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Worst. Day. Ever. [03 Nov 2004|08:23pm]
[ mood | morose ]

Mom's back in the hospital, Bush is back in the White House...

O Discordia!

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then the rain came [09 Sep 2004|07:28am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | R.E.M. - I'll Take the Rain ]

Well fuck a duck, last time I posted in my journal, it was actually like... summer. I suppose that technically it still is, but it's winding down for sure. I demand a recount... much too short this year.

What's been going on lately... things at home are good, Jen finally got around to doing the furniture rearrangement that I'd been procrastinating on for months. We actually have a bedroom now! Someday soon we might even have something that more closely resembles a livingroom! It's pretty exciting. Most of my friends are completely anti-cohabitation, but I actually enjoy it. The fact that we have totally different work schedules probably helps a lot, since we both have a lot of time to ourselves. Also, it could be that my friends are just immature twits.

Strange dreams lately... I've been reading The Talisman a lot, which I think is a major contributing factor. What is Stephen King's fixation on dangerous train rides through mutant-infested waste lands? We see it twice in the Dark Tower series, and now again in this book. It is totally badass, though. I'll probably finish it soon... I wonder if I should try to read the sequel, Black House, before the final Dark Tower novel comes out. But anyway, I digress... the dreams... last night I remember being at some sort of convenience store with my grandfather (dad's dad). He bought us both these little cigar stubs that came with tiny bottles that contained some sort of flavoring that was supposed to be swallowed right before smoking the cigar. What does it all mean? Like any dream where I have an undigestible object in my mouth, it probably means that I was sucking on my pillow in my sleep.

What else... my lovely car... looks like I'm putting off major body repairs until spring due to the fact that I blew about $900 on the front suspension and tires. Also, my muffler fell off. :P Luckily, my car actually has 2, so the "center muffler" is still intact. I'm going to replace it soon, actually ordered the parts last night, as well as some do-it-yourself rust repair equipment. Then, this spring, maybe when I get my tax return, I can pay a professional thousands of dollars to clean up the mess that I will surely make. Better then than now I suppose. :P

Friday's my birthday. R.E.M. tickets are always a good choice. They're playing at the Fleet Center in October, which I'm quite stoked about... Michael Stipe said in an interview about 10 years ago that it was one of his favorite venues, but they always (for the last 2 tours, anyway) play at Great Woods when they come to New England.

Uh... what else... nothing I guess. I ought to go to work, I'm going to be late, but that's OK, I went in after hours last night to reboot the crashed distribution server, so they owe me some time. I'm such a model employee... *snark*

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Back to "normal"? [13 May 2004|11:39am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | El Stew ]

Well, as normal as my life gets, anyway. I guess the surest sign is that I haven't felt compelled to write anything substantial here in the past month! I was really going overboard for a while there.

In general, things are going well. I'm digging this whole "spring" thing, this time of year automatically puts me in a good mood. I've been getting out a lot the past month, meeting lots of Jen's friends, hanging out with some of my friends that I hadn't seen in a while, going to clubs, etc. Weather permitting, the next couple weekends will be all about the camping... this weekend we'll be down in Dover with some of the PaCO folk, next weekend we'll be up at Natanis, my grandfather's camp up near Rangely. It'll be cool to finally get up there, that camp is a resource that I've severely underutilized in the past few years... so close to so many interesting things, like the Wilhelm Reich museum at Organon, Smalls Falls, Sugarloaf mountain, and the mountain next to it, which has an old mineral quarry where there are lots of scientifical discoveries to be made. Work has been going pretty well too, keeping busy but not too busy, I've been feeling fairly useful around here lately, which is always quite gratifying.

There are still some things nagging at me... car problems are at the top of the list... my alternator quit working last week, and come to find out, this car has a long history of weird alternator problems. The nice thing about an old diesel with a standard transmission is that you really don't need an alternator to start or run the car. However, there are things like headlights, turn signals, and the radio, for which it would be ever so nice to have power. I actually took it to a mechanic last week, who told me that I had a faulty voltage regulator. He claimed that I'd have to replace the alternator (bullshit, the alternator is brand new, and the voltage regulator can be replaced separately, it's a $12 part that I can install myself). To make matters worse, he also made a very ignorant racist comment about using "African-American" technology to fix my alternator - ie, hitting it with a hammer, which allegedly got it to start working again. If the alternator *was* working when I picked it up, it definitely wasn't working for long, because that battery was dead again the next day. So, I've been carrying the battery from my Dodge around, and I also picked up a charger that I have to plug my car into every night just to have enough juice to get around. I talked to the guy who sold it to me, and he suggested that I make some adjustments, which I attempted Tuesday after work. I ended up making it worse. :P That stressed me right the fuck out, but I mostly got over it with a little help from Invader Zim and Mrs. Buttersworth. (thanks Melissa!) Last night I was able to undo the damage I had done, but the original problem remains. Grrrr. Hopefully I can get it fixed by next week.

That's about it, guess I'd better get back to work...

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Black milk pictures [01 May 2004|02:49pm]
This is Cher, my female black milk snake (Lamoropeltis triangulum gaigeae), looking good outside in the sun.

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Nightmares and Dreamscapes [27 Apr 2004|09:35am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Pink Floyd ]

I've had a recurring dream, about a creature that looks like a Horta from the Star Trek episode "Devil in the Dark", but hairy. This thing is crawling around my grandfather's house, not really chasing me, but lurking in dark corners of rooms, so that I have to be very careful about where I go. Actually, the "monster" looks just like a pile of dogs, 2 sleeping golden retrievers, to be exact. This is exactly the "beast" that was always lurking in the basement or on the cool tiles in the dark corner of the bathroom on the hot summer days that I used to spend at my grandfather's house.

I had another one today, about a concert in Portland... or maybe it was Sanford, in the Memorial Gym. Just a bunch of local bands playing... except Marilyn Manson was there, hanging out in the crowd. I actually talked to him a little, he seemed like a nice guy. Ron Labbe was there too, a guy I went to school with... I stole some of his fries, I think. At the end of the concert, Manson took the stage, with a bunch of pyrotechnics and fat goth kids.

There's a lot of shit going on... most of the last week has been a blast, but the past few days, last night in particular, have been a hard reality check. Things are still good, maybe even great, but I can't pretend that it's perfect anymore. Nothing real is, I suppose.

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a Good Friday indeed [09 Apr 2004|04:23pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | R.E.M. - It's the End of the World as We Know It ]

[info]catgirl_pink. Yeah. Could this week get any better? It is a beautiful Spring day and there is magick in the air...

today's zeitgeist song brought to you by The Cure )

4+9+2+0+0+4 = 19. Anyone who's read the new Dark Tower books will realize the significance of this. You will go todash.

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memes suck, ducks quack, be the first to meme me back... [08 Apr 2004|01:17pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Live - Iris ]

Yes, once again, the fabled protagonist of this little tale succumbs to posting a meme. Mostly because, as a student of Discordian numerology, I dig the 5 and 23. Actually, I just got a new insurance policy for MY MERCEDES (I love saying that), and the first 3 digits int the policy number are "523". Coincidence? Anyway, I blame Delilah for getting me into this meme, only because the book nearest her was also by Stephen King. COINCIDENCE???

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence along with these instructions.

Left-hand path: Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King

"They washed up on a little island with palm trees and jungles and a volcano, and as they lay on the beach Miss Harrington was shivering and saying she was cold, so cold, couldn't he please hold her and warm her up, which he of course could and did, my pleasure, Miss Harrington, and then the natives came out of the jungle and at first they seemed friendly but it turned out they were cannibals who lived on the slopes of the volcano and killed their victims in a clearing ringed with skulls, so things looked bad but just as he and Miss Harrington were pulled toward the cooking pot the volcano started to rumble and..."

(whew! good thing I believe in working smarter, not harder)

Right-hand path: C, the Complete Reference, Second Edition by Herbert Schildt

void f(void) { int t; scanf("%d",&t;); if(t==1) { char s[80]; /* this is created only upon entry into this block. */ printf("enter name:"); gets(s); /* do something */ } }

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the heady feeling of freedom [07 Apr 2004|01:15pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | WKIT ]

There was a wonderful 24-hour window, from about 6PM Sunday until about 6PM Monday, where I had both a drivable car, and a license. Basically what happened was, I got a ticket on Monday, just as I was getting out of work, for having an expired inspection sticker. Less than an hour later, my gas pump shat the bed. Today I found out, the frame is rusted through, and the gas tank is crumbling. The Dodge is dead to me now. I HAVE NO CAR.

Not until Saturday, anyway. It turns out that the folks I'm buying it from are going to let me "borrow" the plates, so I'm actually getting it a week earlier than I had anticipated. That's really cool, except that it means that I have one less week to learn to drive standard. So, hopefully some of my wonderful friends will help me out this week.

I also got some pictures of the actual car that I'm getting, so to summarize:

Old and Busted

New Hotness

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If you wanna change the world, shut your mouth and start to spin it... [02 Apr 2004|09:20am]
[ mood | pleased ]

It's been a great week... headed down to Portland on Monday with Melissa, Super, and Lindsey (Linzey? Lindsay? whatever), and hung out at Chris and Rory's. Matt and Amie came over to visit, and we all had a good time hanging out and partaking of the fruits of the Amazon. Went on a quest for Syrian Rue with Mr. Barr on Tuesday morning, to no avail. I caught up with Melissa and friends in the early afternoon, and we headed down to Boston. The T was an adventure, we got on in Wonderland, and at the next stop, the doors didn't open... after a few minutes, the platform was swarming with cops. They came in and arrested some kid who was in our car, he had actually sat down right next to L. The cops said something about carrying paper when they picked him up... I figure he was either an illegal immigrant or an LSD dealer... so, that was amusing. We hit a cozy little Irish pub down by Quincy Market, then went up to Newbury Comics and Super Socks... which was CLOSING! Damn! I loved that place! At least we got some good deals. We farted around Cambridge for a while, then wandered back to the Fleet Center for the concert. Polyphonic Spree opened, they were pretty decent. Bowie came out and kicked off with "Rebel Rebel" and "Hang on to Yourself". I was within 30 feet of him for both those songs, until the Security Nazis made me to go back to my seat. Bastards. I also failed in my attempt to furnish alcohol to minors, since you have to be 25 if you have an out of state license... whatever. Most of the middle of the set was his newer stuff, and some covers... he closed with Ziggy Stardust, excellent choice. Drove back to Super's friend's house that night, crashed, and I was back in Bangor on Wednesday afternoon. Didn't really do anything interesting or noteworthy on Wednesday. Thursday was back to work, but I did manage to do something very useful... I found myself a new car! A 1982 Mercedes 240D. Awww yeah. I'm going to convert that baby to run on waste vegetable oil... no more idle bitching about Bush's bullshit wars, sleazy Saudi Arabians, or the impending doom of Peak Oil... fuck your protests and your candlelight vigils, I have resolved to do something real. Here and now, boys. THE POWER OF LARD. So today, I'm doing some wheeling and dealing on Ameritrade, actually just turned a tidy profit by selling my AMD stock, and I'll probably sell DRAM soon too. Selling semiconductor stock to buy an environmentally friendly car... isn't life wacky? Next week I'll have to learn to drive stick, since I'll be going down to Windham with cash in hand next Saturday. Gods willing, that car will be mine. Did I mention that I finally get my license back on Sunday? 04-04-04.... fuckin' right, man! So much for April being the cruelest month. I'll also finally have the house really and truly to myself, since Dave is moving out this weekend. It's been cool having him around though, anyone who stocks the beer with Guinness and gives me free professional drug advice is always welcome in my home. :) Tonight is a party in Portland, tomorrow is a D&D; workshop and Kobolds Ate My Baby... Sunday... well... I've already covered that. Smell ya later...

P.S. This is what my car will look like:

And this is gonna be me soon... ;)

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in which our intrepid protagonist ponders and pontificates [29 Mar 2004|09:15am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Live ]

Well, Heather and I broke up last week. No surprise, really... the better we got to know each other, the less we seemed to have in common. There are still a lot of fun things that we do have in common though, and I think that once the proverbial dust settles, we're going to find that we work much better as friends. Maybe that's all we should have been in the first place. It's a good thing that I have no regard for regret.

I'm still doing a lot of post-relationship deconstruction in my head. Breakups rarely faze me, but they do tend to initiate a deep cycle of reflection and introspection. I seldom waste time on emotion on foolish things like regret... why look backwards and be sorry for what was, when you can look forward and try to shape a better future through your actions in the present? Still, it's important to learn from your mistakes, lest you repeat them again. I like to think that each one teaches me an important lesson... about myself, or human nature, or the mysterious species known as the human female. Ah, women... can't live with 'em, can't have heterosexual sex without them. I think that in the future, I'm really going to have to trust my guts more. In the imaginary ruling trifecta of brains, guts, and balls, I think that my guts are the only part of me that tends to ask "why" rather than "why not", and have a strong initial reaction to a situation rather than waiting and analyzing and rationalizing as the others are wont to do. My logical mind and libido are notorious co-conspirators, and my instincts and emotions always seem to get sandbagged.

Then again, maybe that's not something I need to change; maybe it's just an aspect of my nature that I'm going to have to learn to accept. Maybe it's even something that I've brought upon myself. One thing that I've been doing a lot in the past few years is trying to face and conquer my irrational fears... fear of heights, failure, insanity, and even death. You can't really do that without squelching your gut feelings, because for me at least, that's where fear strikes the hardest. Maybe it's time to let the pendulum swing the other way now.

That's a lot of maybes, and obviously there's still a lot to figure out here. Maybe fear of uncertainty should be added to that list. :P Uncertainty is good, though; if life is an open book, I always want to have plenty of blank pages in my right hand.

Anyway, there's a piece of my mind, immortalized for posterity. Despite all the confusion, I'm really very happy. After all, I get to see DAVID FUCKING BOWIE live in concert tomorrow. Now there's something to look forward to.

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Cher [22 Mar 2004|11:47am]
Damn my black milk girl is getting big! I took these pictures last night... I picked her up to feed her, and she grabbed the baby rat right out of my other hand, before I could put her down into her feeding enclosure. Ah well, at least she didn't try to eat me... again... she's surprisingly strong, really.

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Here and now, boys. [22 Mar 2004|08:35am]
[ mood | possible ]
[ music | U2 - Angel of Harlem ]

I just got back from a great trip to Portland... It started out Wednesday on St. Patty's Day, chilled out with the usual suspects and went to a bar or two. Thursday morning was the first day of a 2-day Linux training workshop, and I must say, I learned a lot more than I thought I would. Thursday night was positively mind-blowing, and I still have a hard time believing that Friday was real... brownies, blues, burritos, and Black Fly Stout at Granny's Burritos, jazz and Black & Tans at the Big Easy. New places and new friends. Saturday was Matt's welcome home party, at Brian, Daisy, and Megan's place... among old and new friends. Spring sprung somewhere in there... and cliche as it sounds, I feel reborn, like waking up from hibernation. Anything is possible. Everything is permissible. All things are true.

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ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING [01 Feb 2004|09:18pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | John Coltrane - Wise One ]

Firstly, this was an excellent weekend, details of our northern exploits on Heather's journal. (Yeah, what she said!)

Secondly, while I was away having a great time, Mom was moving in with Aunt Tina. As of today, Feb. 1 2004, this is officially a bachelor pad. Want proof? There's nothing in the fridge right now but bread, beer, wine, and condiments... and there's more beer than anything else. GUINNESS: IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER! I won't even get started on what's in the freezer... and dear god, these dishes are piling up...

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The neighbors go to bed at 10 [16 Jan 2004|08:41am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | R.E.M. - Gardening at Night ]

OK, so the bike ride to work today wasn't so bad, with wind chill factored in, it's only -20F as opposed to the -40F temps earlier this week. Ironically, on Mars, a planet with very little atmosphere which is nearly twice as far from the sun as Earth, it is significantly warmer. Where is the justice? What really made my morning, though, was that BOTH elevators were fucked up, and I had to carry my bike up the stairs to the 4th floor. Ah well, no pain, no brai... uh... gain. :) On the brigher side of work-related things, D-C is sending me to a Linux training seminar in Portland on the week of St. Patrick's Day. The hotel where the seminar will be is within walking distance of Chris and Rory's place, and a fine Irish pub is even closer... I think it's going to be a fun trip. :)

On the home front... it's damn cold at home. I had to get Columbia an extra heater and put a brighter light above her cage to throw off some extra heat. *donut break!* Anyway, the boys tore their hammock apart yesterday, probably making a nest to keep the cold out. Little deviants! I was actually going to make them a new one last night, but I fell asleep early. Oops. Had some weird dreams too... got left behind on a bus trip, finally caught up with the bus and it was full of hooligans, kept clutching my backpack so no one would steal anything out of it. Ah, shit, the details are already fading, should have made this entry from home. I had plenty of time this morning too, since I woke up early, but I played Legend of the Green Dragon instead. Yeah, priorities.

Anyhoo, Wednesday was pretty cool, stayed over at Heather's place and saw Freddy vs. Jason. This is the movie Matt was raving about all summer... really more of an action movie than horror, but it was fun to watch. I really appreciated breakfast and the ride to work, too. ;)

This weekend... D&D;! For real this time, last weekend it got cancelled because Chris was too fucked up to DM. I did get some yummy sushi (mmm, unagi) and some incredibly chocotastic beer, aka Young's Double Chocolate Stout, at the Public Market. I'm definitely going back for more, and they had a bunch of other imported stouts I'd like to try too. Nothing like a nice thick beer in your stomach on a cold winter's day.

Well, back to work...

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Start to breathe. [06 Jan 2004|08:09am]
[ mood | cres ]
[ music | S&O; - Crescent Fresh Song ]

Good morning, boys and girls. I am happy to report that I have survived the holidays... Christmas was decent, New Year's Eve was a blast, and I was able to get a fair amount of time off in between. I'm taking today off too, as more of a mental/physical health thing. Yesterday was my first day of license suspension, and I think that riding around in the cold on my bike, then coming home, cleaning rat cages and burning incense to cover any incriminating odors may have been more than my lung-meats could take. Not being able to breathe well really kicks your ass. Ah well. Other than that, there's really nothing to complain about, life is good. Lots of quality time with the family lately, things are going great with Heather, work is fine, weekend D&D; adventures are a fun distraction as always. Full disclosure/debreifing to follow. The long and short of it is... I think we're all gonna be riding crescent fresh from here on out.

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I believe the poles are shifting [13 Oct 2003|10:02pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | R.E.M. - I Believe ]

Ack, well, yet again I let a month pass between updates. What a month it's been, though... let's see, the weekend after my birthday, I went to Portland, and hit a few bars with Chris and Rob. I think the weekend after that, I went hiking in Acadia with Heather, a fellow Maine School of S&M; survivor who I've been getting to know a bit better lately. That was also the weekend that we started "THE MOVE" at work, the long process of moving the entire D-C operation into the new building at EMMC. It's been a lot of work, but in the end (which is in sight!) it will be worth it. The new building is really nice, the server room is downright cavernous, and my office has a beautiful view of the Penobscot River. Then what... the weekend after that, I went down to Portland and helped Rory and Chris move into their new apartment on Pleasant Street. They actually have a livingroom now, which makes it much nicer for entertaining guests. Last weekend was the server room move and the R.E.M. concert... utterly exhausting, but the concert was incredible, they played a bunch of songs from Lifes Rich Pageant, and I really like their "new" song, Bad Day. It was also kinda cool to spend some time with my sister... I don't think she really knows how great a time I had at the concert (I was too tired to move much) but it really was a blast. It was also good to spend some time with Jon on the ride down, I really haven't kept in touch with him as well as I should have since I moved up here. Anyhoo, I spent much of the following day stranded in Massassachusetts due to car trouble, but I eventually found my way back to Bangor. This past weekend, I headed south again, played some D&D; with Rob, Chris, and Rory, and gave Megan a new rat for her birthday. This week, I'm looking forward to seeing the new Coen Brothers movie, possibly the new Tarantino movie as well (my favorite directors both put out new movies in the same week... neat!) and hopefully doing some more hiking with Heather. Weather and work permitting, of course. All in all, life is good, I feel like I've finally regained a degree of control and balance in my life that's been missing for a long time. That's all for now, kids.

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Children waiting for the day they feel good... [10 Sep 2003|04:42pm]
Happy birthday, happy birthday... yup, the big 2-3. I managed to keep it a secret last year, but today I arrived at work to find a big sign saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY stuck to my office door. Thanks, Susan. :) So I had some cake before I got home, then out to dinner with Mom, then the Enterprise season premeire, then out again to chill and sip Bacardi and all that.

Hmm... last weekend was pretty cool, went to Portsmouth with Scott, Rory, Amie, and some Turnpike folk on Friday night. Played pool and drank Guinness at Bramhall Pub with Scott and Chris early Saturday, then went down to Sanford, and ended up running into Chaun and Josh. We played PS2 and had a couple beers, and ended up hanging out until pretty late. Due to extreme fatigue and slight drunkenness, I thought it best to park the car somewhere out of the way and sleep it off, rather than try to make it out to Dad's house. I woke up early and headed out to Lebanon to kill some time... watched a couple plane loads of skydivers, then checked out the 202 Flea Market. I got back into town, met Meg and ended up hanging out with her for the afternoon, we had a pretty good time watching movies and playing pool. I'm sure she'll be a good rat-mommy to whichever one of Talula's babies she ends up with.

Speaking of pets, I took a bunch of pictures of Sonny and Cher recently, they look pretty damn spiffy outside in the sunlight. They're around 30" long and mostly black already.

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Take me to the other side... [04 Sep 2003|05:57pm]
Well, it's been an eventful week. Last week, Melissa and I got into a
few pretty ugly fights, so we decided to "take some time off". So,
Friday after work, I headed down to Sanford. Hung around with Dad and
talked for a while, then went out to Parson's Beach for a little party
action. I talked to Chris and Amie quite a bit about relationship
bullshit, and heard all about Kim Lakin's life... pretty interesting, I
hadn't really talked to her much since high school. There were a lot of
people I didn't know there, but Chris managed to scare them off with
some sort of paranoid ranting about cops. We left shortly thereafter due
to cold temperatures, wind and rain. Went back to Dad's house to crash,
then got up early Saturday morning to check out the Jagger Mill rummage
sale with Chris, his brother, and his nephew. I found a few interesting
books, some George Orwell paperbacks and a copy of Zen and the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance for Dad. Then, Chris and I took a side trip to El
Pond, the former site of Camp Marland. A lot of new building
developments have sprung up in the area in the last few years, so it
took a while to find a way to get to the lake without blatantly
trespassing. We explored around the old buildings, trails, and sandpits,
then headed back into town. Chris took off with his brother, and I went
out to the vesuvianite quarry on School Street... found a few nice
samples, too. Then I went up to the old Lincoln School/Nasson College
area in Springvale... found a bunch of garter snakes under a pile of
wood, and the shed skin of what might have been a milksnake. I also
found a FREE microwave on some guy's porch, which I took for Special
Experiments. After that, it was back to Dad's place, we had dinner then
went out to the vesuvianite quarry again. This time I had a black light,
and was looking for flourescent minerals. I didn't find any, but then
again, it probably wasn't the right kind of blacklight. Dad and I both
found a few nice vesuvianite crystals, though, and we'll probably go
back during the daylight hours. Later that night, Dad got the telescope
out, and we looked at Mars and a random chunk of the Milky Way. I got up
early again on Sunday, went out to breakfast with Dad, Grandpa, and a
few other extended family members. From there, I headed up to Portland
to hang out with Chris and Rory... watched some Aeon Flux and Reno 911,
then headed back home to Bangor. When I got there, I was greeted by a
litter of 12(!!!) baby
. Yeah, there used to be more, but this
got hungry.

Throughout all of this, I had lots of time to talk with people and
think by myself about my relationship with Melissa. The sad fact of the
matter was that we just didn't seem to make each other happy anymore...
I'd been hanging on for months, waiting for things to get better, but
things just seemed to get worse. She came over last night to pick up
some of her stuff... it was kind of sad, but I think we'll both be
happier in the long run.What else... all the snakes shed this week, so I've been taking
pictures of them... I leave you with this excellent picture of

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[26 Aug 2003|05:16pm]
[ mood | homicidal ]

Normally I despise these stupid things, but this one rings true, as any Nason Street survivor can attest to.

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Lo! Who is that, stalking amidst the hotel lobby! It is Nategodin, hands clutching a bladed baseball bat! He roars homicidally:

"I'm going to pierce a hole in you the size of God!!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

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AWWW! [26 Aug 2003|05:02pm]
I probably forgot to mention, Talula had babies on August 7th. Here are Flower and Mittens, the two "keepers", at about 2 weeks old... put behind a lj-cut to protect modem users from the bandwidth drain and everyone else from the mind-numbing cuteness.
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