The story was non-existant, and it was much more Freeman vs. world, wartorn, than escape-try-live-and-maybe-save-world-on-way like the first was.. Shame. They could truely have made it a stunning sequel, but they focused on just making a new shiny engine and tacking the HL name on it.

Not that the engine is perfect either, the physics still suffers a lot of glitches, and oddly enough when lots is going on, the game doesn't pause much, during quiet lurking around corners, it pauses and caches all the time. Fix or no fix.

Still, it's fun to play, and it's not quite as short as everyone said..

Spoilery bits )

Oh, and we've started Gate ;)

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Sunday, November 21st, 2004
5:14 pm - HL2 purchased.
Sadly since I want the shiny silver version, I have to download it all through steam..

9gb with less than half of the options..

ho hum.

140k/s though.

Basically I've been drooling at the idea, since Kate nabbed my half life key I can't technically play that anymore either.. Then Terry bought it today, I took one look at the menu system and the detail on the intro and ran upstairs to click "buy", pretty much.

Kinda daft you can only buy the bronze version in stores.. and all you get is the usual plastic dvd case with a sticker on it.. meh

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Monday, November 15th, 2004
10:52 pm - Woo!
Runner up in the anime destiny contest!

By quite a way though, ah well. still for a three month old video it's holding it's own ;)

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7:46 pm - Plusnet to start screwing actual users..
unsurprising really.

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1:00 pm - I hate my bank.
More or less they just felt like freezing my credit card, because one somehow got returned, amusing since it wouldn't have been sent back by anyone here or at home, but didn't think to, you know, mention this to me at any point. They just froze it and waited for me to get a rejected payment and call them up.. Thankfully switch still worked so I didn't suddenly get booted out of my internet access :p


More pleasant notes, I'm back from the wonderous realm of oxford, many thanks to [info]misato_cs for her gracious hospitatlity, 'twas of the cool. I'm not entirely sure how I got talked into watching Gravitation again, but somehow I did. Still, we also watched Treasure Planet and random episodes of Kannaduki no LesbiansMiko and MMPPP...P. P? P. P!! which, despite being raw, weren't too difficult to woirk out what was going on ;)

Returned in time to bust up the end of the Naruto session going on in DLT1, those were some very sleepy looking faces ;) There were still about 8 left when we turned up so it didn't do too badly.. OP had fewer apparently, damn them ;)

Finished the journey home and found an Ed waiting for us, well, waiting by playing on the cabinet with Terry ;)

Ate, wandered over to Paul and Heather's for gameage, whereupon we were attacked by cats. They've got two new cats who are basically both really big kittens.. They're both hyperactive and will toy with anything in range.. Tiggs (the tabbycat) is a bit wary and will take a swipe at you if it sees outstretched fingers, and likes to cause fights with the other.. The younger black one has absolutely boundless energy, and is quite the everest climber. but is very gentle and doesn't use claws on people. The game was often interrupted by Midnight (black one) suddenly racing up the back of the sofa, shooting out the top, then racing back down it again to appear around the side and repeat.. He also mannaged to squeeze under Paul's big chair, and playfully poked and nibbled at feet that got too close when we were searching for him.. Oh, and he likes climbing the various bookcases and shelves around, but of course can't get back down. It did try to shimmy along the curtain rail but backed out of that..

The game was fun though, me and Ed are already planning some teamup attacks. Allan is once again playing a stylish yet useless character ;) Oops.

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Saturday, November 13th, 2004
12:06 am - Victim of random act of management
I hate management.

but anyway.

should sleep, won't get much chance for a while still :P

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