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Jesse Miller

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Phone Post [Sep. 4th, 2004|01:25 am]
146K 0:38
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Phone Post [Sep. 2nd, 2004|02:23 pm]
301K 1:19
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[Aug. 31st, 2004|10:52 pm]

Oppressor Oppressor

Do not think you are ever alone. Emperor Jesse is always watching you.

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[Aug. 30th, 2004|07:13 pm]
Where to fuckin begin. Alright, last weekend was awesome. There's a lot of posts about it. I'll give you the run down. Moved some shit. Did some man stuff. Blank spot for several hours. Sunday morning.

I helped [info]electricsoup and [info]megachrisgt get some shizzle done on their house, and move some new furniture, etc. Anyways, that ruled. Then we bought some beers, and some peeps came over, and we celebrated Mikey's arrival in Virginia. And I got pretty drunk. Then on Sunday we did more shit. Lunch (I got to eat a Royale with Cheese), worked on desks, lots of fun. Fixed my car stereo.

Anywho, this week is going to suck. It's hardcore slow. Today took forever. Why? Cause Thursday is DragonCon. Fuckin DragonCon motherfuckers.

Booya. I am going to party like fucking Andrew W.K.

See some of you there. Others I will catch next year. Others I will catch when I get home. If I survive.
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Phone Post [Aug. 28th, 2004|11:17 pm]
233K 1:06
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[Aug. 26th, 2004|12:11 pm]
We're told the economy is recovering.

The percentage of the U.S. population living in poverty rose to 12.5 percent from 12.1 percent -- as the poverty rate among children jumped to its highest level in 10 years. The rate for adults 18-to-64 and 65 and older remained steady.

The bureau also said that the share of aggregate income for the lowest 20 percent of Americans fell to 3.4 percent from 3.5 percent.

The number of poor rose to 35.9 million, up 1.3 million from 2002.

The number of uninsured people rose to 45 million from 43.6 million in 2002, the bureau said.

Numbers don't lie.
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The raining ooze of the biggest shmooze [Aug. 25th, 2004|11:22 am]
I watched a show with [info]gwyndyn the other day called "Big". It's a cool show. Gadget and some other guys were building the worlds largest smoothy. It was like a thousand gallon smoothy. It was cool. I don't know why I am sharing this, I guess just cause I want to like... say stuff.

Today is kinda boring. I've been going 100mph the last few weeks, and now... I put on the brakes. I have a few big projects coming down the pipe (including the redesign of our mail to eliminate manual data entry) but really they won't get started until after DragonCon. I have a few lose ends to tie up... but for now, I am just sorta coasting.

Starving. Want to post more, don't know what to post. Wanted to rant, but too ....bleh.
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So my dad said something... [Aug. 23rd, 2004|03:47 pm]
So my dad said something the other day. We were talking about mosquitoes, and how Phoenix is having an outbreak of West Nile. He said he was not worried, though he was pissed they were spraying pesticides like, in clouds of smoke everywhere. He said that shit was going to kill him faster than some fucking virus only a handful of people actually succumb to would. I was amused, as this was typical of my father. He went off on a rant at this point about how Americans were becoming total pussies and we were so blinded by fear in our everyday lived we didn't see how stupid we were being. He brought up the analogy of how many people died due to terrorism in this country (and the resulting amount of money we spend on it) versus how many die of cancer and how much we spend on that. I thought I would look it up.

Number of people killed in 9/11 attacks: 3,022*
Budget of Department of Homeland Security for 2004: $36.2 billion

Estimated number of people diagnosed with cancer in 2001: 1,268,000
Budget for the National Cancer Center: $5.5 billion

That works out so that we are spending $11,978,821.97 per victim of terrorism to prevent further deaths as a result of terrorism.
We are spending $4337.53 per victim of cancer to prevent further cases of cancer.

I know several people who've suffered from cancer, I know several who have lost their lives to it. Their deaths were slow, and painful. They suffered for many months as their own bodies turned on them. I would never think to lessen the suffering of those families who lost people in the 9/11 attacks. I would never think that anyone in this country does not deserve protection from foreign terrorists. I just wanted to look these numbers up myself, and see how they compared. If you throw in the money we've spend fighting the Iraq war thus far? It works out to $61,978,821per victim of terrorism we're spending.

I guess if I look at the numbers and the numbers alone, I think the American people are facing a greater threat to our lives and health than a bunch of crazy muslims with an airplane. But we don't seem so scared of that. Why is that?

*(I found like 4 different versions of this number, but let's use this one as it's the one the Washington Post had last, and it was sort of in the middle.)
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[Aug. 23rd, 2004|02:21 pm]
Ganked from the Al Franken Show's blog:

Two pieces deservedly reverberating around the blogosphere...

From today's Boston Globe editorial page:

IMAGINE IF supporters of Bill Clinton had tried in 1996 to besmirch the military record of his opponent, Bob Dole. After all, Dole was given a Purple Heart for a leg scratch probably caused, according to one biographer, when a hand grenade thrown by one of his own men bounced off a tree. And while the serious injuries Dole sustained later surely came from German fire, did the episode demonstrate heroism on Dole's part or a reckless move that ended up killing his radioman and endangering the sergeant who dragged Dole off the field?

The truth, according to many accounts, is that Dole fought with exceptional bravery and deserves the nation's gratitude. No one in 1996 questioned that record. Any such attack on behalf of Clinton, an admitted Vietnam draft dodger, would have been preposterous.

Yet amazingly, something quite similar is happening today as supporters of President Bush attack the Vietnam record of Senator John Kerry.

And from the conservative Weekly Standard:

[I]n 2004, Republicans find themselves supporting a candidate, George W. Bush, with a slender and ambiguous military record against a man whose combat heroism has never (until now) been disputed. Further--and here we'll let slip a thinly disguised secret--Republicans are supporting a candidate that relatively few of them find personally or politically appealing. This is not the choice Republicans are supposed to be faced with. The 1990s were far better. In those days the Democrats did the proper thing, nominating a draft-dodger to run against George H.W. Bush, who was the youngest combat pilot in the Pacific theater in World War II, and then later, in 1996, against Bob Dole, who left a portion of his body on the beach at Anzio.

Republicans have no such luck this time, and so they scramble to reassure themselves that they nevertheless are doing the right thing, voting against a war hero. The simplest way to do this is to convince themselves that the war hero isn't really a war hero. If sufficient doubt about Kerry's record can be raised, we can vote for Bush without remorse. But the calculations are transparently desperate. Reading some of the anti-Kerry attacks over the last several weeks, you might conclude that this is the new conservative position: A veteran who volunteered for combat duty, spent four months under fire in Vietnam, and then exaggerated a bit so he could go home early is the inferior, morally and otherwise, of a man who had his father pull strings so he wouldn't have to go to Vietnam in the first place.

Needless to say, the proposition will be a hard sell in those dim and tiny reaches of the electorate where voters have yet to make up their minds. Indeed, it's far more likely that moderates and fence-sitters will be disgusted by the lengths to which partisans will go to discredit a rival. But this anti-Kerry campaign is not designed to win undecided votes. It's designed to reassure uneasy minds.
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[Aug. 18th, 2004|08:58 am]
Is anyone else curious and maybe want to try and play this with me? It looks cool:

A Tale In the Desert...
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[Aug. 17th, 2004|10:50 am]
I am the Development Data Specialist God.

Weeks of labor. We're looking at 120-150 man hours of work, done in less than a day. Why? Because I am a techno-God. I have fierce technology as my weapon, and the will and intellect to use it.

Fear me, for I shall Specailziate your Data.
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[Aug. 16th, 2004|09:51 am]
A little ray of sunshine, to further prove why we're all going to die.

I hate these guys, mer mer mer merow
Especially Georgie, mer mer mer merow
I hate him the most. mer mer mer merow.

We're being raped. We're being abused, used, and defiled so that companies can make more money.

The next revolution will not be against the Evil Empire, it will be against the corporations. The Government may intervene to defend them, but the Corporations will be our enemies.
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[LJ2ME] on the metro i sit. [Aug. 15th, 2004|12:01 pm]
[Current Mood |bored]

i am sitting on the metro. there is a loud woman talking about her eyebrow plucking. i was going to rant about her but i sneezed and she said bless you, so now i will not. i hate end of the line trains.

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I once his a bat with a baseball bat [Aug. 15th, 2004|11:31 am]
Thank God, my overtime for this pledge is overwith. The official end of pledge is Tuesday, but it's all Virtual's now (virtuals are pre-taped pledge segments and do not require me to be there) and thus I need not work the OT.

Now, don't get me wrong. The OT is good. The OT gives Jesse lots of spending money at DragonCon to buy things I will never use again but seemed like a good idea at the time. And the OT gives me plenty of money to spend on delicious foods, booze, and whores. Everyone loves those things right? But it's killed my free time. Work overtime, having friends in from out of town last weekend, and then a combination of work/driving to Virginia to meet up w/ the girls for the 3-Day has sucked my time for just relaxing right out the window. My Firan reports have no doubt shown this, and I hope I don't get killed for it! :) Anyways, with things calming down I am soooo looking forward to sitting on my ass. I think we're supposed to play D&D; next weekend, and I should run another SW game, hopefully before DragonCon. Looks like I have 1 weekend after this next one, before I leave. Scorenasaur.

I can't wait til I get paid. This check from the state should be rather inflated, because I'll have worked like 110 hours total in 2 weeks. That should give me some phat bank. That's right. I said phat. I am thinking of taking next Friday off, just to sit and absorb radiation or something. I need a recharge day, but I will have things that -must- be done at work all through Wednesday. So we'll see.

Anyways, I have to go to D.C. this afternoon for the closing ceremonies of the 3-Day. Hooray, [info]gwyndyn will be back. :) Okay, enough for now. Take care kids.
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[Aug. 12th, 2004|09:55 pm]
So, I am sitting here listening to the O Fortuna section of Carmina Burana, and I get a scene in my head. You know what this music is perfect for? Assassinations. I got this great image of me, sitting in an old fashioned library, like in a typical victorian estate. I am holding a snifter of brandy in my right hand, a roaring fire in front of my highbacked chair. My left hand holds up my forehead, anguish apparent on my face. As the music begins to climax, the scene cuts away to the various deaths of my enemies and allies who stood in my way of obtaining total power. I feel bad about it, you can see it on my face, but it must be done. One has their throat slit, and is dragged off into a dark alley... another is riding in a victorian carriage, and it explodes!

Perfect. I need to put that in a movie or something.
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[Aug. 12th, 2004|03:32 pm]
This actually made me really homesick. :) This is SO FREAKIN TRUE!

You Know You're From Arizona When...

You've signed so many petitions to recall governors you can't remember the name of the incumbent.

You notice your car overheating before you drive it.

You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water.

You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink.

You can hear the weather forecast of 115 degrees without flinching.

YSou can be in the snow, then drive for an hour...and it will be over 100 degrees.

You discover, in July it only takes two fingers to drive your car, because your steering wheel is so hot.

You can make sun tea instantly.

You run your a/c in the middle of winter so you can use your fireplace.

The best parking is determined by shade.....not distance.

You realize that "Valley Fever" isn't a disco dance.

Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.

It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation and yet all the streets are totally empty of both cars and people.

You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

Sunscreen is sold year round, kept right at the checkout counter.

You put on fresh sunscreen just to go check the mail box.

Some fools will market mini-misters for joggers and some other fools will actually buy them. Worse.....some fools actually try to jog.

You know hot air balloons can't rise because the air temperature is hotter than the air
inside the balloon.

No one would dream of putting vinyl inside a car.

You see two trees fighting over a dog.

You can say "Hohokam" and people don't think you're laughing funny

You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River

You have to go to a fake beach for some fake waves

You can pronounce"Saguaro", "Tempe", "San Xavier", "Canyon de Chelly", "Mogollon Rim", and "Cholla"

You can understand the reason for a town named "Why"

You can fry an egg on the hood of a car IN THE MORNING!

You hear people say "but it's a DRY heat!"

You buy salsa by the gallon.

Your Christmas decorations include sand and l00 paper bags.

You think a red light is merely a suggestion.

All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after October but clear out come the end of April.

You think someone driving wearing oven mitts is clever.

Most of the restaurants in town have the first name "El" or "Los."

You think 60 tons of crushed red rock makes a beautiful yard.

Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile roof.

Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.

Most homes have more firearms than people.

Kids will ask, "What's a mosquito?"

People who have black cars or black upholstery in their car are automatically assumed to be from out of-state or nuts.

You know better than to get into a car with leather seats if you're wearing shorts.

If you haven't worked for Motorola at some time, you must be a newcomer.

You can finish a Big Gulp in 10 minutes and go back for seconds.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Arizona.

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[Aug. 11th, 2004|11:26 am]
I just have to say that [info]gwyndyn is my hero. She's saved my butt like repeatedly in the last few days. She came in and helped me with stuffing envelopes and stuff last night at work til MIDNIGHT cause I woulda been left by myself since my co-workers didn't work the OT. She's just covering me left and right. She rules. Everyone, bow down to her greatness.
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[Aug. 10th, 2004|10:54 am]
A few rules for calling your Public Television Station:

* Yes, we understand our phone system is difficult to use. No, I did not fire the receptionist. Yes, I know you had a hard time. No, it was not my decision to use it. So don't make the joke about "Wow, I didn't think any real live human beings worked there" and then expect me to laugh. It's not fucking funny, and I used up all my fake laughs the first 1,000,000 times someone told that joke.

* Do not call us trying to get us to put your show on the air. Go peddle crazy somewhere else, we're all full up here.

* I understand you think we're in a pledge drive too much. We don't do it because of the satisfaction we get from your complaints about too much pledge driving. We don't do it just to fuck -you- over, by moving -your- television show. We do it because you insist on real TV shows, and those cost money. Money we don't have.

*Surprisingly? No, your taxes don't pay for us. They pay for about 20% of us, so don't fucking tell me you pay taxes so you don't have to watch a pledge drive.

* I don't care about your political affiliation. If you want to vote for Elmo, knock yourself out but don't tell me about it.

* Yes, I know. God hates queers and we're going to hell. Please stop sending me leaflets on how to accept Christ into my life for the low low one-time price of $19.99. I have enough toilet paper to last me, thanks.

* Elmo is dead. He's locked in my basement. If you let your child call us to talk about Sesame Street one more fucking time, you're child will also be dead in my basement.

* If you call me the next day wondering where your thank-you gift is, I will skullfuck you. Do you think I am going to get in my car in the middle of the god damn night and drive to butt-fuck on the Eastern Shore just so your blind ass can listen to Lawrence Welk with the volume turned up full blast? It ain't happening Dorothy.

* If you suck on those dentures one more god damn time, I'm going to punch them down your throat you old bag.

* I don't care how it was in your day. Your day was backwards and wrong.

* We're state employees. You don't pay enough taxes to buy yourself any caring from us.

* Don't vote for a Republican and then ask me why Big Bird is selling his body on the street for crack. Not our fault the state has put our nuts in a vice, and is squeezing every damn drop out of our operating budget.

* Lawrence Welk will not be making any more shows. His rotten corpse is worm-food. He's dead, and your lack of pledging to support PBS killed him.

* Don't call and pledge $500 then ask to pay it off $5 a month. Ever. This is not Ghetto JC Penny's. We ain't going to give you shit on layaway.

* Don't come to the station. That makes you a psycho and we call police on psychos.

* We're not open 24 hours a day. Don't call a 2AM with a pressing question about the status of your Funny Ladies of British Comedy Mug then call at 5AM when we didn't answer, then call at 8:30AM to bitch at me for not being at work 24/7. This ain't Geico motherfucker.

We hope you will keep these guidelines in mind before calling us, as it will help us serve you better and provide a better customer experience.
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Phone Post [Aug. 8th, 2004|03:01 pm]
72K 0:18
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[Aug. 4th, 2004|10:19 am]
Today's post is going to bounce around a lot, so I don't care if you skip some of it. You may find what I have to say interesting, you may find some offensive, but I think the first thing I must say will explain why I don't care:



Okay, as the above states, I am now officially working for the state. So roxors on that one.

Second... fuck, something good was going to go here. I'll skip it and move on to my political rant.

Alright. Liberals. For years, (as long as I've been around) we have associated Liberal with wimp. That's why I think a lot of males tend to be Republicans, they think being a Democrat is for sissies. Democrats rage against this label, saying we're tough and big and bad because John Kerry fought in 'Nam. That's cool, I think Kerry will show that we're not pussies.

But I think there is a side to the "weak" label that we're not addressing. When you think of some crazy ass, no-beef eating, hasn't showered in a week, has flowered stuck up her ass, burns her undergarments, loves gay people, hugs every tree she sees, crazy ass hippie, you think liberal. This is not the type of person who is going to show us as a party of strength, but I think a lot of people associate this with "liberalism". I am here today to redefine for you, what liberalism is.

I, am a liberal.

As a liberal I believe: you don't fucking get to tell me what I do in my private life, because you were raised by religa-nazi's who told you to be ashamed of your tallywacker. If I want to look at porn, while drinkin my booze, and having sex with girlfriend and/or boyfriend I'm gonna do it. And you ain't got no right to step up on me bitches.

As a liberal I believe: Condoms for everybody. A lot of us are pretty ugly, and lord knows dumber than shit. Let's slip a jimmy hat on and not inflict your weak-ass genetic code on the rest of us. And by God, if a woman wants to have an abortion, it's none of my god damn business. I will never understand what it's like to be a woman, and I will never make judgments about the most intimate and female thing on the planet: pregnancy. What they do there, is between them and their doctor.

As a liberal I believe: If you are worth over 100 million dollars, you're a liar, cheater, or a stealer. But that's how our system works. So as punishment, you will pay more taxes. Being poor is not a sexually transmitted disease. Being poor is not a sign of weakness of character. Being poor is hard as fuck. And there's a finite amount of money, and for you to have more than everyone else means someone else has to be poor. So you better god damn be thankful they are poor, because if we all had money like you, it wouldn't be worth a god damn thing. So you're gonna pay taxes, and you're gonna fund social service programs you don't need. Count your fucking blessings you are rich, and when it comes time to buy your gold-plated water-wings, remember: those things won't float you dipshit, give some money to a homeless guy.

As a liberal I believe: As a country, we're richer than God. Our ideas are outlandish, and threatening to oppressive regimes who rule through fear and ignorance. but we better not get ourselves too high on the horse, because we've been known to use a little fear and threat to get our way in the past. we must strive to rise above it, accept our weakness and our flaws, and help those who need it. my brother won't go die for a needless cause, and i won't see my family spill blood on foreign soil for no reason. you keep my army here, until we need to absolutely use it.

As a liberal I believe: when it comes time to use our army, and the cause is noble, you unleash holy hell. you keep a strong military, with the best weapons, and a well-paid volunteer army with the best training. and if we are attacked, we unleash a fury on our enemies that their children's children will remember. let no man forget that we will come to your house and burn it to the ground if you dare tread on us.

As a liberal I believe: that common people are victims of their governments. when you go to war and you win, you must help them up. show them that we did not hate them, we hated what they were being forced to do. rebuild their way of life, but respect their culture and tradition. you can not rebuild Iraq the way you rebuild France, but let the success of rebuilding a place like France encourage you on your way in Iraq.

As a liberal I believe: You are responsible for your own actions, but we are responsible for eachother. We are only as great as the least among us. For every person that we leave out in the cold or to hunger, know that to them, we've failed them. societies and civilizations were built because humans are social animals that rely on one-another to survive. In an age where we no longer need our neighbors to hunt down mammoths, and our world has grown less and less impersonal we no longer see that we can't survive in this world alone.

Anyways, I should get back to work. I am a state employee now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.
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