Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "george romero".
61 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in george romero. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
429 matches:
- 32elvismovies - 32elvismovies
- 6dark6lotus6 - Nazgul's Scythe
- 8secondnothing - No. 1
- _becoming_ - Stephanie
- _moondancer_ - Erin
- a123eng - Malacalypse the Elder
- absinthetic - The Lonely Spoon
- abyssal_mystic - Locke
- adthedead - adam
- alexa_rose - Alexa Rose
- alonelyplace - ...the return of Sniper Ape
- angelus_elegy - Property of Ari
- angryouth - Omega
- anthraxthebunny - Man with Stick
- anxietyfilms - anxiety films
- anymajordude - Guaranteed Approval
- apollocelsius - Al Vegas
- archiedavis - The Galactic Equivalent of Boy Scout Technology
- artfuse - Rebecca
- asautumndies - No Man Like A Snowman
- babysinsane - Severina
- badlarry - Matt
- bamtheforkboy - The Man With No Game
- barnaclelapse - barnaclelapse
- billparker - Brian, Son of Darold, of The House of Klovski
- bizen - Yuichi
- black_arachnia - Alice in Blunderland
- bloodandivory - Miche
- blueella - Nomad
- blueeyedsoul - BlueEyedSoul
- bottlerocket - ben
- boundradiosity - tinnitus
- bowzerblack - bowzer black
- brain_spider - Filth
- braw - Future Corpse
- brianisstupid - take me out tonight.
- bup6518 - I am the mask you wear, It's me they hear
- burnthewitch - Meghan
- buymeamac - Eric
- camelslug - deeper.
- canticle - Canticle
- captain_slinky - That's MISTAH Pierce to YOU!
- caseylynne - Sista Soldier
- chebutykin - Chebutykin
- chippermonkey - Brandon
- cinnamongirl369 - Aloris
- cleverl80 - I don't agree with that in the work place!
- codymitchell - Cody Locke Mitchell
- corpsepimp - }--::T::--{
- covert_prestige - covert prestige
- cretinsall - benny
- cursedhearse - Roy Evil
- curttuck - curttuck
- curveappeal - Tonya
- darkgreyone - Quoth the DarkGreyOne
- darkonzero - Darkon Zero
- darth_hedgehog - Hedgehog
- davewinner - Dave Winner
- deathgirl - same_shit_different_day
- dedboi - Dedboi
- dedmnwlkin - dedmnwlkin
- defenestr8 - Jero-Die
- dekoy_david - d. barnes
- dellamorte23 - Dellamorte
- demiankatz - Demian Katz
- demon_surge - demon-surge
- descondido_soy - desconocido_soy
- devised - it was 1994...
- diar - dan mcduff
- djbloodrose - Blood Rose
- doctorellisdee - Doctor Ellis Dee
- domianax - domianax
- drell - Drell
- drewcore - yousuffer
- drij - drij
- drohr - david röhr
- drthirsty - Dr. Thirsty
- ds1972 - deliberatestranger
- durham_red - durham-red
- eatatjews - Joey Numbas
- eatlittlebugs - samm
- edwardscissors - Edward Scissorhands
- el_duder - Josh
- electramyst - E.Kolaris
- ennuidoll - ennuidoll
- ephiny - Ephiny
- erelkey - erelkey
- errniebugs - Ernie
- ersatzpatti - semantic parade
- espritnoir - Jerry
- eternallybored - Stephen
- evilhand - Ash's Evil Hand
- evilili - librarian of the living dead
- evilmonkeys - Rich McCarthy
- evilsicksix6 - John
- exhibit_a - Exhibit A
- existentialboy - J. Christ
- exorcist1973 - i will eat your skin
- facepuller - 20 minutes into the future
- fairyboy0 - a snake bit me
- fallenang3l - Bigby Wolf
- fallingdarkness - ~[ K o $ ]~
- fdc - FilthyDirtChildren
- festeringdream - festeringdream
- fifteendollars - Fuck yeah, I've got piano wire.
- firefly - firefly
- flipflannigan - I got a tractor in my balls
- flshbutt - FlSHBUTT
- forbiddenpink - kiwi
- forge - Egrof
- freakwolf - Bryan Wolford
- freonkiller - Hans S. Preston Esq.
- ftc - Captain Homework
- fulcifan666 - Jon
- gapingmaw - Gaping Maw
- gavril - Chum Bucket
- ghost_who_walks - Rob Zannini
- gnymdeleg - Drake
- godheadnin - brains... BRAINS
- goskullheadgo - Bitch Face
- gothic_doll - Psycho Bitch
- greeneyed_devil - _,-/*JoJo Diamond*\-,_
- gretsch1955 - gretsch1955
- gwg - gwg
- hardcorewop - Justin
- hellstorm_inc - The High Mucka Muck of All Things Good
- hellupsidedown - Adam
- hellval - Toxygene
- helter13skelter - J-13
- hentai_kitten - ~*~Make_Me_Purr~*~
- hereinmyvoid - by the time you're twenty-five
- hersickheart - gaston leroux
- hidingmywings - C.B. Broadwater
- hiwannahump - monik
- horror_show - Boris
- horrorbiz - JK13
- horrorcunt - Chele
- horrorgeek - Shotgun Sinners & Wild-Eyed Jokers.
- hotmaewest - Mae West
- humanplatypus - a member of nothing in particular
- hungerstriker - john
- hydra913 - Yates Zaldevour - Hydra913
- igotkooties - Gwendolyn
- ihateblueballs - I Hate Blue Balls
- ihopewebothdie - Brittany
- ilgen - fingertoes
- illadelph - Anthony
- infinite_nights - Marci
- inhateitrust - let's get physical
- iniko - Broken thoughts I cannot repair
- internalburn - internalburn
- jackraven - So many Monsters
- jaded_silence - Jade
- jamie_hewlett - James C. Hewlett
- jayabusa - Single-Serving Friend
- jedcooper - Jedediah Cooper
- jerusalem66 - Mondo Kane
- jezebelthegreat - Miss Jezebel
- jmiller - Josh
- joffeman - Original sIntrovert
- john_c_garand - John Cantius Garand
- jonny_zacharey - yerallfuckinfat
- joshkook - Josh Flowers
- judascheese - ill break your face
- jumbodung - Jumbodung
- kelgirl - White girl
- kelly4oasis - Kelly
- kenscanna - A Slinky Whore!
- kero260 - An Unquiet Mind
- kevinperson - kevinperson
- khukuri - The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
- kikayume - Mockingcatbyrd, Flower of Carnage
- kinghollywood - Uncle Skanko
- kingjeff - Jeff
- kininbain - Kaitlyn
- kiriyama - Count Crapula
- klokwise - rowan
- konstanze - Konstanze
- ksuzy - K. Suzy
- kwisatzhaderach - Kwisatz Haderach
- la_arroyo - Interpol
- lady_raven - LadyRaven
- largoguy - Anthony
- levan - glass bottled coke and the french connection
- ligu - Darling Lizzy
- lincolnhawk - Lincoln Hawk
- lonemartyr - D!
- lostchilder - Lost Child
- loudashell - Cotton Candy made with Napalm
- lovecraftlackey - Gray
- lynchpuppy - lynchpuppy
- lyqwid - ~~~LYQWiD~~~
- madmatt213 - McCarty
- magnadoodle - Hot Cop
- magnumdb - MagnumDB
- makeshift_wings - see paper wings and watch them burn.
- manos99 - Manos99
- mariann - Mariann
- martyrsauce - Andy fireman
- masterminds - Zooey Glass
- mecha_zen_wolf - Mecha Zen Wolf
- mellancholie - mellancholie
- melsith - melsith
- memento_mori - Jared A. Sorensen
- metamer - Randall
- mickr - Mick
- mikeisenberg - Michael Isenberg
- mikeymayehm - Mikey Mayhem: Rock n' Roller
- mindspider - le petit squid diabolique, aka Mr. Squid
- minimul - cancerbox
- minitrog - Trog
- missmenstrator - SickGirl
- missyreaper - Death's Favorite Daughter
- mistressxenobia - Xenobia
- mlle_end - Cyberdollie
- moeismoe - moseykins
- monkeytrouble - ian
- mopnglo - k-L
- moriyamug - Rarity in Ceramic Form
- mr_mean - The Genetic Jedi
- mrfiendishman - A man with a plan
- mrpurkey - and the musical schizophrenia that is Bhogavati
- mrstroppy - Satan's Drinking Buddy
- mudu - Fernando Landeros
- muffinlove69 - Muffin
- munkdogg66 - munkdogg66
- my_love_funy - chances are, i probably hate you.
- mystra - Lorie
- nabeshin - Neal
- nachtritter - Anabukin-chan's #1 fan
- near_dark - El Phantasmo
- neecos - Nikos
- nellorat - Arthur and Kevin's Nellorat
- neo_genesis - Neo-Genesis
- nerdtech - nerdtech
- neuman - Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space
- neuralstimulus - Misanthropicanthropoid
- newlyrisendead - Mister Wango Tango!
- nihilesthete - Matt Prime
- nimh_rat - KP
- nocash - Your President of Love
- notentirelydead - HeartsFilthyLesson
- notld - Survivor
- nviiibrown - Arcane Geek
- obergeist - Death Monkey Inc.
- oblivianis - Contessa Oblivian
- obliviasend - Amanda
- octobergoddess - B. Anne Lincoln
- offspringphreak - OffspringPhreak
- ogo235 - ogo eion
- opiatejr - Brett
- optimistress - optimistress
- orangesodaooo - ashley
- orinotta - J. Orrin
- orneryboy - Michael Lalonde
- oz602 - Brian
- painslut - (Not so Anonymous) G
- panda_monium - Timmy Toughnuts
- paradisevendors - Dave
- patatonic - Whiskey Rock 'n' Roller
- pavandal - Your Destruction
- peeinginthedark - Cyrus
- peoplerpeople - 2wm
- phangirl - cynical anti-hero
- piratejaz - lady frankenstein
- pissinirish - she's a hurricane in all kinds of weather
- plaintive - ashley
- plasticpsyche -
- plattcave - John R. Platt
- pooncoon - Pheonix Dark
- poutling - Leslee
- pragmatists - A Closed Mouth Gathers No Foot
- prey - [a mess of wires and neurotransmitters]
- primatex - Primate X
- prisonoflife - Jason
- radiofreerlyeh - He who no longer lies dead and dreaming
- raisebloodyhell - Melmo
- razor_zedge - Brad
- rentfeline - Sarah
- revfish - I GOT WOOD
- revmannix138 - 獅雷
- richardzx - richardzx
- rick_spengler - Drew
- riclikespunk - Ric
- riothamus - The Nostalgian
- ripmeopen - Maggie
- rivot - rustpuppet
- roachspray - Roachspray
- robriffey - King Ghidorah
- rockerboy81 - rockerboy81
- rockuloid - The Inimitable Rockuloid
- rogueone - Zach
- rottencorpse - Rotten Corpse
- rowenablue - rowena
- rozzcelyne - Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
- rumplins - Brandon
- sadeyez - Marc-André Dion
- sadlowbitworld - a sad low bit world
- sansfilter - sansfilter
- sanspoint117 - jonathan
- saturn_girl - Saturn Girl
- sauce1977 - Sauce1977
- savagemessiah - Dave
- scaremongerer - ghost
- scottcrawford - Reverend Scott Crawford
- sean_revoltah - the gospel according to sean
- seanflynn - Sean Flynn
- sebastianpasses - Glon of the Asteron Galactic Command
- senjo - stephalicious
- sextron - samonta
- sharkbait - sharkbait
- shawnj - Tandoori Jones
- shonuff - The Brother From Another Planet
- sickofyou2 - Dear Liza
- sihk_rellik - Davey Harlequin
- sisterred - Eccentrica Gallumbits
- skuppy - skuppy
- slawn420 - The King Of El-Jay
- sleepingexit - Anton the Abstract. The Knight of Dipolaron.
- smitt3nxkitt3n - the smitten sex kitten
- sockman16 - MikeSock
- soft_focus - In the Dark
- soft_red_clouds - Soft Red
- soulslaughterer - Joey Jihad
- spiderfett - Spiderfett
- spiderpunk - Fright Masta D
- spitphyre - Spitfire
- splatterpunk - PuGsLeY
- splitfocus - Kenneth
- splitzy - Splitzy
- spookwhiskey - pocket full of mud
- spookydiblover - MADDIY
- spydrmn - Keith
- squee_217 - Cheryl
- steelcorpfilms - steelcorpfilms
- steele - steele
- stephalump - Stephy
- stilettovamp - stilettovamp
- stopmoman - the insomniatic coffee addict
- str8edg3 - Nick The Consultant
- stugurl - ____ kissme, im contagious
- sublicon - Geoffrey
- sublimewill - Will
- subrandom - Sub-Random
- super_dave - The Extreme Adventures Of Super Dave
- supersonicbabie - the big moron
- surrealisteye - 16mm Nico
- swordsmanferio - Abstract Snake a.k.a. Mr. Zero
- systemsyn - Static
- szmyrhimself - Szmyrhimself
- t3sture - t3sture
- tacos - Drunky McBurnpatient
- tankgirl213 - Tank Girl
- tanzoderstirbt - The Sexual Janitor
- tashkal - Mark Kinney
- teabagger50 - Louie
- tearsthatsear - Living Dead Girl
- the_heirophant - Mr Microphone
- the_hellcat - Manda-Kitty
- theatari - Tink
- thejesus - i'm the guy your parents warned you about
- thepilgrim - I come into your nightmares
- therrall - Therrall
- theturub - johnny
- theunsaidthings - __The all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world__
- thorazinecoma - °°An Affront to Civilization°°
- thruthedarkness - Gabe Klingele
- thx_1138 - bullet
- tmtcsurge - Lil' Surge
- tnl_mezz - ( ( coury ) )
- tootoughtodie - All My 19 Scars
- touchofscum - Now My Flesh Is Rotting! The Touch of Scum!
- towith - Viva La Indifference!
- toyman - ToyMan
- trailer - jesse
- trainspotting - Jezebel
- traumaturge - cp
- trav28 - Trav28
- tvs_frank - gabriel ricard
- tvt - TvT
- tysonian - Mother Superior
- underdog5150 - Jonathan
- v8mistress - la femme russe
- velvetsun - Holly
- versus - KSCC2-303
- vertigo_xpress - Capt. Dallas
- viceroy - Viceroy
- viciousgirl420 - Jenna... aka Juggz or JJ
- victorward - victorward
- viral_messiah - V1R4L M35514H
- viruswshoes - She Who is Like G-d.
- waiwode - Doug Pirko
- water_dragon - Leaving Terra
- wednes - Dementia; it means "insanity".
- wenhamified - Neen Melody
- whatwhowhat - Cletus the slack-jawed yokel
- wheelitzo - wheelitzo
- wheniwascruel - something positive
- wicked_fuwby - bones
- willowwolf28 - Lisa
- withinadyingsun - Patrick
- wonkakillskids - Modern Urban Norman Rockwell
- wpschlitz - A Tiny Damaged Notion
- wrecked_pig - Furious D
- wreckoftheold97 - Old 97
- xanderexcel - Alex
- xandyx - i must inspire while i live
- xdrzaiusx - Jeff Rousseau
- xexesxarexdumbx - Brian
- xianxu - Hannah Leigh
- xillah - Kid A
- xminiminnx - Abbeyloserjerkface
- xreckusx - Jon Recher
- yodasushi - Denny
- zaarwin_devolve - D
- zamtar - Zamtars Zombie
- zarathustra2100 - The Most Useless Man Alive
- zen_donut - Daniel
- zerosoma - joe
- zerothehero74 - TDawg2.0
- zombie_a_go_go - Lynn Fluenza
- zombiefied - Mid-Evil
- zombiemom - The Corner of Grey Street and the End of the World
- zombiemonkey - Zombie Monkey
- zombieneko - Zombie Neko
- zombiepoop - Abdul Alhazred
- zombiesnrayguns - The Right Hand of Doom
- zombietruckstop - Seen