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[23 Apr 2003|03:12pm]
i don't get why they hate me so much
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[23 Apr 2003|02:42pm]
I hate computers
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[21 Mar 2003|06:20pm]
[ music | bram stoker's dracula st ]

Did I tell all of you that I am writing a trilogy...well I am...and I am nearly finished with the first book....this is my main character...

I was bored

so yeah

I also got my nose pierced...and ben and I are talking...he bought me a katana for my birthday


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READ THIS IF YOU EAT TOFU!!! [15 Mar 2003|08:33pm]
tofu study
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[21 Feb 2003|05:10pm]
take your time...
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... [16 Feb 2003|12:53pm]
I don't think I'll post for a while. I would like to declare an ellipsis in my journal writing history

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The most important entry I have ever made with regards to my mental wellbeing [16 Feb 2003|12:44pm]
I originally wrote these three entries on my own personal lap top computer. I intended only for one of them to be posted, but I eventually decided that I should post all three simultaneously, as they have a lot to say about one another. I apologize for the mention of specific people, and the assumptions made about their opinions. These may have changed. I apologize for the length, but I haven’t any ability to link it to another place wherin this entry could be posted.

This post contains serious emotional material regarding deep things in my personal life. If you intend to mock or make light of this then please do not read on. This is very important to me, and I have had a horrible time dealing with it. There are some things in here that I have never told anyone, some things that perhaps no one wants to know about me. I accept this, but please do not read this post simply to comment that you didn’t want to know.

I feel I need to express this. I haven’t been this honest with myself or with anyone ever. I’d just like to say that what I am about to say is the most private part of myself. This is the thing that I never tell anyone, and have only just now come to completely realize and accept. I don’t ask anyone to understand. I don’t want anyone to judge me. If my parents (who now have this address) read this, then so be it. If my sister or friends read it and are shocked (which I am not sure they will be), then so be it.

This is who and what I am, and I am finally strong enough to admit it. Finally. To the whole world: This is me.

Someone here asked me some very personal questions that I felt very comfortable in answering, because I both respect and admire this person, as well as trust and feel comfortable with them. This person is a new friend, but one I think I will very much like to keep. I sorely misjudged her and I feel horrible that we did not get to know each other better before now.

She asked me some personal questions and made me feel as though she was going to support me no matter what I said, and so I said what I felt.

*This is so hard for me to do. To be honest, I am writing this on my private journal and am not even sure if I can post it. Maybe some of you already figured this out or whatever, but go easy on me please.
God this is so hard…Patrick I have so much respect for you*

All my life I have been struggling with a part of myself that people at my age are not supposed to know about. I was molested by my brother when I was 1, 8, and 10. I need to get that out of the way, simply because I need to talk about it later.
Ever since I was 4 I have been a sexual entity. I don’t know if it was because of my brother, many people would say yes, but I don’t think it is. I don’t remember anything about when I was one, and I only realized what a sexual entity was when I was 4, but had always been aware of sex and sexual tensions. When my brother molested me again, it wasn’t that I thought that was what sexual contact was, because I knew it was wrong. I didn’t tell because I didn’t want my brother to get into trouble. When it happened again I felt something I cannot explain.

It was something like the deepest guilt because I knew that this thing had occurred because I didn’t tell the first time. It was my fault. I could have done something and I didn’t. The day after the last time he did it, I went to school like I normally did, but I couldn’t get rid of what I remembered him saying ( I won’t repeat it). It echoed in my head all day long and I never have in my life felt so much shame.

I told my mother that day. My brother never touched me again, nor my sister (thank god). But later molested his own children.

What does this mean?

I don’t really know, except that it is the beginning of what I remember of sex. It is, I suppose, relevant in any psychoanalytic BS anyone wants to spout at me.

The important thing is, I always knew that that kind of sexual contact was evil, there was never any question of that, but things I did outside of that situation felt different, and better, not shameful or evil.

*God please don’t say this is disgusting because I don’t think I could bear that right now*

When I was five, I was French kissed for the first time, by a girl in my class.
It was fun, and it never felt bad.

I was hit on by a girl in the 3rd grade

I had my first real sexual experience with a guy at 8

Another at 14, this was not full intercourse, but simply a test-like relationship to help me get over the last incident with my brother (he’s adopted btw).

I had my first sexual experience with a woman at 13.

High school was one big test-time for my individual likes and dislikes. It was there that I first began to realize that what I was wasn’t “normal”.

Freshman year at UCSB made me think it all out. I could be whatever I wanted now. I could say that I was different, and people wouldn’t freak out too badly, because this is a learning institution and they want to be exposed to difference.

That was when I finally, for the first time in my life, told everybody, unequivocally, that I was bisexual. This helped me adjust to my environment more quickly, and I soon realized that no one really cared. It didn’t bother anyone but me and my parents (who still don’t know anything).

My dad asked me once why gay men have to talk like that…and told me that if I (jokingly said on my part) ever became a lesbian he’d be very disappointed in me.

However, this was all a lie. I don’t think there is a term that applies to me. I don’t think anything makes sense now. I am really confused and I want to try and explain it, because maybe if I can tell someone else, then it will make sense to me.

I started working at the Queer Resource Center at UCSB first quarter of my freshman year. It fell through.

I couldn’t go. For once in my life I will say that I COULDN’T DO IT. I felt like shit, in the one place where I should have been at home, the one place that I should have felt secure and able to tell someone what has been eating away at me for as long as I can remember. I felt like a poser, because nothing they said applied to me at all. Nothing made any sense at all. What they said didn’t sound like me. I wasn’t these people, and the QRC wasn’t my place.

So I just fell. I re-contacted the only person in my life who knew anything close to what this post is discussing. That being Ben, someone with whom I have some history. I didn’t contact him, and I admit this is wrong, to see him, or to patch things up with him, or to fall back in love with him. I began speaking to him simply to be around someone who I thought might somehow understand, but I realized that he couldn’t, because I had never expressly said anything like this to him. So in order to get rid of him and allow myself the time to figure shit out, I grasped a hold on a situation that was present, and banished him in a way I knew would work. It did. We no longer speak, and I am sorry for that.

So I was alone again, and tried being with people. I found Justin, and I liked him.

I “lost my virginity” on January 7, 2002.

Not like it was a huge stepping stone or anything, except in one way. I no longer feared what repercussions I might suffer from my parents.

Now more than ever, I fear them not understanding, I fear them telling me they don’t want me as their daughter, I fear them telling me that I have to be alone.

Because of this year, because I have had to change so much, I can do this now, and say this. I’ve realized that nothing anyone can do to me will ever be more important than me being happy and comfortable with myself.

I know my parents love me, and I love them. I know they think that by being what I am, I am bound to Hell, and they want me to be happy. They want what is best for me.
Here is where these things contradict. How can I be happy if I can’t be what I am, and how can I be what I am if it leads to eternal damnation and pain?

I don’t believe in Hell, or Satan, or God. It’s all too big for those narrow minded concepts. I believe that we are the way we were supposed to be, and that we should celebrate that and be that thing.

So here goes.

This will seem weird, but maybe after I have explained it out a little, it will make more sense.

I’m not straight, I’m not a lesbian, I’m not a woman, or even a gay man. Those things don’t fit the me inside my mind or my feelings, and I won’t sit back and let people tell me that it’s a phase, or hormones, or psychological anymore. I am just going to say it.

You’ve probably heard me use the phrase “I’m a gay man trapped in a woman’s body” as a joke, if you know me.

You don’t understand what it means to me.

I heard the phrase “I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body” on a talk show one day, and it changed my entire life, because at that moment I realized that I wasn’t the only person in the world who felt similarly to me.

I don’t care what people call it. Most everyone who reads this will laugh about it and tell jokes about it to their friends. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care who gets it, or who likes it or hates it. I can’t stand this anymore.

I think I shall call it the only thing that I feel describes it.

I think I am a bisexual man trapped in a woman’s body.

*Holy shit, I don’t believe I finally wrote that down*

Tell me I need counseling Dad. If you think that, fuck you. Tell me I need religion, or drug therapy, or whatever promise you want to make. I can’t be anything else, and no matter what caused it, it is me.

I will attempt, if I can, to clarify how this works, for the ones who are genuinely intrigued, or care at all.

I’ve never been a girl, never. For as long as I can remember. Sure, I fantasized about what it would be like if I were a girl, really, in my mind. I thought about how demure and beautiful I would be. How perfect. Even at a young age. The earliest I ever remember thinking about this in these words was appx. 6 years of age. I was sitting on my tire swing thinking about the kids at school who made fun of the fact that I didn’t brush my hair or play girls’ games, like ‘make up party’, and I was singing Phantom of the Opera (of all the clichés!). When I realized that I didn’t want to play girls’ games because I wasn’t a girl. I didn’t want to brush my hair, because I didn’t want hair. (But due to a horrible incident in preschool which sent me home crying, I was afraid to cut off my hair, for fear my friends wouldn’t know me and would hate me).

I didn’t want to be Christine, I liked the Phantom better. Juvenile and silly maybe, to an adult brain, but I was a little person then, and it was overwhelming. I cried for a long time and didn’t know what to do.

Off and on throughout my life, I have tried to be a girl, tried to be a “guy”, tried to be anything that was well defined, but gave up a miserable failure.

After having actually been with a woman, I realized that was possible for me, and that I enjoyed it. However, in my mind, when I was with her, I never thought of her as I think a lesbian would. I don’t know how to explain this to someone who isn’t in my head, but I will tell you what I told Jaime

“You know when a guy sees a girl walking down the street and he really thinks she’s…mmmmm…?”
“I think that same thought.”
“And with a guy?”
“I think ‘mmmm…what I could do if I was a guy’”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s strange. I’ve heard things like this (she’s a psych major) before, but I’ve never been able to ask questions.”

I want to explain the above example more thoroughly, since it links to something else that has bothered me for a while too. When I see an attractive person on the street, I don’t actually think about what I could do with them at all, that was purely for examples sake. I have no desire whatsoever for them.

I see a pretty face, but have no inclination to ask that person out, or get a phone number, or anything. They are just another person. It isn’t until I know someone well, I’d say at least a month or two, that any real feeling of any kind ever develops. However, this has, in the past, only led to more failures because I had to try to tell them this secret and couldn’t ever get it out in a way that made sense.

It mostly came out like this
“I like men and women.”
“I don’t think about it the right way though”
“Whatever you say.”


I hate my body. I don’t hate it because it’s ugly, or because it fails to get me wonderful attention from attractive people, that’s not it at all. I hate it because it ties me back from being what I want to be. I am sick of failure where this is concerned. I haven’t ever failed at any goal that concerned my overall happiness, ever.

Maybe I should get a sex change. I ‘ve thought about it a lot. But if I did that, I wouldn’t be a man. Not in the true sense. I wouldn’t be me still, but would be some sad attempt at me being something in particular (no offense to those who have done this). I wouldn’t be me even then, so why bother, when now I can blend into society almost perfectly? Maybe, some day, I will rethink it and it will be an option once again.

Being this thing that I am, I don’t know what to do next. I think I will always be alone. I don’t think it will ever make sense to anybody, or ever be acceptable. I’ll probably lose friends over this. I don’t know, but I have a high opinion of my friends.

I will never marry, because that would be (under CA state law) admitting that I am a woman. I will never have children for the same reason. I’m not a mother, I’m something else that can’t even comprehend of myself in that role. I hate all gender bias, but for different reasons than most.

People piss me off when they dis women, because I think that they’re assuming several things:
a) they’re better (which in my point of view is crap because to my mind I am neither)
b) I’m one of “the women”
c) That my mind is limited and confined to my genitals

People piss me off when they dis men:
a) does that include me?
b) Am I that way?
c) Who are you to say?

In my mind I am male, but perhaps with a “woman’s” instinct or temperance or something. I can’t make sense of it.

I have no particular sexual preference, and I don’t like being told that I have to wear a skirt to church.

My fantasies aren’t from a woman’s point of view.

I, in my deepest ideal dream of myself (that will probably never come to pass because of society and cowardice on my part) would wear gender like a coat, and throw it aside if I felt like it. I wish I could be a guy all the time, but sometimes it is fun to dress in drag.

I feel so much better now.

I don’t think you’ll ever know how long I’ve debated writing about this. How long I have wanted to discuss it, or figure it out. Now it is here, and everyone will know it.

I’m not asking my friends to forgo the use of gender specific pronouns or anything, you don’t have to call me ‘the female formerly known as Kris’

Just please understand that I am not nuts, that this is the truth, that it feels right, and for the first time, I feel satisfied with myself. Please tell me this is ok, because I would hate to have to go out and find new buddies
*weak attempt at a joke when I am really sick right now*

Thanks Pet rock for the courage, Pam for the openness, Heidi for her insight into things I don’t have to explain.

Please support me in this. I don’t know where to go next, but there it is.

I love you guys.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the whole issue. My mind seems to continually question whether or not I am certain this time as to my identity. But each time I ask myself that question, the answer always comes out a resounding ‘yes’. So what now? I can’t tell anyone really. I’ve tried three times to post that entry on LJ, but for some reason I can’t seem to push myself enough to do it. Some part of me still feels like I’d be placing myself to much in harms way. I mean, do these people really need to know that much personal information about me?

Do they really need to know how my sexuality works?

Maybe not. Maybe they don’t really care to know. But if I feel like I need to tell, what then?

Why do I need to tell if it doesn’t matter to them? Because I need to know if they can still accept me, I guess. I also want to know if anyone feels the same as me.

Maybe I am a total idiot about to make the greatest mistake of my life in posting an entry like this.

What’s the function of LJ anyway? Is it for us to post all about how we had to argue with someone today, or about how our parents are stupid, or post quiz results that aren’t ever a clear reflection of who we are? Is it for us to post song lyrics or witty sayings? Is it a way to simply keep in touch and know a little something about the person’s life?

Maybe it’s all of the above. I think that posting something that is this central to my personality is a must, but it’s not something people often want to talk about. It’s not something that people will support you in because it’s not understandable. I mean sure, they commend homosexuals for coming out, but that’s only because we’re just now beginning to grasp that it’s not weird or evil. But my particular situation isn’t something people will be able to identify or easily define.

That’s what I think anyway. The problem is that it’s a part of me that I am tired of being ashamed of. I’ve sort of touched upon the subject a few times with my close friends, but this will be the first time I ever just come out and say it in public. I’m tired of hearing, “well, when you find the right guy…” from my parents. What if I don’t want a guy? What if I want a guy, but it’s not in the same way you think it will be? What then? Am I a total freak?

Until I say it, and hear a positive response, I will be in my mind. Definition of freak these days tends something toward the outsider. Maybe that’s right. I am an outsider.

Up until half way through last year, I was one of those people who sought after attention. I never understood why before. I do now. If you feel uncertain about your personality, you try to call attention to the parts that seem stable. If you’re unsure but want to seem like you’re fine, then you pretend like that part doesn’t exist by overcompensating.

I think that if I can just get this out, I’ll be able to completely mature. I’ve already matured so much just in realizing and accepting that I am this way.

How will my parents take it if I tell them? Jaime thinks I should, but I don’t think I should unless it’s a problem. Let them have their illusions until I have to explain why I am seeing a woman.

That’s another reason why that post hasn’t made it out. What if they tell me that they think I need counseling?

I’m not sure I could handle that. Obviously what you are is wrong Kris. So, let’s just go see a counselor and they’ll make you see the error of your ways, and then we’ll convert you.

I don’t think it would be that way, but the fear remains.

If I told my family, or if they read my entry, they’d be really quiet for a while. They’d discuss it, and then they’d probably want to sit me down and ask me some very pointed questions that I would feel too uncomfortable in answering because they’re my parents. My dad would be torn between whether or not sexuality and preference is God given, and if it is, then why is homosexuality wrong, etc. My mother would either think it had something to do with my brother and would blame herself because she didn’t turn him in after the first time he did it. She’d think I was tainted or something. Either that or she’d remember her sexuality class she took and try to do something she’d never ever thought or considered she might have to do, that being to attempt to apply what she learned to real people she’s related to.

I could be totally wrong, but I think that’s what would happen. What ever does happen, I don’t think I’d want them to ask me any questions.

They have a tendency to ask questions they say are simply for discovery purposes and yet ask them in a way that makes me feel bad about myself. I don’t want that. I want them to maybe, one on one, ask me questions about how it works, so as to better understand it.

What would I do if they couldn’t accept it, or if they insisted on counseling?
I wouldn’t go to a counselor, first of all. They’re isn’t anything wrong with me.
I don’t have any pent up anger or hurt as to what happened with my brother, because I have told him how I feel and he has apologized. I know enough about his illness to know that you can’t cure it and you can’t make them understand. He knows he was wrong, that’s as good as I can expect. I don’t think it has anything to do with him. I think if it had anything at all whatsoever to do with him, it would be simply that he may have triggered sexuality at an early age. Beyond that, he’s a sick fuck and I’d never be like him.

If they told me to go I wouldn’t. If they couldn’t accept it, I’d have to cut myself off from them. I’d have to say that who I am is who I must be. I won’t pretend. I don’t like being asked if I’ve found a boyfriend yet. Especially if I am looking for a girl.

If they thought it was a phase, then it’s a phase that has been going on my whole life, changing, developing, becoming more prevalent in my mind, sometimes less. They’d be wrong.

So what will I do? What will they do?
Should I tell them? Should I even post that entry?
I don’t know. But I am on the way to the movies and can’t think about it now.

It occurs to me how silly this is. Everyone’s sexuality is odd, it is simply a matter of whether or not they’ll admit it to the world. Am I being stupid to feel this way? Am I being silly to feel this shut in by something that isn’t really that big of a deal?

It is a big deal, maybe not to my friends or to the world in general, but to me and to my parents, it is.

What bothers me is that I might be doubted, that somebody will say that they don’t believe that that’s at all possible or even that it’s a mental problem caused by hormones or something.
The reason I feel this way, isn’t due to some half doubt as to the validity of my sexual/gender identity, but due to memories of when I first began to lose my vision.

I told them I couldn’t see, that something was wrong. Rather than help me or believe me, they said many different things, ranging from ‘It’s psychosomatic’ to ‘have you had counseling for manic depression?’ (because of the chronic fatigue that accompanied my vison loss), to ‘You or your parents must have offended God, and this is just punishment’.

You’re not really this way…it’s a phase…you’re a sinner in God’s eyes…you’re possessed…it’s a rare mental condition that blah…it’s caused by an extra chromosome…it’s due to a lack of estrogen…etc.

Why can’t I just be right about my own condition for once?

This is what nags at me. This is what I think people will say every time I consider sharing this.

It’s all very silly, because I know my friends well enough to know that they won’t care. Either they’ll say, ‘you’ve already told me’, ‘we figured it out’, or ‘that explains a lot’. I don’t think that in any case will I lose a friend over my sexuality.

Unless…and I hate to say this, but I feel I should…it is Adria. I say that because Adria is very certain of many things. No doubt, given her back ground in mental blah, she thinks she’s got the answer.

I don’t want an answer, that’s what I am saying. I am me, and whether or not it is fixable or ‘wrong’ or whatever, I don’t care because I like who I am and I shouldn’t have to cater that to the outside world.

Seth would question me on it. Seth is a champion of continual self-evolution. I am less of a human in Seth’s eyes (in his own words) because I can’t see perfectly. I don’t happen to think it matters how little of one sense you have, considering the fact that every single one of the blind people I know are more capable of living in the outside world than most sighted people their age. Kirsten at 18 could out do Seth at 22 any day. Disabled people deal with a lot more shit, and so are better, more well-rounded people. Physical ability has very little meaning if one feels they can’t function. How many intelligent, strong, healthy people have committed suicide because they couldn’t take care of their problems?

Digression aside, my point is, that to some like Seth, what I see as me might be completely odd. If it was ‘fixable’ he’d say I should strive to get it fixed, just like when he told me I should fix my eyes.

I would only fix my eyes, if they were causing harm to my body, but that is solved now, and no harm is now being caused by them, they are simply altered. I would not ever change them, because this is the way it is. I can function, I can cope. It has made me strong. I wouldn’t give that up, ever.

My sexuality has made me the character I am. Living with the knowledge of my ‘secret’ for so long has made me painfully aware of how others perceive me. It has made me very conscious of how people behave towards me, regard me, treat me, people’s motivations, their opinions, and all other things that have a bearing on whether or not they think I am a lesbian, a freak, if they question my sexuality, etc.

I am sure my gay friends would agree. Before Javier came out, he always went around asking little surveys about how people felt about different things, one being how they thought of homosexuality. I caught the hint, because I was ‘passing’ too. It’s easy to get that hint. When he called me to come out, I greeted him with, ‘so you’re gay then?’ Javier was the first person I ever told about my bisexuality, besides the woman I slept with.

I wouldn’t ever change this. This is another reason why I don’t think I’ll ever get any kind of operation.

So what does the entry mean to me?

I’ve acknowledged that my good friends probably already knew much of this. I’ve sort of outlined in my mind the type of responses I imagine I will receive. So what does it mean to post the entry and see?

It is a tentative extension of my secret toward my family.

It is a definite declaration to my friends.

It is getting something off of my chest for the whole world to see so that there is no doubt about it.

It’s the most honest thing I have ever posted, and it sets me up for a great big fall.

It’s as concise an explanation of my various personality traits as I have ever cared to give.

It’s a plea for advice.
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may I rant about my hatred for stupid fucks? and stupid systems??? [11 Feb 2003|03:00pm]
I dont get this shit!!!...why do stupid merchant double authorize shit on my credit card so that it looks like I am 300 dollars over my limit, cant charge anything, cant call home, cant get my fucking plane tickets, cant do ANYTHING, have to wait 10 days until it drops off my account so that I can use the 400 dollars of space i have...WHY!????


but can I get it taken off by a superviser I say...they say noooo theres nothing we can do...

WHY DO BANKERS tell me that there have been two qoubly authrorized transactions for the same ammount totalling 1600 dollars each,m when only one was made, thus freezing my account until their damn ready to fix it, but I cant call them, because my fucking card wont let me purchase phone time!!...WHY!!!!

why dont these housing people just send us the fucking questions with the request for our perms and pins so that we dont have to send them like 15 emails explaining the same god damned thing!!!...WHY!!!...just send us the fuckign email so I dont have to bitch at the whole fucking world!!!

why dont they do for real grades at this school insteasd of this provisional crap that they do...does it take that fucking long to grade an essay...why do I have to wait all fucking year to have my god damn grades when it takes three weeks at SB!!...WHY!!???

why dont they have their schedules up so that I can know when it is that I need to go home and when I need to turn shit in!!...WHY

I hate these people...I hate the whole damn thing...I hate having to call long distance numbers because stupid shits cant get their acts together!...I hate having to make sure that theyre doing what the hell theyre supposed to be doing!...



You got Lupus!  -SLICE-
You're Lupus, the wolf. Your sword is feared and
revered. Your two best friend compliment you
nicely. Everyone gets out of your way and
whomever doesn't learns their lesson. FAST.

Which fantasy character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
6 comments|post comment

I accept the apology, but I think you miss the point [05 Feb 2003|02:19pm]
- I dont believe you have any intention of insulting the people around you when you focus on someone; It just so happens that you end up doing it without meaning to, and this isn't just me saying this

You snap at me...and that's unfair...you get twice as snappy whenever that person is in the room

- I resent the fact that you apologize by referring to my supposed ignorance of the history you have with others...number one because I am not ignorant, but fully aware that you dont need to say certain things or do certain things with certain people...as I am one of these...
Number two because this assumes that I am just being bitchy and jealous when that isn't in fact, the case... I am aware of your relationships with others and they dont bother me...what bothers me is when I am disrespected as a result...I dont like being snapped at simply because you're involved in another relationship...

- "I'm sorry that i feel comfortable enough with our friendship to not feel the need to spend every second with you"

That's bullshit...I don't need to see you every second or be spoken to every second or even looked at...and you know that wasnt what I was talking about...dont try to manipulate this into me being a bitch who cant take not being the center of attention

This is about being invited to things that I dont enjoy simply because you're focused on charlie...
this is about you only doing things because they involve him
this is about you not caring whether or not I wanted to go somewhere with you alone and you'd prefer to go somewhere else with charlie..

If you want to spend the time with him, then say so and I wont bother coming down to be ignored!...if you would rather travel with your other friends, that's fine...just dont invite me and then ignore me...it isnt nice and it isnt respectful

I assumed I'd be coming to spend time with you...in fact every single thing I wanted to do, you didnt...because you'd rather have gone to charlie's game...or spend time with charlie instead of going to a movie with your three american friends...

this isn't about me being attention thristy...its about you not being sensitive to the fact that what you do affects others...I'm not the only person saying that your personality has changed since hooking up with him...but since I have known you for longer...I'll extend that to say...you change whenever there is someone that you would rather focus on...you dont just mistreat me...but everyone who has been around you for a while...it just so happens that because I am the one who has been around the longest, I see it most often

that was the point of my post..and I find this point of your apology to be a dig at my personality...some kind of attempt to make me feel guilty...dont try denying it...re read what you said and acknowledge its there...because it is...If I wrote this to you...you'd be just as upset

- I don't care if he was with you...that doesnt bother me...what bothered me was that I got bitched out for turning a light on, when the only reason you didnt want it on was so that I wouldnt see the two of you together...lets lay it on the line...thats what happened and that was lurking in your mind...otherwise you would have complained the first time I turned the light on...as a guest I thought myself entitled to see where I was going...

- If you cant say something about me because you think I'll take offense then you dont know me very well...I take offense...and it usually lasts about five minutes...if you cant say it to me...then how is it my fault when you snap at me?

- it is a part of your character...because it's a pattern...and I see it often enough to know this...it usually doesnt bother me...but this time it has...this time...the last time...the travel plans...the money involved...It bothers me now...and yes it is a part of your character...yes you do usually try to do whats best...but dont play a martyr...what was best for me didn't even cross your mind...otherwise you would not have screwed up the travel plans I paid for...you wouldn't have ditched your sick friend to party with crofty...

- you have every right to not want to hear insults even if they are jokes...thats fine...but I dont see how that has anything to do with the things I talked about...I get hints pretty well...if I think you would rather not hear it...then I dont say it...but some times you need to tell me

- yes lines get blurred...but I have to say...they're not the way things are...this is what we have made of a situation...lets nnot chalk it up to fate or reality...this comes from me realizing that you do something that I dont like...plain and simple

Now all this being said...

let me put this plainly

the truth is we know each other well enough to really hurt each others feelings if we so choose...I dont choose to ...and I know you dont choose to...enough said...apology accepted...you keep an eye on what you do...and I'll watch what I say...good enough?..

just don't try to twist the issue...because I know you too well...take a look at how you treat those people you live with...really look at it...because I have to say...I heard more from them than I ever thought myself...

really think about it...and I'll be happy...

I dont think I'll say more than that...simply because relaying conversations and names is evil and I won't do it... you've changed...as a person that has known you for three years...I see what I am told and I know it to be true...

*is about to cry*

this really hurts me because I know for a fact that this is news to you...

Do you remember when we had that conversation about how a real friend is the one who tells you when an outfit looks horrible on you...simply so that you dont go out of the house looking like a fat cow...

this is that conversation...

you dont have to ignore or snap at your friends to be close to charlie...and we know that...but it seems like you dont...I know you do...but like I said I've known you longer...

you're like a sister to me...and I want to keep it that way...

so this occasional quirk in your personality...perhaps some insecurity....doesn't look good on you...and I don't think you should go out of the house wearing it...

that's my opinion...maybe I am wrong...I fully acknowledge my own part in the incidents...I just wanted to make sure I clarified my own feelings
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politics much? [02 Feb 2003|04:35pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World ]

this is for people as confused or ignorant as to what the hell is going on over there as I am...

yes this is a political thing...

it is a Timeline
of the events and interaction of US UN and other nations in IRAQ....I was pretty astonished because i thought it would be very biased...in fact it is very objective...telling about US's stupid mistakes and outright cruelty as well as IRAQ's...

after reading this and all the attached reports and UN things...I think I see why this is happening

I hope that maybe it helps the confused...

I definately think I understand things a bit better...still dont like it very much or support our actions...but understand them better anyway

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[31 Jan 2003|06:45pm]

I'm in Lancaster this weekend...doing buggerall with heidi!...much fun and goodness is ensuing...mmmm....fun and goodness.....drunken jenga *heidi shrieks from background*

yes...uhhh...oh yeah...charlie's band to perform on saturday....I will be present to inform you all of quality....but I have heard one song and all I can say is...soooo bell and sebastian

but cool


studying gender issues in medieval English lit....shakespeare's more obscure plays....no thats not the name of the class....but it should be...*heidi says*...and Jacobean drama...very cool...very fun...all in my areea...so far all six of my classes...totaling a full year at SB's units have been in medieval lit...YAY!!!...

stupid grad school....grrrr....

looks like its subbing for me for a year...good on a resume

especially for grad school...lol

*heidi says to talk about my love life*....

enough said

no not really...I joined the LGB society this week....dont know if that really matters since all i did was sit in a room for five minutes and then leave with only my email address having been asked....blah...lots of clubs but no one to go with


I need an excuse and someone to hang with!

so no love life....tho I did have an interesting dream about Kirsten...

dont ask

going to 8 mile tonight...heidi says good film...

thanks sarah for package...was fantabulous....

must vent about the shit book i read!!!!


I dont understand how she can call a biography of Walter Sickert...an obvious psychopath who probably did write the ripper letters....and some info about other murders with totally different MO's as well as social commentary about the period...a valid argument for the rippers identity and his crimes....such crap!!!...only read it if you know all about the ripper or have a source book handy that is objective and has no details left out...ie kieth skinner and p. evans..


venting over...feel much better...much


cant think of anything to say right now...so...yeah...love to all and will see you all later
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hey [26 Jan 2003|11:36pm]
sorry about the wait...I am not sure I will be able to post my pics as it will take hours to do all of that studd since i dont have internet in my room...so, i will try to post some of them whenever i come by, but no garuntees

Christine and I have had a falling out, she doesnt like me very much and its for a really stupid reason that actually had nothing to do with me, but because I am here I am the one who takes the shit

I am going to see heidi on friday...I am so glad we traveled together...i really felt like we were growing apart because we hadnt seen each other in so long...but now that I have seen her, I feel much better about us...I missed her

I've been dealing with shit from administration for the past couple of weeks...see if this makes any sense

I am an EAP (Education Abroad) student, in my third year
After this year I will have enough credits to grad. except for two classes I have to take at home.

It takes one full quarter for our grades to come through....right?...ok so so far everything works right? go home take the two classes and graduate...

but since i wanted to get into a grad program right off the bat, I would have stopped my student loans from being payd back because i would stay a full time stiduent officially...unfortunately, i didnt know when to apply...so now when I get back in the fall, I have to apply then and wait a whole fucking year!

and my student loans will begin incurring interest, and I will have to pay them back until such time as i become a full time student! grrr

so I think what I will do, if I cant get into a grad program at KS state, is do some sub teaching while I wait for acceptance from a grad program!


I am going stir crazy

Heidi and I are making our plans for italy and break...any souvenir requests?

I can read now...it is slow going, but i can read without my magnifier, and without my glasses...they hurt my eyes anyway because they arr not my prescription anymore...so i have been reading tons

I have read:
the three Lord of the Rings Books
and am working simultaneously on:
Memoirs of a Geisha
King Soloman's mines
Jack the Ripper Ultimate Sourcebook
Portrait of a Killer Jack the Ripper-case closed

I would just like to say that so far, patricia cornwell is full of crap...

besides her DNA evidence that Walter Sickert wrote and mailed the ripper letters...she has jack (no pun intendd) to say about him being the murderer...I mean for crying out loud...I have already found two instances where she got her evidence either wrong, or omitted important details...for example: 15 minutes before Elizabeth Stride was killed, a man saw two men beating up on a woman in that exact place...descriptions matched and she was id'd in the morgue by the witness...for fucks sake!!!


anyway...pet peeves aside...I am fine, doing bugger all as they say here...

love from leeds
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here and gone again [16 Jan 2003|08:22pm]
hello!...I am back in leeds and have been...working on perfecting the photos for placing on the net...have been taking exams the past few days but am finished now...

just kicking back for a few days till next term starts
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What planet am I on??! [01 Jan 2003|11:10pm]
ok...so heidi and patrick have both managed to illustrate their versions of our evening....but I would like to restate my own point of view for the day...for as far back and as accurately as I can remember...

so we started getting drunk at nineish...drinking vodka...and champaigne...we played poker with pennies and heidi whooped ass...which sucked because shed never played with betting before....

so then as the ball (I say ball but they dont have one here in spain)dropped...heidi and I called our parents completely trashed...my mother said i sounded sober...but it was rather difficult to sound sober when hidi is feeling me up in a state of drunkeness that has her rolling on the floor...so then after we called families...we went out...

we went on the metro and got to the club where heidi couldnt get in because she didnt have her id...so we got back on the metro and went back to get it...

on the way back we got ...welll....hit on...by three drunk spanish men...they said that heidi was good looking...I was ok...and patrick was even worse...whcih was funny...then they proceeded to pet heidi...patrick had to pretend that she was his girlfriend to get him off of her in which case he was like..."Can I go for your sister then?" referring to me...patrick was like uh no...

so we got heidi's id and went back to the club...where I was immediately attacked by some random hottie who followed me for most of the evening...I managed to trade off several times...btu by the end of the night (which occurred around ohhh 9 am) Heidi and I were pretending to be together...so about two hours before we left the club....6ish...patrick starts dancing with a cute little spanish guy...trully adorable...all his friends eventually end up dancing with us...and we had the equivelant of a drnkuen dance orgy...or something...then...just before we left...heidi and I were dancing and these two guys came over and were talking with us and wanted...obviously...to dance...we were like uh no were together...they hugged each other and indicated that they were together too....so one of them started dancing with me...and the other with heidi...they dance for real salsa with us and then traded us off....it was nice not to have to fend off the gross disgusting ness of straight men...so we danced salsa...and then we left...it was so much fun...I havent had fun like that ever...we partied from about 2...thats dancing...until 8....then I hung up my laundry took a shower...ate soup...and then went to bed...slept for 8 hours and woke up refreshed like never before...that is the first time in a long time that I have awakened feeling well restedd and content...the perfect beginning to a new year...

tonight we watched From Hell...which by the way was ok in terms of theories...but completely historically wacked...and being as how jack the ripper is my favorite serial killer besides zodiac...and I have been to white chapel and stood where the bodies were found...I think I can say it safely...the murder scenes were great but their representation of the killer was crap....anyway...we saw that and ate chinese food and strawberry icecream...and now patrick and I are going to pack...and the I will shower and go to bed.....

not a bad end to a vacation...which technically hasnt ended yet as I still have 11 days until my papers are due one day of exams...actually only three hours...and then nothing to do until the 25....

so...this is my last entry from out of the UK...soon I will be back...but last night was a fitting end to my year and my holiday
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Barcelona [31 Dec 2002|08:52pm]
ok, so today, I woke up in barcelona...I slept for 12 hours straight...without waking if that tells you how tired heidi and I were...finally in a place where we could relax...

we went to the cathedral...we went to get cafe con leche...churros with chocolate...and fruit from the market...we wandered around patricks school...then saw street performers...

they're much cooler here than they were in paris...there was one dressed like the grim reaper...he must have been on stilts because he was like twelve feet tall...now most of the performers do something whenever you put money in their pots...when I put money in his pot...he came after me and chased me up the street ...me yelling all the while and trying to hide behind patrick who was having none of it...there was one guy playing a drum and a piano....a piano in the middle of the street!!!...and he was really good....and cute too if you ask me...so when I dropped money in his pot...he looked up and gave me a nice big smile and then honked his bicycle horn at me...

there was a clown crushed by a rock...and a "statue" of a man in a bowler and suit going to the bathroom...pretty funny stuff...

so...tonight were going to play boardgames until afyer 12 and then go to one of patricks many sordid clubs...lol...and dance the night away...

happy new year my friends...I hope you enjoy it....carla...tell mom I'll call by hook or by crook...

my new years resolution....hmmmm.....to be more objective...yeah I like that...
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Barcelona [31 Dec 2002|08:52pm]
ok, so today, I woke up in barcelona...I slept for 12 hours straight...without waking if that tells you how tired heidi and I were...finally in a place where we could relax...

we went to the cathedral...we went to get cafe con leche...churros with chocolate...and fruit from the market...we wandered around patricks school...then saw street performers...

they're much cooler here than they were in paris...there was one dressed like the grim reaper...he must have been on stilts because he was like twelve feet tall...now most of the performers do something whenever you put money in their pots...when I put money in his pot...he came after me and chased me up the street ...me yelling all the while and trying to hide behind patrick who was having none of it...there was one guy playing a drum and a piano....a piano in the middle of the street!!!...and he was really good....and cute too if you ask me...so when I dropped money in his pot...he looked up and gave me a nice big smile and then honked his bicycle horn at me...

there was a clown crushed by a rock...and a "statue" of a man in a bowler and suit going to the bathroom...pretty funny stuff...

so...tonight were going to play boardgames until afyer 12 and then go to one of patricks many sordid clubs...lol...and dance the night away...

happy new year my friends...I hope you enjoy it....carla...tell mom I'll call by hook or by crook...

my new years resolution....hmmmm.....to be more objective...yeah I like that...
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paris and versailles [27 Dec 2002|05:11pm]
ok...so...here's is a documentation of our trek thus far

Heidi and I trained and flew to paris...after...of course...missing our flight due to a power outage in the metro system...

we arrived here and then traveled around...first we went to the eiffel tower...and I called my mom...then we ate lunch and bought train tickets to barcelona...

then we walked around and stuff...

we went to notre dame at night on christmas eve, but couldnt get into the midnight service...we got right up to the gate and they told us no...sooo...we went home....then we went to the louvre....which was amazing...and montemarte...and sacre coeur...and all those wonderful places...we saw the moulin rouge...

today we went to versilles...which was amazing...that was the place I have always wanted to go and finally got to see...it was amazing to think that people actually lived in places like that...

I walked where louis XIV, XV, znd XVI walked...amazing!

tomorrow...we are losing patrick as he is going back home.....we are going to Notre Dame tomorrow...then the musee d' orsay...and then the catacombs if we can find it...

we also went to the cemetary where sartre and simone de beauvoir 's grave...that was amazing...there is too much to do in paris...my feet ache and I am thoroughly exhausted...but I have lost something like 6 pounds for real...I weighed myself two nights ago...on a scale in the mariot the heidi's aunt and uncle were staying at...

so now I am sitting in an internet cafe...and will be eating sandwhiches as I am not willing...however nice the food...to pay 15 euros each meal...(same as dollars in value)

I am anxious to hear from you all...as I have postcards to send....if you dont respond you dont get a postcard


talk to you again prolly from barcelona as internet there is free...
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greetings from paris [26 Dec 2002|10:23pm]
so far heeidi and I have been to the louvre ...monte marte, sacre ceur...andnotre dame...weve been past everything else though...and up in the eiffel tower...which was also cool...I called my momm and dad fromthe second level...it was 6am there at the time

tomorrow were goingto the palace at versailles...and then on saturday...we are going to notre dame...the catacombs...and the musee d' orsay...where starry night by van gogh...my bday buddy is...

I am not sure if I like Paris...as the city is dirtY...the people are rude...and the touristss are evil...but the food is great...but expensive...and the post cards are cheap...

jo and rob...I am working on the lypad photo at the eiffel...but I would be hard pressed to find four peolpe willing to form lypad with heidi...but the mission continues...

heidi and i Lit candels in sacreceur on xmas for our families...that is such a peaceful place...such amazing vibes

more detailed post on sat or sunnday...bcuz...this keyboard in the hostel is shit
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hello [22 Dec 2002|11:14pm]
today I went to the British museum and saw the rosetta stone....some ancient egyptian stuff...and persian athenean stuff...the majority of the frieze on the parthenon...way cool

then heidi and I managed to get on a bus tour for free because it was so late and then got let off near the westminster abbey...and we ate in a nice pub that had good food...and a waiter that was a gay disco dancing screen writer...

then we went on the jack the ripper walk

I knew as much about the murders as the tour guide

it was funny

anyway...heidi and I have been getting along famously
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regards from london part 2 [21 Dec 2002|05:57pm]
today I went on a bus tour through the old part of town...

I first visited the ripley#s esque "london dungeon"...it was cool...except for the fact that it was entirely based around death and destruction...

It was horrible seeing all the wierd things humans did to each other...I had to keep telling myself "yeah this is gross...but they actually did this kind of thing to real living people"

satan's grotto was there for xmas...and I got a pic of two women chopping off my head

next I went on my river cruise down the thames...and got a peachy pic of the london eye and the globe...

tomorrow...if heidi is willing and not too tired...we can go to St. Pauls and then walk the foot bridge to the globe and check it out...

or we can do westminster if shes not into the walking bit

anyway...I just wanted to say that I am finally coming to terms with the british sense of history

In the states, particularly on the west coast...we have so little preservable tangible history, that any time a landmark is toppled or something...we...at least I...freak out...I mean...this is a monument to people of the past...if they can live on in stone and metal...then so can we...

but here its like things are knocked down, added onto, or even rebuilt without much of a feeling at all...I listened to all the tourguides talking about all the historical monuments that were modified or torn down in the same breath as they were extolling the virtues of bygone ways of life....it was unsettling...and yet I feel like I am beginning to grasp why and how they feel....

There is so much history...it mounts up and piles....if you dont move past it....remember it but change it to fit you...the whole world would be made of monuments and nothing more than that...

I think I understand...and I feel a little better about being here...

I'm sad I wont have more time to go around and do more things this trip...

it is slightly funny to say that the tourists were nicer than the actual londoners... and the gaurds at the tower were the friendliest people I have met...except the tour guide that kept singing over the pa system...he was funny because he would sing in different languages and dance around making jokes with the japanese girls who couldnt understand him...

then there was the tour guide who got all flustered when the armed guards waved at her....

hehe...its been cool...and I will come back here before I leave...england that is...I still need to do Madam touseaus..(sp)
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